Hebrew Grammarian David Kimhi, a 12th century rabbinic scholar who lived in France, was one of the earliest pioneers in the field of Hebrew DETROIT MOTHERS COM- ROSENWALD LADIES AUX - SISTERHOOD OF CONG. grammar. He was author of the MITTEE FOR BATEI OVOTH ILIARY, American Legion board , SHAAREY ZEDEK will hold a first encyclopedia of Hebrew ORPHAN HOME IN B N A I will meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesda y complimentary paid-up mem- grammar. BEAK, ISRAEL, will hold its at the home of Mrs. Bertha Gold - bership luncheon noon Jan. 14 FOR THE ULTIMATE donor event 12:30 p.m. Tuesday stein, president, 23410 Geneva , at the synagogue, 27375 Bell, IN GOOD MUSIC at Cong. Beth Yehuda, 17556 Wy- Oak Park. Southfield. To honor Jewish * * * oming, announces Mrs. Isadore Music Month, an afternoon of Levin, president. Mrs. Joshua HOME RELIEF SOCIET Y folk songs will be presented, Sperka is general chairman. Con- board will meet 12:30 p.m. Jan . featuring Dr. Gene Bluestein, And His Orchestra tributions may be sent to Mrs. 11 at the home of Mrs. Joh n instructor of folklore courses at DI 1-1609 Clara Stulberg, treasurer, 17503 Herman, 3041 W. Outer Dr . Michigan State University. With Prairie. The luncheon is being Luncheon will be served. Newly- his guitar, banjo and chalil, he financed by Mrs. Anna Levine , elected board members are Mrs. will join with Ora Katz, an Is- in memory of her departed hus- A. Finstein and Mrs. Julius Ring. raeli student at Michigan State * * * band, Isaac Levine. For reserva- majoring in voice. Sisterhood tions, call Mrs. N. Epstein , DI EXPERTLY FITTED HANITA CHAPTER, Pioneer members should make their e • • 1-3523. Rabbi Leizer Levin will Women, will meet 8:30 p.m. reservations by calling Mrs. 15850 W. 7 MILE RD. • be guest speaker. Committee Monday at the Hayim Green- Sander Hillman, LI 2-4415 Mrs. • BR 3-2509 or VE 7-9783 members include Mesdames I. berg Center. Mrs. Walter Klein Morris Lackover, or Mrs. Ar- • Open Thurs. to 9 p.m. • Free Parking in Rear • Schwartz, N. Cohen, S. Flour, N. will speak on "Open Occu- nold Monash. Mrs. Samuel Stul- • MISS MARILYNN GRAFF •••••••••••••••••••••• Austraik, A. Selmar and A. Weis- pancy." berg will give the invocation. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Graff of berg. * * * Mrs. Samson S. Wittenberg is when you plan your wedding or * * * - - San Juan–Dr:--announee the en- bar mitzvah party rush out to NORTHWEST NSHEI CHA- chairman of the day. buy thousands of dollars worth gagement of their daughter, Mar- CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, BAD STUDY GROUP will meet * * * of equipment, add 17 years ex- ilynn, to Melvyn Kramer, son of will hold its annual victory 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home perience, then shoot, process, FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, title and edit your film—or call Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kramer of luncheon noon Wednesday at the of Mrs. Louis Thav, 18059 Wis- Pennington Dr. A September Hayim Greenberg Center, 19161 consin. Frank Leiderman will Mizrachi Women, will hold a us at LI 2-7874. HOWARD H. TRIEST wedding is planned. Schaefer, announces Bessie Zar - speak. Chairman of this group board meeting 12:30 p.m. Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Joseph MOTION PICTURES ankin, president, and Rose Yen- is Mrs. Tzippora Batter. Katz, 25124 Rue Versailles, Oak dick, vice-president. Lunch will * * * Park. be prepared by Bessie Kunin and ALONAH CHAPTER, Pioneer * a * Bella Honeyman and their com- Women, will meet 8:30 p.m. PYTHIAN SISTERS will in- mittee. Sylvia Stashefsky, donor BARRIS-MILLER. In a candle- chairman, will give the financial Tuesday at the Thome of Mrs. stall officers privately Wednes- Mickey Ambrose, 24130 West- light ceremony Dec. 23 at Temple report of the recent donor event. hampton. A speaker from the day at the temple, and publicly Israel, Arlene Lois Miller be- Mildred with the Knights on Jan. 20 at Weiss, executive vice- came the bride of William George president of the Pioneer Worn- Anti - Defamation League will the Raleigh House. Past chiefs highlight the meeting. Barris. They are the children of en Council, will speak. will meet Jan. 16 at the home * * * Mr. and Mrs. Mortbn Miller of of Louba Lupiloff. * * * EVERGREEN GROUP, Hadas- Santa Barbara Dr. and Mr. and Orchestra & NEW STUDY CLUB will hold sah, will hold an Oneg Shabbat Mrs. Donald Barris of Vassar Dr. The bride wore a princess line its victory luncheon 12:30 p.m. and dessert luncheonette at 1:30 Entertainment white satin and Alencon lace Wednesday at the Hayim Green- p.m. Jan. 13 at the home of Mrs. gown. She was attended by Rose- berg Center, announces Presi- William Klein, 17489 Westhamp- LI 7-2899 anne Berman, Lois Desow, Katy dent Mrs. Isadore Schwartz. ton, Southfield. A musical pro- Mr. and Mrs. Barney Warteil, Deutch, Pat Fisher, Peggy Barris, Chairmen are Mrs. Hyman Lip- gram will highlight the affair. 12704 Pickford celebrated their Friends are invited. junior bridesmaid; and Karen Bar- kin and Mrs. Lillian Schwartz. golden wedding anniversary * * * * * * ris, flower girl. Attending t h e Jan. 1. SIMCHA bridegroom were Robert Epstein, REE KASS CLUB officers will JEWISH WOMEN EUROPE- The Wartells are the parents Robert Devorman, Martin Lipson, AN WELFARE ORGANIZA- meet 8 p.m. Wednesday at the of Earl and Sy Wartell and have MELODY Allen May and Norman Miller, TION will meet noon Monday at home of Ann Efronson, 900 Whit- three grandchildren. They were NURSERY brother of the bride. The newly- the Jericho Temple, 18495 Wyo- more. Membership is open to of- married Jan. 1, 1913, in (AUNTIE SARAH'S) weds will live in Ann Arbor. ming. A dessert luncheon will ficers of Purity Chapter, O.E.S., Detroit. Serving Oct. 8. Sub. Areas * * * 14305 W. 8 Mile Rd. precede the meeting. The group who served during the Ree Kass- at Freeland UN 4-0169 Leo Magid administration, 1960- FISCH-BRICKNER: Mr. and will serve the USO on Jan. 21. Director—Mrs. David Holtzman 61. * * * Mrs. Samuel Brickner of Ilene LI 3-4688 * * * Specializing in Rhythm Band, Mus. Ave. announce the marriage of GOLDA MYERSON CHAP- App., Baking, Crafts and • Indian SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN their daughter, Marcia Ellen, to TER, Pioneer Women, will hold Lore for pre-school children, ages 21/2 to 6 years. Victor Fisch, son of Mr. and a paid-up membership luncheon LADIES AUXILIARY will meet Morn. 9-11 Per Class Mrs. Morris Feiner of Webb noon Tuesday at the Hayiin Monday at the home of Raye 2 or 3 Days .$1.75 For fine color movies 5 Days, Ave. on Dec. 22. The newlyweds Greenberg Center. A book review Weimer, 21150 Pembroke, an- 1.50 Aft. 12:30-3 nounced President Jean Fried- reside in Hollywood, Calif. of your wedding will be given. 2 or 3 Days $2.00 man. Cancer pads will be sewn 5 DayS, Mon.-Fri. * * * 1.75 Full Days 'til 4 p.m under the direction of Rose 4.00 Call Dr. Tanay to Address CHANA CZENESH CHAPTER, Feinberg, chairman. A party Transportation 50c Per Day Pioneer Women, will meet 12:30 will be given at the Dearborn Call for Interview Brenner-Truman p.m. Monday at the Hayim Veterans Hospital this month. OPEN HOUSE Branch of Farband Greenberg Center. Mrs. Joseph Those who wish to participate SUNDAY — JAN. 6 "Jewish Adaptation to Nazi Emran, vice-president of educa- 10:30 a.m. • Noon should contact chairman Betty Visiting permitted after Jan. 3, from Persecution — A Psychiatrist's tion, announces that Mrs. Leon- Spinner. 1 p.m. View" will be discussed by Dr. o rad F. Rachmiel will review * Emanuel Ta- `Linguistics and the Teaching of Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel HAMPTON CHAPTER, Wo- nay, director Reading," by Prof. Donald J. men's American ORT, will meet of the In-Pa- loyd and Prof. Carl A. Lefevre. Monday A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR evening at the Rey- 11/4 AAA tient Service Hostesses will be Lena Cranis BAR MITZVAH & WEDDING GUESTS . . a nd Ethel Blitz. Guests are wel- nolds Aluminum Building. Phil- Division of the lip Nusholtz will review Harry Department of OM c ome. Golden's "You're Entitle." Re- * * * Psychiatry at 14380 WEST 8 MILE ROAD Receiving Hos- OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD freshments will be served. Bet. Schaefer and Northwestern Hwy. pital, at an STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 Friends are * invited. * * Conference Room • Suites • Banquet Room open meeting p.m. Saturday at the home of KINNERET CHAPTER, Pio- LI 8-1822 of the Bren- Mrs. M. Weisenfeld, 24050 Dante. JO 4-5450 neer Women, will host husbands ner - Truman Shimon Greenfield will speak. HARVEST HOUSE RESTAURANT ON PREMISES and friends at a social get-to- * * Branch of Far- band 8 p.m. TEMPLE BETH EL SISTER- gether Jan. 12 at the Hayim- Wednesday at HOOD will begin a lecture series Greenberg Center, 19161 Schae- the Hayim on "Understanding the Adoles- fer. Games and refreshments Greenberg cent" with a lecture by Dr. will be featured. BORNSTEIN BROTHERS, Proprietors * * a Center, 19161 George Barahal on "Living with OUR BAKED GOODS ARE THE TALK OF THE TOWN Schaefer. Tanay INFANTS SERVICE GROUP the Adolescent," on Tuesday at . . BECAUSE IT'S BAKED BETTER TO TASTE BETTER! He holds the position also of the temple. has announced plans for its an- * * * assistant professor in the De- nual dinner-dance and show Custom made and FRIDAY & SUNDAY p a r t m e n t of Psychiatry at TEMPLE BETH AM SISTER- March 17 at the Latin Quarter. artistically designed . . • Wayne State University Medical HOOD will meet 8:30 p.m. Mon- Chairman of the affair is Mrs. SPE CIAL. School. day at the home of Mrs. Myron Sidney Berman. A champagne • Wedding Taney is basing his address Goff, 18585 Milburn, Livonia. hour will precede the dinner. In Assorted not only upon personal experi- The p.oup will make percussion charge of tickets are Mrs. Harry • Bar Mitzvah ences and first hand accounts of in struments for the kindergarten Weingarden and Mrs. Nathan • Party Cakes other survivors, but upon an a nd 1st grade children of the Weisberg. For reservations, call analysis of the literature cover- Sunday School. The instruments Mrs. Sidney Silverman, co-chair- Recommended by ing this page in human history. will be donated to the school man, UN 1-7175. Leading Detroit Caterers ‘guests are invited. Refresh- to become a permanent part of a * a ments and a social hour will the teaching equipment. Refresh- Under Supervision of LIVONIA JEWISH CONGRE- follow. There will be no admis- ments will be served. GATION SISTERHOOD w i 11 Vaad Harabonim sion charge. * * * hold its fourth annual paid-up C Free Parking Daily after 5 p.m.; RODIN CLUB will meet I p.m. membership affair 8:30 p.m. All Day Sunday Across the Street dz Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Monday at the Coolidge School, For Young Men 6 to 60 Richard Deutsch, 18960 Appo- 30500 Curtis, Livonia, announc- 12945 W. 7 MILE RD. line. Dessert luncheon will be ed Mrs. Alton Rohan, member- Reg. 60c per doz. UN 2-7980 or UN 2-9300 served. Reports on the Hanukah ship chairman. A coiffure and SEVEN MILE at EVERGREEN project and clothing for needy furs fashion show, "Holiday 13137 DEXTER 2 Doz. Limit children will be given by com- Fantasy," will be presented. A WE 5-9102 mittee chairmen Mrs. David buffet dinner will be served. Elegant Bar Mitzvah Suits Grossman, Mrs. Milton Fishman For information, call Mrs. Ro- PLEASE SHOP EARLY FRIDAY—WE CLOSE THIS FRIDAY With The ROYAL Fit AT 4:56 P.M., CLOSED SATURDAY, OPEN SUNDAY and Mrs. Jack Moss. han, GR 6-0184. Women s eluhs . SAM EMMER •••••••••••••••••••••11 • • • • Marriages Corsets -Ay 8va: • Larry Freedman Irartells Celebrate Golden Anniversary . WHAT EVERY BRIDE SHOULD KNOW . SID SIEGEL DI 1•6990 EMBASSY MOTEL ZEMAN'S NEW YORK BAKERY . Home Made COOKIES PRINCETON SHOP KE 3-4310 1 7 THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 4, 196 3 Graff-Kramer Engagement Told •