Commendation UN's Ostrich Ailment for Israel's Judges from 'Brother HE Daniel' Commentary Page 2 Vol. XLI I, No. 19 JEWISH NEWS R IT MICHIGAN A Weekly Review, f Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Printed in a 100% Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE 8-9364 — Detroit35, Jan. 4, 1963 New Detroit Textbook Policy Editorials Page 4 $6.00 Per Year; Single Copy 20c Arab-Israel TV Propaganda Seen Over Rothschild Offer Human Rights Body lievives Faith in UN BY SAUL CARSON JTA Correspondent at the United Nations (Copyright, 1963, Jewish Telegraphic Agency) UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—After the anti- Semitic diatribes heard during the Arab refu- gee debate, the next item on the UN agenda .will deal with human rights. On Jan. 14, the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities will convene for a three-week series of sessions to discuss such subjects as discriminations practiced against persons wishing to leave their country (or return to it).; measures to be taken for the cessation of national, racial or religious hos- tility that constitutes an incitement to hatred and violence; and the protection -of minorities. They are of particular urgency to Jews in -Russia and the Arab states. The group known as the anti-bias unit is a subsidiary of the Commission on Human Rights. For 15 years, it has met each year, for three weeks, to study, discuss, debate. It is not an action organ; it has no authority to approve or to condemn, to censure or even to recommend censure by any of the more powerful arms of the United Nations. But it is an important group, nevertheless. For it does have one weapon—the power of words based upon care- ful study, marshaled into forceful array. The subcommission does not even name names. The USSR will not be specified in any of its docu- ments, nor even identified on the floor. But he who has eyes to see, ears to hear, can supply his own labels—governmental or geographical. It was this anti-bias unit which, three years ago, put the spotlight of organized world public opinion on the plague of swastika smear- ings then besmirching synagogues around the world. The group adopted a resolution dealing with anti-Semitism. It took three years for that resolution to travel all the way from the sub- commission to its .parent commission, to that commission's parent body, the Economic and Social Council, to the General Assembly. Fi- nally, during the last session of the Assembly, the resolution, altered somewhat but still strong, passed the Assembly, condemning racial and religious discriminations. During the debates on that resolution the UN finally got around to naming Russia. In the Assembly committee, Australia hit hard at the Soviet Union for government-con- doned persecutions against Russian Jewry. Be- fore the committee, too, there was a detailed report on anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union, filed by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. Many delegates to the United Nations from 'countries sometimes bemused by Soviet shout- ing against colonialism suddenly found out that - the USSR practices its own racism—directed against Jews if not against black men. The Australian and ICFTU interventions were eye openers for many here. And that lid would never have been lifted, had it not been for the preparatory work done by the little subcommis- sion back in January of 1960. - When the subcommission gathers this year, its members will have been furnished with still another study of official, quasi-official and semi-official anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union. Each member of the group will receive a copy of the latest issue of "Foreign Affairs," the highly respected quarterly review of the Coun- Cil on Foreign Relations. In that issue, they will find marked an article, "The Status of the Jews in the Soviet Union." • It is a small group. It is a little body without the semblance of a stick. But it is effective, in its own quiet unobtrusive way. The UN, the world, is richer because the anti-bias unit does place into focus, once a year, the real aim of the United Nations—human rights. LONDON — Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News A television "propaganda war" between the Arab states and Israel was predicted by Arab TV officials following action in Israel aiming at the establishment of an education TV network there, it was reported here Wednesday by the Beirut correspondent of the Daily Tele- graph. The report said that both sides are expected to use this medium for "propaganda offen- sives" onto each other's screens. Cairo, which has the region's best television facilities, and Beirut, where there are two inde- pendent commercial stations, will be able to reach Israel's screens, while Israel's projected television network is expected to be received clearly in most Arab states. Referring to the offer by the Rothschild group to finance the Israel educational TV net- work, Lebanese papers forecast that Israeli stations with "ample financial backing" may offer strong programs and transmit for longer hours than the Arab stations. Eban Backs Plan for Financing Educational Test Network JERUSALEM.—Education Minister Abba Eban Wednesday urged the Knesset to approve the Cabinet proposal to accept an offer by the Rothschild group to finance the establishment and test operation of an educational television network for Israel. According to the proposal, the government would decide whether to take over complete responsibility for the project at the end of the trial periods of two to three years. USSR Closes Last Lvov Synagogue LONDON, (JTA) — The only syna- gogue in Lvov, capital of Western Ukraine, in the Soviet Union, has been closed down, leaving the 30,000 Jews in that city of nearly a half-million popula- tion without a single house of worship, according to a report published here by the Sunday Telegraph. The shutdown, according to the news- paper, was the culmination of a year- long campaign carried on by the Com- munist press and by authorities at Lvov, topped by a demand in the Lvov Pravda, organ of the local Communist Party, which stated: "The time has come finally to close the synagogue, which has be- come a shelter for idlers, speculators, parasites and moneygrabbers." Last spring, the Sunday Telegraph reported, articles appeared in the con- trolled press of Lvov, linking the syna- gogue with "economic crimes." Pointing, out that the local authorities were mak- ing of the Lvov Jews "a scapegoat in the campaign against economic offenses," the newspaper reported that letters from "honest workers"-and from "disillusioned believers" were printed in the Lvov press as part of the drive to discredit the synagogue. Later, several members of the syna- gogue's board of directors were arrested and charged with "profiteering and hooliganism." Finally, the local Pravda printed a slander to the effect that the "synagogue's saints are dividing the profits" allegedly resulting, from their economic crimes. The demand for abso- lute closure of the house of worship ended the campaign. In an address opening debate on the issue, Eban stressed that the Knesset was not being asked to take a stand now on a general television network. He Said he could not understand any objections to educational televi- sion. He assured the Knesset that the Education Ministry would bear exclusive responsibility foy the content and form of the programs. - The debate revealed deep reservations over the proj- ect even among those ready to support the scheme as speakers seemed to agree that, while the item on the agenda was educational television, the real issue was general television which many believed would inevitably follow. It is understood that Achdut Avoda and the National Religious Party would seek Cabinet permission to vote in- dependently on the question without being bound by the coalition clause requiring collective responsibility on cabi- net proposals. The debate on the TV plan is expected to continue for an entire week. Against the reported opposition of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, the -cabinet, at its weekly session here, accepted the offer of the Rothschild Trust to finance an educational television project in Israel. Eban, as Minister of Education and Culture, was instructed by the govern- ment to present the issue to the Knesset. Under the terms of the cabinet's mandate, the educa- tional television project will be conducted experimentally for a period of two to - three years, during which the Ministry of Education will have exclusive jurisdiction over programming and instruction to be transmitted by TV. The construction and maintenance costs will be borne by the Rothschild Trust. After two to three years, the government is to re- consider the entire issue. If, by that time, it is decided to continue educational-TV broadcasting here, the television setup will become part of the government's responsibility, similar to the government ownership of the present radio and postal services. ADL's 50th Year Henry Edward Schultz (left) national chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, meets to discuss plans for the League's 50th anniversary observance, to begin this month, with former Senator Herbert H. Lehman, honorary chairman of the observance, and Dore Schary, chair- man of the observance. A highlight of ADL's golden anniversary observance will be "Dinner With the President," to be held in Washington Jan. 31 when President Kennedy will be given the League's annual America's Democratic Legacy Award. ADL, founded in 1913, is the nation's oldest human rights agency established to com- bat anti-Semitism in 'the United States and, in the Words of its original charter, "se- cure justice and fair treatment for all citizens."