Kill Israel Bid for Peace Talks of understanding the spiritual Semitism and endorsing the neo- resolutions, Mrs. Golda Meir, Is- UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., ness to engage in such negotia- rael's F or e i g n Minister, said and moral sources of the aspira- Nazi Tacuara movement of Ar- (JTA) — The pro-Arab resolu- tions. • that, had the Arab states ac- tions of the Jewish people for He requested the four Moslem gentina, had asked King Feisal cepted the UN resolution on the the renewal of its statehood, they tion calling for the appointment to take him away from the al- will have to accept the fact that of a United Nations custodian co-sponsors of the pro-Arab reso- ready highly charged UN scene. partition of Palestine back in statehood will not be given up, over property left in Palestine lution, calling for the appoint- 1947, "the history of the Middle Shukairy said before he left, even in the face of aggressive by Arab refugees was withdrawn ment of a United Nations custo- however, that he expects to be East would have taken an en- speeches or threats of force. by its four Moslem sponsors at dian over Arab properties inside tirely different course—a course back here, possibly as the rep- 'The Arab attitude," she said, the session of the General As- Israel to withdraw their draft resentative of Syria. Known as of cooperation, friendship a n d "breeds not peace, but war." sembly's Special Political Com- in the same spirit. However, the constructive development for ,all, She critized Dr. John H. mittee which wound up its de- co-sponsors of the custodian one who has been hired by sev- without war and the destruction bate on the Arab refugee prob- draft—Mauritania, Pakistan, Af- eral—including J or d a n and of life and property and without Davis, Commissioner General ghanistan and Indonesia—first Syria—Shukairy assured friends, refugees." of UNRWA, for his annual re- lem. "I'll return." port, presented to this very Another resolution urging di- refused to do so. Later, how- Noting that the speakers in (Continued on Page 7) The Special Political Commit- ever, they changed their minds. rect Arab-Israel talks, and spon- With the adoption of the tee had before it three separate the debate had made no attempt sored by 21 member nations, to help solve the refugee prob- U.S. resolution, the debate on resolutions: 1. The 21-member lem, but had only "proclaimed was similarly withdrawn by its the Arab refugee issue—which draft seeking peace talks between their theme: Israel must not for sponsors. lasted more than three weeks the Arab states and Israel; 2. exist," the Israeli foreign policy The only resolution adopted —came to an end. The Special A pro-Arab resolution, request- B'NAI B'RITH by the Special Political Commit- Political Committee held 18 ing the appointment of a UN cus- chief stated: MEMBERS ONLY "Even if the Arab governments tee was the American-sponsored sessions on this subject at the todian over Arab property in Covenant resolution extending the mandate current UN General Assembly. Israel; and 3. An American reso- are as yet unwilling or incapable Credit Union of the United Nations Relief and Israel had made a plea to the lution, extending for two years Works Agency for Palestinian United Nations to adopt the 21- after next June 30, until June 111111•1•1111 ■ 1111111111•P We Have It To Lend When You Need 1t To Spend Refugees in the Near East for member resolution calling for 30, 1965, the expiring mandate two years, until June 30, 196 15. direct peace negotiations between of the UN Relief and Works APPLICATIONS FOR This resolution was adopted al- the Arab states and Israel. Dpiav iig e ro d Agency for Palestine Refugees. most unanimously. A vote was "However long and stormy this Comay's intervention came 1961 100 to 0 with two abstentions— path may be," Michael S. Camay, after Jordan pleaded for the ARE NOW BEING TAKEN provides Israel and Cameroon. Israel's permanent representa- custodianship and upbraided the On New or Existing Homes • Life Insurance The American resolution, as tive here, maintained, "there U.S.A. for not going far enough • Loan Protection QUICK SERVICE finally approved, following does not appear to be any other in backing Arab claims against • Disability Insurance Phone Us Today many intricate parliamentary realistic path to a settlement." Israel. Then came John D. L. 19186 James Couzens moves—some of them initiated "It is true," Comay stated, Hood, of Australia. He rejected FRANKLIN 1-8086 by Israel—included an amend- "that the Arab States are un- both the custodianship resolution DI MORTGAGE CORP. ment introduced by Cyprus. walk this path with us. What sparked by the Arabs and the Daily 10.4, Mon, Eves 7-9 Approved FHA Mortgagee 915 First National Bldg., Det. 26 Closed Ail Jewish and That amendment noted "with are the alternatives? There are peace talks draft endorsed by Legal Hoiiciays WO 3-4890 deep regret that the repatria- only two — either to leave the Israel, saying that peace negotia- tion or compensation of the (Arab) refugee pr o b le m un- tions now would be "inoppor refugees" as provided in a solved, maybe for decades to tune" and "impracticable." 1948 resolution, "has not been come; or to allow the situation Camay told the committee that effected and that no substan- to drift again into renewed war- the only hope for a solution of tial progress has been made fare, with all the bloodshed, not only the refugee problem in the program of reintegra- m i s e r y and destruction that but of all issues outstanding be- tion of the refugees, either by would bring in its wake." tween Israel and the hostile repatriation or resettlement One of the principal Arab Arab states lies in negotiations. CORVAIR & CHEVY II and that the situation of the detractors of Israel, Ahmad He strongly opposed the For the very best deal on a new car — plus refugees continues to be a mat- Arab demand for a property Shukairy, of Saudi Arabi, was . .. extra good service, prompt delivery — ter of serious concern." missing Monday, and the custodian in side Israel. He please call me — On a separate ballot, the Cy- Saudi Arabian position in the cited numerous international priot amendment was adopted committee chamber was vacant. rulings to show that the UN by 68 of two and 34 absten- Shukairy left here Saturday, could have "no competence" tions—with Israel and the United unannounced but not unno- in that regard. Like the U.S.A. FLEET MANAGER States casting the negative votes. ticed, ha vi ng been recalled before him, during last week's SHORE CHEVROLET CO. portion of the debate, he in- I'm As Near The United States resolution, from his post by Saudi Arabi's sisted that such a custodian 12240 Jos. Campau in addition to extending King Feisal. As Your Phone Res. LI 8-4119 UNRWA's current mandate, due A number of delegates, in- would in effect be violating TW 1-0600 • to expire next June 30, also cluding Arabs embarrassed by Israel's sovereignty. In earlier debate on the three expressed the thanks of the Gen- his volatile speeches stirring . anti- eral Assembly to the United Na- tions Palestine Conciliation Corn- mission "for its efforts to find a way to progress on the Palestine Arab refugee problem." Israel, which had called for a separate vote on the clause thanking the PCC, cast the only negative bal- lot when that clause was adopted by 62 to one with 41 abstention. Dr. Joseph E. Johnson, the Palestine Conciliation Commis- WITH sion's special emissary to the Middle East, who for two years Chief Chaplain, Israel Defense Forces has been charged with the task of trying to ease the refugee problem, evinced anger against Israel for the negative vote. He said: "Israel was the only one Star of the Israel Opera Company to express non-confidence in me." Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, told of Dr. AT THE Johnson's comment, denied that Israel's vote was directed against him. The United States resolu- tion also requested the Secre- tary General of the UN to pro- vide staff and facilities for the continuance of the PCC's work and directed attention "to the precarious financial position" of UNRWA, urging "non-con- tributing governments to con- tribute and contributing gov- ernments to consider increas- ing their contributions so that the agency can carry out its essential programs." The resolution calling for di- rect Arab-Israel peace talks was withdrawn on behalf of its 21 co-sponsors by Arsene A. Usher, the representative of the Ivory Coast, immediately after the ap- proval of the United States reso- lution, with the Cypriot amend- ment. He told the session that Michael Baum Rabbi I. Stollman Louis M. Elliman the 21 co-sponsors were willing Blessing of Pres., Council of Festival - the Candles not to press for a vote on this Orthodox Rabbis Chairman resolution at this time because so Col. Shlomo Goren Netania Davrath many delegates had insisted that $1.00 PER PERSON — DI 1-5707 it was "unrealistic" to demand REFRESHMENTS — ISRAELI WINE direct Arab-Israeli peace talks when there was still no willing- MORTGAGES VA or FHA 4 1 /4 % HARRY ABRAM jhe_ otivinik Spba 4 gm 911accabel4 HELP PERPETUATE COL. SHLOMO GOREN NETANIA DAVRATH HANUKAH FESTIVAL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 8 p.m. Fountain Room Masonic Temple EVERYBODY WELCOME