By MAX NORDAU The nations that emancipated the Jews have mistaken their own . feelings. In order to pro- duce its full effect, emancipation should first have been complet- ed in sentiment before it was declared by law. But this was not the case. The history of Jewish emancipation is one of the most remarkable pages in the history of European thought. The eman- Hanukah Greetings TEK INDUSTRIES 132 Manchester TO 8-8123 "WINIIIMI1•1•11 ■ IMP Chicago Honors 'Man of the Year cipation of the Jews was not the consequence of the conviction that grave injury has been done to a race, that it had been treat- ed most terribly, and that it was time to atone for the injustice of a thousand years; it was solely the result of the geometrical mode of thought of French ra- tionalism of the 18th century. This rationalism was constructed by the aid of pure logic, without taking into account living senti- ments. . They formulated a regular equation: Every man is born with certain rights; the Jews are human beings, conse- quently the Jews are born to win the rights of man. In this man- ner, the emancipation of the Jews was pronounced, not through a fraternal feeling for the Jews, but because logic de- manded it. Popular sentiment re- belled, but the philosophy of the Revolution decreed that princi- ples must be placed higher than sentiment. Allow me then an ex- pression which implies no in- gratitude. The men of 1792 eman- cipated us only for the sake of principle. 1111.11MIMI HAPPY HANUKAH U. T. GARDEN 7105 W. McNichols UN 3-1454 to All Henry Burston Insurance 17616 Wyoming UN 3-2900 Holiday Good Wishes VETERAN Food Products Co. 13231 Conant TW 3-4393 Holiday Greetings MRS. GOLDA MEIR, Foreign Minister of the State of Israel, and Walter Reuther (right), president of the United Automo- bile Workers Union, played leading roles in an Israel Bond tribute to William L. McFetridge, vice-president of the AFL- CIO, sponsored by the Jewish community of Chicago. The dinner was the climax of the 1962 Israel Bond campaign in Chicago, which is now assured of reaching the unprecedented total of $4,250,000. McFetridge, who has been a leader of the Israel Bond drive since its inception, was honored as the 1962 "Man of the Year" by 3,000 Jewish, civic, and labor leaders. .1M1144414NENIONMENARM1=111111•11•••••• GREETINGS HANUKAH GREETINGS Pastor Company PIEDMONT AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE "Michigan's Most Complete Cleaning—Free Estimates Motor Tune-Up Specialists— Trucks and Passenger Cars E. E. Harrison 19971 Jos. Couzens BR 3 - 2300 1 921 5 Plymbuth 0 4111•111, 11.111110•811•1110 41.11611.11=11. 11 .41=•04 ■ 11i111.11•114•11.40 LI 5-9446 ALL AGES , 0 0 0i 0•4111M1•0 4411=1414 ■ ,01 NATIONAL COAL & OIL CO. Greetings on the Hanukah Season , 0 Quality Awning Co. 18921 Wyoming UN 4-5001 7937 Schaefer at Tireman TI 6-5735 Happy Holiday Metropolitan Typewriter Co., Inc. Now under the personal super- vision of Frieda Goldman, Pro- fessionally trained stylists. Specialists in Permanent Waving Exclusive Distributor of the World Famous Voss Typewriter 13532 W. McNICHOLS UN 1-9569 18050 James Couzens 342-2211 HANUKAH GREETINGS Happy Holiday Greetings BEULAH STARR 908 Mutual Bldg. UN 4-5655-56 W1114.0.411111•011111.0 41 ■ • /.4111=1. 041•1 ■ 0•111,10.42 r "-----"----"- Holiday Greetings A. M. BEST, Sr. 10306 West McNichols WA 4-1266 Everything in aluminum, canvas, fiberglas awnings. i The. Monarch Marking System Co. CERAMIC TILE r. ANCO INDUSTRIES 19410 James Couzens BR 3-9804 LOUIS TILE COMPANY Hanukah Greetings Distributing Co. All The Best on James Couzens \NE 3-4444 0 I Kappy Effantthah, to Hanukah Greetings to All Max Handler 9141 Monica UN 4-1787 o 41 i11 201-41 W. 8 Mile Rd. Detroit, Michigan KE 8-9875 Hanukah Greetings HAPPY HANUKAH Watchmaker and Jeweler Prompt - Efficient 16659 LIVERNOIS Opposite U. of D. Wayne Standard Service Izzy Friedman 22140 W. 7 Mile Rd. KE 5-2886 Q_Q440000000200004000c, ROBERT HAMILTON WATCH REPAIR HAPPY HANUKAH James Couzens Vassar Service LA LAINE BEAUTY SALON Holiday Greetings men and boys I Permanents—Hair Styling Cutting—Hair Coloring Pastel—Bleaching Tinting—Rinses Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. 'til 6 p.m: Free Parking PLUMBING & HEATING 2955 W. Davison TO 8-8870 13805 W. 9 Mile Rd., Oak Park OF SWIRL HAIR FASHIONS MUSKOVITZ & PERSHIN Rudi's Barber Shop DAVIS IRON WORKS INC. Best Wishes For A Happy and Healthy Hanukah HAPPY HANUKAH Best Wishes — May All Our Friends and Customers Enjoy a floppy Hauulcah FASHIONS FOR MEN 0 Even the altar sheds tears when a husband divorces his first wife. —Gittin 90. BR 2-1600 Hanukah Greetings I I P HAPPY HANUKAH SEASON'S GREETINGS MENDELSON EGG CO. SAM'S FRUIT MARKET 4100 Joy Rd. TY 6-2772 13510 W. 7 Mile UN 4-9793 s.11111.0 .1 • 11.■ /. 01111•14/.41!0•41111111.41 0w 0 41 0 WO 2-2789 L a. 11 41=111.0 411.11•041 ■ 1•4111111•14 1 111 ■ 041•E“14111111•111111 ■ 41•4 1 j 24220 Mound, Warren, Michigan kiLSLCURA.9...2_2_ Hanukah Greetings J Efferson 6-6230 Mr. and Mrs. 1. Clarence Gottesman Hanukah Greetings Progressive Linen Service Co. 197 S. Waterman 843-9000 19450 Canterbury Detroit 21, Michigan 0 W61115-Mb-15-M1115-2121M7, Holiday Greetings Happy Hanukah To Our The Great Lakes Mutual Life Insurance Co. Friends and Patrons 1LIFE INSURANCE FOR ALL! Louis C. Blount, President Agnes Bristol, Secretary NOVARA INSURANCE AGENCY 8401 Woodward 872-7870 Stanford Morris the blouse Specialized Family Plan — Complete Insurance Agency Auto - Fire - Home Owners policies 18447 W. 8 Mile Rd., Detroit 19 VE 8-5900 that has everything! Ha WU kah Greetings OFFICE PRODUCTS, Inc. 26029 W. 8 Mile Rd. KE 7-5700 37 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday,. Decemb er 21, 1962 'Logic Demanded Emancipation'