Friday, December 21, 1962 — 12 'Man of the Year Award Given Levinson by Veterans Council :r ::::•: :• : . ;: . ... ' .: .: ::::-:**'.. .. ... . ... . .. . •. . .. . --. . . **;*" : ::::;::::::::::::::::::::::' e:Iiii: :-: :.; : : ,,i.. .. ..... ... ...;,. : ::::: . ii,i.i : . 4:;,:: 4**si.ff*:: '' ''''''''''''' ''.: ;:; . . ...... ............ ::',;::::::::: ::: •••••••• ?:::. ::::::::::::,•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,.:::::*:::, • . .•- kt,a0,. '§?a:,::::,:::•<:,.:. BALBOA, Canal Zone — Ralph M. Paiewonsky, governor of the Virgin Islands, has accepted the chairmanship of the reorganized National Jewish Welfare Board Armed Services Committee for the Virgin Islands, it was an- ..A. nounced by Rabbi Nathan Wit- kin, director of JWB's Armed . ' '10•04.0,* ...• ........„:„..: :.,......,.: Forces Service Center here and - ,................:...„,..:::, • USO-JWB Caribbean area direc- tor. Governor Paiewonsky, the third Jew to hold this office, will head ...,:,: a committee that includes among its members one of his Jewish predecessors, Morris F. DeCastro, :::.... ...........::: iii Governor of Virgin Islands to Head JWB Armed Services Body ........................ ... and Rabbi Moses D. Sasso of the St. Thomas Synagogue. During his Caribbean tour, Rabbi Witkin reorganized JWB Armed Services Committees in Port of Spain, Trinidad-Tobago; Puerto Rico, Kingston, Jamaica; Curacao, Dutch West Indies and visited the tiny Jewish commun- ity in Haiti. Rabbi Simeon Maslan, a native of Boston and a graduate of He- brew Union College-Jewish Insti- tute of Religion, spiritual leader of Temple Emanuel, Curacao, has assumed the chairmanship of the JWB committee in that com- munity. Louis Grinberg, presi- dent of the Jewish Religious Community in Port of Spain, has taken on the chairman for Trini- dad-Tobago. In Puerto Rico, the new JWB chairman is Aron Levin, presi- dent of the Jewish Community Center in San Juan. Tops aiz accateii Pl - German Consulate Will Expedite Claims of Victims of Nazism . CHICAGO, (JTA) — A repre- sentative of the West German government here assured heirs of the Jewish Nazi victims of America that he will ask Bonn to facilitate the filing of indemnifi- cation and restitution claims by former Nazi victims living in this area of the Middle East. Leaders of the organization, headed by the group's presi- dent, M. I. Tochatchevsky, and including Felix Lasky of New York, as well as representa- tives from Wisconsin and In- diana, met here with German Consul - General Gunther B. Mats. The Jewish leaders re- quested that physicians appoint- ed in this city to inquire into the necessary medical history During the past four years, Benjamin Levinson served of claimants include some who understand Yiddish. Mats agreed as chairman of the fund-raising committee of the Allied with the justice of the claim. Veterans Council, to secure funds to provide holiday needs for the wives and children of hospitalized veterans. Each year, Levinson, who is president of Franklin Mortgage Corp., has raised from $6,000 to $10,000 for the veterans' wives and children in the three veterans' hospitals in Dearborn, Ann Arbor and Battle Creek. In recognition of his efforts, he was again drafted this year to continue this service, and in appreciation a testimonial dinner was given in his honor on Dec. 10 by the Allied Veterans Council at the Veterans Memorial Building. He was presented, at that time, with the "Man of the Year" award plaque, and the presentation was made by Lawrence Gubow, U.S. Attorney for this dis- trict (right in the photo). The plaque's inscription, signed by Victor Bocci, president, Allied Veterans Council of Wayne County, expresses "grateful recognition of corn- passionate understanding and continuing effort and leader- ship" on the part of Benjamin Levinson. Israel Favored for Euromart by Italy (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Guiseppi Sar- ragat, Italian Social Democrat leader, assured Prime Minister Ben-Gurion Wednesday of Italy's support for Israel's efforts to negotiate trade ties with the European Common Market na- tions. The visiting socialist leader transmitted to the Prime Min- ister a message from Italian Premier F a n f a n i expressing Italy's understanding of t h e Euromart's overriding imp o r- tance for Israel and the assur- ance that the Italian government in principle favored the working out of a satisfactory arrange- ment with Euromart. Sarragat, who is secretary gen- eral of the Italian Social Demo- crat Party, told correspondents his _party favored the expansion of Israeli ties with Italy and he stressed Italy's aim to main- tain friendly relations with both Israel and the Arab states. On the Record By NATHAN ZIPRIN From My Notebook .. . The lure of public dinners has thinned for me over the years and, but for professional responsibility, I could do with- out them. More often than not the din- ner speeches are agonizingly dull, repetitious, mundane and as long as the galuth. It is on rare occasions that a dinner speaker rises above the din. I always strain my neck to get a speaker's tone and undertone, but almost always my scribbling is in vain when I have de- ciphered it. The words invar- iably are old, the semantics colorless, the ideas antiquated and the content shallow. As a rule there is neither newness nor even phrase- making throughout an evening of laborious travaille. There have of course been notable exceptions. Among the few Jewish leaders who can be counted on never striking an inauspicious note from platform is Edward M. M. Warburg. His roots of mercy and understand- ing are so deep that he almost never relies on script for guid- ance when he dwells on Jewish moments. As often as I have Stops Itch—Relieves Pain heard him, I always carried For the first time science has found away memorable echoes. a new healing substance with the as- I still carry the echo of his tonishing ability to shrink hemor- rhoids and to relieve pain — without remarkable talk at the dinner surgery. In case after case, while session of the recent 25th an- gently relieving pain, actual reduc- nual national conference of the tion (shrinkage) took place. Most amazing of all — results were so thor- UJA. The parley was marked ough that sufferers made astonishing not only by a sense of urgency statements like "Piles have ceased to but by a spirit of festivity that be a problem!" The secret is a new was enhanced by the radiance healing substance (Bio-Dyne®)— dis- covery of a world-famous research of his words. Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery institute. This substance is now avail- able in suppository or ointment form called Preparation He. At all drug 'saunters. If your wife be short, stoop down to talk to her. with all thej A ....... . . . *TOPS IN PERFORMANCE! •TOPS IN VALUE! MANUFACTURED BY SOBERMAN & MILGROM CO. 7741 LYNDON AVENUE DETROIT 38, • MICHIGAN DVANTAGES you'd expect ELECTRIC . HEAT it d to cost more than oes! ROOM-BY-ROOM CONTROL clean and QUIET as electric light S LIM PEI You get full use of ALL floor space. There's none taken up for fuel storage, chimney. even heat! No cold spots or drafts, no blasts of hot air. Dial the exact warmth you want, in the room you want. 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