UN Adopts Resolution Outlawing Racial Bias Trials Reveal Nazi Brutalities (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) Florida Mails Used for Anti-Semitism CORAL GABLES, Fla., (JTA) Postal authorities started an investigation into mail received by a Coral Gables Jewish busi- nessman containing violent anti- Jewish propaganda. Samuel Blair said he received an envelope with a Miami post- mark in which a dollar sign had been substituted for the first letter of his first name, followed by a hammer and sickle and a COBLENZ—A former German not mention the term "anti- chief prosecutor in Nazi occu Semitism," stems from steps pied Minsk during the war testi- designed to outlaw anti-Semi- fied Tuesday at the mass mur- tism initiated here in January, der trial of 12 former Nazis 1960, by the Subcommission on that he protested mistreatment Prevention of Discrimination of Jewish prisoners and that he and Protection of Minorities. stopped doing so out of alleged At that time, the subcommis- fears he would end up in a sion was exercised by the world- Nazi concentration camp. wide spate of swastika-smear- The witness was Willi Foge, ings and anti-Semitic sloganeer- now a public prosecutor at ing following the desecration of the synagogue at Cologne, Ger- Kaiserlautern, who testified at Israel Cabinet many, on Christmas Eve of 1959. the trial of Georg Heuser and Okays Big Budget The resolution asks all gov- 11 other Nazis charged with ernments to take all "necessary the mass murder of some 35,000 JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Jews in Minsk. Foge testified cabinet approved a 1963-64 draft steps to rescind discriminatory that the SS and SD had their l budget for submission to the laws" which have the effect of own jurisdiction in the area creating or perpetuating racial Knesset. while he was in charge of the prejudice and national and re- While no details will be dis- criminal court of the German ligious intolerance "wherever closed until the budget draft is civil administration. As such he actually introduced into the they still exist"; recommends told the court he was ,not per- Knesset, it is understood to educational campaigns in all mitted to prosecute political total close to 2,800,000,000 countries to discourage such cases such as those of Jews pounds ($933,000,000) or about bias; "invites" all of the UN's destined for liquidation. He 500,000,000 pounds ($167,000,- own Specialized Agencies to do said he learned of the killing 000) more than the current likewise; and calls upon govern- of Jews only during the evening budget. It is anticipated that ments as well as UN agencies to in chats with his colleagues. the expenditures will be cov- report on these efforts by next This statement was challenged ered mainly by income tax year. The measure requests the by a report from one of his revenues. Secretary-General to report back former subordinates read to the Although Finance Minister to the Assembly on this topic at court, which said that before Levi Eshkol had promised there the Assembly's next session, prisoners under Foge's jurisdic- would be no general rise in beginning in September, 1963. tion were taken from the Minsk taxes, several exceptions are be- prison to be killed those with lieved incorporated into the gold teeth had their teeth re- 9,000 Attend Jewish budget. These include a land moved without any anaesthetic. improvement tax now under Schools in Brazil The pains caused disorder in discussion in the Knesset, RIO DE JANEIRO, (JTA)- the prison. Asked about the re- higher inheritance taxes and While there are 9,000 pupils en- port, Foge said that he had ap- higher imposts on travel abroad. rolled in more than 30 Jewish pealed both to the German Min- The government may also make schools in Brazil, they consti- istry of Eastern Affairs and to use of a measure already ap- tute only 25 per cent of the Franz Schlegelberger at the proved by the Knesset granting Jewish children of school age, German Ministry of Justice. the Treasury and the Knesset Moshe Rolnik, president of the Schlegelberger, now fighting in Finance Committee authority to United Zionist Organization's West German courts for restora- impose purchase taxes on Board of Jewish Education, re- tion of his pension of which he services. was deprived because of his ported. He said that there are 16 Nazi past, was described by Jewish schools in this city, with Foge as completely helpless. In CAMPUS 12 in Sao Paulo, and that 175 the end, the witness said, he HOTEL teachers are employed in all of had to give up his efforts to the Jewish schools in this complain about the S'S and SD 16809 LIVERNOIS or he "would have landed in a country. Across from U. of D. Rolnik made his statement in concentration camp." Overnight Guests, $3.50 opening "Jewish Education BONN—One of the 13 former up Month." During the next four Nazi Storm Troopers and secur- Weekly Rates weeks, he said, a family-by- ity police officers charged with $11.00 and $12.00 family series of visits will be complicity in the murder of made by volunteers to every 180,000 Jews in the Chelmno Comfortable Clean Rooms Jewish home • in the country, in camp in Nazi occupied Poland Maid Service - Phone Service an effort to increase Jewish testified Wednesday in the trial Homelike Atmosphere youth enrollment in the Jewish that "all this was nonsensical UN 1-1304 schools. but what could we unimportant people do against an order." Ernst Burmeister, 63, was charged with supervising in 1944 the herding of Jews into prison gas vans at Chelmno. Before the jury court here he described in detail various stages of preparing the vans and has been proclaimed by _ all orthodox rabbinical the subsequent burning of organizations to assure the continued existence of masses of corpses. He also recalled how relatives of intended murder victims h were deceived with postcards written by some of the Jews —the life-work of the renowned Gaon and Tzadik, in Chelmno which read "we are well we are working in Ger- of blessed memory. many." His tragic loss, which has plunged the entire Jewish Throughout his testimony, world into mourning, has imperiled the future of Burmeister referred to SS Col. the crown of Torah institutions in this country, and Bothman as the person in com- mand at Chelmno. Bothman Torah-loving Jews' in every community are called committed suicide in a British upon to rally to its rescue. internment camp in 1946. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., (JTA) — A resolution calling upon all governments to outlaw racial prejudice and national and religious intolerance, pend- ing here in one form or another for nearly three years, finally won full approval of the entire General Assembly. The resolution, while it does . A Rabbi Aaron Kottler Memorial Fund Bet edrash Govoha Medrash Contributions from individuals, as well as collections from synagogue appeals, should be mailed to: Rabbi Aaron Kotler Memorial Fund Beth Medrash Govoha Lakewood, New Jersey 20,000 Swiss Jews The Jewish community of Switzerland, which dates back to the early Middle Ages, today numbers some 20,000 persons, most of whom live in the major cities — Zurich, Geneva, Basle, and Bern. Star of David. Blair said he felt the "decorations" should have "caught some official's eye be- fore it got to me." The enve- lope contained anti-Jewish prop- aganda material including a pamphlet signed by George Rockwell, founder of the Ameri- can Nazi party. All evils, but not an evil wife. Sabbath 11 Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious, Motel A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR BAR MITZVAH & WEDDING GUESTS . . . EMBASSY, MOTEL 14380 WEST 8 MILE ROAD Hwy. Bet. Schaefer and NorthweStern Conference Room • Suites • Bang - net Room JO 4-5450 LI 8-1822 HARVEST HOUSE RESTAURANT ON PREMISES JEWISH FOLK CHORUS Invites You to A Gala Neiv Year's Eve Party Monday, Dec. 31st - 8 p.m. to ??? FULL COURSE DINNER DANCE BAND -:- FAVORS JEWISH MUSIC CENTER 14868 SCHAEFER near FENKEL FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: R. BARON, DI 1-9231 or R. LITT, BR 2-0330 The Bialistoker-Western Aid Society Celebrated the 27th Anniversary of its existence Sunday, December 2nd at the Rainbow Terrace. All members and a great number of guests were present. Mr. Ben Kaplan, floor manager, gave the open- ing prayers and introduced Mrs. Max Finkel as the chairlady and Mr. Max Finkel as the toastmaster of the evening. Mrs. Max Finkel welcomed the members and guests and introduced the officers of the society. Mr. J. Lipowitz, president; M. Finkel, vice-president; M. Covensky, Rec. Sec'y., Mrs. M. Selik, Fin. Sec'y., Mrs. R. Galchinsky, treasurer; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weiss, hospitalers, and M. Finkel, S. Rubin and Mrs. M. Selik, publicity committee. President J. Lipowitz 'greeted the guests and thanked everyone for their participation in making this affair the success it was. A special thanks was expressed to those mem- bers who came with their children—to make this like a family affair. Mr. Max Finkel, toastmaster, reported the ac- complishments of the society and of their charitable Work locally, nationally, and abroad. A substantial sum of money was raised through Max Finkel by auctioning off the lighting of the anniversary candles. Mr. Joe ,Radner recited the "Hamoitze." Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weingart, who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, donated a generous contribu- tion to the society. The banquet officers were as follows: J. Lipo- witz, president; B. Kaplan, floor manager; Max Fin- kel, toastmaster; Mrs. M. Finkel, chairlady; Mr. and Mrs. R. Galchinsky, hosts; Mr. Abraham Evans, treasurer; Mrs. D. Robinson and Mrs. S. Rubin, flower girls; Mrs. M. Finkel and Mr. J. Radner, flag bearers; Mrs. Sam Weiss, center piece bearer. Council of Orthodox Rabbis Judge Nathan J. Kaufman, Chairman Cordially Invite You to Attend Their SILVER JUBILEE BANQUET Sunday, February 3, 1963 — 6 P.M. COBO HALL For Reservations Call 865-9100