THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS - Chestnuts in Jewish Meals Talith Katan Herzl and Weizmann By JOSEF FRAENKEL ter-Zionism" of Herzl, yet it was SAMUEL J. FOX well as that luxurious confec- By RABBI By Our London Correspondent Weizmann who obtained the (Copyright, 1962, Jewish MILDRED GROSBERG BELLIN tion, Marrons Glaces. Our Crys- Telegraphic Agency. Inc.) Modern Zionism began with Charter — the Balfour Declara- (Copyright, 1962, Jewish tallized Chestnuts are a simpli- "Talith Katan" is the name tion. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) fied version of the Marrons given to a special garment Theodor Herzl and ended with Weizmann was a Zionist—an One sure sign of approaching Glaces and are delicious hot as which men wear under their Chaim Weizmann. Herzl inaug- idealist—but he had no official urated the era of classical Zion- winter is the appearance of a garnish for meat or vege- shirts. Its distinguishing charac- chestnuts in our markets. This tables, cold as a confection, or teristic is that it is made of ism, created the Zionist Organi- status. At that time, during the First World War, there were country was once so filled with as an ice cream sauce. four corners. The term means zation and showed the Jewish chestnut bearing trees that the CHESTNUT SAUCE WITH TURKEY "a small cloak" or "a small people the road, which led to other better-known Zionists in their goal. Weizmann used this the Jewish and non - Jewish nuts were part of early Ameri- 2 tablespoons minced ' onion garment." 2 tablespoons minced carrot road, brought about the world. There were Nahum Sok- can traditional cooking. Now the 2 tablespoons minced celery The Bible commands, "And same Balfour Declaration, often went olow, a member of the Execu- trees are for the most part gone, 3 tablespoons chicken fat they shall make fringes (Tzit- all-purpose flour his own way but reached Zion. tive of the Zionist Organization, victims of a deadly fungus, and 2 4 tablespoons zith) on the corners of their cups chicken or turkey soup we rely on imports to fill our 1 /4 cup Sherry When Herzl died he was Haham Moses Gaster, vice-presi- garments." (Numbers 15:30). In tablespoon minced parsley needs. When the nuts are pur- 1 1 teaspoon named, by some seriously, by dent of Zionist Congresses, and powdered thyme another place the Bible writes, chased select those with clean, 1 bay leaf others ironically, the uncrowned Joseph Cowen, president of the 1 cup finely diced cooked chestnuts "Thou shalt make fringes on the King of the Jews. When Weiz- English Zionist Federation. shiny skins soft enough to de- 21/2 cups diced cooked turkey four corners of thy garment." mann died, the Jewish people Cowen resigned in order that press slightly when pushed with Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer the onion, carrot, and cel- (Deuteronomy 22:12). From this lost their first elected President Weizmann should have an "offi- the finger. If they are not to be ery in the chicken fat until the the rabbis in the Talmud de- cial title" and Sokolow concen- combined with other ingredi- onion is soft but not brown, about duce that only a garment of of the State of Israel. trated on Paris and other capi- 5 minutes. Stir in the flour until ents allow about one pound for the mixture bubbles. Remove from four corners must have fringes Herzl knew nothing of the tals, so as to give Weizmann a four portions. the heat and gradually stir in the attached to it. In olden times precursors of Zionism, of Moses free hand in London. - Return to the stove, and stir Chestnuts must be pre-cooked soup. over medium heat vntil smooth and the people wore square Hess and Leo Pinsker. He had Herzl had the "Kadimah," before they are used, and this thickened. Add the Sherry. parsley, when no teachers to inspire him. He and bay leaf, and simmer cloaks, this was possible. Today himself became leader and "Ivria" and other organized preparation may be accom- thyme, for 20 minutes. Add the remaining when people' wear round gar- bodies in Vienna be- plished in any of several ways. imiredients and heat just to the ments the only way in which teacher of a new generation. student hind him ready to follow with point. Remove the bay leaf, For best results, the use to boiling Weizmann on the other hand faithful allegiance. Weizmann and serve other rice or noodles, or a man can constantly fulfill which the chestnuts are to be with mashed potatoes. This amount the requirement of wearing was well versed in the work of had the members of the "Man- put should determine the form serves 5. the predecessors, was acquaint- chester School." fringed garments is to have a CRYSTALLIZED CHESTNUTS of pre-cooking selected. When 1 cup sugar The first five presidents of special square garment under ed with the various spiritual eaten hot as snacks they are 1 /2 cup water of his time and the Zionist Ofranisation—Theo- his shirt, to the four corners of tendencies 2-inch piece stick cinnamon chose as his teacher Ahad best roasted. To do this make 1 11/2 tablespoons rum or brandy dor Herzl (1860-1904), David which he attaches the fringes. two slits in the shell either on 1 lb. cooked, whole shelled chestnuts These fringes serve as remind- Ha'Am. Wolffsohn (1855 - 1914), Otto Cook the sugar, water, and cinna- the flat or convex side, then mon stick until a drop forms a ers of our historic traditions Ahad Ha'Am, influenced by Warburg (1859 - 1938), Nahum place the nuts in a well-oiled rather firm ball in cold water. and past. It is sometimes said "Rome and Jerusalem" of Moses Sokolow (1g60-1936) and Chaim Add the chestnuts and continue pan and roast for 20 minutes at cooking gently until the syrup spins that our practice of tying a Hess, did not agree with the Weizmann (1874-1952) — have 425 degs. F. Remove the outer a long thread. Remove from the string around one's fingers for activities and ideology of the all passed away. They forged a heat, remove the cinnamon, and shell and inner membrane stir in the rum or brandy. Stir is rooted in this prac- Hovevei Zion nor with Herzl- chain. Each President brought while they are still hot. When gently until the syrup becomes memory, tice of tying fringes on the Zionism and preached Spiritual several links with him. Herzl creamy and begins to crystallize. chestnuts are to be kept whole, Turn out on waxed paper, and sepa- corners of one's garments in Zionism. But Weizmann was not brought Nordau and many oth- as in the Crystallized recipe rate each of the chestnuts. Serve order to remember the Al- just a pupil. He had his own ers. Weizmann drew in the hot as a garnish for meat or vege- below, make similar slits, then tables. Zionist "laboratory." He sought "Manchester School". And then or let stand until the syrup boil them for 5 minutes. Shell is cooled and completely dry. These mighty and his commandments to create his own synthesis be- there were other links — the be . stored in a covered jar in torus. while still hot, then place them may tween •political, practical. and various parties, the pioneers, the refrigerator and served as a con- During the hours of worship spiritual again in boiling water and cook fection. This makes about 2 1/2 cups. when Zionism, based of the funds and institutions. Jewish men are in the prepare an ice cream sauce, use until tender, about 15 minutes To When we extol Herzl, let us half the ingredients and dice the privacy of their homes or in teaching of Ahad Ha'Am, rather than that of Herzl. But though not forget Wolffsohn, and when longer. Sometimes this cooking chestnuts. Cook the syrup only to the synagogues, they put on the soft ball stage, add the chest- is completed in milk, and the nuts, rum or brandy, remove the these large Taleithim in order he propagated the theories of we praise Weizmann, we must Ahad Ha'Am, fate decreed that nuts mashed or pureed to be cinnamon, and• cool. to fulfil the commandment he was to realize the ideology remember Sokolow and War- used as a substitute • for pota- burg. They all belong together, completely and to wrap them- of Herzl. toes. For those dishes in which Housing Cooperative though they represent different selves in their faith and belief Herzl was first and fore- approaches to Zionism. broken pieces can be used, as in N.Y. Suburb Bows of the Almighty and the com- most a political Zionist, states- the Sauce with Turkey, the slit mandments. In this way the man and diplomat, though he chestnuts may be boiled for 20 on Anti-Jewish Bias Ex-German National entire body and soul is shroud- NEW YORK, (JTA) — The. also paved the way for prac- minutes, then shelled while ed with faith and holiness. Sentenced for Defacing Anti - Defamation League of tical work in Palestine. But hot. Weizmann was a man of prac- Norwalk Synagogue Cooked chestnuts are delici- Bnai Brith hailed with satisfac- tical work, a lover of culture, ous when diced and added to tion the conciliation achieved Brith Rishonim Will NORWALK, Conn. (JTA)—A who wished to know nothing former German national is in stuffings or other vegetables, by the New York State Com- Chronicle History of of diplomacy, yet he was des- Norwalk jail serving a 60-day particularly red cabbage and mission for Human Rights of a tined to become the politician sentence for defacing a Norwalk brussels sprouts; they may be complaint filed by Attorney American Zionism NEW YORK, (JTA) — The of the Jewish people. creamed or pureed; or used in General Louis J. Lefkowitz synagogue with swastikas after Herzl was fond of political dropping his appeal to the sauces or soups; and they end against Northgate Apartments, board of the Brith Rishonim of the United States, comprised of formulae. He prepared the the meal in truly gourmet fash- Inc., a housing cooperative in pioneers of the American Zion- Basle Program and propounded United States Supreme Court ion when served as dessert in the suburb of Bronxville. Lefkowitz charged that North- ist movement—of which Louis a program for Jewish statehood. against the sentence. cakes, tortes, and puddings, as William Arnold, 24, now liv- gate Apartments discriminated Lipsky, veteran Zionist leader, Weizmann was against doctrines in Milford, Pa., had been against Jews in the sale of co- is president—has approved a and did not want the Zionist ing convicted with a friend, Harold program to bring the history of operative apartments, basing aim expressed in fixed political Yiddish Sons of Erin complaint on affidavits sub- the American Zionist movement terms but for all that his holy Fahy, 24, of Norwalk, of defac- Founded in New York his mitted to his office by the Anti- to a wide variety _of Jewish mission led him to the Jewish ing Beth Israel Synagogue on Feb. 1, 1980. They were convict- NEW YORK, (JTA) — The Defamation League early this groups and general libraries, it State. ed by the Bridgeport Superior Loyal League of the Yiddish year on behalf of two individ- was reported by Morris Margu- Herzl always gazed toward Court in June- 1960. They ap- Sons of Erin was born in New uals. lies, honorary secretary, follow- London and prophesied that pealed to the Connecticut Su- York City this week. As a result of the Commis- ing a board meeting. with the understanding and Court of Errors and that Thirty New Yorkers who sion's efforts, following the step The board decided to issue help of England, Zionism would preme possessed the two essential taken by Attorney General Lef- booklets annually. The next one soar to even greater heights. court rejected the appeal last qualifications for membership kowitz, Northgate Apartments, will be devoted to Dr. Harry Weizmann also went to Man- July. They had been free on organized the League as a "fra- Inc., has agreed to admit Jews Friendwald, successor to Pro- chester binding the lot of Zion- $3,000 bond each, pending the ternal clan" of persons "who as tenant-stockholders, and will fessor Gottheil, Dr. Nachman ism with England. Thus was outcome of their appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Fahy con- wish to observe and celebrate alter its bylaws in the next Syrkin, fouder of the American Zionism realized. tinued his appeal. both the traditions of their month to permit transfer of Labor Zionist movement, and Consider the strange odyssey. The prosecution had called faith and the land of their shares "without regard to race, Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan, founder of Herzl's begins in Budapest, them Nazi sympathizers in the birth." Young as the League is, color or national origin." the Mizrachi Zionist organiza- from where he went to Vienna, trial. They had tried to shrug off it already has an official song, The incorporated Village of tion. then Paris. But it was in Lon- the daubings as a prank. At the entitled, "Erin Gro Bragh Bronxville has been for many don of all places, that he gave time of his arrest, Arnold was Shalom." years under attack for religious his first Zionist lecture and Shapiro Residence Hall In • Two topics were discussed bias in the renting and sale of Brandeis Residence Quadrangle published his first Zionist ar- awaiting action on an applica- tion for American citizenship. soberly and at length at the residential accommodations. WALTHAM, Mass.—Rising in ticle. came to this country in 1956, initial meeting of the League. Benjamin R. Epstein, national the shadow of Brandeis' first Weizmann's begins as a youth He having grown up in Germany One was entitled: "Shall we director of the League, pointed dormitory will be one of its new- in Motele, near Pinsk, from solemnly and sincerely request out that his organization had est, named in honor of Nathan where he went to Germany, during the last part of the Nazi that the St. Patrick's Day Com- testified in 1959 before the U.S. Shapiro, Swampscott;' Joseph then to Switzerland, thence to regime and the postwar period. mittee grant the Loyal League Civil Rights Commission that Shapiro, Baltimore; Samuel S. London, and finally to Man- Happy art thou, 0 Israel! of Yiddish Sons of E_rin permis- Bronxville "has produced the Shapiro, Brookline and the late chester. He had a friend there, Who is like unto thee!—Deu- anomaly of a Christian ghetto sion to march in the Grand the Hebrew poet Joseph Massel, Isaac Shapiro of Chicago. teronomy 33. Parade up Fifth Avenue next in an area of the country where The gift, by their children, is who heard Herzl's call and was March?" The other was: "Shall there is a normal intermingling a major contribution to the uni- present at the first and follow- we charter a plane for a trip of Christian and Jewish popu- versity's $65.1 million develop- ing Zionist Cohgresses in Basle. back to our native land of soft lations." The League testified ment campaign. The new dormi- Israel Zangwill introduced Herzl mists and sweet winds, a 19-day that "Bronxville remains a strik- tory will help relieve pressures to London and Massel did like- tour that will take us on to ing example of irrational prej- on existing residence facilities. wise for Weizmann in Man- Israel too?" Results of the udice, a judenrein preserve in The new residence will be a chester. Herzl was a Westernized discussions were not immedi- the heart of an area in which tribute to the lessons in brother- For the first time science has found Jews and Christians live to- hood as taught by the parents. Jew who gravitated towards a new ately indicated. healing substance with the as- gether amicably." the East. Weizmann was an John G o l d b e r g, Michael tonishing ability to shrink hemor- Donors of the new facility in- rhoids and to relieve pain — without Mann and Larry Lewis were clude Mr. and Mrs. Henry Par- East-European Jew, who turn- surgery. In case after case, while 14,000 Jews in Sweden ed towards the West. Max gently relieving the initiators. Lewis, explain- iser of Detroit. pain, actual reduc- The Jewish community in Nordau said that Herzl had tion (shrinkage) took place. Most ing why the group had been Center's Costs Doubled the ability to become a second amazing of all — results'were so thor- organized, said that he once Sweden, which dates back to A total of $25,000,000 was Disraeli. Weizmann could ough that sufferers made astonishing played soccer for the Talmud 1775, today number some 14,000 statements like "Piles have ceased to Torah school in County Ar- persons, most of them living in spent last year on operating have been raised to the peer- be a problem!" The secret is a new magh in Ireland. He explained Stockholm, Gothenburg a n d and maintaining Jewish com- age, but he refused this high healing substance (Bio-Dyne®)— dis- of a world-famous research further that "we Irish are very Malmo with smaller Jewish munity centers throughout the title and honor. Both Herzl covery institute. This substance is now avail- clannish and we like to get communities in Boras, Halsing- country. Annual expenditures and Weizmann wished to re- able in suppository or ointment form together and have fun being borg, Jonkoping, Karlstad and by centers have nearly doubled main just Jews, proud Jews. called Preparation H®. At all drug Weizmann opposed the "Char- 'punters. over the past decade. Uppsala. with other Irishmen." • Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain