OIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, December 7, 1962 -- 34 Nazi Stands Trial for Killing Lvov Jews Record Number of Arrivals in U.S. HANOVER, West Germany, (JTA) — Oskar Waltke, 56, a former SS member, pleaded in- nocent to charges of murder and complicity to murder from 1942 to 1944 of Jews in the Lvov Ghetto during the war. Hyman Wiesenthal, a former Lvov architect who is now di- rector of the Vienna Jewish Document Center and author of a book entitled, "I hunted Eich- mann," testified at the opening of Waltke's trial before a jury court here. :::§M::::::;;;;;;,:; • He said he had watched Waltke arrange transports of Jews from the ghetto to a near- by labor camp. He also said Waltke, now a HanoVer busi- nessman, was known to the Lvov Ghetto prisoners as one of the most cruel of the SS men, The American Bible Society reports portions of the Bible have recently been translated into six additional languages, bringing the total to 1,181 lan- guages and dialects. Tapc iRt13 tetafts Pi cas -:-.416113711730vg A charter flight group of 76 refugees is shown coming off the plane at Idlewild through the migration aid of United Hias Service. The ar- rivals set a five-year record for the number of newcomers to enter the U.S. in a single day under the auspices of Hias. Through the co- operation of Jewish community agencies, they are being resettled in Detroit, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Rochester, San Francisco, Long Beach, California, and Washington, D.C. •TOPS IN PERFORMANCE! •TOPS IN VALUE! Mrs. Golda Meir Talks of Disarmament on Visit to Canada OTTAWA, (JTA)—Mrs. Golda Meir, the Foreign Minister of Israel, received two enthusiastic rounds of desk-thumping ap- plause from members of parlia- ment when she visited the House of Commons here this weekend. Flanked by members of her staff and the Israel Embassy, Mrs. Meir sat in the Speaker's Gallery during the first part of the daily question period. Speak- er Marcel Lambert welcomed her on behalf of members of all parties. At mention of her name, members pounded their desks and cheered. Mrs. Meir arose and bowed. Addressing a press conference, the Israel Foreign Minister said she was convinced the day would come when it would be possible to withdraw the United Nations Emergency Force from the Israel- Egyptian border. The question is one of special interest here since about 1,000 Canadians are in service in the 5,000-man peace force. Mrs. Meir said she could not hazard an opinion on how soon this withdrawal would be possi- ble and said she had not seen any signs on the part of the United Arab Republic that it was prepared for an arrangement that would make this withdrawal possible. She said that the pres- ence of the United Nations force had resulted in "quite a radical change in the border situation" from what it had previously been. She stressed that Israel was "pre- r DAMN pared and anxious to go into peace negotiations with all our neighbors at any time and at any place." Mrs. Meir also revealed that in her talks with Prime Minister Diefenbaker and Foreign Secre- tary Green she had discussed such international issues as dis- armament. "Israel is ready to agree to complete disarmament if her Arab neighbors will do likewise but with mutual controls, nat- urally," Mrs. Meir told a dinner- meeting in Montreal. She said arms, tanks and sub- marines were being sent to Egypt and that this build-up was dan- gerous to the security of Israel. Disarmament was especially im- portant for Middle East coun- tries because, as underdeveloped countries, they could not afford to engage in arms races, she stated. MANUFACTURED BY SOBERMAN & MILGROM CO. 7741 LYNDON AVENUE DETROIT 38, MICHIGAN Chile to Extradite Nazi to W. Germany (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) SANTIAGO — Walter Raus, former SS leader charged with murdering 9,000 Jews during the war, was arrested Tuesday night in Punta Arenas, Chile, at the request of the West Ger- man government. He was flown to S a n t i a g o, where he was jailed. Raus fled after the collapse of the Nazi regime to Punta Arenas, where he worked for an import firm. After West German poliie learned of his hiding place, the West German Embassy in Santiago began ex- tradition proceedings to return him to West Germany. Want ads get quick results! BY HENRY LEONARD notes the time to save on a flameless ELECTRIC DRYER ENGRAYIWO al o oR * - easy to hay-special "Plug-1n" Price saves you money! SPECI A LTY SPELT PLIIG .111 %MU The price includes adding a 230-volt dryer electrical circuit in any residence, up to and including a 4-family flat, in the Detroit Edison service area. easy to use-clothes dry quickly, gently, safely ...the electric way! free serriee too-Edison repairs or replaces electrical parts of electric dryers—doesn't charge for parts or labor. It's an electric dryer exclusive! see your dealer or Copr. 1962, Deyenu Productions -imanomioulb. maul DETROIT EDISON