Women s Ulu bs TOWN ..AND COUNTRY CHAP- TER, Women's American Ort, will hold a board meeting Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Ben Born, 21848 Sussex, Oak Park. For information, call LI 6-6613. • * KINNERET CHAPTER, P i o- neer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hayim Greenberg Center, 19161 Schae- fer. Dora Rosen and Sarah Pearl- • than. will report on their Israel trip: Blanche Lesser and Mrs. A. .Soifer will be hostesses. * * AESCULAPLAN PHARM A- ' CEUTICAL ASSOCIATION and • LADIES AUILIARY will hold a victory dinner party for special project workers Dec. 12 at the . Elmwood Casino, announces Mrs. _ Michael Wainer, chairman. Mrs. Sam Kaplan is co-chairman. For information, call UN 3-6792. ZEDAKAH CLUB will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Hattie Schwartz, 18684 Pinehurst. The club's 31st an- nual donor luncheon will be held 12:30 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Town and Country Club. Mrs. Meyer Shugerman is program chairman. Dr. Ernest M. Gaynes will present a color slide pro- gram on "Let's Go to the Thea- ter" with music and commen- tary. For tickets, call Mrs. Jack Greenberg, DI 1-0718; or Mrs. S. P. Baker, donor chairman. * * ALPHA ALUMNAE GROUP of Iota Alpha Pi sorority will hold a Hanukah party Dec. 8 at the home of Mrs. Carl Siegel. JUNIOR PRIMROSE board will meet 12:30 Tuesday at the home of Jocelyn Rachman, 21741 Kenosha, Oak Park. Results of the donor luncheon will be re- ported. Refreshments w i 1 1 be served. ALONAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a cabaret night Dec. 8. Buffet supper and en- tertainment will highlight the event. For further information,. call firs. Bea Gabin, UN 24301. • * * NORTHWEST CHILD RES- CUE WOMEN will sponsor a rummage sale of winter clothes and household items beginning 9 a.m. Dec. 6 at the Canadian Legion Hall. For information, I call Florence Weingarden, UN .4-5351. • * JEWISH WOMEN EURO-. PEAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- TION will meet noon Monday at the Jericho Temple. 18495 Wyoming. A dessert luncheon will be served prior to the meet- ing. * * * BETH MOSES SISTERHOOD will present the first in a series of book reviews 1 p.m. Dec. 12 at the synagogue, 19160 Ever- green. Rabbi A. Irving Schnipper will give this first review. Re- freshments will be served. For information, c a 11 Mrs. Sylvia Bernstein, KE 3-5884, or Mrs. Gussie Brown. * * * BRANDEIS CHAPTER P i o- neer Women, will present a dem- onstration of home accessories entitled "Treasures and Pleas- ures" 12:30 p.m: Monday at the home of Mrs. Milton Eisner, 19212 Prairie. Coffee and des, sert will be served. * * * HEBREW LADIES AID SO- CIETY will hold its donor lunch- eern Monday at the Beth Aaron Synagogue, according to Presi- dent, Mrs. John Leuchtman. For ticket information, call Mrs. Reg- gie White, UN 4-5452. PYTHIAN SISTERS will hold a games night 8:30 p.m. Sunday at the Temple, 15787 Wyoming. Proceeds will go to aid handi- * _ * * capped children. Prizes and re- LIVONIA JEWISH CONG. freshments will be featured. For SISTERHOOD will meet 8:30 tickets, call Sophie Sorkin, UN p.m. Monday at the Coolidge 1-7805, or Gerri Grushky. * School, 30500 Curtis, Livonia, an- nounces Mrs. Sam Burnstein, DAVID HORODOKER YOUNG president. Program will include a WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION will Hanukah candle blessing by hold its 25th annual donor lunch- Cantor Blank and entertainment eon Dec. 11 at Beth Aaron Syna- by Israeli exchange student s. gogue, 18000 W y o m i n g, an- Mrs. Norman Fellander, gift nounced President Mrs. J. Guter- shop chairman, will display man. Rabbi and Mrs. Moses Lehr- Hanukah sale items. For informa- man will be featured in the tion, call Mrs. Burnstein, GA 7- program which will include vocal- 2633, ist Rhoda Friedman. Prizes will * * * also highlight the event. For EQUALITY CLUB will hold a tickets and information, call Mrs. rummage sale Dec. 13 and will J. Friedman, UN 1-6793. * * * install officers Jan. 13 at the Raleigh House. Elected are Mes- FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER. dames M. Berkowitz, president; Mizrachi • Women, will hold a '" F. Band, vice-president; M. J. study group meeting Tuesday at Kushner, treasurer; and S-. Fish- the home of Mrs. L. Saltzman,. er and S. Peck, secretaries. 14160 Balfour, Oak Park, under * * the direction of Mrs. Jacob Gold- ROSENWALD LADIES AUX- man, culture chairman. - The sub- ILLARY board will meet 8:30 ject to be discussed is "The Baal . p.m. Wednesday at the home of Sheen Tov." For information, call Mrs. Ann Gottlieb, 18441 War- Mrs. "Goldman, LI -1-6139. Friends rington. The group will. meet arein-Vited. For infOrMation on 8:30 p.m. Dee. 12 at 17556 Wyo- the 'rummage sale Monday, call .; ming. Mrs. Meyer Minkin, DI 1-3188. * * * • * * CONG. BETH EL SISTER- SISTERS OF ZION MIZRACHI" HOOD will pr e s e n t Professor will meet noon Wednesday at .• Gene Bluestein in a lecture on the Beth Aaron Synagogue, 18000 "The Instruments" Tuesday at Wyoming. A Michigan Cancer the Temple. This is another pro- Society film, "Chance to Live," gram in the series "The Wonder- will be shown. Dr. Martin Daitch ful World of Jewish Music." All will Comment on the film and are welcome. answer questions. Dessert lunch- * * * LADIES AUXILIARY of the eon will be served. Friends are. invited. REX CHAPTER WOMEN will BRITH SHOLOM of DETROIT * * * hold a games party. 8:30 p.m. will meet 8 p.m. Tuesday at the CITY OF HOPE CANCER - Dec. 5 at the horne of Mrs. Frank home of Rose Kanfer, 18645 Santa Rosa. Refreshments will FIGHTERS board will meet 8:30 Blase. 20232 Trinity. Prizes and p.m. Monday at the home of refreshments will be featured. be served. Mrs. Maurie Gordon, 23520 Ken- * * * * * * NORTHWEST YOUNG IS- osha, Oak Park. Mrs. Theodore GEORGE GERSHWIN GIRLS RAEL SISTERHOOD will hold Krass has been appointed chair- will present an-"Old Time Vaude- a kitchen shower and games man of special projects. ville Show" 8:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at * * night 8:45 p.m. Tuesday at the the Workmen's Circle. Refresh- NORTHWEST NSHEI CHA- ments will be served. Friends Synagogue Social Hall, 17376 Wyoming, announces President BAD STUDY GROUP will meet are invited. • * Mrs. Marian Duchan. The public 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Fanny Lax, 18425 Wash- is invited. BUSINESS AND PROFES- burn. Guest speaker will be Rab- SIONAL CHAPTER will hold a bi I. Paneth, according to Mrs. smorgasbord dinner .party 7:30 rippora Baiter, chairman. p.m. Sunday at the Sholem * * * Aleichem Institute,' 1 9 3 5 0 Leave Everything to Us OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD Greenfield. 'All single men over STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 35 are invited to• attend. Fea- pm. Saturday at the home of tured will be. 50 different kinds Mrs. M. Rothenberg, 14430 Sher- of home prepared foods. Danc- wood. Guest speaker will be Rab- ing and prizes will round out bi 3/1. Rothenberg. Chairmen of the evening. For information, this group are Mesdames A. call Molly Moss, VE 8-1823. Feldman and A. Sandweiss. * .5 * * * * SHARONA CHAPTER, Pioneer - EAST SIDE WOMEN will hold Women, will meet Thursday at their annual membership meet- the home of Sylvia Adler, 10545 ing 1 p.m. Monday• at the home Vernon, Huntington Woods. A of Mrs. Robert Coggan, 19526 wig demonstration will highlight Roslyn. Mrs. Coggan is Interna- tional Adult Jewish Education the meeting. * * * chairman and honorary president CONG. BETH A B R A H A ivI of East Side Chapter. A book SISTERHOOD board will meet review on works of S o 1 e m WYN and HAROLD LANDIS 8:30 p.m. Monday at the syna- Aleichem will be heard. Mrs. gogue, according to Mrs. Meyer Joseph Radkin is president. * * * Lullove, vice-president. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunin will be host LOUIS B. BRANDEIS CHAPTER Phone and hostess on the occasion of is planning a Hanukah party, their anniversary. The group's 8:30 p.m. Dec. 19, at the Sliol- • STYLE donor luncheon will be held Jan. em Aleichem Institute, 19350 • ELEGANCE 9. For reservations, call Mrs. Greenfield. An audience partic- • BEAUTY Harry Eichenhorn, DI 1-8323, ipation quiz program will be Rebizen Hinda Halpern or the featured. Refreshments will be WYN-HAROLD CATERING synagogue office. served. Guests are invited, nal a-itA etivities ✓ ! WHY WORRY I I r Oak Park United Hebrew' Mrs. Sidney Cohen, treasurer; s, Mes ames. Schools P.T.O. will hold a Han- and board member -d iMilton Schloss, Albert Reifler, ukah workshop Thursday at the I Burton Applebaum, Sol Levin - Jewish Center in Oak Park. and Eliot Raskin. Past president Staff-made Hanukah decora- Mrs. Harold Goodman is staff - tions will be on display and ma- advisor. terials will be available for indi vidual use, according ,to Mrs. Harold Schmalberg, president. All interested parents are in- vited to participate. - Other - group officers include 1Mrs. Larry Kowalsky and Mrs. I Harry Danzig, vice-presidents; I Mrs. David Hantler, secretary; For the HY Spot Of Your Affair Max Schrut For Good Photographs and Prompt Service Call me at Music by BLAIR STUDIO Hy Herman And His Orchestra Weddings - Bar Mitzvahs BR 2-5447 We Come to Your Home • Distinctive Ceremonies a Specialty! With Samples TY 5-8805 UN 4-6845 \%\\ ORM I 1/1/. Seymour [Kaplan it is as important to select your jeweler as it is your diamonds . see seymour kaplan for the finest selection of marquise and pear shaped diamonds 15738 LIVERNOIS DI 1-5515 Open Daily to 9 — Sundays 10 to 4 ltd Xmas Please Note . • • DELAINE JEWELERY 15750 L1VERNOIS DI 1-5511 (I 1/2 Blocks No..• of Expressway) Will Be Open Daily 9:30 - and Sundays 10:00 to 5 'till Xmas Pre-Holiday Clearance LARGE GROUP OF SNOW SUITS JACKETS • COATS DRESSES • SPORTSWEAR A Wonderful Time to Buy and Save For Boys — For Girls — For Infants HOME CATERING EL 6-8411 Coolidge at 9 Mile Rd. Oak Park Shopping Plaza-- • LI 7-3715 Open 'til 9 Every Night to Christmas -- THE DE TROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, Novemb er 3 0, 1962 United Hebrew Schools Oak Park Branch PTO Makes Plans for Hanukah Workshop .