Comay, who visited South America last summer, during the height of the resurgence of anti-Semitism in various countries, including Argen- tina, Uruguay and Guatemala, declared: "It might be tempt- ing to dismiss most of these incidents as the work of luna- tics or juvenile delinquents. Of late, organized Nazi groups have become bolder in some countries. Their leaders are frustrated would-be fuehrers, surrounded by youthful and black - shirted storm - troopers who were hardly born when the Third Reich died. In their public rallies there are heard once again the obscene cries of the Nazi era. "I have no wish to exaggerate the size or importance of these groups, or the measure of their menace. Yet we cannot ignore them, or persuade ourselves that they will wither away before de- rision. Such movements feed upon intolerance and envy; they gain support from former Nazis who have found refuge else- where, or from local reactionary elements; and they seem to find ample funds for public demon- strations, floods of anti-Semitic pamphlets, and the legal costs of their defense on those occasions when they are prosecuted." Comay also criticized "law- abiding and liberal" countries like the United States and Brit- ain, naming such neo-Nazis as England's Colin Jordan and America's George Lincoln Rock- well on whose behalf," he charged, "freedom of speech is invoked to protect its very nega- tion: the -preaching of totali- tarian doctrines. In the face of this democratic quandry," he said, "insufficient account has been taken of the fact that Naz- ism in all its manifestations be- came recognized as criminal after World War II, and that many Nazi leaders have been found guilty of this crime not only at the Nuremberg Trials but under various national legal "Let me say in all fairness that the activities of the Rock- wells and Colin Jordans and their counterparts in Latin America and elsewhere are arousing the contempt of re- sponsible public opinion, and more serious attention than hitherto from the authorities of the countries concerned. These manifestations are far from being only a Jewish mat- ter. They may start with anti- Jewish feeling, but the attack soon broadens out to include other groups against whom latent prejudice can be in- flamed, and in due course it may undermine the whole, fabric of society." * * * CANBERRA, Australia, (JTA) * * * SAO PAULO, Brazil, (JTA) — Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, disclosed here that the WJC was seeking to hold "constructive discussions" with Soviet leaders on the situation of Soviet Jewry. Goldmann, who was here to attend a conference of Latin American communities sponsored by the World Jewish Congress, told a news conference that so far there has been no reply from Soviet authorities to the WJC proposal for talks. Goldmann stressed that the situation of Soviet Jewry is the problem of greatest concern to world Jewry today. He left shortly after the press confer- ence for Israel, where he ad- dressed members of the United Jewish Appeal Study. Mission from America. — The Australian government announced it has instructed its United Nations delegation to raise the issue of the treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union as a manifestation of religious in- tolerance. The Australian action, calling, on the Soviet government to re- move such manifestations of in- tolerance and to enact legisla- Greater than one who fears tion to prevent their recurrence, God is the man who lives by will be made at the General his labor.—Berachoth 80. GEORGE OHRENSTEIN !i mom u litlf 111C01113LIN 18039 WYOMING UN. 1-5600 Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler 1 8963 Livernois Ave. UN 1 -8184 1 r ,;. =: 1.11= 1 +, - 11.11111111111111 smsEasiiii4ar At Strictly Kosher Mth d Poultry Specializing In: • Fresh, Cutup Chicken Parts • Cartwheels • Ready Made Hamburger Patties • Cube Steaks • Oven Ready Turkeys • Kosher TV Dinners • Mock Chicken • Veal for Scalopini • Bar-B-Q Ribs • Seasoned Meat Balls 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association This Shield Is Your Protection Antedgvar-gageo receive the HIGHEST earnings on insured savings ... with NO minimum balance required Michigan's Largest State-Chartered Savings and Loan Ass'n 0 COMPOUNDED AND PAID QUARTERLY Savings Insured to $70,000 by an Agency of the United States Gov't . MAIN OFFICE.: WOODWARD AT CONGRESS 14 MILE NEAR CROOKS RD. IN CLAWSON LIVERNOIS AT W. 7 MILE DEXTER AT CORTLAND .' FORT STREET AT MILITARY aILL — E r OPEN THURS. TO 9 P.M. KAPLAN nomiaa , . SA421 ■ 1 unitar . Assembly's Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Committee. The Australian government also will propose to the UN that the proposed human rights cove- nants contain a provision that a citizen has the right to leave his country on the premise that "if nations cannot offer religious tolerance, they should at least give people the right to emi- grate." W. 9 MILE NEAR COOLIDGE IN OAK PARK TELEGRAPH AT MAPLE IN BLOOMFIELD TELEGRAPH AT SCHOOLCRAFT VAN DYKE AT E. 7 MILE `Suppa as the production of sacred books and articles, the training of clerics, and contact between the different local communities within the country or between them and Jewish communities elsewhere. "In brief, the Jewish commu- nity of that country has been tragically cut off from its own rich religious and cultural heri- tage, as well as from its Jewish brethren in the rest of the world. Their helplessness is aggravated by the growing (though by no means original) trend to find Jewish scapegoats for economic difficulties." Bracketing the situation of Jews in the Soviet Union and the anti-Semitic outbreaks in Latin America; Comay told the committee that "hardly a week has gone by during the current year without a report of some act of anti-Semitic violence in some country. Bombs have been thrown at Jewish schools. Jewish business premises have been ma- chine-gunned. Synagogues have been bombed or set afire, or their windows shattered by stones or bricks. Gatherings have been at- tacked by organized gangs of hoodlums. Swastikas and filthy slogans have been smeared on buildings. Jewish cemeteries have been desecrated and tomb- stones uprooted. And, during this last summer, there were two incidents of young people ab- ducted and tortured, with swas- tikas branded into their flesh." systems since then. Freedom of expression has certain obvious limits; it cannot properly be ex- ploited to propagate concepts which the civilized world has branded as inherently criminal." He added: School in Herzliya to train throughout the United States. stewardesses, waiters, tourist guides and reception clerks. (JTA) With 185,000 tourists expected to spend over $30,000,000 in Israel this year, tourism is ad- vancing very rapidly with the .mss aid of Israel Bonds. i 4 l 1 1 .10qUIOAON (Continued from Page 1) eluding the Jewish group, the members of which are formally described in their documents of identity as being Jewish in nationality. "As a religious group, too, this community is deprived of the prerogatives which are still extended to other faiths, such Israel Schools Hoteliers Some 1,600 full-time profes- The burgeoning tourist indus- sional staff members are engaged try has started a Hoteliers by Jewish community centers gm- I t Israel Condemns World Anti-Semitism, Points to Rise of Nazism, Soviet Bias