Women s Ulubs (More Clubs Page 15) SISTERS OF ZION MIZRACHI will meet noon- Wednesday at Beth Aaron Synagogue, 18000 Wyoming, announces Mrs. Mor- ris Goldberg, president. Re- freshments will be served by Mesdames Pearl Gold, Molly Fridenberg, Rose Beilewich, Esther Saks and Gussie Brick- ner. * * ROSE STEINHARDT BOOK REVIEW CLUB will meet Sat- urday at the home of Mrs. Ger- son Berris, 17615 Pennington. Mrs. Alex Schrier will review "The Rothchilds." * * MISS BRENDA NODLER. NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Mr. and Mrs. David Nodler Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. of Oak Park announce the en- Wednesday at the home of Mrs. gagement of their daughter, Fred Gayer, 21811 Harding, Oak Brenda Joyce, to Gerald Ken- Park. Mrs. Jack Boxen will neth Teper, son of Mr: and Mrs. speak on "Services Rendered to Irving Teper of Detroit. An the Community by Women Voters:" Guests are welcome. April 21 wedding is planned. For transportation call Mrs. Leonard Kromirs, UN 3-7450. Monitor to Broadcast Levinson Interview JUNIOR PRIMROSE CLUB will hold a board meeting Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Julia Keller, 25247 Ridgecliff, South- field. The club will hold its 10th annual donor luncheon Nov. 20 at the- Town and Country Club. For tickets, call Mrs. Lois Howard, DI 1-8699. Prizes will include vacations in Mexico and Las Vegas. • * Better is a near neighbor than NORTHWEST D E T R O I T a distant brother.—Proverbs 27. CHAPTER, CARIH, will hold a rummage sale starting 9 a.m. Thursday at the Canadian Le- gion Hall, 1651 Livernois, Fern- dale. * * NORTHWEST CHILD RES- AND HIS ORCHESTRA CUE WOMEN will hold a bake LI 8-5313 sale Nov. 2 at Sams Depart- ment Store in Dearborn. Pro- ceeds will go to programs for when yoU have your next bar- mitzvah or wedding party, and the benefit of mentally retarded you want to save money—ask children. A rummage sale will your friends and relatives to take the movies. if you want be held to further this cause something better—call us at LI starting at 9 a.m. Nov. 7 at the 2-7874. Canadian Legion Hall. For in- HOWARD H. TRIEST formation. call Florence Wein- MOTION PICTURES garden, UN 4-5351. * * AZO AUXILIARY will hold a box lunch social 7 p.m. Sun- day at Sholem Aleichem Insti- tute, 19350 Greenfield. Coffee His Continental Orchestra and dessert will be provided. and Entertainment For information, call Irene Rog- gin, UN 4-2447. UN 3-7626 * * EQUALITY CLUB will hold its annual donor luncheon Nov. 13 at the Raleigh House. 18641 Wyoming. For reservations, call Betty Berkowitz, UN 3-7522. album * * WEDDINGS BAR MITVZAHS JERICHO REBEKAH LODGE 548-1310 will hold a games party 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at 18495 Wyo- ming. A luncheon will be served and there will be prizes. PLASTIC * * SLIPCOVERS ALONAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Custom-Made Women, will hold a games party 8 Gauge - Glass Clear Tuesday at the home of Mrs. PROTECT-O-COVER Edna Groskind, 23230 Gardner, DI 1-1000 Oak Park. For information, call 18055 JAMES COUZENS Roz Berman, LI 1-3099. * * * BETA ALUMNAE, Iota EXPERT COOK IN JEWISH STYLE FOOD Alpha Pi Sorority, will hold a PREPARING HOME PARTIES, Halloween party Saturday at Ben Levinson, president of Franklin Mortgage Corpora- tion, will be interviewed in a 15-minute conversation 5:10 p.m. Saturday for the Fiberglas Home Show on NBC's Monitor Radio (WWJ). Home financing will be the topic: The time announced earlier for the broad- cast was in error. RW N NTER Eric Rosenow PHOTOGRAPHY 56.80 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Detroit Landsmanshaften lead- Want The Best? ers will meet at breakfast 10 a.m. Sunday at Jericho Temple, Ask the Folks Who've Had 18495 Wyoming, to discuss as- SAM BARNETT pects of their program as they and His Orchestra relate to Israel through their ac- tivities in behalf of Jewish Na- LI 1-2563 tional Fund. The meeting, convened by the Committee of Landsmanshaften We Have A Fine for Jewish National Fund, will Large Selection take up participation in Lands- of Fall & Winter manshaften Month for JNF, dur- • SLACKS • TOP COATS ing which the societies, together with Bnai Brith, will sponsor • SUITS • SPORT COATS their annual event in January. Expert Alterations and The representatives will also con- sider participation in the newly Remodeling on Ladies' proposed Jewish National Fund- and Men's Clothing DETROIT LADIES AUXIL- Detroit Development Project in IARY will hold a membership Israel. tea and games party noon Mon- day at the Michigan Consoli- dated Gas Co., 415 Clifford. Tailors, Clothiers & Mrs. Frieda Shiffman is chair- Cleaners man of the event. Prospective 22155 Coolidge, Oak Park And His Orchestra members are invited. LI 7-1511 * * * SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN LI 7-2770 LADIES AUXILIARY will hold a Hallowe'en costume party for An evening of poetry and informal talk by a group of muscular dystrophy children Sunday at the JWV Memorial Home, under the su- pervision of Chairman Anne UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT 111 $5, $3, $2, $1 WED., NOV. 14 Rubin. Prizes will be awarded Memorial Building 1111 Students 50c II 8:30 p.m. and refreshments served. MAIL ORDERS TO: Box Office, Memorial Bldg., U. of D., Detroit 21 * * * LT. ROY F. GREEN POST will meet 9 p.m. Nov. 1 at 14600 Wyoming. Sam Fishman, UAW We Make Our Own Glasses int er na tio nal representative, will speak on "The Jewish Vote HEADQUARTERS FOR —Fact or Fancy." Refreshments • LATEST DOMESTIC AND IM- will be served. Guests are wel- PORTED FRAME FASHIONS come. * * • PRESCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES JOSEPH L. BALE AUXIL- ACCURATELY FILLED IARY will have its annual mem- bership drive-costume party 8:30 • Immediate Repair • Reasonably Priced p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Joseph Barnett, 20050 Huntington. The group will service the Youth Home for Girls on Saturday. Gifts will be 13720 W. 9 MILE nr. COOLIDGE presented to all 80 girls. As- LI 7-5068 OAK PARK, MICH. sisting Mrs. Nat Starman, pres- Hours: Daily & Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Wednesdays to 12:30; ident, will be Mesdames Ben Thursdays to 9 p.m. Leet, Joseph Barnett, Sam Friedman and Nathan Gold. Mil Activities When in Windsor, Canada, visit our new and modern Pharmacy across from the tun- nel pedestrian exit. We carry a complete line of cosmetics in- cluding Germaine Monteil, Chanel, Caron, Pharmaceuti- cals 222, Flagyl tablets and suppositories. Your dollar is worth more in Canada. Gordner's Pharmacy Ltd. 527 OUELLETTE AVE. Windsor, Ontario Phone: 252-7761; 252-7762 I Oick Stein, RADOM ROBERT FROST ROSEN OPTICAL SERVICE * * * ROBERT J. RAFELSON POST AND AUXILIARY will hold its annual membership party 8:30 p.m. Sunday at the JWV Memorial Home, 4095 W. Davison, announces Post Com- mander Sidney Kay and Auxil- iary President Mrs. David Bro- der. A square dance and supper are planned, according to Auxil- iary Junior Vice-President Mrs. George Aaron. Friends are in- vited. OUT— OF-TOWN GUESTS ARRIVING ? THEY'LL LOVE THE CRAN13IZOOK HOUSE MOTEL'S FACILITIES Halperin's Going Out of Business Jack Halperin, Detroit clothier for 46 years, has announced he is going out of business. . The clothing store at 19157 Livernois will begin its' closing sale Nov. 1, featuring a large stock of new fall and winter apparel. Included are imported Italian worsted suits, cashmere and Italian velour overcoats, raincoats, suburban coats and sport coats, slacks, knit goods and furnishings.. Halperin has been at the Livernois location for 13 years. 1 • • ...MP Ete)-{T .11 ■ 0•111110,01•11•111.1.111 ■ .11111111.1 ■ 04111.111. 1,11M• 0.11111. 0•111•11, 0 AEI. 0 41•11•41 ■ 1. Men's Clubs BNAI DAVID MEN'S CLUB will hold a wiener roast Satur- day at the synagogue. Commu- nity singing will be highlighted. Friends are invited. * * BETH AARON TALIS and TEPHILLIN CLUB will hold a father and son breakfast and services 8:30 a.m. Sunday at the synagogue, announces Abraham Halem. Ellen Panush, Jay IvIas- serman and David Guyer will participate in a teen panel. Post-Bar Mitzvah boys between 13 and 17 are invited to join the club. Passenger car travel in 1961 amounted to about 600 billion vehicle miles, an average of 9,500 miles per vehicle. the home of Mrs. Julian Cohen, 22795 Cambridge. For informa- tion, call Mrs. Gerald Grossman, KE 4-6366. * * * BETH ABRAHAM SISTER- HOOD will meet 8:30 p.m. Mon- day at the synagogue, an- nounces Mrs. Hyman Crystal, president. Program Chairman Mrs. • Sidney Schlaff has ar- ranged a games party to follow the meeting. Refreshments will be served. BAR MITZVAHS IN YOUR HOME PHONE 862-7937 Landsmanshaften Leaders Meet to Discuss JNF Work -)/ 5 CRANBROOK HOUSE MOTEL MILE AND JAMES COUZENS 13R 3-8310 ■ =1•11.111 ■ 0 4E1. / .1111.1.1!0•0•1! 01111004.111011.0 ■1■11■ 1!0!0•111110.0•••••11.111.1 ■ 1111 ■ 01•110.0 4•1111,41. ■ 4, IOW./ You Are Cordially Invited to Visit Our Showrooms and View Our Gem Diamonds and , " Fine .Cultured Pearls irdio tT Which are synonymous with vv, Norman Allan & Company Established 1919 Importers and Cutters of Quality Gem Diamonds 1 i Bridal Registry Direct Importers For Over 30 Years of Fine Cultured Pearls Also see our large selection of Platinum and Gold Jewelry, Parisian Eve- ning Bags, Watches, Sterling, Silverware, and Many Assorted Gift Items. 17540 Wyoming, Detroit 21, Michigan Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. DI 1-1330 , *1-0111.4.111011410=1.1111111.411W.1411MDCHINPINIWIMI.0•111111111..1011.1401.. ! ■ 0 ■ •••• .1 41•1•00111.4.4 ■ 4111111110 t. ■ •••• ■ 11 ,11=1,41 ■■■■)_ ••••.01111.0411•11Hill................... 23 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Frid ay, October 26, 1962 Brenda Nodler Will Wed Gerald Teper