Women s Clubs TEMPLE BETH EL SISTER- HOOD will meet 11 a.m. Tues- day at the Temple to hear Rabbi Joseph Weizenbaum review Isaac Singer's "The Slave." The public is invited. hold a pre-donor rally 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Yeshiva, announces Mrs. Isadore Levin, president. A dessert luncheon will be served. Rabbi Chaskel Grubner will speak at the rally. Mrs. Louis Honigman is general chairman for the Nov. 6 lunch- eon and Mrs. Walter Epstein and Mrs. Milton Winston are on the program committee. YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR CHOLEM ORGANIZATION will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Sam Levey, 17329 * * * Winora, Southfield, to make ADAS SHALOM SISTERHOOD plans for the Nov. 11 honor roll will open its 1962-63 book re- affair. * * j: view series 10 a.m. Tuesday at CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, the synagogue with a continental will meet 12:30 p.m. Wednesday breakfast preceding the review at the Hayim Greenberg Center. by Rabbi Harold D. Hahn of Irv- Mrs. - Doris Fishman, a repre- ing Wallace's "The Prize." Rabbi sentative of the Pioneer Worn- Hahn is assistant rabbi of Temple en's Council, will speak on "The Beth El. He is • a member of United Nations and Legisla- the Community Relations Corn- tion." Lunch will be served. mittee of the Jewish Community • * Council and serves on the Mich- MAIMONIDES MEDICAL igan Regional Advisory Board of SOCIETY WOMEN'S AUXILI- the Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation ARY opened its 1962-63 season League. Co-chairmen of the se- with a new ries are Mrs. George Liss and. slate of of- Mrs. Harry Nachman. For tick- ficers, headed ets, call Mrs. Robert Dunsky, LI by Mrs. Alex 4-0872. * * Friedlaender as president. OAK PARK HADASSAH will Other p os ts give a barn dance party Nov. 3 are held by at Upland Hills Farms. Friends Mesdames E. are invited to the affair . that Pious, L. Leip- will include a hay ride, square sitz, S. Ben - dancing with a caller and re- nett, L. Hak- freshments. Proceeds will be Mrs.Friedlaenderi n g and E. used for vocational education. Skully, vice-presidents; M. For infOrmation, call Madeline Starkman, N. Schackne, S. Klein Adinoff, LI 4-9452. * * and D. Morton, secrtaries; and J. Stern, treasurer. GOLDA MYERSON CHAP- * * * TER, Pioneer Women, will hold CHANA CZENESH CHAP- a Simhat Torah party 6 p.m. TER, Pioneer Women, will meet Sunday at the Hayim Green- 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Hayim berg Center. Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg Center. Neil Staeb- Gladstone will be host and ler, Democratic candidate for hostess in honor of their trip to congressman - at - large, will Israel. A dairy dinner will be speak. Hostesses will be Ethel served. Entertainment will be Epel and Rose Coleman. Guests featured for guests and friends. are welcome. For information, call UN 1-1659. * * * * PYTHIAN SISTERS Past NORTHWEST-SOUTHFIELD BRANCH, Detroit Section, Na- Chiefs' Club elected officers re- tional C o.0 n c i 1 of Jewish cently. They are President Ann Women, invites friends to Schubb, Vice-President Mary attend an informal showing of Lorber, Treasurer Ruth Gold- patings by Israeli artist Yeho- man and Secretary Esther Rach- sheua Kaversky and a dessert leff. Dorothy Kapatansky is gift luncheon 12:30 p.m. Nov. 7 at shopper. * * * Grinnell Art Gallery, 1515 CLUB ONE, Pioneer Worn- Woodward. * * * en, will meet 12:30 p.m. Tues- SUBURBAN BRANCH, De- day at the Hayim Greenberg troit Section, National Council Center, announces President of Jewish Women, will meet Mrs. Sara Levin. The 75th birth- 8:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Rey- day of Mrs. Sarah De Roven nolds Building. Sgt. Walter will be celebrated. * * Sokol of the Michigan State BNAI DAVID SISTERHOOD Police Racket Squad will speak on "Narcotics." Refreshments will hold a rummage sale 9:30 a.m. Nov. 5 at the Odd Fellows will be served. * * • Hall, announce Chairmen Mrs. TOWN AND COUNTRY Lillian Varnen and Mrs. Meyer CLUB WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Berman. Rummage may be monthly luncheon will be held dropped at the homes of Mrs. Tuesday. "Tips on Gourmet Oscar Shorr, 14211 Vernon; Cooking and Pastry Decorat- Mrs. Jack Bilsky, 13521 Rose- ing" will be discussed by Club mary; and Mrs. Max Sosin, Chef Eugene Kutt. Mrs. Charles 20455 Marlowe. For informa- Kessler is vice-president of pro- tion, call Mrs. V a r nen, LI g,ramming. Assisting her will 5-2347. * * be Mrs. Harry Colton and Mrs. OAK PARK CHAPTER, Or- Gordon Meisner. der of the Eastern Star, will * * * officers 8 p.m. Nov. 8 LADIES OF YESHIVATH install at IOOF Hall, 150 Vester, Fern- BETH YEHUDAH and WOM- dale. Officials to be installed EN'S SABBATH LEAGUE will are Mesdames Rose Cooper, worthy matron; Goldie Cooper, associate matron; Bertha Sum- or ner, treasurer; Helen Baumhaft, conductress; Mary Cohen, asso- B'NAI B'RITH ciate conductress; Eve Pinkis, MEMBERS ONLY chaplain; Rose Mash, organist; Covenant Hattie Aronson, warder; Esther Bowne, sentinel; Barbara Schei- Credit Union fer, Vicky Turner, Shirley We Have It To Lend Hauser, Hilda Fiorni and Bea- When You Need It To Spend trice Rubin, star points; Betty Bennett and Ruth Blumlo, flag Dividend bearers. Participating in the Paid In 1 1961 ceremonies will be Mrs. Flor- ence Adair, president of the provides Oakland County Association, • Life Insurance and Mrs. Anne Grossman, p. m. I Loan Protection O Disability Insurance of Purity Chapter; Mrs. Eve Pin- kis, p. m. of Oak Park; Mrs. 19186 James Couzens Esther Stahl, mother matron of DI 1-8086 Oak Park; Mrs. Blanche Rus- Daily 10.4, Mon. Eves 7.9 sell, p.m. of Ferndale;. and Mrs. Closed All Jewish and Shirley Kraft. Refreshments Legal Holidays will be served. 1. ) f . 4 /4% 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Sandweiss, 24260 West- hampton. * * * RODIN CLUB will meet 1 p.m. Nov. 7 at the home of Mrs. Murray Bergman, 19131 Warrington. A dessert-luncheon will be • served. (More Clubs Page 23) Evvityea4TATTE8Orireak Itill!ilFILNO KOSHER FRANKFURTERS Bursting with Flavor BETH AARON SISTERHOOD Enjoy Superior will hold a board meeting noon Wilno Kosher Salami Monday in the synagogue. Mrs. and Bologna too! Isadore Leemon will be speak- At Leading er. Refreshments will be served. Delicatessens, * S * Supermarkets and FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, Restaurants. Mizrachi Women's Organization, will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Mishkan Israel Syna- 111!„ gogue, 14000 W. Nine Mile. Mrs. David Novetzky, president, will report on the 37th Mizrachi WILNO -KOSHER convention. Hostesses will be , SALAMI FRANKFURTERS • CORNED BEEF •. BOLOGNA Mesdames Ben Schnieder, Sam Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: Shulman, Joe Baker and Stanley JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit Tel: UN 2-5822 Brower. Friends are invited. 5111 @0)i$3/1Pii oag.ft.i.Z4V33sozx So what? They're just as delicious and just as strictly vegetarian this way. In fact, the only mistake you can make is not having more Heinz Kosher Vegetarian Beans in the house when they start asking for seconds. Which they always do. ,Every label carries the seal of approval of THE 'UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA. 15 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, October 26, 1962 NORTHWEST NSHEI CHA- BAD Study Group will meet 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Tzippora Balter, 17208 Ohio. Rabbi Jonathan Balter HAMPTON CHAPTER, Wom- will speak. Mrs. Baiter is chair- en's American ORT, will meet man. Nov. 5 at the home of Mrs. Jer- OAK PARK NSHEI CAH- ome Keywell on Lincolnshire. A dessert luncheon will be BAD Study Group will meet served. Mrs. Eugene Zack is program chairman. * * SUNDAY GROUP, Hadassah, will meet 1 p.m. Sunday at the home of Alva Ron, 29880 Fair- fax, Southfield, announces Dor- othy Pinsky, president. Jea- nette Alexander will present a program of Hadassah and Is- raeli affairs, followed by a dis- cussion with Rosalyn' Tron, PURE BEEF Tybie Schneider and Reva Mal- amud. Friends are invited. Plump, Juicy