Women s Workmen's Circle Groups Plan Teen Pa Luncheon Talk, Film Discussion, Hayric! The Workmen's Circle Teen Club will meet 7:30 p.m. Tues- day at the Workmen's Circle Center, 18340 W. Seven Mile, announced Eric Aronson, the new youth director of the Circle. A membership party will be held on Oct. 19. The group is open to boys and girls, 15-17. For information, call KE 7-5440. The Workmen's Circle Wom- en's Division will hold a dessert luncheon 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Circle. Featured will be a talk, illustrated by slides, by Mrs. Ezra Lipkin, on her recent trip to Israel. Workmen's Circle Branch 1060 will show and di, films "Operation A and "Operation Co 9 p.m. Saturday at thQ The public is invited. Workmen's Circle Br will hold a hayride hetti dinner 5 p.m. - Upland Hills Farm it For reservations am directions, call Ann LI 6-3514. CONG. AHAV A S ACHIM Wyoming, announced President meet Wednesday, 8:30 p.m., at SISTERHOOD will meet 8:30 Mrs. M. Duchan. Rabbi S. Prero the home of Mrs. Earl Bennett, p.m. Monday at the synagogue, will speak on "Beauty in Jewish 24026 Geneva, Oak Park. Mrs. announces President Mrs. Meyer Life." Mollie White, Rose Blitz Martin Barr and Mrs. Bertram Levy.. Friends are invited. Rab- and Jean Weiss will serve as Weil, of the League of Women Voters will speak on "What bi Milton Arm will moderate a hostesses. ,: 4: 4: Does Con Con Mean to You." panel discussion on "For the BRANDEIS CFLAPTER, Pio- Refreshments will be served. Sin We Have Committed." Par- ticipating will be Ben Chinitz, neer Women, will hold a mem- principal of Cooley High bership cocktail party 8:30 p.m. Princess Rudivoravan School; Dr. Maurice Floch, Monday at the home of Mrs. HIGH FASH psychologist and staff member Herman Fried, 18019 Indiana. Will Address Temple STYLING of the Detroit House of Correc- Mrs. Milton Weiss will discuss Beth El Sisterhood her recent trip to Israel. BUDGET PR tion; and Sol Lefton, 1st vice- Temple Beth El Sisterhood * * a t president of Cong. Ahavas will feature Princess Rudivora- Achim. PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT van of Siam at a special meet- * * * CLUB will hold a brunch and in observance of United PURITY CHAPTER, Order meeting 11 a.m. Monday at the ing Nations 12:30 p.m. Mon- of the Eastern Star, will hold S h o 1 e in Aleichem Institute. day at Month • • • the 10615 W. 7 Mile Rd. an open installation 7:30 p.m. Friends are invited. The pro- Temple. Des- U ors t es y h 8va: at Pinehurst Monday at Eureka Temple, 111 gram will include Belle Maslowe sert luncheon • • UN 4-3004 - UN 4-1411 W. Seven Mile. To be installed and make-up artists who will will be served. •• EXPERTLY FITTED •• Open Evenings—No Appointment Necessary. Free Parking on are Honey Magid, worthy ma- illustrate their presentation • W. 7 MILE RD. • The Prin- Royal Theater Lot • O BR 15850 tron; Rose Gurwin, associate with a Hollywood-produced film cess is the 3-2509 or VE 7-9783 0 "Look For The Green • Open Thurs. to 9 p.m. • matron; Mary Feldman, con- under the supervision of the granddaughter Canopy" Free Parking in Rear • • ductress; Charlotte Burns, as- Society of Make-Up Artists. The of King Mong- 08•••••••••••0•••••••0 sociate conductress; Anne M. annual donor luncheon is sched- kut, made fa- Weiner, secretary; and Mary uled for Nov. 27 at the Town mous in the Berman, treasurer. A reception and Country Club. For reserva- stage will follow. tions, call Mrs. M. Neiman, UN and movie Princess * * * 3-7486. versions of "The King and I" * * * CONG. BETH JOSEPH 'SIS- and "Anna and the King of TERHOOD will hold a luncheon ACCOUNTANT'S GUILD Siam." The 22nd child of a and social meeting noon Oct. W 0 M E N' S AUXILIARY will prince, she was separated from 23 at the synagogue. Friends meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the her commoner mother and 0 are invited. home of Mrs. Ralph Heller, 8931 raised in the City of Forbidden * * * Oak Park Blvd., announces Presi- Women in the Grand Palace DIAMONDS JEWISH WOMEN'S WEL- dent Mrs. Hy Sherman. Mrs. H. in Bangkok. FARE ORGANIZATION will Sosin, program chairman, an- She married a prince, but hold a board meeting noon nounces that Selma Dublin will after having been exposed to Preview Our Monday at the home of Mrs. present a book on "The Slave." English schooling she broke Extensive Collection of Betty Schlussel, 18432 Burt. * * * away, divorced her prince, Fine, Unique Plans will be completed for the HOME RELIEF SOCIETY will married a commoner and came home-cooked luncheon sched- hold a board meeting 12:30 p.m. to the United States. She is the Wide Diamond Wedding Rings uled for Nov. 19. In charge are today at the home of Mrs. Baer author of "The Treasured one." Mrs. Sadie Bolakofsky and Mrs. Keidan, 18915 Fairfield. A des- Her brother is Prince Wan Ida Tuben. 15738 L1VERNOIS DI 1-5515 sert luncheon will be served. A of the United Nations. For * luncheon will be held Nov. 13 at reservations, call TR 5-8530. Open Thursdays to 9 P.M. TEMPLE EMANUEL SIS- Town and Country Club. * * * TERHOOD will hold a meeting Want ads get quick results! based on the "Festival of the ROSENWALD LADIES AUX- Month" 12:30 p.m. Monday at ILIARY will meet 8:30 p.m. the Temple, 14450 W. Ten Mile, Wednesday at Beth Yehudah, Oak Park. Theme of the event 17556 Wyoming. is "What's Cooking in Sister- * * * hood?" Featured will be in- DAVID HORODOKER YOUNG struction on table-settings and WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION demonstrations of food pre- meet Tuesday at the home will of parations associated with the Mrs. S. Gottlieb, 24290 W. Seven holidays of Sukkot and Simchas Torah. Guest speaker will be Mile. * * Herbert M. Hauptman of Chi- BETH ABRAHAM SISTER- cago, Ill., who is a member of HOOD will meet 12:30 the board of directors of the Wednesday in the Nusbaum p.m. Hall National Federation of Temple of the synagogue for a member- Sisterhoods. Her topic will be ship luncheon, Mrs. Raymond "Sisterhood Members—Active, Passive, Unique, Common." The Dunn, membership chairman, will luncheon will honor all paid-up be assisted by Mesdames Irving Adler, Sherman Fisher, Sidney and new members. Golden, Harry Eichenhorn, Tillie • * * Neuman, Samuel Cash, President TOWN AND COUNTRY Hyman Crystal and Vice-Presi- CHAPTER, Ort, will present dent Meyer Lullove. a fashion show Oct. 23 at Cong. * * * Bnai Moshe, announces chair- NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer man, Mrs. Jerome Friedman Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. and Mesdames Edwin Goodman Wednesday at the home of Mrs. and Melvin Volin, co-chairmen. A. Mason, 19341 Ilene. Florence * * * Primak will speak on leadership GREAT LAKES CHAPTER training. Guests are welcome. * * • ORGANIZATION, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, C H A N A CZENECH CHAP- will meet 10 a.m. Oct. 24 at TER, Pioneer Women, will meet the home of Mrs. Oscar Bank, 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Hayim 18300 Santa Barbara for a con- Greenberg Center. Fanny Fish- tinental breakfast. er will speak on "The Purpose * * and Work of Pioneer Women." PROD (formerly SA'AD) will Hostesses will be Jessie Bright present a fall fashion show and Ruth Bright. Guests are wel- Stoles from $695 Oct. 23 at the McGregor Memo- come. * * * rial Conference Center, Wayne MEDICAL AID GUILD will State University, announces Mrs. Joe Mendelson and Mrs. hold an open meeting noon Hilda Wister, co-chairmen. Pro- Monday at the Calvin Presby- See them reflected here in stoles, jackets, capes, coats ceeds will go to the WSU terian Church, 14221 South- . with every "look" you love. Some are easy-breezy College of Medicine for research field. Dessert luncheon will be served. The program will be with sportin' life lines. Some have a small-scale, jewel- in Parkinson's disease. For ticket information, call Mrs. presented by the Detroit Asso- box chic. Others offer full-dress spectacular fashion. ciation for Retarded Children. Coats Ben Friedman, KE 3-3582. * * * If mink's on your mind, our salon is the place to find trent, $1,995 * * * BETH AARON SISTER- the perfect fur at the perfect price. JUNIOR PRIMROSE CLUB HOOD will meet 12:30 p.m. will meet Monday at the home Monday at the synagogue for furs by of Mrs. Ether Sherman, 24281 a 19th birthday celebration. Berkley, Oak Park. Mrs. Mattie Mrs. Abraham Halem, program Fredericks will speak on an- chairman, will • present a skit tique jewelry. Friends. are in- entitled . "Those Wonderful vited. Refreshments will 'be Years." Mrs. Michael Wainer UN 2-8822 19336 LIVERNOIS at Outer Drive served. and her committee have * planned refreshments for the Open Thurs. 'til 9 NORTHWEST Y 0 U NG IS- occasion. * * * Furs labeled to show country of origin of imported fury. RAEL SISTERHOOD will hold OAKLAND HILLS CHAPTER an Oneg Shabbat 2:30 p.m. Sat- urday at the synagogue, 17376 of Women's American Ort will •••••0••••••••••••••• Hair Design Studio Serpi? ur Xap THE MANY MOODS ta ei6eArde_VlJ._e en