Sealed on Day of Atonement THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issiu of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Associations, National Edit orial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign S7. Second Class Postage Paid. At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Shuvah Scriptural Selections This Sabbath — Sabbath Shuvah, the Sabbath of Repentance — the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal. portion, Ha'azinu, Deut. 32:1-52. Prophetical portion, Hosea 14f2-10, Micah 7:18-20, Joel 2:15-27. Yom Kippur Scriptural Selections, Monday Pentateuchal portions: Morning, Levit. 16:1-34, Num. 29:7-11; afternoo -- Levit. 18:1-30. Prophetical portions: Morning, Isaiah 57:14-58:14; afternoon, Jonah 1:1-4:11, MiC6,t 7:18-20. Licht Benshen, Friday, Oct. 5, 5:49 p.m. VOL. XLII. No. 6 Page Four October 5, 1962 Yom Kippur—the Sabbath of Sabbaths Every human being has something to atone for, else a special Day of Atonement would have been limited for the atoning. By the same token, groups of people, nations and governments always have errors to regret, sins for which they must seek atonement. Yom Kippur also has the designation Yom Kippurim—Day of Atonements. It is a day for accumulated regrets for wrongdoing during the passing year. The entire world needs to undergo atonement. Often the sins of individuals fade into insignificance when they are compared with the faulty functions of governments and of the nations they represent. On the Yom Kippur we are about to solemnize, we'll have cause to evaluate the status not only of individual man but also of the nations of the world. The struggles among men, the battle for domination among nations, the jealousies that flourish on a worldwide scale, the suspicions that lurk everywhere, are sufficient to arouse the wish that there could be as much soul-searching among the peoples of the world as groups as there will be among individual Jews on the solemn Yom Kippur Day on Monday. But groups are immune from such obligations to other groups or to individuals within their ranks, with resultant perpetuations of fears which prevent the stimulation of amity among nations. Nevertheless, as long as individuals are considered capable of cleansing themselves of sins, it should not be considered impossible for the groups into which they expand similarly to strive for a more just way of life. Therefore, while recognizing that there is more to fear from transgressions among nations than the sins among their citizens, the mere fact that atonement is included among man's soul-searching and desire to improve upon his ways of -life is in itself encouraging as a factor for good in life. There is a Talmudic admonition: "Yom Kippur redeems one from the sins between man and God, but not from the sins of man against his fellow man." In this is represented the universality of Judaism. At the same time, there is a tradition for internal responsibility within our fold. The noted sage and scholar Isaac Luria once said, in explanation of the resort to the pluralistic idea of Yom Kippurim: "Why was the confession (of Yom Kippur) arranged in the plural number, so that we say, 'We are guilt-laden,' instead of 'I am guilt-laden'? Because all Israel is one body, and every individual Israelite a member of that body. Hence follows mutual responsibility among all the members." Thus we have, on this sacred day, an intermingling of ideas, the emphasis on the universal and the insistence upon the inner duties which make Israel worthy of the role to utter its prayers for all human beings. A call that was issued eight centuries ago by one of Israel's greatest seers, Moses Maimonides, who admonished his people to remember their Creator, to look into their souls, to mend their ways, remains among the clarion calls of Yom Kippur. Maimonides' declaration asserted: "Forsake your impure thoughts and your wicked deeds, and follow kindness and righteousness." It is the appeal to justice and righteousness and kind dealings of every man with his neighbor that is at the root of the appeal, and it is this idea that emerges as the major principle which makes our Day of Atonement the Sabbath of Sabbaths. Robert St. John's Saga 'Israel'—A Noteworthy Account Robert St. John has to his credit several noteworthy books on Jewish subjects and on Israel. He has visited Israel several times, has met its leaders, has made a study of its people and the conditions in the Middle East and is undoubtedly, one of the noted author- ities on the results of Zionist efforts. His knowledge of the subject at once becomes evident in his newest book, "Israel," a Life World Library publica- tion, issued by Time Incorporated, New York. Prepared jointly with the editors of Life Magazine, this is a superb work, replete with factual material and en- hanced by the most unusual photographs. Robert St. John In an introducetion to the book, Edward Burnett Lawson, a former U. S. Ambassador to Israel, states: "Israel is a tiny country which has embarked on a great adventure. It is one in which its people feel they cannot fail. With an unshakable belief' in its destiny and in the divine meaning of its existence, Israel has astounded the world with its remarkable accomplish- ments. But the road has been difficult. Dishearteningly meager resources, severe economic pressures and constant threats to its security have magnified everyday problems . . . In one respect, Israel. is a paradox. It is well known yet unknown. Although thrust into the world spotlight at the hour of its rebirth and prominent in the news ever since, its basic character remains shrouded . . . Just how Israel came into being, what has given it the strength and ability to survive and prosper, and what accounts for its influence the world over are still matters of - mystery to many Americans. It is in this respect that Robert St. John and the editors of Life have performed a valuable service. In both text and picture essays, modern Israel is here brought into sharp, clear focus . . . " In this fashion, the former Ambassador proceeds to evaluate a splendid book and to give recognition to the fact that it serves to provide a better understanding of Israel by its readers. St. John's "Israel" goes back to ancient times in the author's description of the background of Jewish history, in his The contention of civil liberties advo- uniquely interesting approach to "The Land of the Book," the cates is that any attempt to curtail free- highway to history, the final moments in exile's speech, his ex- dom of assembly, even for those who seek planation of how an ancient prophecy has been fulfilled, The Yellow Badge--Worn With Pride A drive inaugurated by the Board of Deputies of British Jews to secure a mil- lion signatures to a petition to Parliament to outlaw racial incitement poses a seri- ous question on the issue involving free- dom of assembly and civil liberties. By aligning itself with the movement inaugurated by the British Yellow Star anti-fascist movement and the Jewish Ex- Servicemen's Association, the Board of Deputies gives approval to requests for the banning of meetings of the type held in recent weeks in England at which pro- Nazi slogans were shouted, anti-Semitism was propagated and self-styled Nazis like George Lincoln Rockwell came to Eng- land to participate in the inauguration of an international Nazi movement. Advocates of civil liberties have op- posed the measure requested by the pro- posed petition of British Jews, but the vitriolic and violent anti-Semitic and pro- Nazi declarations of the leaders of the revived fascist movements in England have caused so much concern that a seri- ous effort is being made to put an end to those who would bring Hitlerism to Great Britain and spread it worldwide. So serious is the effort of the anti- fascists who are seeking parliamentary action against the Nazis that a Christian minister, Rev. Bill Sargent, Vicar of Holy Trinity Church in Dalston, is heading the Yellow Star movement. to destroy us, would also lead to curtail- ment of the same rights for ourselves. But the fascists openly advocate genocide. They brazenly call for the extermination of the Jewish people, for the revival of everything that Hitler stood for. Their inhumanity repudiates all of the sacrifices that were made in a world war to prevent the subjection of the entire world to the tyrannical rule of a mad dictator. Now they would again impose, upon all man- kind, the type of dictatorship against which the world fought only 18 years ago. A way must be found to assure the perpetuation of civil rights for all, while preventing the advocacy of wholesale murders and the denial of human rights to those who refuse totalitarianism. Meanwhile, the Yellow Star movement reminds us of the time when, by defying the cruelties of the Nazis upon the advent of Hitler, the yellow star was forced upon all Jews in Germany, proud German Jewish leaders told their constituents: "Wear it with pride—the Yellow Badge." By making the yellow Magen David a proud symbol, those who have inaugu- rated the anti-fascist movement in Eng- land are contributing mightily towards the negation of the Nazi propaganda that is being re-introduced. The able author displays great skill in describing the con- trasts between the old and the new, the ancient and the modern in Israel, and in both story and the pictures which were assembled by Life Magazine's experts there is a grand view of the old which is often still to be found in the Land of Israel and, the new which JeWs have create.d admirably and courageously.. A master at describing history briefly, St. John's brevity nevertheless succeeds in bringing into his historical record the story of Zionism, the people who created the movement and who nurtured it until it became a great diplomatic as well as military triumph leading to independence for Jews who were compelled to seek refuge from oppression. So skillfully does Robert St. John describe the methods of the ingathering of the exiles that his book is already an authori- tative work on the productivity of new arrivals and their inte- gration into Israel's economy. Equally descriptive is St. John's account of the democratic processes in Israel and of the eminent leaders who have made that great democracy in the Middle East possible. He writes with love and affection about Israel's leaders, and his interest in Israel is reflected in chapter titles, such as "The Crisis- Seasoned Government Elite." This book—it has only 160 pages, but its 81/2x11 folio en- abled the publishers to introduce enlarged and striking pho- tographs—deals with the desert as well as the large cities, and the author tells how the desert has begun to bloom. He describes "The Enduring Spell of Antiquity" as well as the way in which the past is being recovered from the dry earth. He deals also with the problems—the Arabs and the religious issues—but in the main he is concerned with "A Maturing Nation," and every element involved in the maturing process. The minorities who are being gathered in Israel, the Zionists, Hadassah—all the builders of Zion—play a noteworthy role in the St. John saga.