TEL AVIV, (JTA) — The Ministry of the Interior said it would issue a temporary resi- dent's visa to Peter Liberman of Detroit, thus granting him asy- lum from a United States effort to have him returned to the United States on charges of pass- port fraud. It was understood that the United States had accepted the decision and that it would not take any further action. Liber- man came to Israel in August as a stowaway on an ocean liner. The Ministry, in notifying USSR Ratifies Ban on Bigotry in Education PARIS — (UNESCO/W.J.A.) The U.S.S.R. has now ratified the Convention against Discrim- ination in Education. The Con- vention, which came into force on May 22 is designed to promote equality and justice by combating discrimination in education. Adopted in 1960 by Liberman's attorney of the de- cision, indicated that a further decision on the Detroit man's application for an immigrant's visa had been postponed. Liber- man had sought asylum under the Israel Law of Return. A Ministry spokesman said that the decision to allow the American to remain did not rep- Morocco Approves resent a change of policy and of Arab Parley to that Israel would continue to bar fugitives from justice and would Discuss 'Palestine' discourage them from seeking to CASABLANCA, (JTA) — The invoke the Law of Return to force Israel to provide them Moroccan government approved a step undertaken by the govern- refuge. ment of Syria for the convening of. a special Arab conference to Survey Finds Israeli Economy Can discuss the "Palestine Question," a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry announced. Absorb 3,000 Families Annually According to the spokesman, (Direct JTA Teletype Wire in - various crafts and for 1,000 the Moroccan Ambassador at to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — The Israeli experts and members of the pro- Damascus has informed the economy can absorb an average fessions. Syrian Foreign Ministry that the of 3,000 middle class families The survey also indicated that government here agrees that the annually, according to the re- Israel's needs for the coming Arab states should examine the sults of a Jewish AgencySur- four years require the creation Arab-Israeli issues and adopt a vey published Wednesday. of 1,000 small and medium size common position on the "Pales- The survey indicated that in enterprises. tine Question." The spokesman the current rate of development added that, when such a confer- Leon Dultchin, head of the there was room in Israel for ence is held, Morocco will par- 2,000 self-employed newcomers Jewish Agency's Economic De- ticipate. partment, who outlined the find- ing at a press conference, said Want ads get fast results! Goldmann Assured that the government would be urged to pass legislation to en- by Bonn Officials on courage middle class immigra- tion. He said conditions had to Indemnification Issue A BIG JEWISH REVUE be created to facilitate the ab- BONN, (JTA) — Dr. Nahum sorption of middle class mem- by the Goldmann, president of the Con- bers and craftsmen who after ARROROT JEWISH TROUPE for information call ference on Jewish Material integration create jobs for less UN 4.1069 Claims Against Germany, left skilled newcomers. after a series of meetings with West German officials aimed at extending the period for com- pleting indemnification payments to Jewish victims of the Nazis, correcting certain defects in the administration of the Federal Indemnification Law and remedy- ing various injustices to certain groups of Nazi victims. Some 80,000 claims for indem- nification have still not been processed under the provisions of the Indemnification Law, which had originally provided for payments to be made by the end of this year. Among the West German officials with whom Dr. Goldmann conferred were Finance Minister Starke, Vice-Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroe- der and other government and parliamentary leaders. Before his departure, Dr. Goldmann was assured that the issue would be settled within the next few weeks. P11•11.0•111•1•041.111 ■ 04111111 ■ 04 ■ 0•01•111.0 ■ 04 ■ 11(.111M04 ■ 0/ COMING SOON the UNESCO General Confer- ence, it has already been rati- fied by France, Israel, the Central African Republic, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Republic and Liberia. The Convention defines dis- crimination as including any distinction "based on race, col- or, sex, language, religion, po- litical or other opinion, national or social origin, economic con- dition or birth." The term "edu- cation" refers to "all types and levels of education," and in- cludes "access to education, the standard and quality of educa- tion, and the conditions under which it is given." The States which are party to the Conven- tion undertake to abrogate any statutory provisions and admin- istrative instructions which in- volve discrimination and also to give foreign residents the-same access to education as that given to their own subjects. NORTHWEST DETROIT'S HEADQUARTERS FOR TWIST-Ofe WATCHBANDS From $495 Up GEORGE OHRENSTEIN . Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler 18963 Livernois UN 1-8184 Open Thursday to 9 KAPLAN BROS Specializing In: • Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry • Fresh, Cutup Chicken Parts • Cartwheels • Ready Made Hamburger Patties • Cube Steaks • Oven Ready Turkeys • Kosher TV Dinners • Mock Chicken • Veal for Scalopini • Bar-B-Q Ribs 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association This Shield Is Your Protection :Antoiecut-oxall receive the HIGHEST earnings on insured savings German Policeman, Charged with Murder of Jews, Is Arrested DUSSELDORF, (JTA) — The arrest of Gunther Tebbert, 46; a Dusseldorf police inspector, on charges of participation in the execution of Jews during World War II, was announced here. He was arrested at the request of the Dortmund public prosecutor. Michigan's Largest Use of certain types of litera- State-Chartered ture exposing Nazi practices is unfit for German youth, although Savings and Loan Ass'n suitable for adults, the Frank- furter Allgemeine Zeitung de- clared - editorially here. The newspaper objected par- ticularly to such book selections made recently by the German Youth Jury as the prizewinning "Children of the Star," Clara Ascher-Pinkoff's novel dealing with the Jewish youth murdered COMPOUNDED AND at the Bergen-Belsen concentra- tion camp, and Sally Satson's PAID QUARTERLY Israel story, "We Build A Savings Insured to $10,000 by an Country." Agency of the United States Gov't "While such books will be understood by German adults," t h e Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung declared, "children, quite naturally asking for an explanation of what had actually happened during the Nazi re- MAIN OFFICE: WOODWARD AT CONGRESS gime, and why, will find it dif- 14 MILE NEAR CROOKS RD. DEXTER AT CORTLAND W. 9 MILE NEAR COOLIDGE ficult to obtain the proper IN CLAWSON IN OAK PARK answer from the grown-ups who FORT STREET AT MILITARY otherwise, in silence, pass over LIVERNOIS AT W. 7 MILE TELEGRAPH AT SCHOOLCRAFT the history of the Nazi period." with NO minimum balance required AMERICAN SAVINGS TELEGRAPH AT MAPLE IN BLOOMFIELD VAN DYKE AT E. 7 MILE 3 - THE DETR OIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, Octob er 5, Israel Gives Temporary Asylum to Detroit Jew Sought by U.S.