THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, October 5, 1962 THE RADOMER AID and LADIES SOCIETY 17 Watercolors of 'Flowers of the Holy Land' in Mrs. Vesper's Book Since her third birthday with few interruptions, Bertha Staf- ford Vesper has lived in Jeru- salem. She has aided Arab indig- ents in clinics she established and helped supervise, and still lives in the Old Jerusalem, the Jordanian-controlled part of the Holy City. Called "Mother of Mercy" by the Arabs, she is beloved in the Old City. Besides her humanitarian ef- forts in behalf of the Arabs, she Greetings and Best Wishes also has earned encomia for her for A Year of Health and work. She is best represented Happiness to the Woodhull Wishing A Healthy and art in her book, "Flowers of the Lake Property Owners and Happy New Year To Our Holy Land," which has been pub- Me?nbers of The Woodhull Relatives and Friends lished by Hallmark Cards, Kan- Lake Congregation. sas City, and is being distributed ISIDORE SOSNICK Mr. and Mrs. by Doubleday to the book trade. President ISADORE KOLODNEY Seventeen Palestinian wild- ISIDORE GUSS I N flowers in watercolors are re- 20161 Carol Secretary Treasurer produced in this charming little book. There are explanatory notes for each flower by the LE SHONO TOVO TIKOSEVU G' Mar Hasima Tova author, who is now in her 84th May the New Year bring you and year. a full measure of Happiness with an abundance of Health. Best wishes to all our friends, In this work is incorporated relatives and the entire Jewish Rovner-Lachowitcher the love Mrs. Vesper has ac- Community. Aid Society quired for the Holy Land during ABE BETENSKY, Pres. MORRIS and A. SAGINAW, Vice-Pres. her 80 years' residence there. WILLIAM SOLOMON, Treas. J. H. SIEGAL, Corr. Sec'y ESTHER DORN There is evidence in this book L. SILBERT, Rec. Sec'y of the influence of the Bible, 3756 W. OUTER DRIVE M. WASSERMAN, Fin. Sec'y although there is no reference here to Jews or to the new State of Israel. The only reference to Jews Mr. and Mrs. Hyman H. Karp and to Israel is in the biograph- ical sketch of Mrs. Vesper, by and Family Lowell Thomas, appearing as an introductory essay to the book Wish the Members, Davners & Friends of under the title "My Most Unfor- getable Character." Congregation "Beth Joseph" (rizhiner shul) Thomas pays honor to Mrs. The Rizhiner Verein, the Sisterhood of Vesper, who was brought to the Congregation Beth Joseph, to Israel, its Holy Land by her father, Hora- tio Spafford, "a prosperous Chi- Ministers and Leaders a Happy, Healthy, cago lawyer, and her mother, Prosperous and Peaceful New Year! Anna, both of whom were "deep- ly religious people." Thomas re- calls that the British, when they ruled Palestine, called Mrs. Ves- per "the Queen of Jerusalem." G'mar Hasima Tova He states that she taught Jewish May You Be Inscribed For A as well as Arab mothers how to Year of Health and Happiness take better care of their chil- dren. A 'note entitled "Mother of Mercy" was written for this vol- ume by Norman Vincent Peale. Peale, like Thomas, and the au- thor, refrained from references to the Jewish contributions to the health of Palestine and to the betterment of the lot of the Arabs. There is no mention either of Hadassah, the healer of the Arabs as well as Jews. Mrs. Vesper, author of a book, Jerusalem," is working on The American Committee for "Our another volume. It will be inter- esting to know whether she will Bar-Han University at Ramat refer to Israel in friendship, and as a woman of mercy, in her Gan, Israel next book. Her paintings are most im- brings a message of good tidings from Israel to all pressive. They should encourage its associates in our community. additional works of a similar character to describe the fasci- May the New Year be marked with joy and assurance of nating fauna as well as fauna security for Jews everywhere, and ?nay the year 5723 emerge of Israel. as a time for the advancement of the high values of Jewish wish all their members and friends A Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year , mf ■ momrawal —P . S. learning, in Israel and in Jewish communities everywhere. PHILIP STOLLMAN National Chairman The word Menorah means candlestick in Hebrew. Orig- inally, the Menorah was simply the source of illumination for the Temple in Jerusalem. The Menorah in the Temple was seven-branched but because it was forbidden to reproduce the sacred golden Menorah of the Temple for ritual or other pur- poses, the Hanukah Menorah is not seven-branched. A Happy and Healthy New Year to Our Relatives, Friends and Customers. The Hebrew Ladies Aid Society Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ginsburg extends their sincere best wishes for a healthy, happy and peaceful year to come, to all its friends in the community. MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR Mrs. John Leuchtman, Pres. 9 MILE & COOLIDGE (Near A&P) LI 7-2919 Best Wishes For A Happy and Healthy New Year Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kepes 14511 Ludlow Best Wishes To All Our Relatives and Friends on the New Year Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Schlussel and Sandra, Oak Park, Michigan 19210 Monica Governor and Mrs. JOHN B. SWAINSON wish their friends A Very Happy New Year Best Wishes on New Year's To Our Friends and Patrons POLLAK'S CUSTOM DRESS-MAKING Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday 'til 9 p.m. 19490 LIVERNOIS 864-7766 Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons DOROTHY BENNETT BEAUTY SALON 10705 West 7 Mile UN 4-9408 Happy New Year Glendale Electronic Supply Co. Wholesale Only 12530 Hamilton TU 3-1500 G'mar Hasima Tova Sisters of the Zion Mizrachi extend holiday greetings to their members, friends, organiza- tions and the entire Jewish Community for a healthy and Happy New Year. Mrs. Morris Goldberg, president Mrs. Pear! Hoffman, vice-pres. "For Zion's sake will I not hold My peace, And for Jerusalem's sake will I not rest. Until her 'triumph go forth as brightness, And her salvation as a torch that burneth." —Isaiah 62:1. MIZRACHI-HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI extend best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Pros- perous New Year to all their members, friends and leaders, here and in Israel. May this New Year bring peace and tranquility to the world and to the Jewish State of Israel May the Blessings of - the New Year Bring • Happiness to Mankind Our heartfelt greetings go to all Your relatives and friends for a year of good health and joy, for enjoyment of the bounties that are to be decreed for us. May the New Year 5723 be a year of peace and good will among the nations of the world. May it be a year of blessings for Israel and for our kinsmen everywhere. A Happy New Year to ail The Stolimans