• WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The latter has maintained an -inde- Appeals will also be held -On Most of the High- Holy Day State Department contends that pendent foreign policy." Appeals on behalf of Israel Yom Kippur at Beth Moses, Gaud testified that America aid to the Arab states should be Bonds will be conducted in the Dovid Ben Nuchini,13nai Zion, must plan development loans increased d es pi t e continued Young Israel of Greenfield, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur serv- Ara b discrimination against for Israel. He explained that ices at Yizkor congregations in Mogen Abraham and Nusach American Jews, the Department "Israel faces a sharp reduction Hari. the Detroit area. made known to the House Ap- in reparations and restitution Eight Detroit congregational Speakers will include Col. propriations Subcommittee on payments from Germany and Israel Bond appeals on the Gideon Elrom, one of the out- needs a continued large inflow foreign operations. standing heroes of Israel's War first and second days of Rosh Phillips Talbot, Assistant Sec- of capital to sustain its high of Liberation Hashanah resulted in $47,000 retary of State, conveyed the rate of investment." and a pioneer in pledges for a 50 per cent Department's views in .testi- increase • over the $31,200 of t h e Israel Israel's 50,000 Christians mony on foreign operations ap- Air Force; Dr. pledged last year. Israel's Christian citizen s, propriations for 1963. The Sub- At. Mishkan Israel, Rabbi Arieh L. Plot- mainly Arabs, number more committee asked Talbot why aid Isaac. Stollman and Phillip Stoll- kin, expert on to the Arabs was being increas- than 50,000 or about two-and- the Middle man, Detroit High Holy Day ed in view of Arab boycotts, one-half per-cent of the popula- Chairmen, assisted the speaker, East and a for- blockades, and discriminatory tion is represented among the Isaac Carmel, in the appeal mer officer in tactics affecting American citi- 200 churches and chapels and which brought in $14,000 as Israel's de- 1,000 clergymen, including 150 zens and American interests. $5,900 in 1961. At f e nse forces; against monks and 550 nuns belonging Young Israel-Oak Woods, the MISS NANCY HELEN COHEN Talbott replied that "when Col. Shaul result was $12,950 as against to 35 monastic orders. it comes to using the aid in- Ramati, Israel $11,800 last year. 'The other Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Cohen of strument as a club on one consul for the congregations included Beth Huntington Woods announce country or another, we think MUSIC ! ENTERTAINMENT ! Midwest re- Yehudah with $5,900; Bnai the engagement of their daugh- that in the American interest gion; and Jac- Jacob with $4,550 pledged; ter, Nancy Helen, to. Rabbi there are likely to be more q u e s Torczy- Gemiluth Chassodim with $3,500; Harold Daniel Hahn, son of difficulties and more disad- Gideon Elrom ner, a founder Beth Joseph with $3,100; Bnai Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hahn of vantages." He said there had of the World Confederation of Zion with $2,500; and Adas Philadelphia and Atlantic City. been "some indication of will- General Zionists. Rabbi Jacob Yeshurun with $500. and his orchestra Miss Cohen is a graduate of ingness on the part of the E. Segal will make the tradi- UN 3-6501 Brandeis University and of the United Arab Republic to put UN 1-2953 tional High Holy Day Appeal Goldberg Takes University of Chicago. She is the Israeli question in the ice - as Adas Shalom on Kol Nidre presently a Graduate Associate. box for some time. This does Eve and at Yizkor on Yom Kip- Supreme Court Oath in English at Wayne State Uni- not solve it, but at least puts ELECTROLYSIS pur. it back so it is not a day-to- versity. Permanent Hair Removal Torcyzner and Rabbi Ben- Rabbi Hahn, Assistant Rabbi day irritant in their rela- • FACE • ARMS • LEGS jamin H. Gorrelick will make of Temple Beth El, Detroit, is tions." Medically Approved the appeal at Beth Aaron Syna- a graduate of Temple Univer- "On the question of visas for H. DRINOSKY, R. E. E. gogue at Yizkor on Yom Kip- sity, and of Hebrew. Union Americans, regardless of race, 19499 Livernois, Phone: 341-3149 Listed in Medical Journal pur. Torczyner is a member of College-Jewish Institute of Re- creed, or color, once again it ...0" ■■ •Warofter•"4.0% ■ the presidium of the World ligion. seems to me that we must push Zionist Actions Committee, hon- The wedding will take place as hard as we can on this issue, orary secretary of the Diamond Dec. 16 at Temple Beth El. but that the aid instrument is Trade Association of America, not the right tool for that," he active in the Israel Bond Or- said. He reported that the State Israeli Industry ganization and a key figure in Department, to lift anti-Jewish the UJA. Torczyner will speak Warned to Adapt to measures affecting Americans, AND HIS ORCHESTRA at Beth Tefilo Emanuel on Kol was working very quietly "with LI 8-5313 Nidre. Common Market one or two of the Arab states." Col. Elrom, a Sabra, former William S. Gaud, Assistant JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Israeli You Can Now Get deputy commander-in-chief of agricultural and industrial pro- Administrator of t h e U.S. The Best the Israel air forces, played a Agency for International Devel- ducers were warned by Pinhas major role in planning Israel's Sapir, Minister of Commerce and opment, gave the Executive De- air operations during the Sinai Industry, to be ready "to adapt partment view on the various campaign. He .has been a key The new Associate Supreme themselves, in quality and in anti-bias measures incorporated figure in the modernization of Court Justice, shown posing in price, to the requirements of into various foregin aid bills by Israel's air force. Congress. He said that denial of his robes before he was sworn the Common Market." Elrom will make the appeal in on Monday. Addressing the nation in a aid on this basis "might prove at Shaarey Shomayim at Kol radio broadcast, the Minister counter-productive and further of Nidre, Bnai Moshe at Yizkor WASHINGTON, ( J T A ) commented on the decision of limit any useful role which we and at Bnai David. Arthur J. Goldberg, the fourth the Council of Ministers of the can play in these conflicts. Col. Ramati will speak , at American of Jewish faith to European Common Market to These disputes require the balm Young Israel of Northwest De- serve on the United States Su- negotiate the possibility of a of time, patience, and persua- troit on Kol Nidre, at Ahavas preme Court, was sworn in Mon- link for Israel. sion," he stressed. Achim on Yizkor and at Shorn- day as the court opened its 1962- In Gaud's view, "although He said that Israel would have rey Emunah during Neilah. 1963 term. preferred full acceptance to the USSR has continued to Ramati, a graduate of Oxford President Kennedy attended Euromart membership, or at furnish military and econom- For Only University, served in the British the brief swearing-in ceremony least associate membership simi- ic assistance to the UAR, the army in World War II, attaining of his former Secretary of Labor. lar to the type granted to Greece the rank of captain in the Gor- Also in attendance were Attor- He expressed the belief that the 4100000111110111041411110000•4011 don Highlanders. He served as ney General Robert F. Kennedy, link on the verge of approval • The • an infantry commander in Is- Vice-President Lyndon B. John- now is only "a first step." • • • rael's War of Independence and son, several other Cabinet mem- Meanwhile it was officially re- • All work guaranteed. was wounded twice. He was an bers, Speaker of the House John ported that industrial production • • • Ask to see exciting infantry battalion commander McCormack and a number of in Israel rose nearly 17 per cent • ORCHESTRA • samples. No obligation. in the Sinai campaign. Ramati Congressional le a der s. Chief during the first half of 1962 com- • Music and Entertainment L I joined the Israel foreign serv- Justice Earl Warren praised re- pared with the same period in : • • • tiring Justice Felix Frankfurter 1961. The industrial labor force • ice in- 1959. 1 YIN 3-5730 Plotkin, an authority on as a "scholar, teacher and en- increased by 11 per cent over "Distinctive Photography IJW3-8982 to world relations and the first lightened critic." the same period in the previous o • 0 for Special Occasions" citizen of Israel to be admitted semosoommeemmeesewm year. to Princeton University's Wood- West Berlin Mayor Salaries of regularly employed row Wilson School of Public Israelis increased an average of and International Affairs, will Pledges to Wipe Out 10.4 per cent during 1961. By speak at the KO1 Nidre service Nazism in Germany March of this year, average sal- NEW YORK, (JTA)—Mayor aries rose by another 3.7 per in the Beth Abraham social hall and at Yizkor in the main Willi Brandt of West Berlin cent. Best paid among the regu- pledged to a visting delegation larly employed were personnel Beth Abraham sanctuary. WHO CALL of Jewish trade union leaders a in electricity and water services "rededicated effort to wipe out who, by the end of last March, 2 Israeli Educators all remnants of Nazism in West average 799 pounds ($266) Germany." to Head Faculties of monthly as compared with an 3rd Generation Adolf Held, chairman of the average monthly salary of 503 Ethiopian University Jewish Labor Committee and pounds ($168) in January, 1961. JO 4 6078 TO CALL IS TO CHARGE! JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Two. spokesman for the delegation, The number of persons em- Israeli educators will head the told the mayor that "the Jewish ployed in these sectors, how- 26025 COOLIDGE, BET. MANHATTAN & ELGIN faculties of engineering and labor movement stands firmly ever, decreased by four per humanities of the University of behind the efforts of the demo- cent. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, it was cratic forces of the West to pre- YOU CAN NOW BUY announced here. serve the freedom and inde- 150th Anniversary CHINAWARE AND They are Professor Yehuda pendence of West Berlin." The AND MORE CUT CRYSTAL Petter, assistant professor of mayor asked the delegation to of Rothschild's Death FRANKFURT, (JTA) — Me- IN CANADA hydraulics at the Technion-Israel convey the fraternal greetings at Institute of Technology, who will of West Berlin citizens to the morial services were held here to mark the 150th anniversary head the engineering faculty of American Jewish community. of the death of Meyer Amschel AT OUR LOW, LOW SHANFIELDS MEYERS the Ethiopian university, and Dr. CHINA SHOP The Technion Israel- Insti- Rothschild, founder of the cele- Zvi Yavetz of the history depart- CANADIAN PRICES 1 88 OUELLETTE WINDSOR ment of the University of Tel tute of Technology at Haifa of- brated Jewish banking dynasty. ALL OPEN-STOCK Irish &Week,. CL. 3-6098 Aviv, who will head the faculty fers instruction in engineering, The mayor and members of the --- architecture and the exact city's municipality paid tribute of humanities. AND COMPLETE .English Bone China The services of the two . edu- sciences, carries out basic and to the outstanding Frankfurt • • • Royal Million SETS citizen at the Rothschild tomb • • Royal Alb,rt cators are being sponsored by applied research and supplies • We Corry Over 80 the International Cooperation De- technical services and guidance here. Jewish religious and com- All ,it lower Canadian prii.cs Rosenthal Patterns partment of Israel's Foreign Min- for Israel's industry and agri- munal leaders also took part in the ceremonies. culture. istry. • SAMMY WOOLF ERWIN KANTER Photographic Coverage Weddings & Bar Mitzvahs '56.80 Hai Gordon • • • • FREE , 5481310 FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS TO ALL NEW CUSTOMERS ROSENMAN'S FLOWERS - -S AV E V3 DUTY FREE 23 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, October 5, 1962 High Holy Day Appeals for Israel Nancy Helen Cohere State Dept. Advocates More Aid Will Be Conducted by Synagogues to /Fed Rabbi Hahn to Arabs Despite Boycott of Jews .