in Williamsburg. "We," he states simply, as fact * but not as boast, "had come BROOKLYN, N. Y. — On a - The rundown character of Wil- through the Hitler holocaust. We 500-acre tract in the New Jersey liamsburg becomes clear when came here from Rumania and meadowlands, 45 miles or so one visits the largest of six H u n g a r y, Czechoslavokia and from the teeming slums of Brook- schools conducted by the Satmar Yugoslavia, through Auschwitz lyn's Williamsburg, ground will Rebbe. One walks several blocks and other death camps and be broken for a new housing de- from the nearest elevated plat- through the D.P. camps. Now velopment and an industrial park. form, past rubble and ruins, with we are building out in the coun- On one side of the broad high- musty, grim y, old tenements try. Now we shall have our way splicing the area, there will along the side streets, to reach home." "Out there," continues Rabbi rise at the beginning 400 new the school house bearing a sign, homes, split-level houses and in English and Hebrew: "United Friedman, "we shall live in an ranch-style cottages, each with Talmudical Academy Torah atmosphere where our children its own yard and landscaped V'Yirah." Under that sign one will have fresh air and sunshine, lawn, simultaneously, there will notes, on the facade, `the identifi- and where our adults will feel be built a synagogue and a cation "No. 43". Thus the place free again." school with grades from kinder- is spotted as a former public And one of his greatest sources garten through rabbinical semi- school building. Inquiry from the of pride lies in the application nary, a mikvah (ritual bath), and Board of Education brings the to this ultra-Orthodox group of a matzoh bakery. There will be information that No. 43. an ele- an ultra-modern term like "total a shopping center with at least mentary school, had first been and absolute security." The Sat- built in 1884; enlarged twice in mar followers are not creating a 15 stores. Across the highway, in the 1892 and 1896. made into a vo- new ghetto — they are creating 100-acre industrial park, there . cational high school, finally "sur- a new, free society. Their pros- will be a number of factories— rendered" in 1957. That word pect will not be a religious com- one making furniture, several "surrender" means that the munity — "it will be a non- medium • sized garment enter- building was no longer con- sectarian community," says Rabbi prises, a knitting mill. Two hun- sidered usable for public school Friedman. "We will pay taxes to dred of the homes will be ready purpose s. Now the Satmar the township. We will be part of for occupancy by next May. By Rebbe's largest school is located an integrated whole there, our the fall of 1963, the public build- there — in quarters ranging in neighbors will know we have ings are scheduled to be com- age from 78 years to 66 years. created something there and even One enters the school build- increased the tax ratables." pleted. The High Holy Days of * 1963 will be celebrated in the ing with sympathy for these slum dwellers who could find a haven new synagogue. Non-Jews will be able to buy no better than New York's homes there, if they choose to * * * Thus, a dream dreamed by the I throw - away, east - off, "surren- live there. If any one wants to Satmar Rebbe — one of the dered," condemned properties. open a business there that con- greatest of Hassidic rabbis in I But once inside, that feeling flicts with Jewish law and tra- I vanishes. For in the school office, dition — even including the the world — will be realized. A vast, self-contained develop- one talks with Satmar Rebbe's sale of non-kosher foods, "even ment, costing ultimately at least right-hand man. He is Rabbi Leo- pork products" — they will be $20,000.000, will become the pold F r i e d m a n, a handsome free to do so. world center for the many tens of vigorous, grey-bearded man of "We don't have to worry about thousands of Satmar Hassidim 60, who is the executive vice- our children and youth," says I president of the rebbe's congre- in this country and in Israel, in Rabbi Friedman. "After all, if Brazil and Argentina, in Uru- gation, the spark-plug of the en- lwe had to shield them from temp- guay, Canada and Belgium — tire enterprise which includes the i tations — there are certainly and in many other scattered, I new project to be built in New many temptations right here. in smaller Jewish communities Jersey. Williamsburg. Our people will In this school building alone— not be tempted away from our around the world. The Satmar Rebbe — his legal one of six he supervises on be- ways. We are sure of them. Let name, as an American citizen, is half of the rebbe — Rabbi Fried- other people live as they wish. Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum — man conducts classes for 2,000 Only, let them leaVe us to our is a 75-year scholar who barely boys and girls, with girls' classes ways." escaped from Hitler's clutches running from kindergarten Those ways are apparent. The during World War II. The center through the fourth grade. Al- smallest of the boys wear ear- of his vast Hassidic sovereignty together, the educational estab- locks and the traditional garb of now is Williamsburg, an area lishment which he runs in six' the H a s si d i c adherents. The of Brooklyn which is so run down separate schools includes 98 littlest of the girls recite the that there is scarcely a block classes, 63 male Hebrew teach- blessings in Hebrew. A play pe- that is not marked for razing as ers, and seminary heads, 104 , riod in one of the lower grades part of New York City's slum other -teachers, 3,012 students, includes Hassidic melodies as 120 young men preparing for rhythmic .accompanient to physi- clearance program. At his 1,200-member Brooklyn the rabbinate — a school system cal exercises. In the very center synagogue, Congregation Yetev- with a total budget of $1,000,000 of the Williamsburg slum, the Lev, the venerable rebbe presides a year. school is an island of meticulous . There is nothing apologetic cleanliness, quiet deportment over the approximately 10,000 New York adherents to his ultra- about Rabbi Friedman, and the and serious learning divided Orthodox group. Some of his inquirer who came there with equally during the school day be- Hassidim live in the sprawling pity leaves with the pride gen- tween general studies conforming metropolis. But the majority live erated by Rabbi Friedman. to the highest curricular require- ments of the State and City — plus Yiddish and Hebrew. up to Biblical studies and the Talmud. Happy New Year Rabbi Friedman's self-assur- ance and high competence are most impressive to the visitor. His Jewishness is c o n t a g i o u s, while his understanding of in- 13015 W. Chicago, Detroit Michigan tricate problems like finances and taxes, building codes and dealings with city, state, town- ship and industrial development authorities in New Jersey seem HAPPY HOLIDAY staggering to the layman. Roosevelt Cole Jr. Moving 5- Express Ordained a rabbi at the age of 19, he never held a congregation- 2 Men $9.50 per hour — 3 Men $12.50 per hour al post until invited to take on EVERYDAY SERVICE — TR 2-9551 City-Wide and Suburbs — Long Distance his present job here by the Sat- • Insurance • Immediate Attention • Free Estimates mar Rebbe in 1947. In his home • Household and Office Furnishings • 24 Hour Service • No Job Too Large or Too Small town, at Sevlu s, in Czecho- slovakia, he worked in the bank DETROIT 6, MICH. 1602 W. PHILADELPHIA owned by his father, became di- rector of that bank, and held that position until 1944. "Then, one Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons day, they came into the bank," he says. They, of course, are the Nazis. He was taken directly from the bank to Auschwitz. Specializing in Rubbish and Garbage Removal "Somehow, I lived." Those words With or Without Containers sound like a Psalm in praise of SL 7-1679 28816 PALM BEACH, Warren the deity. "Here," concludes Rabbi Fried- FO 6-2270 1640 E. McNICHOLS RD. man, "we have answered Hitler Here, and in our new community, we shall continue our answer. Our community lives, thrives. Come to see us in our new syna- Happy New Year Shalom Aleichem gogue, mi yirtzah ha-Shem, dur- ing the High Holy Days in 1963." BY SAUL CARSON (Copyright, 1962, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) CADIEUX - APPLIANCE SERVICE 15216 Wyoming TE 4-4032 The almond tree takes 21 days from the time it blossoms to mature its fruit. — Kohelleth Rabbah XII, 7. BELCREST HOTEL Brady Waste Material Co. TV and Lounge Rooms Our Own Garage Transient and Residential 1533 MACK TE 1-5700 5440 Cass Season's Best Wishes NEW YEAR GREETINGS BRANDT BROS. INC. W. H. BELTER Heating Contractors Boilers Repaired and Replaced Distributors of U.S. Tires and Batteries 6154 BIVOUAC VI 1-3475 1931 East Jefferson LO 8-3055 NEW YEAR GREETINGS NEW YEAR GREETINGS BOSCO'S BARBER SHOP BLUESTEIN BROS. 6 Barbers — Manicuring Aid Conditioned For Your Comfort Dealer in Scrap Materials 3195 BELLEVUE 18989 LIVERNOIS UN 1-9717 WA 2-2720 Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons SON Kosher Meat & Poultry Market COHEN & 26035 Coolidge LI 7-4121 Happy Holiday Greetings PROGRESSIVE INDUSTRIES CO. Designers and Manufacturers of Dies, Fixtures, Gouges 8770 Linwood TY 7-7550 Greetings JOHN A. BROOKS, INC. BROOKS LAWN SPRINKLER CO. Originator cf Lawn Underground Sprinkling System Rain's Only Rival Since 1915 20122 Livernois UN 3-9650 Happy New Year Greetings BROOK'S PACKING CO. Wholesale Meats 14210 Grand River VE 5-4853-4 Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons BIFF'S GRILL ELLIOTT GENERAL HOSPITAL COMMERCIAL REMOVAL Best Wishes for a Happy New Year HAPPY NEW YEAR Open to the public 24 hours 230 W. McNichols 27015 Van Dyke,. Warren TO 6-9655 SL 7-9788 New Year Greetings BLUE FLASH CHEMICAL CO. Detroit, Michigan = = = • = • " = = = " = • = = • = • = = Happy Holiday BANK OF COMMERCE Resources over $66,000,000 Hamtramck - Warren - Centerline - West Utica Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons DOROTHY BENNETT BEAUTY SCHOOL 10705 West 7 Mile UN 4-9408 59 - THE D ETR OIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, September 28, 19 62 Sat- mar Hasidim Build Own. U.S. Town/