THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, September 21, 1962 -- 24: Bar-Ilan Scholarship Honors 70th Birthday of Belkin, Odessa Leader Dr. Luby Appointed Health Education Director for Public Schools Divisional director of the bined schools of Duffield and and holds all three degrees-- Health and Physical Education Brownson. bachelors, masters, and doc- Department of the Detroit A Central High School grad- torate—from Wayne State Uni- Public Schools is Robert R. uate, Dr. Luby is 44 years old versity. Luby. Official approval of his appointment was made at the regular meeting of the board of education last week. Former principal of the Duffield School, Dr. Luby came to the Detroit schools in September of 1940 as an emer- gency substitute in the health education department. He served as a health education instructor at the Lingemann and the Columbian Schools until To Your Loved Ones or Your Hostess with a beautiful gift basket 1951 - when he was named of mouth-watering fruits and goodies from Market Basket! assistant principal of the Alger School. Cali Us NOW for Better Service In 1954 he became assistant principal of the Columbian then "Speedy Recovery," "Sympathy" went to the Duffield in the same capacity in 1956. In 1959 or "Boa Voyage" he became principal of the corn- more important titan what you say is • i SAY "HAPPY NEW YEAR" Looking at a Bar-Ban University catalogue, from left, are L. Weiner, vice-president of the Odessa Society; Samuel Belkin, honorary president of the organization; and • Jack Ormond, its president. The Society recently held a tribute meeting in honor of Belkin on his 70th birthday. A scholarship was provided for Bar-Ilan by the Society. Darsky, Gordon Named to Staff of Jewish Community Council . The selection of two new members to the staff of the Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit has been Darsky Gordon announced by Stanley J. Wink- elman, president. The new staff members are David H. Darsky and Leonard Gordon. They have been as- signed to work with two of the Council's major standing com- mittees. Darsky will be secre- tary of the Internal Relations Committee and Gordon of the Community Relations Commit- tee In addition, they will work with the various sub-committees including the Council's Mass Media, Livonia, Neighborhood and Housing, and South Oak- land County Committees. The two new staff associates will work also in the various pro- grams in which the Council is engaged with the non-Jewish community. Darsky is a graduate of the University of Michigan and holds a master's degree in lin- guistics from the University of Michigan. He was active in Stu- dent Zionist work on the cam- pus. Prior to joining the Coun- cil's staff, he was associated with the publication of the Ben- dix Division at Ann Arbor. A graduate of Wayne State and a candidate for a doctoral degree in sociology, Gordon is a native Detroiter. He received a master's degree at the Univer- sity of Michigan and occupied a teaching position in Oak Park High School. He was also a graduate instructor at Wayne State University. Darsky and Gordon will serve as community affairs associates on the council staff, Winkelman stated. how you say it. Expressions of sym- pathy, best wishes or congratulations are much more effective with a gift basket that speaks for you . . . in an eye-appealing, taste-tempting and Bair isfying manner. For your next celebration whatever the occasion, order from our large variety of champagnes, wines and liquors . . . by the bottle or case to meet your neds. Sid Shmarak's Business Briefs In the ad for VASSAR CLEANERS which appeared in last week's issue, the price for the cleaning of pants, skirts and sweaters was quoted as 39 cents. The price should have read 44 cents. Call UN 2-6800 and CHARGE IT! 49/(117 ✓ ON& . 3205 W.,..McNICHOLS, RD;. (al Madeilie/119:' DETROIT 21, MICHIGAN Seymour Rosenwasser Awarded Coveted CLU Seymour M. Rosenwasser, assistant general agent, Massa- chusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, has been awarded the coveted Chartered Life Under- writer designation at national conferment exercises of the American College of Life Under- writers in Chi- cago, Ill. Rosenwasser Gold's HORSERADISH with fish a tot eat it feat! has been in the life insur- ance business for the past eight years, Rosenwasser and during the last three and one-half years he has, in addi- tion to his sales activities, acted as an assistant general agent with the Ruben Gold Agency of Massachusetts Mutual Life In- surance Company. He is a 1951 graduate of In- diana University, and in 1953 he received a master's degree in business administration from Syracuse University. Prior to entering the life insurance busi- ness, Rosenwasser taught at Syracuse University and was engaged in the private practice of accounting. Rosenwasser and his wife, Shirley, and their two children reside in Oak Park. BALANCED BLEND It's the exclusive BALANCED BLEND that creates the wonderful flavor of MANISCHEWITZ GEFILTE FISH. The lightness of whitefish balances the richness of pike; the heartiness of selected seasonings balances the- fullness of fresh, whole eggs; and superb skill blends all these quality in- gredients into the finest Gefilte Fish you've ever tasted. At your store now. MANISCHEWITZ GEFILTE FISH produced Under Strict Robbinicat Super/WOO