DETROIT LE A GU E, Chil- dren's Asthma Research Insti- tute and Hospital, will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Leon G. Wink- elman. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Mildred E. Perlis, mar- riage coun- selor. Her topic will be "Five Stages of Mar- t • riage." Mrs. Perlis has taught in a n y classes for various organi- zations on mar- Mrs. Perlis riage and di- vorce and her articles on the subject have been published in many leading magazines and journals. She is a member of the National Council on Family Re- lations and American Sociologi- cal Society. Mrs. Sidney Wallace, president of the Detroit League, will report on the national con- vention which she attended. Pro- gram chairman is Mrs. John Schneider. * * membership c h a irm a n, is in charge. * * * C 0 N G. GEMILUTH CHAS- SODIM SISTERHOOD will hold a paid-up membership desert luncheon 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the synagogue. A "Holiday Work- shop" will be conducted by Rabbi Joel Litke and Mrs. Mirian Litke. Prizes of baked goods will be awarded. * * * . YOUNG WOMEN'S B I C U R CHOLEM ORGANIZATION will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Ben Yates, 19183 Meyers. • * DETROIT WOMEN OF ALPHA OMEGA will hold a board meeting 12:30 p.m. Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Gerald Bloom, 14437 Vernon, Oak Park, announces President Mrs. Jack Zonder. * * INFANTS SERVICE GROUP will meet 12 noon Monday at the Sholem Aleichem Institute for a luncheon and fish bowl drawing of new members. * * JEWISH HOME FOR _AGED PURITY CHAPTER, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet 4 WOMEN'S AUXILIARY will p.m. Monday at Eureka Temple, 111 W. Seven Mile. A "birthday dinner" will highlight the ses- sion. * * CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Wednesday at the Hayim Greenberg Center, 19161 Schaefer. Speakers will include Sylvia Stashefsky, fund- raising chairman, and Belle Reisman. Friends are invited. * * * MAIMONIDES MEDICAL SOCIETY WOMEN'S AUXILI- ARY will hold an open board meeting 12:15 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Arthur Gold- berg, 1880 Lincolnshire, an- nounces President Mrs. Alex S. Friedlaender. Hostesses will in- clude Mesdames Alfred Klein, Myer Pensler, Howard Feigel- son, Joseph Seltzer, Louis S. Leipsitz and Hyman S. Mellen. Wives of Jewish doctors are eli- gible for membership in the Auxiliary. meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Jewish Center, according to President Mrs. Jack Fishman. The program will feature Frank Paul, accordionist and Ray Sheets, magician and comedian. Refreshments will be served. Members and friends are invited to attend. * TOWN AND COUNTRY WOMEN'S AUXILIARY will sponsor a series of book reviews to be inaugurated by Mrs. Joshua Sperka, as the first com- mentator, 11:30 a.m. Sept. 26, according to Mrs. Gerald Gor- man, vice-president and book review chairman. Mesdames- Samuel Green, Lewis H. Man- ning, Douglas Purther, Louis F r i e ci , Myron Kaufman and Nathan Weingarden are on the committee. * * MISHKAN ISRAEL SISTER- HOOD will meet 8:30 p.m. Mon- day at the synagogue, 14000 W. 9 Mile, according to Mrs. Edith Flack, president, Mrs. Minnie Goldberg and Mrs. L. Fein will present a high holiday program. Mrs. Melvina Belinsky will be hostess. Members and friends are invited. SOMETHING NEW FOR WEDDINGS, BAR MITZVAHS PERSONALIZED ASH TRAYS With Guests Name Hand Painted to Be Used as Place Card. ALSO Hand Painted Personalized Gifts and Hand Painted Monogrammed China Place Settings. BEA PACERNICK BEA'S CHINA GALLERY UN 2-1908 TE 4-1745 //,/ ci- p= Seyinour Xciplan DIAMONDS Featuring: Fine Jewelry and Pearls Specializing in: Modern Custom Creations for Your Precious Stones DI 1-5515 15738 LIVERNOIS Open Thursdays to 9 P.M. WAREHOUSE STORE 13206 DEXTER At Tyler (2 blocks south of Davison) FINAL CLEARANCE SALE * * * NORTHWEST CHILD RES- CUE WOMEN will hold its in- stallation dinner 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Raleigh House. Officers are Mesdames Nathan Yost, president; Edward Kaiser and Leo Ordin, vice-presidents; Max Wolf, treasurer; Yale Phil- lips, financial secretary; Henry Halperin, Jerome Ziegler and LaVerne Kief, social secreta- ries. Secretary is Florence Weingarden. Mrs. David Sarnel- son, outgoing president, will speak. Mrs. Sam Bishop is chair- man of the affair. She is assist- ed by Mrs. Sam Rosenberg. * * * WORKMEN'S CIRCLE WOM- EN'S DIVISION will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Workmen's Circle Education Center, 18340 W. Seven Mile. A dessert lunch- eon will be served. Election of officers will be held. All Merchandise from our Oak Park and Birmingham stores • Designers Originals • Imported Knits • Matching Cashmere Sweaters & Knits Sportswear • Dresses & • Coats, Suits, Accessories We're not permitted to reveal the manufacturer's names! * * * ROSENWALD LADIES AUXILIARY, American Legion, will meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Beth Yehuda, 17556 Wyo- ming. • * GLENNWOOD CHAP TE R, Women's American ORT, will meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Arthur Warsaw, 18941 Pinehurst. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Martin Raskin and Mrs. Thomas Friedlich. Guest speaker will be Councilman Mel Rayitz on "The Problems of Changing Neighborhoods." Re- freshments will be served. • * HAMPTON CHAPTER, Wom- en's American ORT, will meet noon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Louis Golden. • Luncheon will be served. The meeting is open, Mrs. Richard Gunsberg, ITALIAN IMPORTED SWEATERS were $14.99 and $17.99 were GROUP OF COCKTAIL DRESSES were priced to $79.95 $500 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, September 14, 1962 women s Utubs IOTA APHA PI ALUMS will hold their reunion luncheon 12:30 p.m. Saturday, at Palom- bo's, 20401 W. Eight Mile. For reservations call Mrs I. Meisner, TO 8-4573. * * * GOLDA MYERSON CHAP- TER, Pioneer Women will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hayim Greenberg Center. Nettie Tur- ner will be the speaker. Mrs. Barny Woronoff will be hostess in honor of her daughter, Sha- ran's marriage. (More Clubs Page 25)