0 voi Detroit Council of Jewish Women to Hold Dedication of 'Orchards' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, September 7, 19 62 Detroit Se c t i o n, National Council of Jewish Women, will dedicate "The Orchards," 2 p.m. Sunday at the site of the n e w project, 31885 W. Sev- en M i 1 e, Li- vonia. Twelve chil- dren, between the ages of Six and .12, have been ad- mitted to the half - way Abramowitz house designed to provide a stable Jewish environment care- fully planned for children who require special care .away from home. , Executive director of the fac- ulty . is Ralph Abramowitz, for- merly acting director of the William Healy School, Insti- tute for Juvenile Research, Chicago. He holds a B.S. de- gree from the City College of New York and a master's de- gree in social work from the University of Pittsburgh. Abramowitz has also been a group worker and child care supervisor at the Chicago Jew- ish Community Center. Co-chairmen of The Orchards project are Mrs. Stanley Akers and Mrs. Isadore Winkelman. Their professional advisory committee includes Dr. Ralph Rabinovich, director of Haw- thorne Center; Dr. Fritz Redl, professor of behavioral sciences at Wayne State University; Dr. Norman Rosenzweig, chief of psychiatry at Sinai Hospital; Harold Silver, executive direc- tor of the Jewish Family and Children's Services; Prof. Cla- rice Freud; Dr. Joseph Fisch- off; Dr. Morris Weiss; Rabbi Richard C. Hertz and Rabbi Morris Adler. Mrs. Charles Hymes, national president of the Council, will come from Minneapolis to at- tend the dedication, under the direction of Mrs. William H. Frank. The ceremony will be followed by an open house, ac- cording to Mrs. Ben Schotten- fels, Detroit Section president. Projects of the Detroit Sec- tion are financed in part through proceeds from its re- sale shop, 3403 Puritan. Plan to Educate Algerian-Jewish Refugees in Israel PARIS, . (JTA) — A program to enable young Jewish refu- gees from Algeria to study in Israel secondary schools was presented here to the National Committe of Jewish Organiza- tions, which convened to deal with the problems of education of North African youths now living in France. Morning and Afternoon Sessions Mrs. Louise Haber, Head Teacher Rockwell, leader of the Ameri- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire can Nazi party, has been in- to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Rent in- RICHMOND, Va.—The State , eluded in a list of undesirable Corporation Commission of Vir- persons who will not be al- creases decreed by the govern- ginia rejected Wednesday lowed to enter Canada in the ment last summer, went into George Rockwell's bid for a future. effect here Tuesday ranging up charter for ANP, Inc., a revised The addition of Rockwell's to a rise of 140 per cent on title for his American Nazi name to the list, which is cir- some apartments owned either party. culated to all immigration offi- by private persons or by the Earlier. this year, the Vir- cials, followed an incident last government. The higher rents on govern- ginia legislature approved. a law week in which the, American revoking a charter granted pre- Nazi was evicted from a Mont- ment-owned property will be viously to the Nazi group..The real hotel as an "undesirable in effect only until next April law banned the use of the word person" when he came to or- 1, according to the decree. The "Nazi" or - "National Socialist" ganize anti-Semitism in Canada. increases range from 10 pounds in the name • of any Virginia He flew back to Washington to 19 pounds, depending on the size of the flats. corporation.. . the same day. Rockwell sought to get around the ban by applying for a char- ter for a group using the initials Demand Brooklyn Rabbi, 7 Others of his group. The word "Nazi" was not used in the group's to Compensate Family of Yossele application for the new char- TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Compen-I before he was brought to Rabbi ter but it did appear in the text sation to - the family of Yossele I Gertner's home where the Is- of the proposed charter. Schumacher was d e m a n d e d raeli secret service found Yos- * * * from eight persons in three sele and arranged for a reunion OTTAWA, (JTA) — George countries for harboring the boy , with his mother and his return after his kidnapping in Israel to Israeli last July. more than two years ago. He had been spirited away Jewish Fraternity Shlomo Cohen-Sidon, the fam- by Orthodox elements who fear- Honors Gen. Sarnoff ily's attorney, said he had sent ed his Israeli parents would not MINNEAPOLIS, (JTA) — letters to the eight persons, in- give him a sufficiently Ortho- The International Service cluding Brooklyn Rabbi Zanvil dox Jewish education. The let- Award of Phil Epsilon Pi Fra- Gertner, and the latter's son, ters were sent also to five per- ternity was presented in absen- i\'Ienahem Gertner, asking for sons in France and a rabbi in tia to General David Sarnoff, at such compensation, with a warn- Switzerland. Grounds for compensation the stag banquet of the 58th ing he would file suit unless the grand convention of the Jewish group indicated willingness to were listed as mental suffering fraternity, The award is pre- settle out of court by naming of the parents, the disruption sented annually to a Jewish an Israeli attorney to negotiate of the boy's education, depriv- ing the parents of the right to leader who has made the richest on their behalf. The boy was hidden for more raise their child, and disloca- and most exemplary contribu- tion to the essential Jewish life than a year in Switzerland and tion of the family's life during of America. for several months in France, the search. INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP ONCE AGAIN ON. THE FORTHCOMING HIGH HOLY DAYS IN THE AIR-CONDITIONED DETROIT ARTILLERY ARMORY HALL 15000' EIGHT MILE ROAD WEST MR. JAY BODZIN will chant the Service RABBI S. P. WOHLGELERNTER Will officiate and preach the Sermons Seats Are: Adults $12,00 — Youths $6.00 On Sole Doily (except Friday and Saturday) 7 to 9 p.m. .Suodays '10 a.m. to 4 p.m. . 20740 HUBBELL AVENUE BR 3-3129 — UN 45687 — DI 1-6223 — UN 3-9265 SOL NUSBAUM, CHAIRMAN HIGH HOLY DAY COMMITTEE iNo Sabbath Calls Please) announces NEW YORK, (JTA)—Pioneer Women, the Women's Labor Zionist Organization of America, is paying tribute to 70-year-old Paula Ben-Gurion, wife of the Prime Minister of Israel, with the building of a $100,000 two- story community center in Tel Aviv, it was announced here by Mrs. Sidney Leff, national presi- dent of the organization. The center, which will be called "Beit Paula" and admin- istered by Moetzet Hapoalot, sister organization of Pioneer Women in Israel, will be situ- ated in the formerly under- privileged area of Givat Ha' Aliya in Jaffa. It will include a day nursery, children's club, and women's social and educa- tional center. I (THE EIGHT MILE SYNAGOGUE) Young Israel Center of Oak Woods Registration for Its Religious School into Effect in Israel CONGREGATION B'NAI JACOB employ French as the first foreign language. Parents of the youths would have to undertake to leave the children in Israel for at least two years, and would pay $10 to $15 per month. Pioneer Women Builds Center for Youth in Honor of Paula B-G Virginia Denies Rockwell's Bid for Charter; Canada Bars Neo-Nazi Higher Rents Go (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) The plan, which was brought before the Committee by Youth Aliya, would enable 500 Alger- ian refugee youths, aged 13 to 15, to be placed in Kfar Yarok, Magdiel, Kfar which would JWV Delegation Departs for Israel (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) NEW YORK—A group of 125 members of the Jewish War Veterans left here Tuesday night on a "goodwill pilgrim- age" to Europe and Israel, many of them returning for the first time to areas where they had participated in either the first or second world wars. The group, led by National Commander Morton London, will visit London, Paris and Rome before arriving in Israel on Sept. 15. In the three Euro- pean capitals, the JWV mem- bers will meet with government officials and representatives of various veterans organizations. In Israel, they will be received by President Izhak Ben-Zvi, Prime Minister David Ben- Gurion and senior government officials. They will remain in Israel for 10 days. Want ads get quick results! Boys and Girls Nursery School: (age 4-6) Sunday School (age 5-7) Hebrew School (age 7 and up) Rabbi Nissim Hayward, Principal ENROLLMENT at Synagogue, 24061 Coolidge LI. 6-6662 Classes begin Sunday, Sept. 9, 1962 CONGREGATION SHOMREY EMUNAH Schaefer Cor. Clarita Announces High Holy Day Services In The New and Air-Conditioned Synagogue Auxiliary Services will also be held at the SCHAVER AUDITORIUM, 19161 SCHAEFER HWY. Reserved seats for both locations are available. All Day Sunday and Every Evening from 7:30 to 9 p.m. At the Synagogue Office FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: UN 4-4355 or DI 1-9061 0.1111..M.0•111.04111 0111“11 ■0■ 04•11.3•• ■ .0111.11 ■ 1111..1 ■ 0.11 ■ 04 ■ 1.1•11.14111.N.M.001.1.)41/A TEMPLE BETH EL WOODWARD AT GLADSTONE ANNOUNCES THAT SUPPLEMENTARY HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES IN THE BROWN MEMORIAL CHAPEL will be conducted by Rabbi Robert J. Marx Director, Chicago Federation of Reform Synagogues SERVICES WILL BE HELD: Friday, September 28, at 7 :00 p.m. Saturday, September 29, at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, October 7, at 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 8, all day Beginning at 10:00 a.m. The Temple Office is open daily from- 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon