111 11.11 111,11PL 04M, Pimonsowall ■o■ ommo-a ■ owarmaws.,111•11.4•1111.41111111.141 ■ 041111 ■ 041111111,14111111.11 ■11111.1011■01111 .00 . 1. 0111•111. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, August 3 1, 1962 Boris Smolar's Between You • ti anci Me' Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) (Copyright, 1962, I The American Scene American Jewish organizations, usually inclined to defend Israel's reputation in this country, have displayed little courage in defending Israel for refusing to violate its own laws and bring Dr. Soblen — the fugitive from American justice — from England to the United States. . . .None came out publicly with a statement in Israel's defense in the days when this was so badly needed . . . Nor did Jewish members of the U.S. Congress display any such courage until it became clear that even England could not deliver Soblen to the United States overnight without violating its own laws. . . . Only two Jewish members of Congress found it possible to point out from the floor of the House that Israel could not be blamed for what even England does not want to do . . . However, things have changed now after England unwittingly paved the way for a better understanding of Israel's position by bringing out the legal complications involved in extraditing Soblen . .. Jewish organizations are still abstaining from public statements to make clear to the American public what was involved in Israel's refusal to carry Soblen on an Israeli plane to the United States from London. . . But some of them at least try now to explain the complications of the case to their own membership . . Most outspoken in this explanation is the American Jewish Committee whose president came out earlier with a statement in the press requesting that Israel deliver Soblen to New York. . . . The American Jewish Committee is now disseminating "questions and answers" on the Soblen case making it clear why Israel could not deliver Soblen to the U.S. when Britain wanted to get rid of him. . . . The Committee puts the blame for the entire mixup in the "Soblen Affair" on the U.S. marshal assigned to guard Soblen on board the El Al plane on which the convicted spy was deported from Israel because he entered the country on a false passport. . . . The DJC emphasizes that had this American secret service man foiled Soblen's attempted suicide on the plane, Soblen would have been in American custody long ago . . . Why didn't El Al airlines continue Soblen's trip from London to the U.S.? ... The Committee poses this question and explains that while the Israel government had the legal power to expel Soblen from Israel, it could not legally permit its planes to be used as an instrument for an act equivalent to extradition from England. . . . In the original expulsion, Israel's concern was simply to remove Soblen from Israel's soil. . . . The responsibility for seeing to it that Soblen did not again try to make good his escape, when the El Al plane stopped over in Athens or London, was not Israel's. . . For Israel to accept responsibility then would have been a serious violation of its international law, the American Jewish Committee points out. . . . The National Community Relations Advisory Council is disseminating material helping to put Israel's position in the Soblen case in the proper perspective. . . . It abstains, however, from giving its own views on the matter. . . . NCRAC is keeping an eye on the reactions toward Israel through- out the country now that it is becoming clear that even England faces legal difficulties in attempting to deliver Soblen to the United States. Theological Discussions Stud Rachel Berdach's Novel That Attracted Sigmund Freud's Interest Rachel Berdach, who escaped the Nazi menace in the late '30s, and who now lives in Zurich, Switzerland, wrote a novel with an historical background relat- ing to the Dark Ages and the Renaissance, under the title "The Emperor, the Sages and Death," which then made a deep impression on Prof. Sigmund Freud. Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, N. Y. 16) has just pub- lished the novel in an English translation by William Wolf of Denver. The eminent psychia- trist, Dr. Theodor Reik, who col- laborated with Freud, wrote an introduction. This novel assumes import- ance for many reasons. It has as its major characters Fred- erick II (1194-1250), who con- ducted discussions on many human issues with theologians —a Moslem and a Christian— and the other major character in the book, Rabbi Jacob Charif BenAron. The fact that the novel attracted the attention of Dr. Freud during the last years of his life, during his residence in London after he had escaped from the Nazis, gives it emi- nence. Then there are the nu- merous opinions on various mat- ters which elevate the story to a high level. Dr. Reik's introduction ex- plains the background of Prof. Freud's interest in the unknown Rachel Berdach. He points out that the great Ger- man Emperor Frederick the Second, in whose court in Sicily and Naples the discus- sions recorded in this novel were held, was excommu- nicated by the Pope. That he had surrounded himself with poets, scholars, physicians and scientists and that Rabbi BenAron's "profound insights outshone the glamor of all the stars at Frederick's court." Impressed by this novel, which does not have an his- torical background, Dr. Freud wrote to the author, commend- ing her "mysteriously beautiful book," and posed this question: "Is it the moving transfigura- tion of Jewish suffering, or sur- prise in reading that at the Jewish Affairs While the question of Jewish Federations giving increased court of the ingenious and ty- financial aid to their local Jewish all-day schools is under study, preliminary data presents an interesting picture on this subject. . It shows that in Cleveland, the Hebrew Academy is receiv- ing from the local Federation a subsidy exceeding $91,000 a year. .. In Chicago, the Federation grant to the local Jewish Academy is $48,000 a year. . In addition to the $29,000 the Chicago Federation grants to the Arie Crown Hebrew Day School, $13,000 is granted yearly to the Rambam Day School. . . . The Bais Yaakov Hebrew School in Chicago gets $4,200 a year from the Federation. . . . The Chicago Federation also subsidizes the Hillel Day School in that city. . . . In Detroit, Yeshiva Beth Yehuda received from the Federation about $25,000 a year before joining the United Hebrew Schools. . . . In Cincinnati, the Cho- fetz Chaim school is granted $20,000 a year by the local Federa- tions. . . . Hebrew all-day schools in Rochester, Trenton and Scranton each get a $10,000 a year subsidy from their local Fed- erations ... In Portland, the Hebrew Day School gets $15,000.... All-day schools in other communities receive smaller allocations. The results of the study on the all-day schools will be presented to the General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, in November. . . . In all likelihood, the discussion of Jewish education at the Assembly will be much broader than the issue of all-day schools alone . . . These schools, which have about 50,000 pupils, involve a relatively small per- centage of the 600,000 children attending Jewish schools of all types, and the Federations are concerned with the Jewish educa- tion needs in total perspective. Histadrut Asks Moscow to Allow Jews to Maintain Links Abroad JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Histadrut, Israel's Labor Feder- ation, has addressed an urgent appeal to the Soviet Union to recognize the right of Russian Jews to maintain links with their brethren throughout the world and to allow those who wish to do so to migrate to Israel. The appeal was published in the Histadrut daily, Davar, over the signature of the Histadrut's executive committee and its Center for Culture and Educa- tion. The message recalled that a decade ago, 24 Jewish writers and intellectuals were executed in the Soviet Union after a secret trial. The appeal said it appeared that the present Soviet govern- ment had "reservations" about the trial and executions and ap- parently regarded them as sins of the Stalin period. The appeal added that although in recent years, the Soviet leaders had been redressing many acts of criminality of the Stalin era, the "incalculable outrage of the eradication of Jewish culture" in the Soviet Union still had not yet been set right. rannical German Emperor one understood the wisdom of phy- choanalysis so well—that I must say that a long time has passed since I read such a meaningful and poetically successful book?" Dr. Reik refers to the author, whom he knew many years back, as one who had a block that at first prevented her from writing the book, and he states: "Only after the Nazis had de- prived her of all she possessed, only after the collapse of her marriage and the loss of many friends, did the shadow which a childh000d experience had cast on Rachel's life vanish." The novel is repete with par- ables. It commences with a de- scription of a tragedy that struck the rabbi's life, leading to his travels that led him to the Emperor's palace. There are dreams and interpretations, giving the story its psychologi- cal aspect. The Christian attitudes to- wards Jews enter into many of the debates at Frederick's court. At one point the accu- sation is hurled that Jews are cowards. The Emperor ex- pressed the opinion: "Ever since the Saviour has arisen among them, their suffering has had no end, and it looks as if the old God considered belief in His son to be idol worship and published Judah for the last and worst hersy; Christianity." Such was the sentiment of the heretical Emperor who had befriended the rabbi. Refuting the cow- ardice charge, BenAron said during that discussion: "I do not believe we have become cowards. But ever since those ancient times our courage has chosen a different object, and for that adversary different weapons are called for. It takes as much bravery to sac- rifice one' life on the stake as it does to mount a war horse." At another point in the series of discussions between the rep- resentatives of various faiths, pity is expressed that the Mos- lems and the Jews "are for- bidden by their religion to en- joy paintings and sculpture." BenAron commented: "We are prohibited their worship, but we may enjoy them. .. . Only oversteeming is f o r b i d d e n. What is supposed to testify to God's might must not itself become divine power. . . . We were told 'Hear 0 Israel' not `See.' " Among the most interesting discussions in the book is the one that revolves around the should be glad to have one. And then, without Jews, who would show examples of a stub- born faith? While probing deeply, they are loyal to their God. You should be glad to have such models; do not suppress them. My heresy is greater than the Rabbi's; I can't believe that we'll be resurrected. An- other thing I cannot stomach; the millennium! What does it mean? What changes will be brought about? I can not stand the way priests explain it. Like paupers who, in their dark streets, have dreams of castles and of carnivals, so do they talk of the millennium — roast beef and games of dice." It is in this fashion that many old prejudices are aired, the Emperor taking the liberal view, the Rabbi calmly and dispassionately interpreteting challenge that was hurled at Jewish values, the priest bit- BenAron: "How come your God terly attacking. did not do what he promised It is an impressive work, and you? Instead of being like the Sigmund Freud's interest in it sand on the seashore, you are becomes quickly apparent. a little handful, dwindling away." Whereupon the follow- Hebrew Corner ing ensued: "The Emperor was upset: 'Of course they dwindle; you burn Jerusalem them; your stakes destroy their Economic cradles.' "The Rabbi looked at Fred- erick with gratitude. 'We do Corporation explain that metaphorically. Not In all generations since the begin- of the return to Zion, Jews that our people will expand, ning came to Jerusalem to work and live but our heritage, the Law. in the Holy City. Today Jerusalem is not only a spiritual and govern- Those who confess it are like ment center, it is a modern city with factories and commercial the sand on the seashore.' He enterprises. looked at Abu Sina (the Mos- The Jerusalem Economic Corpora- lem participant in the discus- tion with assets of one million dol- lars, was founded to help develop sions). 'Ishmael prays to his the city. The • stockholders of the father's God. The root gives company are: the State of Israel, the Jewish Agency, the Keren Kayemeth, strength to all the branches. the Jerusalem Municipality and We Jews are like that mother others. During the 13 years of its existence, the company helped a to whom Solom turned in his hundred industries and workshops, wisdom. So do we say: as long amongst them an enterprise for and handicapped children. as our child lives, no matter by blind How do you encourage the build- what name! Our people see that ing of industrial enterprises in Jerusalem? The plans are prepared the Lord keeps his promise, for various industries and proposed and therefore they believe he to investors. Investors are looked for within and outside the country will also take them back to their both that are prepared to set up new homeland.' industries and expand them. The company constructs buildings for "The Bishop said: 'That factories and leases them out on would be fine with us. We easy terms to investors. Assistance given to construct factories and would get rid of you that way, is hiring of workmen. In this manner, and our own faith would be by the help of the Corporation, were established a printing centre, preserved.' textile industries, dia- " 'You are too pious,; said the book-binders, mond cutting shops, food industries, art centres and industries. Emperor. 'Yon may preserve The new slogan other is: "Invest ' your it, well, but how about your money in Jerusalem." Translation of. Hebrew column, crusades? Where would you Published by Brith Ivrith Olamith, find pretexts for that? You Jerusalem ri'swil=rn 77:erl • : • T rrt.)1?ri Trfprl rtitj ni,ttp.nz? n1,pr1 1-)r rn/ n, rip.rtint? '12 17.n n'PPIIPP tr.1771P nrix rrtPrIP .r114 ra,4.1n ntM 4 .7 vP7? nV1T1 1 "17i-1;1t? n'PTr_n 9r.),T) 5 ;TIL? n'P'17. 7? tirT)ig rpnil WV4M •trlriP.V* rInprin - t1,4, 7p ,nrr.rpri r)7p_rrp n,-rrr i'717 rtn'n .tr T n,t7 mini? Tr)p pn n,s7 nx wrj ke.m ,I1tt71?1 ri4 n47p71 •r2 "'?'"?n tz't?;7 7? 1 ntrm. '2tg rir.pnpL? litrYft7 rr;i7.1rr ,trt7tri17 , rr n'n (Loomoo) T 71o?7p 12tt1 2t# ni,Fpn 4.7 :m7.1 nlisp rva trL7tP:tri', "1"P n4.'27111'. "i'Yrr ,trt?t?P niltt, 13 117 ? . tv.PP ,v7P nivA; 'PT? mrp rihfp1.7111 100 - ‘1•Vr.1 tYrn ;Irvin k.v.r.rt;:l rr,Vvri 4217. 7? virip 17_77,1 /Try:- z 7;7P7P1 n'T17t? 17 P7 trItr t? •_ -Tr? -,s/p7? np:R1 rinin) (rthis) rolnu T : • 1 • T •: •—r