, 2; Purely Commentary ,... • Political Divisions Among Jews ... Myth of the 'Jewish Vote' By. Philip Slomovitz can Israelites. As an illustration that an influential class of Jewish citizens are warm adherents of the Administration, In a report from Washington recently. that Democratic ,-1' you have the fact that a Hebrew will cast for you the vote m . leaders were looking for "another Herbert Lehman" to defeat of a New York city congressional district. A single Union Republican Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York, the New . meeting this week presented these facts: the Chairman of to York Times correspondent stated that such a' search was inoti- the Executive Committee and Committee of Arrangements, •tt vated by the belief that "Jewish voters support Jewish candi- the gentleman who presented the resolutions, two principal >!; dates. . . ." , speakers and many prominent persons upon the platform 03 The president of the American Jewish Committee. A. M. *c were Jews — I refer to the German Union mass meeting on 7.1 Sonnabend, replied to this assumption in a letter to • the New Monday night. 44 York Times in which he stated: It is because I sympathize heart and soul with the action This belief is one of those myths which persist despite of (the) Government in using every means to restore the extensive evidence to the contrary after almost every, elec- Union and overthrow the machinations of those who seek tion. The plain fact is that Jews are not at all likely to vote its disruption, that I the more regret this attempt to deceive for a Jewish candidate simply because he is Jewish. you. There is no "Jewish vote"—if there were, it could not Studies made by the research staff of the American be bought. As a body of intelligent men, we are advocates Jewish Committee in recent years have repeatedly demon- of the cherished principles of liberty and justice, and must strated this fact as a general pattern of voting behavior. inevitably support and advocate those who are the exponents Most striking was the recent Democratic primary in which of such a platform—"liberty and Union, now and forever." Mayor Wagner ran against Arthur Levitt for the Democratic Pardon the liberty I take in thus trespassing on your nomination for Mayor. Our research department studied the attention, but I pray that you will attribute it to the sole O returns and found that in twenty-three election districts in motive I have, that of undeceiving you and assuring you Brooklyn, where Jews predominate, 63 per cent voted for that there is no necessity for "pledging" the Jewish vote Wagner, a Catholic, 37 per cent for Levitt, a Jew. which does not exist—but at the same time that the majority 1 Over the years New- York voters have given the lie to of Israelite citizens must concur in attachment for the Union the Jewish bloc vote myth. In the 1945 mayoralty election and a determination to leave no means untried to maintain , 1:0 voters in predominantly Jewish districts voted more heavily its honor and integrity. With the expression of high esteem, for William O'Dwyer, Catholic, than for Jonah Goldstein, I am, sir, Jewish; in the 1953 mayoralty elections, more for Robert Yours Most Respectfully, Wagner, Catholic, than for Harold Riegelman, Jewish; in MYER S. ISAACS the 1954 election for New York State Attorney General, more for Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., Protestant, than for "The Jewish Vote" issue will undoubtedly be discussed as Jacob Javits; in the 1961 mayoralty primary, as already long as there will be heavily-populated areas where candidates mentioned, more for Wagner than for Levitt, and in the will have special appeals to Jewish voters. But no matter how mayoralty itself, more for Wagner than for Lefkowitz. effective some of the appeals may be, there will always be Jews To be even more specific, in three predominantly Jewish in all party ranks, and the votes of Jews will be sought as neighborhoods in Manhattan and in Brooklyn, O'Dwyer re- ardently by all office-seekers. Mr. Sonnabend is certainly correct in his analysis of the ceived two and a- half times more votes than did Goldstein. And most significant, New York City, with its large Jewish New York elections. Yet. there are times when there are strati- population, has never had a Jewish Mayor. fications along religious lines. But these are minor elements in During the Presidential campaign of 1960 the American our • present-day elections. The appeals to denominational inter- Jewish Committee, on the basis of its research, issued a ests are less effective today than they were two decades ago. statement denying that a Jewish bloc vote existed in na-1 The fact is that Jews are divided politically along the same tional elections, and assailed this myth as jeopardizing the economic lines as non-Jews. While appeals on the basis of a "Jewish vote" are regret- American process of democratic elections. The two candi- dates Mr. Nixon and Mr. Kennedy, joined us in this state- table, the dangers that are especially to be avoided are those ment and in denying the existence of religious or racial that stem from direct appeals to prejudice. There were instances voting blocs. Mr. Nixon deplored "any attempts to divide in our own community when political candidates asked "Gentile" Americans on a religious, racial or sectional basis." Mr. support against their Jewish opponents, and when anti-Catholic Kennedy stressed that "the enrollment books of both parties sentiments were uttered. Fortunately, such appeals to hatred prove that Americans do not stratify along religious, racial have been reduced to a minimum. It proves that any false ap- or ethnic lines." prehensions are quickly detected. That applies to rash references The New York Times, in ' an editorial, quoted the candi- to "Jewish vote" influences. In the main, the American voter senses his responsibilities properly and we need have no fears dates and commended their statements. about rash misrepresentations. We believe it is time that politicians become aware of the facts of political life and stop wasting their time and energy pursuing a mythical voting pattern. It simply does 'Mike' Feldman, JFK and the State Department not exist. Every time a good word is said about Israel or a pleasant This issue has cropped up time and again. The late Louis salutation is expressed by someone in a responsible position in Marshall often repudiated any attempt to introduce the "Jewish our Government, the State Department is quick to assure the vote" appeal in American elections. But the issue dates back Arab states that the gracious fellow who dared say kind word as far as the Civil War. A recent issue of American Jewish to the Israelis, or to Jews or others about Israelis, was speaking Archives, the periodical published by Hebrew Union College- only for himself. Jewish Institute of Religion, carried an article entitled "There That was the case with Meyer "Mike" Feldman, the so-called Is No 'Jewish Vote'," in which an interesting discussion was spokesman on Jewish affairs for President Kennedy in the White recalled. It refers to the national elections of 1864, when news- House. Feldman was kind to Israel while in Israel, and the State papers reported that a Jewish delegation had visited President Department was prompt to tell .him: "You're speaking for your- Lincoln to pledge to him the Jewish vote. Myer S. Isaacs, one self, Mike!" of the editors of the Jewish Messenger, the English - Jewish It must have been a Republican in the State Department newspaper published at that time in New York, wrote to Presi- who did that to Mike. No Democrat would have been so unwise dent Lincoln under date of Oct. 26, -1864: as to choose so critical a time as the present for the Democratic "Jewish Messenger" Office, party—taking into account the political battle for the governor- 119 West Houston Street, ship in Michigan and contests in other states—to repudiate the New York, October 26th, 1864. President's views on Israel while rebuking Mike Feldman. To the President Actually, Mike Feldman was merely reiterating what Presi- Private dent Kennedy had said about and to Israel and Israel's friends Your Excellency: in even stronger terms. The statements made to the Zionist As a firm and earnest Union man, I deem it my duty to Organization by Kennedy were even firmer than Feldman's. Is add a word to those that have doubtless been communicated the State Department trying to undermine the good deeds in its to you from other sources, with reference to a recent "visita- efforts to play both sides but especially to continue to appease tion" on the part of persons claiming to represent the Israel- - the Arabs? ites of New York or the United States and pledging the Well. it's President Kennedy's turn to speak in a re-avowal J ewish vo e ff o your support, and, I am informed, succeed- of friendship for Israel, especially in view of his having upheld ing in a deception that resulted to their pecuniary profit. aid to Nasser in spite of the troubles Nasser is having with his Having peculiar facilities for obtaining information as own Arab kinsmen. And the Democratic leaders will have a lot to the Israelites of the United States, from my eight years' of explaining to do. Perhaps such good friends of Israel as John' connection with the Jewish paper of this city and my posi- B. Swainson, G. Mennen Williams, Philip Hart and Pat Mc- tion as secretary of their central organization, the "Board Namara can do a bit more to set matters straight in the State of Delegates"—in which capacity I have had the honor here- Department — vis-a-vis JFK and Mike Feldman — than those in tofore of communicating with yourself and the Departments the White House who must have been embarrassed by the latest —I feel authorized to caution you, sir, against any such State Department action. * representations as those understood to have been made. There are a large number of faithful Unionists among Catholic 'America' Magazine's Threats our prominent coreligionists—but there are also supporters American Catholics must be greatly embarrassed by the of the opposition, and indeed, the Israelites are not,- as a body, distinctively (either) Union or Democratic (Secession. rather un-American threats of an impending anti-Semitism ist) in their politics. In the conduct of our journal, for leveled at American Jewry by the Catholic magazine "America." This magazine doesn't like the fact that American Jews example, while, from the first fitting upon our national flag, there has been a steady support of the Government in its are, in the main, in accord with the recent U.S. Supreme Court efforts to maintain the integrity of the Union and crush the decision which ruled that it is unconstitutional for schools to unhallowed rebellion, there has also been a studied per- introduce religious prayers in their curricula. sistence in the expression of what is our implicit belief, that American Jewry is in good company—with the majority of the Jews, as a body, have no politics; and while we (The our highest court, and with many groups who stood by the high Jewish Messenger) have earnestly counseled and implored court in its latest ruling. But even if American Jews had stood attachment to the Union at whatever cost, we have refrained alone in their position against religious prayers in the schools, from interfering with the private political views of indi- it would not justify the anger of Catholics. Since when does a vidual readers. This is predicated on our direct knowledge group lose the right to its opinions in this country, and by what of the character and opinions of our coreligionists. right does anyone, especially an editorial group that seems to Therefore, sir, I am pained and mortified to find that speak for a church group, dare to threaten fellow-Americans of you had been imposed upon by irresponsible men, animated, another faith with an upsurge of antagonism to it for possessing I am sure, by mercenary motives; and I wish to inform you, differing groups? with all promptitude, that such acts are discountenanced The magazine "America" has acted in an un-American — and condemned most cordially by the community of Ameri- indeed, in an anti-American — spirit! als ri The Hoary Problem of 'The Jewish Vote' Succeeds Frankfurter on Bench ARTHUR J. GOLDBERG Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg. has been named by President Ken- nedy to succeed Supreme Court Justice Felix Frank- furter. The Pr esident sprung his surprise an- nouncement of Mr. Justice Frankfurter's resignation and his selection of the able, 54 - year - old Secretary of Labor to succeed him at his press conference Wednes- day afternoon. Israel Will Back Election of U Thant as UN Secretary General (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM —The Security and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Knesset Tuesday heard. a policy statement by Foreign Minister Golda Meir • on the major problems slated for dis- cussion at the forthcoming ses- sion of the United Nations Gen- eral Assembly. Ambassador Michael Comay, Israel's permanent representa- tive to the United Nations, and Gideon Rafael, director general of the Foreign Ministry, supple- mented Mrs. Meir's statement with additional . reports. Mrs. Meir reportedly told the committee that the government was gratified that many friendly states will take the initiative, as they did last year, to propose.. direct talks between Israel _and: the Arab. countries. . It was also ., •disclosed • . that Israel's delegation - 4.01d back the re-election of U: :.Thant iri the post of Secretary=I.Genera-1 when his term as ,.Acting SOre - . tars General expires - nxt.April. Israel will also suppo r t mission to the_-United Tations of applications by six - ,cbuPtries including Algeria. Latin American Jewish „Commumties. to Hold COMerence.: BUENOS AIRES, (JTA):---,Dr, Nahum Goldrhanh, presiden-e of the World Jewish-Congress, :and' senior Brazilian government officials are scheduled to ad- dress the fourth conference of Latin American Jewish com- munities convened by the WJC and the World Zionist Organi- zation to open Oct. 22. Representatives of leading international Jewish organiza- tions, including the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, the Joint Dis- tribution Committee, Hias and Ort are expected to attend the conference which will consider all aspects of Jewish life in South America. In view of recent events in this part of the world, all Latin American Jewish communities are expected to take part in the conference.