14 01 Background of 'Wandering Jew' Legend New York. Board of Rabbis Opposes Nobel Prize Winner Lagerk vises Heretical Public Funds for Parochial Schools NEW YORK, (JTA) — The those who honor the seventh Touch to 'Ahasuerus. Fable in Newest Novel New York Board of Rabbis day." Nobel Prize winning novelist who consigned yOu to suffering editions in Germany alone. Ac- Paer Lagerkvist has written a and death? Who sacrificed you cording to this tale, a Jerusa- novel based on the Wandering —you whom he called his own lem shoemaker taunted Jesus Jew legend. Random House is- son. who made you believe you while he was on his way to Gol- sued the 118-page novel, in an were so? . . . Who offered up gotha, and Jesus supposedly excellent translation from the the Son of Man? You should told him, "Go on forever till I Swedish by Naomi Walford, know; you should know what return." under the title "The Death of he's like—you who persist in There are eight known edi- Ahasuerus." The impressive calling him your father, though tions of this German pamphlet drawings are by Emil Anto- he has never cared about you in Flemish and Dutch, a French nucci. . . . He sacrifices men ! He de- edition was published in Bor- This novel may be due for mands continual sacrifice—hu- deaux in 1609, Danish and Swe- much controversy, since of man sacrifice, crucifixions ! dish translations and a Czecho- the death of the strange wan- That's what he's like, if you slovakian under the title "Eter- derer who, according to the would only listed to me . . . nal Jew." The story was interpreted to fable that has survived eight My curse as the enemy of god, centuries, would not die until the repudiator, the blasphemer, be an account of the cruici- the second coming of Christ. the rebel against god. For it fixion by an eye-witness. Trag- was he who cursed me, not you" ically, every report of the reap- Lagerkvist's absorbing novel, * pearance of the mythical Wan- noteworthy for its simplicity, Therein lies the accusation— dering Jew was accompanied by describes the gathering of ruf- fians and gambler s, accom- against god (the uncapitalized religious disturbances in super- panied by harlots and salesmen term in accordance with the re stitious quarters. The wanderer, deathless ac- of religious amulets, and some sped for divinity accredited in wealthy, too, at an inn for Lagerkvist's text)—the divinity cording to the curse, was re- pilgrims on their way to the who causes "continual sacri- ported to have appeared in Hamburg in 1547; Spain, 1575; Holy Land "to their saviour's lice." It was in a monastery that the Vienna, 1599; Luebeck, 1601 sepulchre." A motley crowd is there, and in describing them stranger expired. A lay-brother and 1603; Prague, 1602; Bava- the author capitalizes divine "stow'. looking at the dead man ria, 1604; Ypres, 1623; Brussels, names only when they are —at his remarkable face which 1640; Leipsic, 1642; Paris, 1644; spoken in great reverence and now radiated so perfect a tran- S t a mf or d, 1648; Astrakhan, not when uttered irreverently. quility. It had not done so 1672; Franjenstein, 1676; Mu- nich, 1721; Altbach, 1766; Brus- A stranger enters the inn and when he . . came that stormy . W here h o could he be, sels, 1774; Neacastle, 1790. he takes a seat at a vacant spot this, singular guest? . . . No one Mormon O'Grady, according opposite a man named Tobias in the monastery knew. Was he to the Sept. 28, 1868, issue of who joined the pilgrim crowd really a pilgrim? Was he even Desert News, even reported the after his release from the army. Christian? No one knew. But Wandering Jew to have ap- A drunken woman joins them his peace was great. That one peared in the United States in and commences an harangue could see." - that year. against Tobias, accusing him of The imaginary reports also In a sense, Paer Lakerkvist, having dishonored her, of hay shatters a legend: his story .contended that the strange wan- and brought her down to her derer was seen in North Africa low state. Nevertheless, she ends the curse imposed upon in 1919 and as late as 192,3 in the "wandering Jew" that he loves him. It was Tobias who Australia. named her Diana, when he first remain deathless: in the La- * * * met and loved her and lived gerkvist story he dies. Will Thus, the fable spread, ofen with her while she was hunting the great Swedish novelist, the Nobel Prize winner, be causing misery for Jewish com- in the forest. munities, frequently serving— Diana moved away from their charged with heresy? His story is unusual in many as in the newest Lagerkvist table. and Tobias proceeded to corroborate her story. Then he respects. Not once is the word novel, as a novelist's theme. related how, after leaving her, Jew mentioned in the novel. He One of the best known novels he wandered upon a forsaken does not refer to the Wandering dealing with the theme is Eu- but .where he found a dead Jew, and only in the title is the gene Sue's "The Wandering woman — a woman who had counterpart for it — Ahasuerus Jew" ("Le Juif Errant," 1844). But even before the appear- been on her way to Golgotha. —used by him. But in the final chapter, in ance of the German pamphlet on a pilgrimage similar to that for which the rich and the poor which the stranger speaks out in Leyden, the tale of the death- had gathered in that inn. It be- against god, it becomes appar- less wanderer gained momen- came apparent that he, deeply ent that the strange guest was tum. In Flores Historiarum. Roger de Wendover, a monk in moved by that experience, in- a person cursed by Jesus. tended• to complete her trek •The background of the St. Albans, England, wrote towards the Holy Land. legend is interesting. It is not claiming that an Arm_enian * * —it could not be—of Jewish bishop, on a visit in the St. Al- Came the morning. The pil- origin. In Jewish tradition bans cloister, told of one, Carta- grims wandered on, but Tobias, Ahasuerus,—as the Ahusue- philius, who was the doorkeep- Diana and the stranger re- rus in the Book of Esther— er of Pontius Pilate, struck Je- mained. Then they, too, began in the Purim story—is the sus on his back as he falteringly the trek towards the land of traditional fool. But in the was on his way to be cruicified, Jesus—Tobias unwillingly bilt christological fable it is the telling him: "Go faster, Jesus, pursued by the new urge that Jewish wanderer who is de- what are you waiting for?" To which Jesus was to have re- took hold of him, Diana insist- picted. ing upon being with him, the The story is traced to the plied: "I am going but you shall stranger following them — the Gospels — to Matthew, Luke. wait until I return." In this story it is Cartaphilius who was novelist explains that it was Mark, and John. without as yet understanding In Matthew 16:28 we find: granted immortality. The story the reason. "Verily I say unto you, There relates that Cartaphilius later Tragedy came. Diana saw an be some standing here, which became a Christian and adopted arrow of an assassin aimed at shall not taste of death, till the name Joseph. Then there is the version Tobias. She stepped in its path they see the Son of man coming and was herself killed, and be- in his kingdom." Almost the ex- that spread in Italy where the fore dying she asked her lover act word are in Mark 9:1, the same words ascribed to Carta- again to call her Diana, which only change being in the con- philius are given as these of he did: "Diana . . . Diana . . . eluding words: "till they have Malchus, the servant to the high goddess of the chase . . . " seen the kingdom of God come priest in the time of Jesus. Ac- Tobias marched on. He just with power." Luke 9:27 also cording to John 18:10, Simon missed the boat on which the speaks of "till they see the king- Peter cut off Malchus' ear in pilgrims had left for the Holy dom of God." the garden of Gethsemane just Land and he offered all the At first "the curse" was as- before Jesus was imprisoned. money he had to three boatmen. sociated with John, but that - In another 1 e g e n d, the They robbed Min and he van- claim is repudiated in John strange wanderer is named Jo- ished. The stranger was left 21:22-23 and the idea is linked hannes Buttadio, the latter alone, and then he opined: to a contemporary of Jesus who meaning "who struck god." * "Why do- you persecute me was to live to be a witness to Why do you never leave me in the resurrection of Jesus. Mark Twain made reference * peace? Why do you never for- to the Jewish mythical wan- sake me? What have I done to The legend itself first was deter in "Innocents Abroad." you that you should be re- published in a four-page pam- Some believe that the Jewish venged, that you should always phlet in Leyden, Germany, in peddlers who have been seen be thinking of your vengeance? 1602, under the title "Kurtze in many lands, some with What did Fdo? I forbade you to Beschreibung and Erzaehlung bears, pleading to make sales, lean your head against my von Einem Juden mit Namen account for some of the beliefs house. That's all. Isn't it? How Ahasuerus." It was said to have of the deathlessness and mys- many others have done the been printed by Christoff Crut- ticism of the weird legendary same? But me you will not for- zer, but the name was never character whose story has been give—me you will not forget. • erified. imbedded in many Christian Although it was so long ago ..." The story spread through households. In Germanic coun Then the stranger speaks as Germany, the pamphlet was re- tries the idea of a wandering what the faithful will interpret printed in eight editions in Jew has been perpetuated under as the blasphemer: "Who was 1602, and before the end of the the title "Der Ewige Jude"- it who .made them crucify you, 18th century it went into 40 i the immortal or eternal Jew. In voiced opposition this week to the use of public funds, on all levels, for private and parochial school education. Such support, the board de- clared in a resolution adopted at its 81st • annual meeting, would be both a violation of the principle of church-state separa- tion and a "threat to the reli- gious institutions which depend on outside aid to further their programs." Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz was elected president of the rabbini- cal organization which repre- sents Reform, Conservative and Orthodox rabbis. The meeting also adopted a resolution demanding that pub- lic schools should be free of reli- gious teachings. It also de- nounced the New York state Sunday closing laws as penaliz- ing Sabbath-observing Jewish merchants and urged the New York State Legislature "to enact a fair Sabbath law which will no longer discriminate against In another resolution, the rab- bis urged "a thorough study by Jewish and other agencies of the problem of Jewry in the Soviet Union, with a view to taking steps which will amelior- ate the lamentable situation of our people there." The board asserted that "the curtailment of religious and cul- tural rights for Jewry behind the Iron Curtain, and the trials and convictions of Jewish leaders on the charge of 'contact with for- eign powers', appear to be a serious indication of Soviet in- tention to separate Russian Jew- ry from the rest of the world Jewry and to impose severe limitations on their spiritual and cultural development." The board scored the Arab countries for their refusal to recognize Israel and to seek peace. It urged in a resolution that the United States Govern- ment "insist that nothing less than clear-cut demands for di- rect peace negotiations between the Arabs and Israelis be carried out." Romance language countries the mythical figure is "Le Juif Errant" and "L'Ebreo Errante." Hebrew Corner In Spanish, it is "Juan Espera en Dios," Jerusalem the capital of Israel. is In the many poems and on hills and is surrounded stories in which the wanderer situated by hills. One of the important hills is the mythical character, he in its vicinity is the Mount of Olives. hill is mentioned many times assumes various roles. In Hans in This Bible, and it is believed that Christian Andersen's fable he is its the name was given because of the Ahasuerus the Sngel of Doubt. many olive groves that were on it. Still since early generations Jews The Jewish historian Hein- were accustomed to bury in this hill rich Graetz traces the story also their dead, because there is a legend that the resurrection of the dead will to "The Turkish Spy", a tale in begin at this place. And surely which the wanderer is called graves from the period of the First that is over 2,500 years ago, "Sieur Paule Marrana" and was Temple, were found at this place. to have gone through the In- The burying of the dead extended many generations and actually stop- quisition in Spain and Portugal, ped with the outbreak of the and the idea therefore is be- War only of Liberation, when the hill was cut off from Jewish Jerusalem. lieved through this course to In the days of the Second Temple. have been derived from the ex- when the Sanhedrin—the Religious Court of the Jewish Nation—would periences of Marranas. fix the beginning of the month (then Some liken the myth of the it was not accustomed to use cal- would light on this hill Wandering Jew to such death- endars)—they great fires to notify the Jews, the less character ideas as the commencement of the month. • of Olives is also very holy Prophet Elijah, but this has in Mount the Christian tradition. According been conceded to be far-fetched, to their tradition Jesus went up to from this hill. Therefore the entire christological fable heaven churches and monasteries were stemming a chain of prejudicial many built on this hill. A small portion of the Mount of myths which, in the Middle Olives, known by the name of "Har Ages, made the Jew the goat for Hatzofim" (Mount Scopus) is under all the ills that afflicted man- the rule of the State of Israel. Translation of Hebrew Corner. kind. —P.S. Published by Brith Iorith Olarnith, Mount of Olives Jerusalem. rizeg;) ro4rylri - 4or1tg rrnri 1 2tp rIn - npf7.7p1 '7.17 t:t 17 rip ;1,477 ,-prrn It.t)T171 tr17,17 Irle< n-)t? ► x") ttiqhri inLip.nr) tm 7n1x cr;i.#Dri .trry ,ri nirn'74 relOrt ri:;7 nr `17n wir'nn tr;:i - (rOttl tr7PVP ;1Y. -1 ;1 i7 t y7 to,112. t721 - Itt?nL2 7?17. 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