Ex-Nazi Leader Is Recommended for High Post in Bonn Government BONN (JTA) — Gustav Son- nenhol, a well-known German economist—and a leader of the SS during the Hitler regime— was recommended by the Free Democratic Party for the post of State Secretary in the newly created Development Ministry. Political circles here reported Chancellor Konrad Adenauer had approved Sonnenhol's ap- pointment. Sonnenhol joined the Nazi Party in 1930, three years be- fore Hitler became Chancellor. Later, he rose to leadership in the SS, Hitler's elite corps which, during World War II, was used extensively for the annihilation The Family of the Late JOSEPH BIEDERMAN Ackndwledges with grateful appreciation the many kind expres- sions of sympathy ex- tended by relatives and friends during the fam- ily's recent bereave- ment. The Family of the Late DR. JOSEPH STULBERG Acknowledges with grateful appreciation the many kind expres- sions of sympathy ex- tended by relatives and friends during the fam- ily's recent bereave- ment. The Family of the Late REBECCA NEWMAN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her memory 1 p.m. Sun- day, March 4, at Chesed shel Emes Cemetery. Rabbi Gruskin will of- ficiate. Relatives and friends are asked to at- tend. The Family of the Late HARRY H. NESSEL Wishes to express sin- cere thanks and appre- ciation to the many friends, relatives and neighbors for the acts of kindness, sympathy, cards and charitable contributions in the re- cent loss of a beloved brother and uncle. Spe- cial thanks to Rabbi S. Karelitz of Cong. Shaarey Zedek, Wind- sor; Rabbi Samuel Stoilman of Cong. Shaar liashomayim; Cantor S. Nadvin and all of Cong. Shaar Hashomayim. Also, Mr. Meyer Dorn of the Windsor Lodge of Bnai Brith, Nate Rubin of the Detroit Socialites, honorary pallbearers and Rabbi Rockove of the Detroit Chesed shel Emes. of European Jewry. The International Military 'Tri- bunal at Nuremberg declared the SS a "criminal organization." Some political circles here ex- pressed the belief that, if Son- nenhol gets the post, another "Oberlander Case" may develop. Dr. Theodor Oberlander, former- ly a member of the Adenauer Cabinet as Minister for Expel- lees, resigned from the Cabinet under fire of having been active in Nazi mass-murder activities. Cairo Announces Arrest of 13 on Israel Spy Charges LONDON, (JTA)—The arrest of 13 persons, mainly Greeks, on charges of "pro-Israeli" espion- age activities, has been an- nounced by the United Arab Re- public, it was reported here from Cairo. The alleged spies, the an- nouncement charged, were "try- ing to get information about the UAR's military dispositions, espe- cially about the Navy and also the possibility of carrying out de- structive actions in the Navy." The "spy network" was dis- covered last August, according to the announcement, which iden- tified the "ringleader" as Spiri- don Skyfis, a native of Egypt. Skyfis was arrested when he attempted to go to Gracce al- legedly to meet with Israelli in- telligence officers. Quebec Jews Seek to Keep Own Records QUEBEC CITY (JTA)—Harry Blank, the only Jewish member of the provincial legislative as- sembly of Quebec, suggested to the Provincial Parliament's Pri- vate Committee that the civil code should be amended to give Jewish religious bodies the same rights to keep registers of births, deaths and marriages as those enjoyed by Catholic and Protes- tant churches. Under the code, he pointed out, only Christian churches can keep such registers without the express permission of legislature. The religious institutions of oth- er faiths must obtain such per- mission through a private bill. It is his opinion that such right should come automatically once a synagogue is incorporated un- der provincial law. Synagogues customarily seek incorporation in the Quebec pro- vince for the purposes of holding property and running schools. The provision for keeping regis- ters of marriages is considered particularly important in the province since there are no civil marriages in Quebec and Jews are customarily married under Jewish religious law and regis- tered in a synagogue record. Want ads get quick results ! Plan Memorial for Lublin Jews Slain by Nazis (Copyright, 1962, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) VIENNA — Sixty-three sculp- tors and architects have submit- ted plans for a proposed memo- rial to honor the Jews of Lublin who were murdered by the Nazis during their occupation of Po- land in World War II, it was re- ported here Wednesday from Warsaw. The foundation stone for the memorial is scheduled to be laid in April. Branches of the Union of Fighters for Freedom and De- mocracy in communities near Lublin have been requested to furnish caskets with ashes of vic- tims for interment in the me- morial. The construction of the memo- rial has been financed with funds contributed by former Jewish residents of Lublin now residing in other parts of the world, in- cluding Australia, France and Germany. OBITUARIES EMIL KORACH, 75 Sproat, died Feb. 16. No survivors. * • * ESTHER ROSENFELD, 14780 Griggs, died Feb. 18. Survived by husband Harry; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Mort (Sadie) Rich and Mrs. Oscar (Evelyn) Overton; a sister, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. • * • MARGARET KLEIN, 16230 In- diana, died Feb. 19. Survived by husband Erna; two daughters, Julie and Theresa; and three sisters. * * * OSCAR GOSSMAN, 3785 Les- lie, died Feb. 20. Survived by two sons, Alexander W. and Dr. Joseph H.; two daughters, Fran- ces and. Mrs. Julius (Gertrude) Cohen; a brother and five grand- children. Gordon, Israeli Officer in. UN Secretariat, Dies Services Held Today UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., for Benjamin Davidson (JTA)—Dr. Ezekiel Gordon, an Services were held today for Benjamin Davidson, 19203 Prairie, who died Sunday in Arizona from injuries he suf- fered in an automobile accident. He was 66. Mr. Davidson, a retired plumbing and heating contrac- tor, was founder and president of the Detroit Manufacturing and Supply Co., a wholesale plumbing company at 7607 In- tervale. Born in Russia, he had lived in Detroit 50 years. Surviving are his wife, Belle; a son, Albert J.; a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Byer; a brother, Harry C. Davidson; .and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Etkin and Mrs. Sarah Mitroff of Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. Davidson was a member of several Masonic orders, the Knollwood Country. Club and the Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Sanitary Engineers. Want ads get RABBI DR. ISADORE GOODMAN of Memphis, Tennessee Acknowledge with gr ateful appreciation the many kind expres- sions of sympathy ex- tended by their friends during the family's re- cent bereavement. Sarah Cohen, 16271 died Feb. 21 at 72. Born in Russia, she had lived in Detroit 43 years. Surviving are her husband, Jacob; two sons, Harold, a re- porter for the Detroit Free Press, and Alex Cowan; a siste*, Mrs. Lillian Margolis; and four grandchildren. * * WE EMEMBEF 1-17117 7117X results! During the coming week Yeshiva Beth Yehuda will observe the Yahrzeit of the following deported friends, with the traditional M e mo Hal Prayers, recita- tion of Kaddish and studying of Mish- nayes. Sidney A. Deitch TROIT MONUMENT 27 Bes a ua Gr . lize•D s onable . Davison TO 8-6923 on 1 - 1175 William Schwa rtzma MEMORIALS Leah Mey Ja warfz Chaben am S.arcus Hebrew Civil Adar I Feb. 21 21 21 21 25 25 25 rry tzc k Ze as Y ch i 2 22 26 than Kane • an Fill 23 23 27 Jacob Wei Abraham Deroven 24 28 28 MARCH Sarah Kaplan Sarah Cohen Rabbi and Mrs. Emanuel Applebaum and the entire family of the late * CARL LAWRENCE, 648. Michigan, died Feb. 16. Sur- vived by three brothers, David Lorinz, Carl and Edward Law- rence; a sister, Mrs. Joe Einzig of Florida. * * * GEORGE JOSEPH FRANK- LIN, 30710 Utica, Roseville, died Feb. 17. Survived by wife, Bertha; two daughters, Mrs. Al- bert (Lorraine) Poole and Mrs. John Thomas (June) Reed; a brother, a step brother and 12 grandchildren. . * * * FANNIE PALLITZ, 20210 Schaefer, died Feb. 15. She leaves two sons, Sidney and David; three daughters, Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. Dave Cole and Mrs. Hymen Silverman; two sisters, 12 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. * * * SARAH HANDMAN, 23460 Elaine, Oak Park, died Feb. 15. Israeli senior officer in the Divi- sion of Human Rights of the United Nations Secretariat, died She leaves her husband, David; in a hospital here at the age two daughters, Mrs. Sam Powers of 57. and Mrs. Nathan Hoffman; two Born in Russia, he received brothers, a sister and two I a doctorate in law from Paris grandchildren. Interment, I University in 1931. He taught Staten Island, N. Y. at the university and later was on the faculties of two law David Van Embden, schools in Egypt. He served in the French Army in World War Dutch Economist Dies I and settled in Palestine after AMSTERDAM, (JTA) — Prof. the war, becoming a member of David Van Embden, noted Dutch- the Palestine bar. Jewish economist, died here Sun- He joined the UN Secretariat day, aged 86. Van Embden had in 1947, and served there until formerly served in the Dutch his death except for a two-year Senate as a representative of period, 1949 to 1951, when he the Radical Party. was director ,of the International Organizations Division of the Is- raeli Ministry for Foreign Af- 4, fairs. Bruno Walter Dies; Was Exiled by Nazis BEVERLY HILLS, Cal. (JT —Bruno Walter, one of t world's leading musical conduc- tors, died here Saturday at 85. Because of his Jewish origin, Walter's appearances were banned by the Nazi authorities in 1933 and he was exiled from his native Germany. Born in Berlin of poor par- ents, he dropped his family name of Schlesinger during his rapid rise to fame in Germany. He came to the United States in 1939 and continued his career actively until his retire- ment in 1957. In 1960, he ‘wa awarded the Karl Renner Pr of Vienna and the Cul Prize of the City of Mun ISIDOR FLATOW, 3045 Blaine, died Feb. 14. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Max (Lot- tie) Schaffer. AYS • SUNDAYS TYler 6-0196 I I l i t I II II 25 Isaac August Charles Handler Harry Cooper Yeshiva Beth Yehuda 12305 Dexter WE 1-0203 Ira Kaufman-Herbert Kaufman Elgin 1-5200 DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1