• THE JEWISH NEWS Under the Shadow of Terror Incorporating. the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 ALGERIAN S'IREET SCEN Member American Association of English—Jewisb Newspapers, Michigan Press Associations, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich., under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher TH E JEWISH QUARTER) SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the thirteenth day of Adar I, 5722, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Tezawweh, Exodus 27:20-30:10. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 43:10-27. Licht Benchen, Friday, Feb. 16, 5:48 p.m. Vol. XL. No. 25 Page Four February 16, 1962 Brotherhood: Our Common Goals as Americans "Freedom and Liberty in Action" is Meanwhile we hope that George the definition which Lee H. Bristol, the Washington's ideal of "to bigotry no 1962 chairman of National Brotherhood sanctions" will serve as the guide to Week, gives to the idea of American Brotherhood and as the ultimate goal Brotherhood, to be symbolized by the for all men of good will. It was in his Brotherhood Week celebration, Feb. 18 message to the Newport, R. I., Jewish to 25. Congregation that President Washington President Dwight D. Eisenhower had wrote: "Happily the Government of the the right approach when he said, during United States, which gives to bigotry no one of the sanction, to persecution no assistance, .years of his requires only that they who live under SAIENnall :; : . Presidency, its protection should demean themselves 0:.:mlnunt .,,$-Nwhen he was as good citizens." In this declaration, an 18th and not it the honorary chairman o f a 20th century - sentiment, was incorpo- Brotherhood rated the basic principle of democracy Week, that "our abundant plains and and freedom. It is because the Govern- mountains would yield little if it were ment of the United States does not sanc- not for the applied skill and. energy tion bigotry that we have the security of Americans working together as fellow under which all Americans live today. citizens bound up in common destiny." Dangers arise for a nation's citizens when The question is: how -can we best bind the government. becomes bigoted. It is these skills and energies ' to serve our under banners of bigotry and intolerance common goal as Americans? —within the Soviet orbit, which is a mere The "binding" must be rooted in continuation of the rule of Czarism, and democracy, and within the democratic under the medieval rule of Moslem coun- orbit we must be prepared to face the tries—that .our kinsmen were deprived dangers as well as to accept the benefits of their huinan rights. But in democra- that go with freedoms. cies, where it would be considered a Abraham Lincoln - had an important crime for a government to sanction definition of democracy when he said: bigotry and persecution, there is a jus- "As I would not be a slave, so I would - tified feeling of security because it is in- not be a master. This expresses my idea conceivable that, even under cruellest of democracy. Whatever differs from this, conditions, a government like ours ever to the extent of the difference, is no would enact discriminatory legislation. democracy." Yet, under rules like ours, a Rockwell When we speak of Brotherhood, we can propagate Nazism and religious big therefore also have in mind Democracy ots can encourage hatreds. Fortunately, —and in the combination of Brotherhood they are isolated, their numbers are and Democracy we often face the prob- small and the overwhelming sentiment is lem of bigotry engineered by people who for dignity and honor and the type of maintain the same right to democratic tolerance that does not mean mere action as those who propagate good will. enduring our fellow men but respecting We strive for Brotherhood under the them and treating them like brothers. slogan "Believe It ... Live It ... Support This is really the true meaning of It.' Yet it is not always attainable, even Brotherhood: that we should learn to in a free land like ours—especially be- treat one another like Brothers, and cause this land is as free as we struggle that we should never permit anything to retain it. Because under freedom we akin to injustice and intolerance to creep even grant the right to speak to the into our legislative codes. For such bigoted, in the hope that out of the liber- \ Brotherhood we strive — and - for such ties grahted them will come, eventually, Brotherhood we should labor unto the a recognition- of the justice and the.liberty end of days, starting rather than ending for which we strive. with, Brotherhood Week. WWIIMPROOD WIEN • FAres, PA de • I/W.10.46mm al CU.= oil is • • Malben—One of Molar Campaign Beneficiaries looms In planning their contributions to the oppression. There are crippled, incapaci- Allied Jewish Campaign, members of our tated, mentally unbalanced among the community will do well to take into con- refugees. It is in their behalf that Malben •sideration the functions of one of the comes forth to provide vitally needed help. great and very effective agencies that There are times when ambulances have to benefit from our drive — the Malben, meet immigrants at Lydda airport or the whose name is taken from the initials of Haifa Harbor to take them to Malben the Hebrew letters that stand for "Insti- hospitals and homes. Many of them have tutions for the Care of Handicapped Im- been aided in displaced persons camps in migrants." A major project of the Joint Europe or the Moslem mellahs. For more Distribution Committee, a chief bene- than 12 years, Malben has been a rescuing ficiary of the United Jewish Appeal, force for these unfortunate people for which receives more than half of our whom the JDC agency has provided care, campaign income, Malben relieves Israel homes and means of becoming productive of responsibilities which would have stag- in the institutions financed with funds gered the young Jewish State if this raised by the UJA. agency were not in existence. Malben functions at an annual budget The entire world is becoming daily of $10,000,000. In 1960 the number of more aware of several of the major prob- patients cared for in Malben institutions lems affecting mankind, especially those rose to $47,000. Psychiatric care has been of the aged and the mentally handicapped. provided for the mentally ill, and there Malben provides relief in both areas. has been set up a method of providing UJA funds enable newcomers to Israel loans for some of the Malben patients who who are not handicapped physically or are able to conduct small business ven- mentally to become integrated into the •tures. Aid is given to the blind, the mute, country's economy. Homes and jobs are the deaf, the invalided. provided for them and their children are This is one of the great agencies that enabled to secure a good education. But benefit from our Allied Jewish Campaign there also are sick, aged, mentally afflicted dollars. Remember Malben as you plan among those who must leave the lands of your gift to the great campaign currently their birth which have become lands of in process in our community. Kindred Peoples' Cooperation Judaism and Islam' Points to Two Faiths Meeting Ground ' Dr. Erwin I. J. Rosenthal, in the newest addition to the Popular Jewish Library series of the World Jewish Congress, "Judaism and Islam," published by Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, N. Y. 16), con- tends that "the meeting of Jews and Muslims in the Middle Ages produced one of the most interesting and important, epochs of Jewish history," and declares: "The Jews participated in a kindred culture and civilization which by far surpassed in depth and spiritual power anything they had known since the days of Hellenism. The Jews adopted the Arabic language of their conquerors and. with it many a form and quite a few ideas. And yet, despite all assimilation to the Muslim mode of life and to Muslim ways of thought, the Jews under ISlam maintained, even enriched, their distinctive character as Jews with a vigor and determination hitherto unknown." * * Taking into account the current Arab-Israel strife, Dr. Rosen- thal, who argues that there has not been an anti-Semitic feeling towards Jews among Arabs, believes: "Muslim consciousness will largely deterrr:ne whether or not long-term self-interest will bring the Arab states nearer to Israel. On the Jewish side, more than a return to the ancient homeland, more than a physical return to the cradle of the religious Semitic civilization is needed. One of the preconditions for a positive solution of the present conflict is the conscious realization on both sides that to a large measure they share a good deal of common ground in the religious ordering of their lives in the past, and that much of their cultural achieve- ment in the past spring from the same spiritual roots." Biblical influences upon Mohammed, the acceptance of Abra- ham, Moses and other Biblical leaders as prophets of the Muslim faith, and the inclusion in the Islamic faith of some Jewish prac- tices and legends are outlined by the author in proof of his thesis. While - Mohammed rejected the Jewish dietary laws, "which he considered a punishment for the Jews, he retained the pro- hibition on eating pig, blood and carcasses and decreed ritual slaughtering of animals permitted for human consumption. Mus- lim slaughtering corresponds exactly to Jewish Shehitah." "Islam," Dr. Rosenthal writes, "has not only entered into the inheritance of Hebraic culture in religion and ethics but has also become heir to the culture and civilization of Hellas . .. The reli- gious and the 'secular' sciences of medieval Islam have stimulated Jews within its boundaries to prodigious feats of intellectual en- deavor which resulted in the first systematic presentation of Jewish religious and ethical values . . . -At the same time, in the field of the religious sciences and religious poetry Islam has stimulated and guided Jewish thinkers and teachers." * * * Dr. Rosenthal goes into detail to show how Jews and Muslims advanced- medicine, 'science and philosophy. He describes the religious freedom accorded the Jews by pointing to the establish- ment of the office of the Exilarch at the court of the Caliph in Bagdad, and he reviews the activities and achievements of Saadiah Gaon and others in that era. He lists, and describes the accomplishments of noted Jewish physicians, medical writers, astronomers and mathematicians, in describing, "the share which the Jews have in the dissemination of scientific and medical knowledge throughout the far-flung Mus- lim empire. He describes the role played by Maimonides and other great Jewish scholars. * '5 * What of the future? He describes the beneficial role of Israel and mentions the fact that "the total of 856,000 Jews in the Middle East and in North Africa in 1950 had fallen to approximately 150,- 000 in 1959," mainly through settlement in Israel, and he declares: "Once these hundreds of thousands have become an integral part of the new community rapidly shaping its own style of living in the Middle East, they will be able to contribute to the under- standing of the modern Arab mentality which is so essential a preparation for the dialogue to come between Israel and the Arab states." •