4 Have we not all one father? Has not one God cr e ated us?—Malachi 2:10 ... A brother offended is harder to be won th,an a strong city.—Proverbs 18:19 . . . Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!—Psalms, 133:1. Common Action for True Brotherhood THE JEWISH NE The Famous 'Mishpoche': Story of the Rothschild C~~ – rF Family c)i-r MICHIGAN A Weekly Review Commentary Page 2 f Jewish Events Editorial Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—incorporating The Detroit Jewish Vol. XL, No. 25 100P Zintje ntii I n sta iop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE on Page 4 Chronicle 8-9364 — Detroit 35, Feb. 16, 1962 — $5.00 Per Year; Single Copy 15c European Formula to Avoid Obstructing Israel Is Offered as Common Market Solution Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News TEL AVIV—A pledge of action to assure early arrangements to meet Israel trade problems arising from the development of the Euro- pean Common Market was given Tuesday by the 18-member mission of the European Parliamentary Assembly. The 18 officials completed an eight-day visit as guests of Israel's parliament, during which extended discussions were held with key Israel officials. Alain Poher of France, head of the mission, said its members believed a formula could be found which would not involve Israel's joining the European Economic Community as a full member. Discussion between the EEC Council of Ministers and Israel on such a formula are scheduled to open next month. Poher said in his statement that the members would recommend to the council and to their governments that "a satisfactory solution must urgently be found to meet problems arising" from the expansion of the common market. The statement also said that members wanted to avoid obstructions to the continuation of economic relations between Israel and Common Market countries. The delegates represented France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands. Only Luxembourg was not represented. (Report of Devaluation of Pound on Page 2) Knesset Assured Devaluation JEMJSALEM, (JTA)—Finance Minister Levi Eshkol assured the Knesset that the implementation of Israel's new economic policy would be carried out "with the least hardship" on Israel's population. In line with the government's efforts to ease the burden of the change in the foreign currency rate, Eshkol told the Knesset that holders of loans and mortgages linked to the dollar exchange rate would have their periods of repayment extended by one-third to com- pensate for the increase in the Israel-pound value of such obligations. , (Continued on Page 6) Sharett to Confer Here with Allied Jewish Campaign Leaders, Wednesday Moshe Sharett, former Prime Minister of Israel, will meet with community leaders and Allied Jewish Cam- paign workers next _Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., at the Jewish Center. Sharett, one of the most distinguished Jews in the world today, who is famed as an orator, linguist, scholar and statesman, has accepted a confidential assignment by the Jewish Agency, Jerusalem, to come to Detroit and talk with Allied Jewish Campaign leaders about a series of significant developments on the world scene, the details of which cannot be put into public print. For nearly three decades, Sharett has been one of the ablest leaders and statesmen of the reborn State of Israel. He served as Israel's Foreign Minister from 1948 until Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion's temporary • retirement at the close of 1953. At that time, Sharett became Prime Minister as well as Foreign Minister and held both posts until Ben-Gurion returned to the premiership in the autumn of 1955. Sharett continued in the post of Foreign Minister until the summer of 1956. He continues in public life as a member of the Knesset. Since leaving the Foreign Ministry, Sharett has served his government as head of a goodwill mission to a number of countries in Asia. He was the spokesman for his people at the United Nations and for many years before other tribunals of world public opinion. He represented the Jewish Agency for Palestine at the San Francisco UN conference, appeared-before the UN during hearings on Israel's applica- tion for admission, and addressed the General Assembly for the first time in May, 1949, as a representative of the State of Israel. During World War II, Sharett was chief coordinator of Palestine Jewry's' Allied War effort. In June, 1946, Sharett was arrested in Palestine by the British authorities, together with other members of the Jewish Agency Executive, and sent to the Latrun Detention Camp. World-wide protests forced his release five months later. In 1946, he presented the Jewish case to the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and a year later to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. Born in Kherson, Russia, in 1894, Sharett — whose Hebrew name means "To Serve" — was taken to Palestine when his family migrated there in 1905. He was graduated with high honors from the Harzliah Higher School. When the First World War broke out, he was studying law at the University of Constan- tinople. He entered the Turkish Army and served as a lieutenant. He later attended the London School of Economics, from which he was graduated in 1924. On his return to Palestine, he served on the daily newspaper published by Histadrut. In 1931, Sharett became political secretary of the Jewish Agency, succeeding Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, head of its political department, who was MOSHE SHARETT assassinated in 1933. A-otheritood gImocrac y Believe it Live it Support it S at Worlz BROTHERHOOD WEEK February 18-25, 1962 National Conference of Christians and Jews Brothetkood. Week Section in This Issue Americans of all faiths are one family. We have many differences - religious, social, economic. But our goals are the same, and there is no reason for bigotry in our ranks. Brotherhood Week strives for the elimination of prejudices which lead to strife. To perfect our freedom, we must strive to advance the goals of good will and amity. To this end, we dedicate this issue and its Special Good Will Section on Pages 19 to 22, - Photograph courtesy of Arthur Lavine