THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fr iday, February 9, 1962 -- 22 Political Parties Commended for Opposing John Birch Society The Michigan Regional Ad- visory Board of the Anti-Defama- tion League of Bnai Brith com- mended both the Republican and Democratic parties for their vig- orous repudiation of the John Birch Society. Meeting in Jackson, the Mich- igan Branch of the League ac- cepted the report of a special study committe on the John Birch Society. Harold Berry of Detroit served as chairman. Sol I. Littman, ADL regional director, stated: "The battle against communism has long been an integral part of the League's program. We have al- ways considered it a necessary part of our dedication to demo- cratic principles, equal oppor- tunity for all, and the battle against racism and bigotry." "Merely being anti-communist is not a sufficient qualification for political alliance with ex- tremist groups on the right, any more than simply being anti- Fascist is a sufficient reason for accepting alliances with ex- tremist groups on the left," Litt- man stated. Mrs. Schreier Hosts PW Israel Bond Fete Taylor-Lepler Engagement Told Berry's study committee's re- port warned of the rapid multi- plication of front groups created by the John. Birch Society and the danger that respectable well- intended organizations such as veterans groups, service groups, church groups, eager to turn the battle against communism might find themselves allied with Birchers. Berry indicated that several of the over-seventy Birch cells in Michigan have proven to be a haven for racial and religious bigots with records of member- ships in such groups as the Na- tional States Rights Party, States Rights Council, and others. Mrs. Zemon Is Named to Head UCS Women The election of Mrs. Oscar M. Zemon, 19630 Roslyn, as new General Chairman of the Worn- en's Committee of United Com- munity Services was announced during the group's 27th annual luncheon held Monday at, Ma- sonic Temple. Active on the UCS Women's Committee Governing Board for the past five years, Mrs. Zemon has served the organization in various capaci- Mrs. Zemon ties. She has chaired such com- unity-wide UCS programs as the Tribute Fund, Speakers' Bureau, Presidents' Day and Board-Staff Institute. Mrs. Zemon has also been president of Sinai Hospital Women's Guild and vice presi- dent of the Shapiro School of Nursing. Currently she is na- tional vice president of Bran- deis University Women's Com- mittee, which she helped to ini- tiate, board member of The National Council of Jewish Women, member of United Foundation Women's Organiza- tion and Red Cross Nurses' Aid Program. In her new assignment as General Chairman of the UCS Women's Committee, Mrs. Ze- mon will head the volunteer ac- tivities of some 5,000 women in a wide variety of year-round programs aimed at gaining bet- ter understanding of the work of health and welfare agencies. Sharing official duties with Mrs. Zemon during the year will be Mrs. John C. Hopp, who has been elected as financial, secretary. Mrs. Hopp is well-known in the Jewish community for her work as president of the Worn- en's Division of the Jewish Wel- fare Federation, United Founda- tion, Sinai Hospital Guild and Metropolitan Advisory Commit- tee for Retarded Children. She has also served in the past as president of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El. Newly-elected to the 100-mem- ber Governing Board of the UCS Women's Committee were Mes- dames Gabriel N. Alexander, Alexander H. Hirschfeld, Leon- ard T. Lewis and Alexander Sanders. Final preparations are being made for the annual Detroit Pioneer Women's function on behalf of Israel Bonds, a dessert luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schreier, 13222 B o r g- man, Hunting- ton WOods, at 1 2 : 3 0 p. m., Feb. 22, ac- ording to Mrs. Norman • Lee- president of the Detroit Pioneer Worn- e n ' s Council and Mrs. Jack Goshman, Mrs. Schreier Council Israel Bond chairman. The speaker will be Judith Beilin, Consul of Israel in New York, who, prior to her ap- pointment as Consul, served as liaison officer for the Israeli Foreign Ministry in connection with the hundreds of foreign correspondents who covered the Eichman trial. She is the widow of Harry Beilin, who was Con- sul general to the 11 western states of the United States and as minister to Denmark. Mrs. Schreier, who is hosting the luncheon, is active in var- ious women's organizations, is a former president of Hanita chapter of Pioneer Women, vice president of the P. W. Council and co-chairman of public re- lations for the League of Jew- ish Women. She has been active in the -Israel Bond campaign since its inception. Last summer she visited Moscow and was re- united with a sister she hadn't seen for 40 years. Israel Bond chairmen of Pi- oneer Women's chapters par- ticipating on the committee planning the dessert luncheon include: Mesdames Saul Wald- man, Michael Michlin, Harry Lome, Sam Isaacs, Jack Berent, Jack Malamud, Samuel Gold, Charles Glen, S. H. Rovin, Irv- ing Feldman, Isadore Kaplan, Ethel Fischer, Henry Faigin, Mark Fovner and Hyman Gros- Pepper PTA Presents kind. `Sweetheart Dance ' A "Sweetheart Dance" will be Alpha Omega Parents held by the James N. Pepper to See Histadrut Film PTA, _ 9 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Histadrut's latest movie, "The school, 24301 Church, Oak ,Park. Dance music will be provided Golden Years" will be shown at a meeting of the Alpha by the Siefer Wells group and Omega Parents Club, Chi Chap- a dance exhibition will be pre- ter, 8 p.m. Thursday at the sented. Guests will have the opportunity to learn the twist Madison Dental Supply Co. Hosts and hostesses will be and the group dance shown in Mr. and Mrs. M. Richman and "Never on Sunday." Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leib. Michael Prizes will be featured and Bagdade is in charge of pro- refreshments will be served in the Sweetheart Cafe. gramming. MISS RENA TAYLOR Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taylor, 20246 Faust, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Rena, to Sheldon Lepler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Lepler, 20517 Faust. The bride-elect was graduated from Wayne State University College of Education. Her fiance was graduated from Walsh Institute of Accounting. An Aug. 19 wedding is planned. (1 •111•1 ■ 0■ 0 ■ 0 ■ 111111.414• ■ 0 ■ 0 41111110. ■ 11 ■0 lewry List Sponsors for 'Nuremberg' Movie on Opening Night The Greater Detroit Chapter, American Association for the United Nations, will sponsor the opening performance of the long-awaited a n d widely-dis- cussed motion picture, "Judg- ment at Nuremburg", the film which reflects the tragedy of man's inhumanity to man, at the United Artists Theater, Feb. 21. Governor S wa ins on and Mayor Cavanagh have been named honorary chairmen for the event, with Mrs. George W. Romney heading the Women's Committee. Honorary co-chairmen are Federal Judge Theodore Levin, Walter Reuther and Walker Cisler. Reservations may still be had by calling Mrs. Warren B. Cooksey, president of the loc UN chapter, 1132 Washingt Blvd., phone 963-2689. Proceeds will give suppor o the AAUN Information Ce r. Board members of the De it chapter include Rabbi Mo s Adler, Dr. William Birenba Dr. Robert M. Frehse, and J cob Albert. Sweethearts Club Holiday Party Will Aid Project Hope AO Broder to Chair Annual Meeting of USO on Feb.14 N. Brewster Broder has been named chairman of the eleventh annual meeting of the USO of Metropolitan Detroit, it was an- nounced by Walker L. Cisler, USO president. The meeting will be held Feb- ruary 14 at USO Headquarters. Broder serves as the official representative of the Detroit Jewish Welfare Board, a mem- ber agency of USO, on the De- troit USO board of directors. He is a member of the board of directors of the Jewish Com- munity Center and is chairman of the Center's camping and armed services committees. Jewish or 'ons w h i c h have b ognition at nnual mee e , gs for it o anding servi are: nai h Women's Cou it of Metropo itan Detroit,. N onal Council. •of Jewish and Temple Be th E Sis ood. Chairma nteen co it sin t • n n Mrs. I. Irv' And His CONTINENTAL ORCHESTRA UN 3-7626 A holiday party with all pro- ceeds going to Project Hope will be presented by the Alpha This Week's Radio and Omega Sweethearts C Television Programs p.m. Feb. 17 at t of Jewish Interest Greenberg Center, Schaefer, announces P SPECIAL Mrs. Jack Dorfman. Sunday. Time: 1:30 The fourth annual fu Station: WXYZ-TV. Feature: "Heritage of Jewish ing of the club will fe es a a film of the Music," a special telecast fea- Ship at w in So turing Martha Schlamme, fo Nam. Refre singer, and served. other guest For tickets, artists, will be • and Mrs. Herman- Dorfman, LI 5- presented in . . another satisfied celebration of client of the Jewish Mu- • • sic Festival by • the Cultu • • Commissio • Photographers • HESTRA the Jew s h • Candids - Movies - Portraits Commu i t y Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs Entertainment Council. Also • We Come to Your Home • MINIJ3- 57301 feature • will Miss S With Samples • be Jer e Stasson, ;141113- 89,82i UN 4-6845 TY 5-8805 violinist Betty Kow ••••••••••••••••e Jonatha ack, concert pi' and Lorra Ernest as nar * * TOGETII TO DW i Time: 9:15 Station: WJB' radio and television simultaneously.). Feature: Rabbi Milton Ar . f Regula se of Mo tain Valley Water tends to Cong. Ahavas Achim the expel systemic wastes ra dly, reduce excessive acidity, Ahavas Achim Sister d SingJ and improve digestion. ers, directed by Ca or Simon Thousands of peopl drink this natural water from Bermanis, will be eatured on t Springs, Ark., to help main- - ion of the health "Salute to Jewis usic." * x: till more • use it to aid in the healt tai excel arthr . , kidney and bladder symptom's. tr COUNCIL-AL AN HOUR your doctor how much to drink der, ' I Tithe: 10 p.m Saturday. Station: WJ 3343 Gratiot Feature: Mrs Sol Elkin, 19 2 Detroit 7, Mich. -0178 or Write Phone L Amity Award chairman, well discuss the A y Award, p sented annually y the Detr Women's Divi n, American from HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS a. person Jewish Congress, i ni - who has contribu ns cantly to intergroup re in the community. * * * COMPLETELY EQUIPPED THE JEWISH HERITA Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. Station: WCAR. s E. Feature: Rabbi C "Some Shulman will dis Judaism Problems F Today." On the it BLAIR STUDIO orlon • • • veryo Benefits w th ntain Valley Water ntain Valley Water V SHOP-ON-WHEELS Center P ents Withou ear E Partner Parents ithout the Jewi Center open me g 8:30 II at the C er. lan, directo Rose work Se es of th hildren's Family a a "Proble will speak One Parent e ques- tion-and-answer period will be followed by a coffee hour. NO SETS TAKEN AWAY FROM YOUR HOME ALL PARTS AND EQUIPMENT IN THE BIG YELLOW SHOP-ON-WHEELS UN 4-9376