Dr. Emanuel Neumann to Address ZOD Victory Dinner on March 1 Dr. Emanuel Neumann, co- chairman of the American sec- tion of the Jewish Agency for Israel, will be the guest speaker at the sixth annual Balfour .Vic- tory Dinner of the Zionist Or- ganization of Detroit, Thursday, March 1, at Holiday Manor. Having just returned from Israel, where he attended the Jewish Agency Executive ses- sions, Dr. Neumann will bring the latest reports on Israeli de- velopments. Reservations for the dinner are now being accepted by the Zion- ist office, 10424 W. McNichols, DI 1-8540. * * Mrs. Halprin, Neumann MISS SANDRA SWISS to Alternate As Agency Mr. and Mrs. Sol Swiss of Chairman in America Grand Rapids announce the en- gagement of their daughter, San- dra Elaine, to Leonard Marvin Soloman, son of Mr. and- Mrs. Julius Soloman of Fullerton Ave. Miss Swiss attends the Univer- sity of Michigan. Her fiance, who holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Michigan, attends Wayne State University School of Law. He is affiliated with Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity. A June wedding -is planned. JERUSALEM (JTA) --- Mrs. Rose Halprin and Dr. Emanuel Neumann will alternate annually as chairmen of the executive of the Jewish Agency in New York until the next World Zion- ist Congress, it was decided at the closing session of the Jewish Agency plenary meeting. At Neumann's suggestion, Mrs. Hal- prin will serve for the first year. The Agency aIso appointed Sam Levin, secretary general of the Israel Office of the South African Zionist Federation, as coordinator with government departments on promotion of immigration from free countries. Moshe Kol, head of the Youth Aliyah, reported that Aliyah in- stitutions throughout Israel have been prepared to absorb some 5,000 youth of a new wave of immigration. He said 10,000 young people were now in these institutions and that 3,000 would be graduated this year. The anticipated additions would bring the number of young people under Youth Ali- yah care to 12,000, he reported. He added that an increased bud- get of more than 12,000,000 pounds ($6,720,000) would en- the increased number of young able the Youth Aliyah to handle immigrants. Mrs. Milton S. Goldman, Meridian Ave., Miami Beach, Fla., wins $25 for her Chinese Kasha Cantonese. IN RECIPE FOR YOU our family with the And deli ake! All you'd° is submit dish y s your . orite recipe for using Wolff's ...for stuffing chicken, derma K. making knishes, varnishkas, h oni ups...side dishe ers or a hopped mushroo all-t' other tasty use fo favorite. YOU G 25. Send your own original recipe with Wolff's Kasha box top to: Phyllis Iff, Penn Yan, N. Y. We will pay or ever re • eceives a FREE but ever Kasha Cookbook and all recipes be- came Wolff's property. 2 cups cooked 1 cup onion Wolff's Kasha 1/2 green pepper 2 cups celery with 1 tbs. cooking oil 3 scallions tops 1-egg omelet as directed on box. Refrig- Cook Ka .rsely chop celery and onion. erate. n strips. Add to een pepper i' Slice et. ,Stir while oil in lar heat real< up cold coo fork. Mix , with Ka over low heat five veg minu es, stirring several times. Just be- fore serving, ,blend blend in soy sauce, s and pepper. with chopp lions and shredded omelet, fpI KASHA BRowN BucKwHEAT GROATS Also enjoy Wolff's Creamy Kernels (grits) Kasha 'N' Gravy Kasha Soup . . Brown Buckwheat Groats Women's Clahs M!! (More Clubs Page 15) TUROVER AID SOCIETY will hold a games party Monday at Northwest Young Israel synagogue, 17376 Wyoming, an- nounces Mrs. Rosalyn Zeldes, president. Auxiliary members will act as hostesses. Friends are invited. * * * NEW STUDY CLUB will hold a meeting and social 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Hayim Green- berg Center. A speech on preju- dice will be presented. Presi- dent Mrs. Isadore Schwartz will report on funds donated to various charities. * * * CONG. A H A V A S ACHIM SISTERHOOD will present a goodwill fashion show "Fads 'N Fancies" and a hair styling show Wednesday in the social hall of the synagogue. Refresh- ments will be served. For tickets, call Mrs. Meyer Levey, DI 1-0296. * * * TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTER- HOOD will present another in its series of book review-breakfasts 10 a.m. Feb. 19 at the Temple. The Temple's Rabbi M. Robert Syme will review "The Agony and the Ecstacy." Chairman of the event is Mrs. Harry Lands- man. In charge of hospitality are Mesdames Charles Goldstein, Louis Dizik and Louis Schostak. Members are invited to bring guests, according to Mrs. George Victor, president. For tickets, call Mrs. Harry Colten, LI 6-1846. The Sisterhood will hold a holi- day party for 110 young people at Northville State Hospital on Wednesday, according to Mrs. Irvink Kramer, chairman of the hospital project. Refreshments and entertainment will be fea, tared. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Ber- nard Goodman and Mrs. Louis Rosenzweig. The Temple Youth Group is creating favors for - the children, according to Mrs. Wil- liam Brown, vice president . of youth activities. Others to serve as hostesses at Northville are Mesdames Ernest Golumbia, George Klein, David Ruby, Mor- ris Stein, Norman Noble, Harry Kellman, Hy Jackson, Louis Schostack, David B. Keywell, Milton Miller, George Stutz, Al- bert Green and George Victor. The University of Michigan maintains three astronomical observatories, including both optical and radio telescope equipment. ' Sy the Makers of Fleischmann's Yeati OA) Fleischmann's 41K Only unsa is margarine made from 100% corn oill CERTIFIED KOSHER 4 s Agalts. 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