(Direct JTA Teletype Wire According to the sources de- sections of cities in which the NELLIE GREENBERG, 2000 Grand Ave., died Jan. 27. Sur- to The Jewish News) scribed as reliable, the .FLN Europeans have a majority PARIS — Negotiators for the Leslie, died Jan. 29. Survived vived by wife, Bessie; a son, has given France assurance would be granted some form by two sons, Sam Greene and Maurice; a daughter, Mrs. Law- Algerian independence organiza- that the Jewish community of autonomous administration William Greene; a daughter, rence Pernick; two sisters and tion, the FLN, have given final would enjoy the same guaran- and a representative municipal approval to a-French proposal Mrs. Irving (Lillian) Collens; three grandchildren. tees and privileges_ as other government. * * * that Algeria's 100,000 Jews are and four grandchildren. Europeans choosing to remain * * * During the talks last summer MARY WEISS, 11501 Petos- to be considered Europeans in in an independent Algeria. in Evian and Lugrin, the FLN BLUMA MALCOW, 16795 key, died Jan. 25. Survived by an independent Algeria, accord- These guarantees would pro- insisted on claiming Algeria's Woodingham, died Jan. 25. She two sons, Albert of Toledo, ing to unofficial but reliable leaves a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Ohio and Sandor A. of Los information learned here Wed- tect the lives, property and' Jews as "native Algerians," religions and cultural institu- which would have deprived them G. Turkel; and four grandchil- Angeles, Cal.; and two grand- nesday. tqions of the 1,000,000 Europeans of any French protection. The secret French FLN talks, dren. children. * * * which have been underway for residing in the French colony. * * * Under the reported new The same reports indicated agreement between France and MILTON WHIT E, 19937 HARRY 'LIBERMAN, 3003- the past four months, have that the Algerian cities and the FLN, Europeans in Algeria Lumpkin, died Jan. 26. He Joy, died Jan. 24. Survived by stumbled on this point. leaves his wife, Marion; a daugh- wife, Rose of Patterson, N.J., a would be free to choose Algerian ter, Virginia; a brother, two son, Dr. Irving Liberman of nationality if they wanted to. sisters and two grandchildren. Amsterdam, Holland; a daugh- * * * ter, Mrs. Adele Geller of Pat- JEROME B. BERNSTEIN, terson, N.J. 2711 Ewald Circle, died Jan. -25. * * * He leaves his wife, Faith; a ELIZABETH ELF STROM (Direct JTA Teletype Wire daughter, Dana Rose; his par- ROTH, 19325 Hartwell, died In loving memory of our on his way home in Algiers. to The Jewish News) ents, Mr. .and Mrs. David Bern- Jan. 31. Survived by a son, Dr. ALGIERS — Three Algerian The other two, Sauveur Belicha dear mother, Ann LaBret, who stein; a brother and a sister. Gilbert J.; two sisters, Mrs. Jews were killed and six others and his son, were wounded passed away Feb. 8, 1949. "Al- - * * * when a grenade was hurled into ways in our hearts." Sadly Sue Michelis and Mrs. Mar- LENA WECHSLER, of Mal- garet Uvino; and two grand- seriously wounded last week by their jewelry shop. In other at- missed by children Ida Gottes- terrorists in the mounting strife vern, N. Y., died in Ann Arbor children. man, Dorothy Wuntner, Ben between friends and foes of Al- tacks, Sufan Sitruk, was wound- Jan. 27. She leaves two sons, ed in Algiers and Simon Khal- LaBret and Clara Levinson.• * * * gerian independence, officials 5 * * Philip and Joseph; a daughter, ifs in Constantine. SARAH SOBEL, 18300 Bir- reported Tuesday. Mrs. Joseph Allen of Malvern, In cherished memory of our Edmond Firatt was shot and wood, leaves two sons, Dr. Jean Claude Chicaha, 19, of N. Y.; two brothers, a sister and killed in Constantine and on the beloved brother, William tour grandchildren. Interment, Robert and Leo; a sister, Mrs. Orleansville, was killed when a same day Messaud Nathan - was George Chaplan, who left us Robert Reiss; a brother, I. Losh; grenade exploded in the center Farmingdale, N. Y. and eight grandchildren. of that city. Three Jews were knifed by an Arab in Oran. The Feb. 6, 1941. * * * Some may think the wound seriously wounded in attacks in third Jew to be killed was Fran- SARAH ZUSSMAN, 11501 Has healed, cois Medina who was slain in Algiers. Petoskey died Jan. 27. She leaves Samuel Marwil, 87; Was But little do they know Oran. - Maklouf Abisror, 43, was shot a son, Abe Yoff; a daughter, Neckwear Manufacturer The sorrow Mrs. Mosee Rudy; a sister and Samuel Marwil, native Detroit- That within our hearts four grandchildren. er, a member of one of Detroit's Is concealed. * * * most prominent families, • died We miss you, dear William. TILLIE RUBNER died Jan. Jan. 24 in Los Angeles at the Sadly missed by sister, Mrs. 27 in Los Angeles. She is sur- age of 87. Ann Feldman and family and vived by three daughters, Mrs. Funeral services were held UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. month, after he submitted a re- brother, Dr. B. B. Caplan and Helen Newman, Mrs. Ruth Lit- Monday at the Kaufman Chapel. family. (JTA) — The Palestine Concilia- port on his 'mission. win and Mrs. Jessie Herships; The deceased was a member tion Commission, which was or- It is considered unlikely that four grandchildren and eight of Free Sons of Israel Montefiore dered in a resolution adopted by the Commission would - now re- great-grandchildren. Lodge and was active in congre- the General Assembly last month appoint Johnson—or that- he * • * gational and other affairs. He to "intensify" its efforts toward would accept the job again if it SARAH SWARINSKY, 18661 was a neckwear manufacturer. possible solution of the Arab were offered to him. However, Hartwell, died Jan. - 26. Sur- Surviving him are his son, refugee problem, is considering, it is known that the Commission vived by husband, Max; son, During the coming Phillip Swarin; three daugh- Melvin, of Skokie, Ill.; brother, the appointment of another spe- is now seeking a prominent per- Robert R., and two granddaugh- cial emissary to deal • on the sonality—who may not, neces- week Yeshiva Beth ters, Mrs. Sam Lederman, Mrs. issue with the Arab governments sarily, be an American—to con- Yehuda will observe Ben Labensky and Miriam ters. e the work. the Yahrzeit of the and with Israel. Swarin; three brothers, a sister AUTHOR LUCY LANG DIES following deported were The Commission's and nine grandchildren. friend s, with the Sidney A. Deitch * • * LOS ANGELES, (JTA)—Lucy discussed at _a c ence be- traditional M e mo - of Tujke , ROIT MONUMENT BEN ZELONKA, 4237 W. Lang, American Jewish author tween Sadi El rial Prayers, recita- long active in the labor move- chairman of WORKS tion of Kaddish and ment, died here Jan. 25 after a Thant, the ac studying of Mish- Best Quality Granites Prominent Rabbi prolonged illness. She was the eral. Personalized Designs noyes. Priced - Reasonable author of "Tomorrow Is Beauti- Turkey is Isadore Goodman Dies Hebrew Civil 2744 W. Davison cor. Lawton ful" and "Lost Shadows," two she ea+ -- Basra - DI 1-1175 TO 8-6923 NEW YORK, (JTA) — Fu- novels which attracted wide at- members of th • , the States, , others being the United 3 29 neral services were held here tention in this country. She is Monday for Rabbi Isadore survived by her husband, Harry represented by Ambassador Fran- 3 n 29 3 ider 29 Goodman, spiritual leader of Lang, a member of the editorial cis T. P. Plimton, and France, ONUMENTS IN THE 3 •Fill 29 . . D represented by Louis Cong. Baron Hirsch, - Memphis, staff of the Jewish Daily For- a Kaila Bas ISH TRADITION was Thant's first m a g, since 29 oshe Tenn., prominent leader of the SAMUEL EY sther Kia ward. he assumed his p American orthodox Jewish-com- GORLICK ON UN body dealing Dora Sei (Owners) munity, who died' Saturday in Sadie Auslander Dies Israel conflicts. Fenkell at Woodingham Memphis at the age of 65. Telephone: 864-0785 Last August, th. Long prominent in Jewish Some 3,000 persons of all Dr. Joseph E. Johns women's organization circles, Max H Is S faiths, who heard about Rabbi of the Carnegie Endowm n or 5 Joseph Freedman Goodman's death on radio and Sadie Auslander, 3329 Court- International Peace, as a special 5 ose Orkin nie Remer television, attended a hastily land, died Jan. 31. She was 76. envoy to the Middle. East, charg- eingarden Surviving are a son, Irving; arranged memorial service last .• • a daughter, Mrs. Oscar (Lillian) ing him with seeking some solu- 6 2 Sara Miller night in his synagogue. o lem. tions to the refuge' 6 2 Ben Solomon Spilkin; and six grandchildren. Born in Palestine, Rabbi pired last Johnson's mandat: 8 4 Israel Goldin Goodman was associated with 4 8 Jennie Feldman the Institutional Synagogue in Fritz Kreisler Dead Israel 9 5 Harry Smith New York, Cong. Beth-El in In- Fritz Kreisler, world famous 9 5 Oscar Lerchin dianapolis and the Queens Park violinist, died Monday, in New Farm E 9 5 Yale Levin 9 5 Sam Ellias Synagogue in Glasgow, Scot- York,' at the age of 86. Born as 9 5 Engel Moe land, before assuming his latest a Jew, he had been converted to U.S. Fi Manual Urbach & Son Yeshiva Beth Yehuda Israel post in 1942. NEW YO Catholicism by Msgr. Sheen. 7729 TWELFTH ST. will manufacture its first large 12305 Dexter TY 6-7192 farm equipment, both for do- Prayerbook Compiler WE 1-0203 Moses Ben Jacob, born near mestic and export markets, un- The Family of the Late Shavli in 1449, was one of the der a licensing agreement sign- MORRIS earliest Lithuanian rabbinic ed between the New Holland scholars, and, due to the ab- Machine Company, a division of TEITEL sence of any centers of rab- the Sperry Rand Corporation, Acknowledges with binic learning in Lithuania, and Hamashbir Hamerkazi, Is- MEMO N appreciation the many studied Jewish law as astronomy rael's largest cooperative coin- kind expressions of in Constantinople. After suf- mer igned st the agree- nouncement sympathy extended by fering extensive persecutions Preml fn Gr ite eosonobl rites by he Govern- during the Tatar invasions in me relatives a n d friends 10 to 5 P.M. CLOSED S URDAYS: OPEN SUND • tment Au- t of Israel nv 1506, he compiled a holiday during the family's re- rk, under thority in New prayerbook which was later cent bereavement. .. i436 TIREMAN TE 4-4062 US whose spices the tensing ar- apted to the rites of v veloped. ent was Jewish religious groups • Three Algerian Jews Slain, Six- Wounded by Terrorists I In Memoriam UN Palestine Conciliation Body Seeks New Envoy to Middle. East WE REMEMBER 71- 1:732 r-tx ~ 1 es onument Co. A1111111111111111111111111 ■ Ira Kaufman-Herbert Kaufman ELgin 1-5200 DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 18325 W. 9 MILE RD. IN SOUTHFIELD 300 ft. West of Northwestern Highway 31 - THE DETROIT JEWI SH NEWS — Fri day, F ebruary 2, 1962 OBITUARIES Algerian Independence Organization Agrees to Regard Jews as Europeans •