14 THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEWS — Friday, February 2, 1962-- Cleveland Hospital .Adds Psychiatric, Rehabilitation Units ments of the postwar period, when Jews found their lot depending upon the help and protection of Spain, (Copyright, 1962, for instance in North Africa, in- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) cluding Egypt, or other territories under Spanish jurisdiction or in- CLEVELAND, (JTA) — The between Church and fluence. MADRID — What remains in Yom Kippur, equally divided. separation "The Jewish organizations of the new divisions of psychiatry and State being a proclaimed princ- In Madrid on Friday nights, all world and the State of Israel should Spain today to remind a Twenti- one might define Spain as endeavor to rectify their attitude, physical medicine and rehabili- eth Century traveler that more of the synagogue's 150 places iple, which is still often erroneous in tation action of Mount Sinai a centralized, monarchist, author- than 300,000 Jews had once are occupied, while in Barce- itarian, confessional state. spite of appreciable progress, as far as their approach toward the Span- Hospital have been completed inhabited this land — aN vivid lona, with twice as many Jews, Government is concerned, with and both divisions will open Spain's 300,000 Jews in the ish population of artisans, traders, Friday night attendance barely the following purposes: next month, the hospital board reaches a minyan. A new syna- 14th and 15th Centuries con- philosophers, diplomat s, ad- "1. Inform both Jewish and non- public opinion of the truth of trustees announced. visors of kings — who consti- gogue for 350-400 persons is at stituted between one-fourth Jewish concerning facts and decisions of The psychiatric division con- tuted for generations what has the top of the • aspirations of and one-fifth of the urban pop- the Spanish people and of their in all problems con- tains 27 beds. The division in- often been defined,as "the back- Madrid Jews, who have to hire, ulation, while today's 3,500 Government cerning Jews throughout the 25 cludes a large dining-lounge bone of Spanish so c i a l and a, public hall for the High Holy constitute an infinitesimal mi- years of the Franco regime. Holidays. For the new syna- nority. But aside from this "2. Adopt an attitude of under- area, an occupational therapy ecenomic life?" The glorious standing for the efforts made by section, consultation rooms and history of Spanish Jewry was gogue, they need $100,000, of numerical difference, Jews in the Spanish people to achieve economic and social stand- other facilities. The division was sealed in the March 31, 1492, which they believe half could be Spain, then as now, are con- higher ards of living, whenever the inter- created for persons who need . raised among community mem- fronted with the same two, vention Expulsion Decree. and collaboration of certain Help from the Joint Dis- tightly interwoven, instruments Jewish circles or organizations might three to four-weeks of hospitali- "Juderia," "Judios" im- bers. contribute to it. It would be of the zation but who are not severely tribution Committee or from of power. pressed with black paint over fellow Jews in other lands utmost importance that the Jewish In 15th Century Spain, the press and publications rectify anti- disturbed emotionally. the dazzling white walls of would therefore be greatly wel- The other new division will Spanish feelings which, without any concerted action of the two consistent Southern towns like Seville, basis, appear from time enable the hospital to make forces dominating Spanish life, to time. Granada, . Cordoba, are s t i 11 come. * "3. As far as Spanish-Israel rela- available the considerable the temporal and the religious, tions there to indicate the quarters are concerned, I can say that advances achieved in this area There are no rabbis in Spain, the authoritarian and the confes- the Spanish people follow with in- where Jews had lived: under only a Chacham in Barcelona terest understanding the efforts of medicine. It includes an in- the long shadow of a cathedral and a Chazan in Madrid. Ne- sional, destroyed Jewish life in of the and Jewish people aimed at re- patients rehabilitation depart- constructing a homeland, in order or at a stone's throw from a gotiations are under way for - the the country. allow Jews to live with dignity ment, a department of physical royal palace. In Toledo, two arrival from Johannesburg of a What is the attitude now of to without being exposed to persecu- medicine and an occupational tions and vexations similar to those synagogues, of the 12th and Sephardic rabbi. There is no these two forces toward the re- in a recent and in a dis- therapy department. 14th centuries, later trans- residing Shohet, but each month surgences of a diminutive Jewish suffered tant past. The problem of official formed into Catholic churches one is brought to Madrid from entity in Spain, and toward relations between the two countries (no diplomatic relations of any sort and now kept as national mon- Morocco, and Kosher meat is Judaism? exist between Spain and Israel) de- uments, Santa Maria La Blanca kept in deep-freeze. There is, depends upon the general policies In the course of a long inter- Spain and not from any kind of and II Transito, are still arous- however, a Shohet for poultry. view, Max Mazin, president of of animosity or of specific discrimina- ing the admiration in visitors tion against the State of Israel. The ROCHESTER, N.Y., (JTA)- Practically all newly born the Madrid Jewish Community, normalization such relations must of all colors and creeds. an Ashkenazi of Latvian birth, be considered of and foreseen within The Jewish Community Council boys a r e circumcized, and framework either of a solution of Rochester, the central philan- "In this quarter, and in there does not seem to be married to an Israeli, expressed the of the problems afflicting the Mid- thropic, social planning and similar ones in other Spanish to this correspondent very dle East, or of a change of Spanish much intermarriage. Mixed towns, once lived many thou- clear-cut opinions on Franco's foreign policy toward the Arab community relations agency for marriages, however, often states." sands of Jews," a guide will promote the conversion of one attitude toward the Jews and Mazin admitted that "although no the Jewish community, has been state in a casual "recitativo." law exists preventing non- reorganized in a move to expand of the partners. As every- on what the Jewish attitude to- specific Catholics from becoming officers of its scope, increase the effec- "They were rich and power- the Spanish Army, Jews could not where else, it is the member ward Franco should be. ful, but there are none to be "Franco has a tolerant attitude become officers." "Administrative tiveness of its operation and of the minority group who toward Jews," he stated. "He re- silence" is the way Mr. Mazin de- found now." Elsewhere, point- ends by joining the religion ceived a delegation of Jews in 1960, fined the technique adopted to broaden the base of member- ing to a solemn building, the and has always shown understand- achieve this exclusion, which he ship. of the majority. However, to our problems. I believe that attributed to ecclesiastical pressure. The action was announced by palace, the Tribunal of the according to a reliable source, ing the attitude of Jews toward the He added that he had taken cautious Arthur M. Lowenthal, who was Holy Inquisition held its ses- regime should be of loyal and personal steps in favor of a there have been two recent Franco oun because it has demon- y sions" . . . On that square g Jew who wanted to become elected interim president of the instances of Christians em- collaboration, strated benevolence toward Jews, an officer, but with no positive the 'autos-da-fe "were staged," newly reorganized a gene y. since it came to power, whenever riage the results. ore bracing Lowenthal is a past president thus bringing back to the Jews found themselves in some con- Another source told this cor- insisting • , and J dition of dependence from Spanish memory of the Jewish trav- respondent later of rumors that of the United Jewish Welfare tner for authorities. ish wi heir eler images of ludicro "I am not referring only to this Franco is considering the pos- Fund of Rochester. He has been trict obs anc of the attitude in metropolitan Spain dur- president of the Jewish Com- "sanbenitos" and of terri g itzvoth. ing the last war, when no Jewish sibility of modifying this atti- "quemaderos," t h e r o s refugee was refused entrance (un- tude and this form of silent munity Council as formerly of the like what happened in Britain and cti A Woman's constituted. where some 100,000 ws and Madrid community existing Switzerland), but also in all mo- discrimination. Jewish Life in Spain BY TULIA ZEVI Jewish Community Council of Rochester Revamped After Study to have "marranos" are s been burned by der of the e 1480 "ad Inquisition s i majorem Die loriam." Chap- side by side with* W formed, ter) has recentri be st ents of and the Jewi 0 cr y ed their Madrid Jewish life in associa What abo i a 1 and h s Spain today "Our p o s Cu There a indications of Jew- young ew from ish instil ons in the telephone at there said, "is director There are surprised than girls Jewish b express s on the faces o us a few ld you s the tourist office. clerks , possib pretty?" Synag e in Madrid? Ne * * * it!" heard as well as Sunday sc er, recalling that two a lf are offi Ho are being years o, the Jewish pre national Jew- pla ed. No i the inaugurati repor ish organizati s have so far adri been operati a-Knesseth in Beth in Spain, and the r arch continued d wa Spanish Jew do not seem to rewar d by a positive result: how any ticular eagerness the s ing of a "Betson" sign themselves to or- affiliati on a oor of an apartment as the World nization ization Calle Pizarro .19. A Jewish C house gress, and they ed under the locked would p • ably not be allowed note s door br ht, a few hours later, to join ai Brith. Freemasonry some m hers of the Madrid in fac s prohibited in Spain, Kehilla t this correspondent's and t Bnai Brith would prob- hotel. We ked for hours. ably e considered as a form * of eemasonry by Spanish au- 00 Jews living There are rities. uped in two in Spain toda , Pro-Zionist feelings appear to communities. A be deep and widespread, and persed, with no orga do not . . seem to be any munity life, in other towns. there- anti-Zionist Jews in Spain, as One-third of the Jews live in in some other countries of the Madrid, the majority of them w orld. Sporadically, a few Span Sephardim of Moroccan origin. . The remaining two-thirds are ish Jews visit Israel. practically all residing in Bar- The reappearance of a small, celona — half of them Ashken - organized Jewish nucleus in azim, half Sephardim. Spain, five centuries after one Jews seem to have started of the most drastic "solutions" arriving in Spain between the of the Jewish problem, according two World Wars, during and to pre-Hitler standards, is in it after World War II. Most an interesting and. impor- Jews belong to the middle self fact. This correspondent and upper-middle classe s. tant that it was even more im- Some are professional people, felt to seek an answer to but the majority is active in portant following question: ' What the leather, silver, jewelry the is the relationship between the and clothing business. The two communities are not "new" Jews of Spain, the State federated, and both seem to be and the Catholic Church? The "Manifesto" of March animated by a spirit of auton- omy, each with a physiognomy 1947 specifies that Spain is a of its own. In Barcelona, for Catholic and social state in the Instance, Sephardim and Ash- form of a Kingdom, with Gen- kenazim have two different oral Franco as President, assisted synagogues, both located in the by a Council, which includes the same building, which was re- Cardinal-Primate of Spain. The cently purchased by the corn- Spanish State, having been eu- munity. In Madrid joint services phemistically defined by Caudillo sire held: prayers in the Sephar- Francisco Franco in 1942 "not a dic tradition and in the Ash- dictatorship, but a hierarchy," kenazi tradition, particularly, on . and the union , rather than the GRAND OPENING Modern Beauty Bar FREE Guy HAIR COLORING Cari on Monday and Tuesday Only This offer does not include bleaching You must be 18 or over 2 for 1 PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL Now is the time to have your permanent wave, and, while you're at it, why not bring your' friends, mother or daughter, and you can receive two permanents for the price of one, and if you wish, split the cost. (Both perms. must be the some price). This offer expires March 31, 1962. Come in and let's get acquainted. Permanent wave prices start at $10.00 and up. I Queen for an Evening Contest Ladies, you can become royalty for an evening. 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