People Make News Name Mrs. Krolik Member of CCR Commission every On tile Air Steve Broidy, chairman of the honor at the Poetry Society of Three members have been re- Cantor Saul Meisels of Cleve- board of the Brandeis Institute America's 52nd annual dinner appointed to the Commission This Week's Radio and land's Temple on the Heights, and president of Allied Artists held last night at the Hotel As- on Community Relations (CCR) Television Programs recording artist of Yiddish, Is- tor in New York. In the pres- by Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh of Jewish Interest Niraeli, Hassidic Picture Corp., ence of Robert Frost, Theodore Thursday, January 11. folksongs as announced the THE JEWISH HERITAGE Roethke, Richard Wilbur, and They are Mrs. Golda G. Kro- well as of lit- staff addition Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. other distinguished American lik, civic leader, Rev. Nicholas urgical selec- of Rabbi Zvi. Station: WCAR. poets, Manger read his poem Hood, Minister of Plymouth Feature: Daniel Mann, exec- 4ions, will be Dershowitz to "Evening Song" in Hebrew. Congregational Church, a n d the Jewish ed- utive director, Labor Zionist the guest ar- Other noted poets of foreign Wallace A. Witkowski, attorney. Organization of America, will be tist at Morris ucational or- nationality who read their Rosenfeld cen- ganization i n "These people have served interviewed by Joseph Edelman, poems in Dutch, Russian, Po- Detroit and the Commission director of the Jewish Commu- tenary pro- Brandeis, Cal. lish, Brazilian-Portuguese, Ara- gram, Sunday, He has be- well," said Mayor Cavanagh. "I nity Council of Metropolitan bic, etc., included Joseph Witt- Detroit Culture Commission, on 8 p.m., at the come the as lin, Leo Vroman, Ivan Elagin, want them to continue their "Labor Zionism and Prophetic good work in helping all De- Jewish C e n- sistant of Dr His Excellency, Ambassador Shlomo B a r- Social Justice." ter. * * Omar Abou Riche, and the Hon. troiters find just and equitable Dr. I Chaim din, executive solutions to the intergroup Dora VascOncellos. The dinner TO DWELL TOGETHER Pomer an t z, director of problems we have." was the occasion for the un- Time: 9:15 a.m: Sunday. Mrs. Krolik, 19434 Pinehurst, president, Chi- t h e organiza- veiling of a bronze bust of Rob- Station: WJBK (radio and tion since its for a number of years a promi- cago YIVO So- ert Frost, the work of Leo television simultaneously). nent leader in the Detroit Jew- ciety, will de- creation Cherne. Feature: "In Harmony with ish community, has served un- liver the key- years ago. Dershowitz Our Neighbors," with Walter E. Rabbi Dershowitz, prepara- der three different mayors. Or- n o t e address Klein, executive director of the iginally appointed to the May- Meisels on the theme tory to assuming his position, Jewish Community Council, or's Interracial Committee in and Richard V. Marks, director "Morris Rosenfeld, the Poet late in December moved his family from St. Paul, Minn., to 1944 by Mayor Jeffries, she was and His Generation." of the Detroit Commission on Brandeis, California, located in later appointed to its successor, Community Relations. Rosenfeld, whose 100th anni- the Santa Susana Mountains, 35 the Commission on Community * * * versary is being m ark e d miles northwest of Los Angeles. Relations, in 1953 by Mayor throughout the United States, COUNCIL-ALTMAN HOUR Born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, Cobo. reflected in his writings the life in 1928, Rabbi Dershowitz came Time: 10 p.m. Saturday. She was continued on the Station: WJLB. of the first East European im- to the United States in 1939, CCR by Mayor Miriani who also Feature: The 100th anniver- migrant generation, and the and is an American citizen. He reappointed her after the Corn- sary of the birth of Morris tenement houses and the sweat- earned a B.A. Degree at New mission structure was changed Rosenfeld, "singer of the sweat- shops of New York's lower East York University in 1949, and in 1961. shop," and the first East Euro- Side which they and -Rosenfeld was ordained Rabbi at Mesifta Long active in Detroit's social pean Jewish immigrant ge knew at first hand. A poet, edi- in 1953. - and cultural life, Mrs. Krolik tion will be ac tor, satirist and journalist, his * * * By SIM SHAPIRO has devoted much of her time Malam the . .C. Yiddish writings have been TANYA MOISEIWITSCH will to various groups working for Yi ultur Commission. translated into many languages. be responsible for the costumes A new administration Wed- a better community. * * * Teh Rosenfeld Centenary is and decor of "The Taming of nesday will take over the Stu- In 1961, she was honored b Direction '62 being marked by YIVO in New The Shrew," Briar_ Jackson will dent Council of Mumford High the United Community Servi Time: 3 p.m. Sunday YOrk with a special exhibition design "Macbeth and Desmond School at installation cere- by being selected "Volunte Statio Y - presenting graphically the life Heeley "The Tempest," Miss monies presided over by Princi- the Week" during Brothe Fea and work of the poet as well as Moiseiwitsch and Mr. Heeley pal Helen Delbridge. Week observances fo H. Lehm a bird's eye view of that era will co-design "Cyrano de Ber- Officers for the coming sem- "years of _dedicated ser for fro and of the social and literary gerac" at this years Stratford ester are Steve Lefkowitz, pres- the Commission." intervi milieu of the writer. Included Shakespearean Festival. ident; Mickey Eisenberg, vice a r e photographs, paintings, * * * president; Amy Goldberg, re- Local Women Leader manuscripts, newspaper clip- The appointment _of FRANK cording secretary; Dennis Litt- pings and other Rosenfeld me- GLADMAN, 2800 Ewald Circle, ky, corresponding secretary; Aid in Torch Drive mentoes. Mrs. Leon Dreylinger, presi- as account representative of the and Michael Goldfarb, treas- dent of Bnai Brith, and Mrs. The Detroit Rosenfeld pro- printing sales division of the urer. gram is the first project of the Flexitype Corporation was an- The Council is also planning Marin Naimark, president of the Yiddish Culture Subcommittee nounced by R. Capotosto, presi- its semi-annual breakfast, to be League of Jewish Women, have held 8 a.m. Thursday in the been named members of the of the Jewish Community Coun- dent. * * * United Foundation Women's Or- cafeteria. cil, whose members include rep- ganization recruitment commit- ARIEH ESHEL, former Israel resentatives of the Workmen's Graduation is only six day ong with Mrs. Harry Bod- Circle, Sholem Aleichem Insti- Ambassador t o Uruguay, h a s off, and the grads are en zin an Mrs. Albert Lee, chair- tute, Labor Zionist Organiza- been designated Israel's Consul a week of ceremonies man an co-chairman for Bnai tion, Landsmanschaften and General in New York. brations. Honors * * * 'Brith p ticipation, and Mrs. Farband. Monday, th Max Schrut dman, representing Joseph PHILIP HOUTZ, former De- and Grad Tickets for this Yiddish cul- For Good Photographs the Leag tural event may be obtained troiter who was associated here , Phi Beta Kappa Mon and Prompt Service from organizations or at the as a social worker with Jewish hono will go to Richard Gold- Call Me at nt The Best? W e If a r e Federation agencies, Center on the night of the pro- fin .Marshall Nathan, Evelyn until recently executive director e Folks Who've Had h eit • tss Paul Ro gram. R. of the National Jewish Hospital, sen and AM BARNETT Denver, has been named execu- d Kay rilyn Kahn and His Orchestra Weddings - Bar Mitzvahs Mrs. Adler to Address tive vice president of the Na- Police A I receive tional Children's Cardiac Hospital UN 4-6845 TY 5-8805 Greenberg Shule's PTA LI 1-2563 citizens • f outstandi Mrs. Morris Adler will be in Miami. * * * Ray and T the guest speaker at the meet- cei HARRY H. SCHAFFER, a life- W I ing of the Hayim Greenberg Susan am and time resident and merchant of •n Parents Shule's P T A, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a an have arships, and Keith at 9 p.m. Wed- well known kosher butcher former national commander of Club was awarded the De= nesday, at the Ros the Jewish War Veterans of the 14837 W. 7 MILE RD. Labor Zionist High School Principal's tr United States of America, who Between Robson and Lauder Institute. dent Aid served two terms in that office, Featuring: Her topic, "Winter has been elected president of the based on a a PRIME AND CHOICE MEATS & POULTRY or Tuesda National Shrine to the Jewis tradition- in G Vil- Lovett Ha We kosher and wrap for freezer on request War Dead in Washington. al theme, will are ailable f * * * lage. Tick Also Specializing in: be: "What all senior PAUL J. ABELE, 199 COOKED CORN BEEF & OTHER CUTS Shall We Tell faculty The tigers of Littlefield, a Commissioner o WE DELIVER Our -Child- eir athletic ain show the Department of Parks and ren?" Mrs. Adler BR 3-4227 Thursday, defeat- Recreation, has been named p Refreshments will be served. chairman of the 1962 Easter ing the' seniors in a basketball The public is invited. Seal campaign. His appoint- game, 35-31. Though the seniors took thei ment has been announced by Parents Without David Tann, president of Tann finals this week, al rou eat Corp., who is head of the De- fordites will Partners Hold. Social them toda nd Monday. The troit Society for Crippled Chil- The Parents Without Part- final da of the semester is ners of the Jewish Center, dren, Inc., 17330 Schaefer, an Wednes y. 18100 Meyers, will have a musi- affiliate of the Nation Society Bet n the semester cal evening and pot luck supper for Crippled Children and .Of the memb for its "members-only meeting" Adults. Abele is reaching for ostel t1>81ub Yout a goal of $110,000 to assure 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. ys ski' five For reservations and informa- continuance of the program which last year provided close Lake ostel tion, call KE 7-8929. Mu ord's to 5000 services and treatments its for almost 1300 persons at the suffer ef ore t Therapy Center. He will lead season d Schech- -4 5500 volunteers in the annual Central, Phone 837-9595 NOW ! drive for funds. Detroit Society ter beca ord's highest Mr. and Mrs. Morris Siporin of for Crippled Children -board scorer in four years, throwing SPECIALISTS IN: SUPERB PHOTOGRAPHY Westhampton Ave., Oak Park, an- members include Mrs. Sidney in 30 points. • WEDDINGS The swimming team dropped • BAR MITZVAHS nounce the engagement of their J. Allen. * * * • BAS MITZVAHS its meet to Denby after gaining daughter, Evelyn, to Harold W. • PORTRAITS ITZIK MANGER, internation- an initial victory over Central. Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. • CANDIDS 15880 SCHAEFER at PURITAN Harry Goodman of Oxley Rd. A ally known Yiddish poet, flew Want ads get quick results ! from . Tel-Aviv to be guest of March 22 wedding is planned. MUMFORD U S I N G S BLAIR STUDIO WEINGART . on ' t SETTLE ON ANY PHOTOGRAPHER FOR YOUR WEDDING UNTIL YOU Check Our Amazing I FREE COLOR PORTRAIT OFFER! 8agagements SPINA-CRANE 21 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, January 19, 1962 Feature Meisels, Dr. Pomerantz at Rosenfeld Event