activities in Society A group of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Haiman of Pinehurst Ave. in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary on Jan. 6. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Cahn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreyfuss, Eddy Herz, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hertz, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Herz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kasstan, Leonard Kasstan, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Medwed, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mosbach, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Okrent, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Seelig, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Shmarak, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Strassburger and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westheimer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Stollman of Burton Rd., Oak Park, Phillip Stollman of Wildwood Ave., Oak Park, and Rabbi Samuel H. Prero, spiritual leader of Young Israel of Northwest Detroit and executive director of the American Committee for Bar-Ilan University, Inc., were among the passengers who sailed recently aboard the MS Victoria from New York on a 10-day Carribbean cruise sponsored by the American Committee for Bar Ilan University. Cantor and. Mrs. H. J. Blank have moved from their Detroit residence to 18334 Irving, Livonia. Area Parent-Teacher Associations Make Plans for Special Activities Six area parent-teacher asso- ciations have announced plans for special events to take place in the corning weeks. BETH YEHUDAH SCHOOLS The Beth Yehudah Schools PTA will hold its Mid-Terms Parent-Teacher Conference and Membership Get-Together 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the main building. Refreshments will be served by the membership com- mittee, headed by Mrs. Louis Cohen and Mrs. David Bakst. The annual PTA Movie Night will be held 7 p.m., Jan. 23 at the Varsity Theater, according to Mrs. Rose Baum, fund-raising chairman. Featured will be "Me And The Colonel," starring Danny Kaye, and "Please Don't Eat the Daisies," with Doris Day and David Niven. Proceeds will be used to purchase a school bus. The public is in- vited. BNAI ISRAEL TORAH CENTER The PTA of the Bnai Israel Torah Center, Oak Park Branch of the Beth Yehudah Afternoon Schools, will hold an open house Wednesday night • at the new school building, 15400 W. Ten Mile, announces President Mrs. Ruth Wolf. Rabbi Israel Flam, Activiti T. RAYMOND Z SM XILIARY wil on t the ho e a rant, 19 A si ss meeting ll ow a penny w e elep nt tion or the be of of e shine und. Re e ment ill be rved. CLUSIVEI RESTORES ORIGINAL S Highest Quality • Fastest Service .41' Lowest Prices A luscious "Doe-Doe The •Clown" cake free with every es - iiniatel OFFER EXP JAN. 31, 1 1 962 15180 15180 W. 8 MILE nr. JAMES COUZENS "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED director of the school, will speak, followed by a conference period with teachers. HEBREW-YIDDISH SHULE The Hayim Greenberg Heb- rew-Yiddish Shule PTA will hold an assembly featuring Mrs. Morris Alder as speaker on "What Shall We Tell Our Chil- dren" 9 p.m. Jan. 24 at the - Hayim Greenberg Center. Re- freshments will be served. The public is invited. HEBREW ACADEMY The Hebrew Academy PTA will present "An Afternoon for Children, Young and Old" 1:30 p.m. Jan. 21 at Young Israel of Oak Woods, 24061 Coolidge. Featured will be "Doe Doe the Clown," favors and refresh- ments. The public is invited. For information, call Mrs. Helen Shermen,'chairman, LI 8-0621. PITCHER SCHOOL The Pitcher School PTA has been designated the only organ- ization to sell tickets (1,000) as a fund-raising benefit project for the premiere performance of "A Majority of One," with Rosalind Russell and Ale Guiness, 8:30 p.m. Jan. 19 the Mercury Theater. The fi will'be shown at this time o once, prior to the public rel = .e date approximately a ms h from the benefit. Shirley II -r will be mistress of ceremo s. Tickets may be obtained e- flings at the box office or f any PTA member. For infor tion, call KE 4-9631. BAGLEY SCHOOL The Bagley School PTA will meet 8 _p.m. Wednesday, an- nounces Mrs. Maurice Perkins. Guest speaker will be Dr. Nor- man Drachler, assistant super- intendent of schools, according to Mrs. Louis Sagadelli. His topic will be "Human Relations —Your Child and You." For in- formation, call Helen Ablitz, UN 4-4964. IIIistradrut Opens 1962 Campaign Tuesday; Ben Zion Ilan, Yaffa Yarkoni on Program With a substantial portion of its 1962 goal already achieved through cash sums and pledges, the Detroit Israel Histadrut Campaign will get off to an official start next Tuesday. - A series of pre-campaign activities on behalf of the local drive will draw to a close this. week-end and set the stage for the opening event at a cocktail hour and reception at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, at • the Hayim Green- berg Center. gee Committee of the Jewish Brigade, he organized the cue .activities among the camps throughout Eur e served for six years e chief of the Gadna and t- , ment of the stry of De- tense. Gad Nahal are the fighting. ()neer Youth Corps of the I eli Army which com bine itary and agricu ural trainin Ilan ow is d et gener. of Ma ince Volunteer w o r k e r s are 1960 has be m. e making an extra effort to the ex utive s retaria e raise an additional $50,000 Mapai presentin entire this year to be set aside for kibbutz been the creation of a cultural cen- on import. missions to ter in Israel in memory of ica, Ind' - and South Africa on Morris L. Schaver. behalf of "the Israel govern- Ha r r y Schumer, honorary ment istadrut nd th ewis chairman of the Histadrut Cam- Agen - paign and chairman of Arlazar- sday's pr m so off Branch 137 of Farband f e a u r e ffa ark a ni Labor Zionist Order has an- brou to Detroit have indicated their intentions to attend the Tuesday event. elle Glenner, Histadrut chairma of the Pioneer Wom- en's Divisi , has reported that members o the Pioneer Worn- en's Organi tion and their hus- bands will urn out in large numbers. ant The Best? the Folks Who've Had SAM. BARNETT and His Orchestra LI 1-2563 waiaNT5Z*7-77.g ■ aK7KW:KWXOU-14.1 PLASTIC FURNITURE pi COVERS MADE TO ORDER or READY MADE CALL ANNA KARBAL • LI 2-0874 • popul demand after er success the rece neer - Women ent. Her MUSIC FOR repertoire includes of WEDDINGS • BAR MITZVAHS modern s. Sin :' in three language Ya has His Orchestra es in and Entertainment rael • MASTER OF CEREMONIES • R e, co-c Party Arranger and 1Z ions Ceremony Specialist at r esenta ocie- UN 4-0237 KE 8-1291 ti clu groups SAM ROSENBLAT Ben Zion Ilan Yaffa Yarkoni nounced that the members of his branch are making an all- out effort to raise an additional $20,01 6 -s its share of the addit . • Schaver, • wa ember o the na al - . d of directors of t• Isr. Histadrut Cam- p a n, rganized Arlazaroff B nch d served as nt, assed away on P incipal. m pea will be Zi an American ch z .o settled in Israel n 30 ars ago Han was g the founde and still member of kim, now I ne of Israel's g- est and most flourish' kib- utzim. Ilan played a le g role in the mobilizatio the Jewish Brigade, an a membe er the war, as the Central Refu- PORTRAITS N LIVING COLOR SPECIAL FEBRUARY OFFER "A Treasured Remembrance of Childhood or the Golden Years" We are making this 'SPECIAL OFFER' to acquaint you with our impressive life-like color portraits. 25 % DISCOUNT on our regular CUSTOM COLOR PORTRAITS of any individual 15% DISCOUNT on group portraits in CUSTOM COLOR Phone UN 4-6050 for studio appointment OFFER• LIMITED TO FEBRUARY SITTINGS WITH ORDERS PLACED BEFORE APRIL 1, 1962 • COVILLE PORTRAITS 13154 W. 7 Mile • Closed Mondays Bar Mitzvahs Mr. and Mrs. Paul Singer- man anounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Lawrence, will be observed Saturday morning at Cong. Ahavas Achim. :k* Mr. and Mrs. Irving Green- berg, 8087 Roselawn, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Children's Division Sanford Michael, will be observ- Slates Pre-School ed 9 a.m. Saturd Programs at Center Beth Joseph. Sunday The Children's Division of the honor will be o Room. Jewish Center, 18100 Meyers, has Springel's announced the further expansion of its pre-school program. Start- Mr. Mrs. Charles Fri ing Feb. 5, 1962, there will be berg, 230 Robson, a "playgroup" session at the the ar Mitzvah of ei main building on Tuesday and Da .A., will Thursday mornings, from 9 to a. Satur D id. 11:30. Other main building sessions he Bar zvah of M of the pre-school program be- athan, so f Mrs. B. ginning the week of Feb. 5 are t Glazer d the 1 abbi "nursery," Monday through Fri- G • er, will be ob d on Sat- day, 1-3:30 p.m. Jan 11 a.m., at There is also a "playgroup" ur at the Ten Mile Branch of the Temp e El. A reception Center, 15110 West Ten Mile, will be held on Sunday, Jan. Oak Park, on Tuesdays and 12, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., at Thursdays, 9-11:30 a.m.,. begin- Temple --Beth El, Woodward at Gladstone. No cards. ning Feb. 6. Transportation is available for the main building programs with- Modern Dance Class in an area bounded by Livernois, On Monday, at 8 p.m., Fannie McNichols, James Couzens and Aronson, dance instructor, will Eight Mile.• conduct an open class in modern For information and applica- dance at the Jewish Center. tions, call the Jewish Center's Admission is free, and every- Children's Division, DI 1-4200. one is welcome. PRICED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE ere $30.00 10" 19188 Livernois r;)