• T-4 Worldwide Echoes to Eichmann Verdict • Continued from Page 1 • in the book Eichmann wrote of the witnesses who testified as noted in an editorial in the Prof. Buber, whom he described judge court, cited four charges during his incarceration before for the prosecution had stated Washington Evening Star, that as "one of the greatest thinkers "untruths" and that prosecution "Eichmann's personal guilt of our time," had the right to of crimes against the Jewish the trial began. c■ I! Before the verdict was pro- documents had been produced could not have been established people, six charges of crimes express his opinion on any sub- nounced Prof. Martin Buber and arranged with the "specific without, at the same time, con- against humanity, two charges a2 ject he choose. The Council E a.) said that if Eichmann was objective" of evoking an "er- victing the system within which of war crimes and three approved the award by a major- sentenced to death he would roneous picture." He declared he served." The New York charges of membership in hos- ity vote. Prof. Buber received appeal to President Ben-Zvi that from his earliest days he Times stated on this point: "In tile organizations. it for his book "Hidden Light." • vs Before an audience which for a commutation of the had wanted to live "according the broad context of history, The same prize was awarded to -z packed the Bet Haam court- sentence to life imprison- to ethical principles" but since this verdict marks one more Mordechal Ben Yehezkel for his room, room, Eichmann entered, his ment. Prof. Buber made the "certain days," he had been condemnation of the whole Nazi collection of Hassidic stories, glass-enclosed dock as the statement in denying a report prevented from doing so and regime and all it stood for." "Sefer Hamassiot" — Book of The New York Journal-Amer- Tales. judges filed into their places. in a Saarbrucken, West Ger- had to submit to a "different kind of world." ican approved not only the fair- On order of the court Eichmann man newspaper that he in- Prof. Buber spoke briefly at tended to seek a pardon for "I would ask the forgivenesS ness of the Eichmann trial, as arose and Judge Landau said: the ceremony at which the the former Gestapo colonel of the Jewish people and admit all other newspapers did, but • "We have weighed the ques- awards were presented, speak- c tion of appropriate punishment who was found guilty of all I am filled with shame for what declared its belief that the ing on "Absolutism and Man- with full appreciation of the 15 counts of an indictment was done to them but in the death sentence was justified. kinds Tendency Toward It." He * * * burden of responsibility resting fixing key responsibility on light of the verdict, this might did not refer to capital punish- be interpreted as hypocrisy," him for the Nazi wartime British Press Lauds ti on us. We have reached the con- ment or to Eichmann. he said. "I am not inhuman slaughter of 6,000,000 Euro- Fair Conduct of Trial H elusion that in order to mete out '' * • and the monster I have been • proper punishment and deter pean Jews. LONDON, (JTA) — Leading Commutation of Sentence The philosopher said he painted." Thanking his attorney, British newspapers as well as g others, the maximum penalty was firmly opposed to capital Dr. Servatius, Eichmann con- prominent historians and ex- Rejected by Israelis • E-1 should be imposed. TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The Is- • "The objective of the crimes punishment and that he ap- cluded with the comment: "I perts on Nazism and anti-Semit- w committed against the Jewish plied that stand to the Eich- am convinced. I have to . bear ism lauded the fairness of Is- rael press unanimously upheld the Jerusalem District Court's man case "in which there is no the penalty for the deeds of E-1 people was the extermination of possible punishment to fit the others. I must bear what fate rael's conduct of the Adolf Eich- guilty verdict and death sen- _ a whole people from the face of mann case. The Times of Lon- tence for Adolf Eichmann. the earth and in this respect they crime, were the imagination was destined to send." don praised "the dignity and * * cannot envisage a suitable All newspapers rejected re- differ from crimes against indi- discipline" of the Israeli court, High German Officials viduals. The chief consideration, penalty." stating also that Israel's "reac- quests for commutation of however, ought to be given to The Israel Ministry of Jus- Find Death Sentence tion" to the entire case has Eichmann's sentence to life im- of Eichman 'Justified' the effect on the victims them- tice was asked to confiscate "won respect." The Daily Ex- prisonment. Editorials pointed selves and in the boundless agony the manuscript of a book BONN (JTA)—Highest West press declared that Eichmann out there can be, no connection between the principle of moral they suffered and still suffer which Eichmann wrote dur- German officials declared that "cannot atone for his guilt." opposition to capital punish- ing his 19 months' incarcera- the conviction and death sen- following these ,!rimes. Hugh Trevor-Roper, professor ment and the sentence to hang "The sending of- one trainload tion in Israel while awaiting tence of Adolf Eichmann, fol- of modern history at Oxford of a thousand people to an ex- the trial. Eichmann has said lowing the lengthy trial in University, stated that the trial Eichmann, since, in this in- termination camp was tanta- his writings, which deal with Jerusalem, was exactly what was "a landmark in the Jewish stance, he had been condemned not only of crimes against the they had expected and was mount to complicity in a thou- the Jewish policy of the Nazi story." Rev. James Parkes, who Jewish - people but also of sand murders and the responsi- ,regime,' will be publshed "justified." has spent many years in study bility is no less than that of the abroad. Felix Von Eckardt, State Sec- of relations between Jews and crimes against humanity. man who actually put them into Leading articles pointed out The request for confiscation retary in charge of information Christians, observed that the the gas chambers. Even had we was made by Rabbi Mordecai for the office of Chancellor trial and its outcome point to that Israel abolished the death found that Eichmann did all Nurock, a Member of Parlia- Konrad Adenauer, and Dr. the "historic guilt" over anti- sentence for murder, but re- that he did from blind obedi- ment, in the form of a question Eugen Gerstenmaier, president Semitism "which lies upon the tained such a penalty specifi- ence, we would say that the man to the Justice Ministry to which of the Bundestag (lower house whole of Christendom." Lord cally for the crime of genocide, who participated' in it is- punish- a reply is expected next week. of Parliament), approved the Russell, of Liverpool, said it of which Eichmann has now able by maximum punishment. Rabbi Nurock contended that Jerusalem court's judgment, would be "a mistake" to hang, been convicte:i. No order could help even in anything written by the Nazi the latter declaring that "the Eichmann, declaring he should, mitigation. But Eichmann act- during his Israeli imprison- immense crimes of which the Nazi Victims in Israel ed from full inner identifica- ment is the property of the man was convicted justified the instead, spend the rest of his Approve Death Sentence days in prison. tion aimed at achieving the state of Israel. highest penalty." * is TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Jews in criminal objective." A similar request was made Leaders of the two dominant Harman Comments on Israel who were held by the "•Adolf Eichmann, the court by Tuvia Friedman, of the Yad, parties in the new German gov- Nazis in concentration camps, sentences you to death for Veshem, documentation center ernment coalition, the Christian Eichmann Trial on TV WASHINGTON, (JTA) — Is- and who fought in the ghettoes crimes against humanity and for on the Nazi holocaust, in a let- Democratic Union and the Free against the Nazis, issued a call war crimes regarding which you ter to Prime. Minister David Democratic Party, approved the rael Ambassador Avraham Har- to the world, emphasizing that were found guilty. Ben-Gurion. Friedman urged death sentence. They stated that man said that the Eichmann they find the death sentence of "You may appeal the sent- the Prime Minister to prevent the hanging of Eichmann would trial guarantees against a recur- Adolf Eichmann fully justified. ence. If you wish to do so, you such publication of the Eich- be but "inadequate • -expiation" rence of such a crime. A resolution to this effect was should admit notification within mann book, the proceeds of for the crimes of which he has In a television interview here adopted by the group, which is which are reportedly to be used been convicted. 10 days." on Sunday; the Israel Ambas- known as the Organization of Eichmann was led out from to cover his expenses of the Matthias Hoegen, chairman sador said that the trial "is an Ghetto Fighters, Concentration the enclosure and the audience trial and his expected appeal of the Bundestag's legal com- important historic lesson for Camp Victims and Fighters and the balance to Eichmann's mittee, declared: "No one in our youth to know that human quietly filed out. against Nazi Germany in the Until the very last, Eichmann estate. Friedman contended that Germany, who has retained, beings were capable of doing Allied Armies. wore an expression which, from only the Israel government had throughout the frightful years things like that, and that there- * the start of the trial last April the right to the manuscript of injustice, a sound and whole- fore they should be alert to any Library of Congress 11, baffled seasoned correspond- which should be published on some feeling for guilt and re- tendencies toward that king of Gets Tape Recordings of ents and challenged the de- the basis that all proceeds demption, will find the death degradation in the future." Complete Eichmann Trial scriptive powers of journalists would go to help finance the sentence unjust." Leaders of the The Israeli- diplomat asserted WASHINGTON. (JTA)—Tape craftsmen from all continents. work of the Yad Vashem.' FDP stated that "even the most that the trial came at a time recordings of the complete testi- Eichmann made his final convinced opponents of capital The only suggestion of remorse when the Nazi period was re- on his part was a statement in statement standing erect and punishment will find the sen- ceding "further and further mony of the Eichmann trial, along with English translations, referring to notes made- during the plea of Dr. Robert Servatius, tence justified." backwards into history" and were presented as a gift to the his West German lawyer, for the reading of the verdict. He Prominent members of Chan- that it served as an "important" mercy. The Cologne attorney said his hopes for justice had cellor Adenauer's party, the reminder. Asked about the pos- Library of Congress. The presentation was made said that evidence of an "inner been "disappointed" by the se- CDU, praising the Israel trial sibility of other Israeli-con- readjustment" would be found vere verdict which I cannot ac- as "fair," expressed the fear, ducted trials of other Nazi war by radio station WIP, Philadel- cept." He reiterated that what phia, an affiliate of the Metro- he did as- a Gestapo officer was however, that the Eichmann criminals, Harman replied: "The politan Broadcasting Company. trial and sentence "might have government of Israel has never Eichmanns to Plead not his responsibility but rest- caused - new harm to the name The tapes will become part of ed entirely with "political lead- of Germany." They expressed been conducting any searches the audio collection of the Li- in this kind of thing. This man for Mercy for Nazi ers." brary, preserved for the use of the hope that this would be the He said again that he had last time that "the attention was brought into our jurisdic- future history and law scholars. wanted to fight on the front of world public opinion would tion, and therefore we had to WIP is believed to be the only line but was kept at his "dark" be brought to the darkest period exercise our jurisdiction in re- radio station in the United lation to him." assignment. "My only guilt was in German history." States to have broadcast the * * * my discipline, my obedience, complete testimony of the four- In general, West German re- Briber Gets Prize Despite my adherence to -my o a t h. I actions to the Eichmann trial month trial. never persecuted Jews from any and its outcome showed a blend Opposition by Herut * * * (Direct JTA Teletype Wire desire on my part. This the of respect for Israel's legal pro- to The Jewish News) Hears Verdict rulers of Germany did, a lead- cesses and remorse for the ter- TEL AVIV — Prof. Martin ership which took advantage of rible wrongs committed by the Buber was awarded Monday my discipline. It was the lead- Nazis against the Jewish people. night the municipality award * * ership that gave the orders. for literature, but not until Now those who receive them U.S. Press Approves after a sharp debate on his pub- are the victims." of Israel's Handling of licly expressed view that Adolf He said it had been con- the Eichmann Trial Eichmann's death sentence tended he should have dis- NEW YORK, (JTA)—Ameri- obeyed his orders but that un- can press reaction to the Adolf should be commuted to life im- der the circumstances then Eichmann trial and sentencing prisonment. Council m embers of the prevailing "this was impos- approved of Israel's handling of sible." He claimed that it was the case against the convicted Herat party demanded that the OTTO EICHMANN, brother "incorrect" to list him with Gestapo colonel. Several news- prize should not be awarded to of Adolf Eichmann, told "the maniacal Jew persecutors" papers, however, among them Prof. Buber. Joseph Sosiphoff of newsmen in Linz, Austria, and the fact that he was so the New York Times and the Herut said that Prof. Buber that members of the family portrayed "bothered" him dur- New York Post, agreed with had not denied a statement at- may appeal for mercy from ing the whole postwar period. Prof. Martin Buber of Israel tributed to him that he would the Israeli court decision sen- He insisted that his superiors who had demanded that the seek a revision of the death sen- Adolf Eichmann is shown in tencing the Nazi criminal to had intentionally made it so death sentence against Eich- tence imposed Friday on the his prisoner's glass cage in the death. He said he hoped for appear to place the major blame mann be commuted to life im- former Gestapo colonel. Jerusalem courtroom as the a "fairer sentence" for his on him. prisonment. Acting Mayor E. Shechter op- sentence of death was pro- brother. He told the court that many There was general opinion, posed the motion and said that nounced. as ,- rmi ow 4,,