THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, December 15, 1961 — Archbishop Cushing Warns Against JDC Adopts s30,685,750 Budget for '62; Leaders Depict Worldwide Grave Crises Weakening of Jewish Tradition; NEW YORK — Following som- ria. JDC receives its funds chief- following officers: Honorary Says 'Americanization' Is Threat ber warnings that the "unfore- ly_ from the campaigns of the chairmen, Herbert H. Lehman BOSTON, (JTA)—A warning that the Americanization of the Jew may produce a scattering and weakening of "the vast accumulation of Jewish learn- ing and cultur e" has been sounded by Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston. The Cardinal told a meeting of the Brandeis Club here that whatever might be said against the European ghettoes of past periods, "there was no reason Bar-Ilan Viewed as 'Mendip a of Faith, Reason' Addressing a gathering of 600 at the annual dinner of Detroit Friends of Bar-Ilan Uni- versity, in Latin Quarter, Wednesday night, Dr. Joseph Lookstein, president of the board of governors of the uni- versity, located in Ramat Gan, Israel, declared that the sig- nificance of the school of higher learning is that "it is a blending of faith and rea- son. "This is the particular char- acter of our university," he said. "It is rooted and oriented in the great traditions of our people. Bar-Ilan was born out of a recognition that wedded to the mind is the heart and soul. What is needed is a fusion and a synthesis between the mind and the soul, between science and a divine purpose of life. Unless that is achieved, the fate of humanity is shroud- ed in uncertainty." A feature of the dinner was the presentation of an Honorary Fellowship in Bar- Ilan University to Brig. Gen. S. L. A. Marshall, in recog- nition of his deep interest in Israel. The presentation was made by Dr. Jacob Goldman, who was toastmas- ter, and Dr. Lookstein. Gen. Marshall also was presented with a scholarship to be awarded annually to a stu- dent in the Wayne State University Near East Depart- ment for a year's study at Bar-Ilan. Dean J. Russell Bright of the College of Lib- eral Arts of Wayne State University, who accepted the scholarship, says Wayne Uni- versity "is proud to be as- sociated with Bar-Ilan in this project. The hood of the university was placed on Gen. Marshall by Dr. Max Kapustin and Tom Borman. Phillip Stollman, national chairman of the Bar-Ilan board of trustees, who opened the meeting with greetings, an- nounced a $5,000 scholarship gift froth Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nosanchuk, in honor of their 54th wedding anniversary. Gen. Marshall delivered an address, accepting the awards, and stated that all he has done to deserve the honors is hat try he runs all over the c ple "like a nudnick" telling or they are not doing enou, Israel. Participants in J oh program inclu d Prero, Segal, and Sa anis and Cantor Simon n, national Mrs. Max Ilan Worn- chairman of t en's Division. I P" i31„w , 41.0.10,3 isapau!AN uom 1 `NVH1 3NIM 113NIA V CINI1 1,NOM noA NMOCI 3015dfl ESA. 3H1 Nam noA II - to be anxious in these centuries about the survival of Jewish tradition and culture." He said that this living pat- ten "produced a Jewish com- munity conscious of itself and one aware of the extraordinary treasures of the past which were handed down by learned teach- ers from generation to genera- tion." In contrast, he said, the complete Americanization of the Jew in this country was "a new experience for the Jewish community." He said it posed the threat that "the vast accumulation of Jewish learning and culture will now be dissipated into the wider community and in the process lose much of its strength in the generations that lie before us." Stressing that the problem in the United States now "is the opposite of the one that faced the Jewish community in times past," the Cardinal declared: "The over-concentration of Jews in a single place has given way to the scattering of Jews in all places. Unless steps are taken to meet the challenge this new social situation presents, Jewish culture itself will be affected in the years that are before us." He said that "the Jewish contribution to science and art and literature" in the United States as in other parts of the world, "is a mas- sive one but it could become a purely personal contribu- tion made by people of Jew- ish descent but without a bask Jewish identification." For this reason, he advised that "alongside and encourag- ing the great personal efforts of individual Jews, there should be somewhere in this broad land a visible institution which in a sense can formalize and give structure to all the Jewish learning of times past and through its presence provide new inspiration for the learning and discoveries in the days ahead." The' Cardinal stated that Brandeis University, "without being in any exclusive sense Jewish, provides the home in Which 'the riches of the past can meet the challenges of the present in terms of the . uni- versal genius of Judaism." United Jewish Appeal. Presiding at the meeting was Edward M. M. Warburg, who was re-elected JDC chairman for the 17th consecutive year. He told the assembled Jewish lead-, ers that JDC was faced with "fa greater and more difficult" pro lems than those of the last s eral years. Summing up JDC's 1961 ties, Leavitt said preli ary figures indicate that '11 have aid ore t men, wo hworld by the countries e e . This includes end of more t n ,000 in Moslem ore than 50,000 in 13 areas, countries and some Europe 72,000 1 Israel. In presenting the 1962 JDC budget, Jordan reported that Jewish communities in European countries are facing "almost im- possible" problems in attempting to cope with the flood of refugees. Sol Satinsky of Philadelphia, who was re-elected chairman of the JDC National Council, urged the assembled communal leaders "This sum may not be to alert their communities to the enough," Jordan declared. "In new and urgent problems and a world where catastrophes are needs of Jews overseas, Re-elected with Warburg for common, violence 'routine' and emergencies 'normal,' the 1962 another one-year term were the seen crises" of 1961 affecting Jewish communities ov er seas "may well have been a harbinger of similar crises" in the year ahead, the Joint Distribution Committee last Saturday adopted a 1962 budget of $30,685,750 for its aid programs. Addressing more than 400 members of the JDC National Council at the agency's 47th an- nual meeting at the Waldorf- Astoria, Moses A. Leavitt, exec- utive vice-chairman, stated that "because of their minority role," Jews often suffered more than others in the same areas from the effects of the cold war. He added that "Jews were singled out—by events unrelated to the cold war, or nearly so—for a special portion of affliction and pain." Charles Jordan, director - gen- eral for overseas operations of the JDC, added that the $30,685,750 budget was a "dangerous mini- mum" needed to care for an esti- mated 325,000 needy men, women and children in 27 overseas countries. budget will prove realistic only if, in the coming 12 months there are no major crises af- fecting Jews overseas." Leavitt cited the outbreak of fighting at Bizerte as an exa le of 1961 emergencies. Th s ds of Jews fled Tunisia in t ee months ollowincs the iz e n- cident. or thi the o y p uci4 a ream of country e said. "From refugees civil war — Algeria torn nearly a ma Jews emigrated to Israe in the first seven months o 961 as in all the years from 1956 to 1961." Thousands of additional ref- ugees are expected to enter France before the end of 1962, Leavitt said. As a result of these and other emergencies, Leavitt said, JDC incurred a deficit of near- ly $1,000,000 in 1961, the first in 10 years. Leavitt also presented the JDC budget to the National Confer- ence of the United Jewish Ap- peal, which took place Dec. 10 and 11, also at the Waldorf-Asto- and James N. Rosenberg; execu- tive vice-chairman and secretary, Moses A. Leavitt; director-gen- eral, Charles H. Jordan. SAVE 20% ON ALL OVERCOATS - TOPCOATS and SUBURBAN COATS TUXEDO RENTALS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Individual Perfect Fittings Special Sale on Almost New Tuxedos! RADOM Tailors, Clothiers & Cleaners 22155 Coolidge, Oak Park LI 7-1511 Where in the world do you want to go! The Orient of Course! . Here is a Rare Opportunity . . BEE KALT Who recently returned from a tour of the Orient will personally escort a tour of the Orient April 28th and in September of 1962 BEE KALT TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE: DETROIT PHONE: JO 6-1490 BIRMINGHAM: MI 6-2170 Bee Kalt you pick it p we'll put you in it — Hillel Foundations Report Reaction of U.S. Students to Eichmann Trial WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The Eichmann trial drew the high- est audience response of any college campus topic of the past year, the Bnai Brith H i 11 e 1 Foundations reported. Reports from Hillel directors on 75 major American cam- puses show that, with few ex- ceptions, attendance was "un- usually heavy" at college forums, film programs, lectures and discussions of the trial, and students had an _"intense and vocal interest" in its legal and ethical aspects. Rabbi Oscar Groner, Hillel's assistant national director, said nts that for many young stude the trial was a "first personal awareness of the real horrors of the holocaust and of the Nazi era in history as symbolized by Eichmann." As the trial unfolded, he said, a large majority of both Jewish and non-Jewish students "were profoundly shocked by the testi- mony of Nazi mass murders, re- vealing their unfamiliarity with the Hitler period." One effect was a "marked increase" in the number of non-Jewish students and faculty members seeking information on Judaism and on the causes of anti-Semitism. The 75 Hillel directors re- ported that campus opinion was strongly in favor of Israel's judicial handling of Ow trial and the "calm objectivity" . of the proceedings. This was a sharp shift from pre-trial senti- ment when many students questioned the legal basis for the trial being held in Israel. In the early weeks after Eich- mann's capture, before the trial convened, a considerable num- ber of Jewish students were found to be "uneasy" about the possibility of a negative re- action in the non-Jewish com- munity, Rabbi Groner said The character of the trial dissipated this feeling too, he said. $100,000 Grant to Brandeis Honors Jonah J. Goldstein A $100,000 grant has been given to Brandeis University by the Lester Martin Foundation of -'bute to Dr. New York as • n, retired Jonah J. Go ork Court judge of t ssio of General be used to sup- The grant, pler ent fasil salaries, is one of t e arrest ever received by or this purpose. Bra • e When that brand-new model in your dealer's show. room steals your heart, let us put you behind the wheel with a quick, convenient auto loan. You get our low bank rates . • and our experience can save you both time and effort. 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