Arabs Start. Vitriolic UN Anti-Israel Drive warned will consume at least two the Arab states, to sign an zen, and charged that Prof _ . En- full meetings of the committee, Arab - Israeli pact renouncing rique Rodriguez - Fabregat, head perhaps running into a third ses- aggression and to implement of the Uruguayan delegation, was sion. an Arab-Israeli agreement for a J Israel. Both Direct JTA Teletype Wire As expected, Shukairy stood complete Middle East dis : resolution which is constantly n to The Jewish News being cited by the Arab delega- history on its head. He told the ment under prope rupted the Arab speaker a UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., tions here when they insist that committee that it was Israel-that and control. ous points. The Uruguayan re (JTA)—The Arab refugee de- the refugees be "repatriated" or started a war against the Arabs Shukairy ied immediately, resentative said: "I reject any' bate opened Monday morning be- compensated by Israel, ignoring, immediately after the Palestine ignorin: appeal by th corn- falsehood against m self and my fore the General Assembly's Spe- other alternatives like resettle- Partition resolution was adopted mitte ' chairman, An untry." anz-- cial Political Committee with an ment or reintegration of the ref- by the Assembly in November Driz Spain. hukai] d that Is- out-and-out victory for the Israel ugees mentioned in the very 1947. It was Israel, he said, that is reply Shukairy a' d been fight- delegation on the important same resolution. began hostilities after declaring Co y of being a So ited N point regarding Arab insistence officer, insis at forces in atan At a press conference Dr. itself a State in 1948. In any ar ion for - the- seating of a so-called Davis conceded, for the first event,, he said, it is "irrelevant" Gol Meir, Israel' reign i n- that Comay i y labelled "Palestine Arab delegation." now to try to determine whether ister, s a United States citi- as time in UNRWA history, that be- After a brief, but vigorous ex- tween 90,000 and 100,000 ref- the war was started by the Arabs or the Israelis. The "repugnant" ' change between Michael S. Co- ugees who died are still on the may, Israel's permanent repre- UNRWA ration rolls in Jordan State of Israel and the refugee problem were born together and sentative here, and Ahmad Shu- alone. AfaWlk, kairy, Saudi Arabia's chief rep- rb In a marathon speech `of mam- plague the world today. resentative, the committee's vice- moth proportions—full of distor- Shukairy, as , chairman of the Regular i-:!)...N, kiliiii , ... w ■ $9.95 5 chairman, Angel Sanz-Briz of tions commensurate with the size Saudi Arabian delegation, offer- m Spain, ruled that "at the appro- of the text — Ahmad Shukairy, ed one proposal to ease the ref- ** 4. cr. DIAMOND ji=i, ''''' priate time" he will call upon Saudi Arab-10s Minister of State ugee situation in his first chapter. 3 VOLT „pa •T. v s PHONO1 TRANSISTORS auk tl N EEDLES "a spokesman" for the Arab ref- for United Nations Affairs, Tues- He suggested that the United Na- CO NT PRICED i i j U ugees to voice his sentiments be- day started the debate -on the tions establish in Israel a custo- ca fore the committee. He implied Arab refugee problem before the dian of Arab property. He' up- fS AE that the spokesman would be Dr. General Assembly's Special Po- braided the United States sharp- S rcE Izzat Tannous, who, for many litical Committee. 1ST for "lobbying" last spring to- years, represented the Arab Ref- ward , killing a similar proposal, Tuesday morning's oration ugee Office before this commit- was only the first part of an declaring that the United States SUBURB tee. NITE address which Shukairy himself delegation here "acted. as a pub- lic relations man to promote the Comay, on behalf on Israel, interests of Israel and defend told the committee that "who- the position of Israel." ever" appeared before the group on behalf of the ref- In passing, Shukairy also at- ugees should be directed to tacked the two leading newspa- MOTOROLA stick to the refugee subject pers in New York—the Times and not make political speeches. and Herald Tribune, in which, MUNTZ SERVICE STATION - Shukairy objected to limitation he said, there is no "fair chance • Dumont s Silvertone The Jewish Center has an- for a fair presentation of the of the refugee spokesman. The • Magnovox •Westinghouse PHILCO • eiosley • vice-chairman's ruling remain- nounced the winners of the Arab case." At the' same time, • Hot Point • oiympio ed in effect. Teme Skully Poster Contest, however, throughout his speech, • Airline a Vebcor Dr. John H. Davis, director of held in conjunction with the he bolstered his -anti-Israel argu- ► TV Rentals the United Nations Relief and tenth annual Jewish Book Fair. ments with numerous quotations First prize in the junior divi- of Mw York Times reports. - Works Agency for Palestine Ref- EMERSON Written Dexter Television Co. Shukairy played pointedly for luaraR nteepeaio n n ugees, gave a report to the com- sion went to Bob Oettinger, 13211 Dexter' - License No. 216 yre _ the sympathies of the African mittee which dealt almost entire- 19782 Steel. Second prize win- "SINCE ly with UNRWA's work at • spe- ner was Mindy Colman, 24301 delegations by implying that Is- PHONE TE. 4-2858 1938" cial educational institutions for Jerome, Oak Park, and Carol rael's technical assistance to new Arab refugee youth and with the Kapetansky, 19987 Lichfield, African states is a form of im- perialism which, among other ef- won third prize. agency's budgetary problems. In Group I, the winners are fects, has helped create the pres- In regard to the general situ- ation facing the refugees, Dr. Charles Cobb 18968 Hartwell, ent anti-United Nations actions Davis noted that "during a pe- first prize; Susa ein, in Katanga., , second pr riod of 13 years, so little progress of 18619 Bir In one of the most stormy eller, Lynn Ede has been made ,toward a solu- and B r sessions endured at the United tion.'? He pointed out that "t rie Kaatz and Nations in many years, Michael J agner, major responsibility" for _ prize win- S. Comay, Israel's permanent eral solution of the refu s. Group - II winners are representative at the UN, de- prob- lem rests with the Pa ne Con- harles Mintz, 17511 Kentucky livered Wednesday a 90-minute dilation Commissio ther than first prize; Jill Politzer, 688 speech replying to - what he with UNRWA. W. Outer Dr„second prize; R called the "mammoth speech ert - He reiterated, Kroll, 18301 B wood, t e contention with mammoth distortions" de- he expressed his annual re- prize. livered before the General port two mo • s ago that "the hon- Assembly's political committee lot of most r gees continues to ntest: Tuesday by Shukairy. be one of h ship, and Koloff; In his reply, Comay once more sistence o e imple uran, el Iiipsitt, appealed to the Arab states for of Paragr. 11 of ewin, )' Eden, Beth peace with Israel. He told the tions' Res tion 194 Gross, Elaine committee that it was the moral unabated. en Fisher, Arnold duty of the United Nations, in The cl e to whi Davis ffrey Weinstein and spite of all provocations by Arab referred in a .1' ssembly Lieberman. representatives like Shukairy, to "throw its weight behind a peace- ful and negotiated solution of all Arab-Israeli disputes." Comay told the committee that the kind of speech it heard from Shukairy Tuesday "represents the C ii mentality of compulsive hatred" and that Shukairy's long inter- vention could be summed up in these four words: ‘"Israel must be eliminated." Reciting in detail the history aria - development of the Zionist movement, the Palestine question and the State of Israel from the first Congress in 1897, to the We make our saving ser Balfour -Declaration of 1917, to Current Rate the Paris Peace COnference of able at your corner mailbox, w 1919, to the adoption of the Pal- is "open for business" 24 hours a estine Partition plan by the UN Did you know, that New York Carpet will make a doy, day. can save at in 1957, Comay showed that custom-made carpet for your home, for as little as y co nience by al earn throughout the years, it had been $10.95 a sq. yard! Just think, you can have any the elORa Say- possible to establish full coopera- texture or pattern you want, made up into a carpet ings Detroit e even pay the tion between the Jews, between that is yours and yours alone. Select the finish, and pos e both ways ! Come in or the Zionists and between Israel write for save by mail form the color yourself, and you have real individuality and the Arab peoples and states. underfoot. Comay, regretting that he had COME IN FOR YOUR 1962 C to take up so much of the com- Custom carpets in Cotton, Nylon or Wool from mittee's time for setting straight $10.95 to $29.95 a sq. yard. the historical record which he said Shukairy made an attempt to rewrite and "did distort," 4411) showed that some of the very N e wyor k Downtown: CADILLAC SQUARE Corner RANDOLPH Arab representatives in the com- CO MPANY mittee room had insistently call- Northwest: 13646 WEST 7 MILE Corner TRACEY ed for "armed struggle" against Call to have carpet samples 7324 WEST 7 MILE Israel. brought to your home. Free Near Livernois Both offices open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Monday through Friday estimates and decorator ad- Comay said that Israel still vice upon request. UN 1-7980 Northwest office open Thursday Nigh ttil 9 insisted now that it was pos- Downtown Friday til 6 sible to sign a peace treaty with anomn■ HIM So-Called 'Palestine Arab' Group Not to Be Seated as Spokesmen 23 Lvs s NO MONEY DOWNV 1c c Admiral List Winners in Jewish Book Fair Poster Contests CARPETS ... We're As Near As Your Mailbox ORE ! You Can Afford! - as