THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, December 8, 1961 — 40 Norman Bentwich's 'My 77 Years' Adds Rabbis Honor Danes, Swedes, CBS 1Valuable Data to Modern Jewish History The Bentwich family has play- ed significant roles in Jewish life in England and in Zionist activi- ties. Best known among them is the name of Norman Bentwich, who served as Attorney General of Palestine during the early years of the British Mandate, who contributed greatly towards the development of the Hebrew Uni- versity in Jerusalem, where he served as professor and in whose behalf he traveled to the United States and other countries, and who was active in movements for the rescue and rehabilitation of refugees from Nazi Germany. In his autobiography, "My 77 Years," just issued by the Jew- ish Publication Society of Amer- ica, Dr. Bentwich relates his ex- periences in so many areas that the book becomes a most impor- tant complement to available his- torical material about the trying years covered in his personal document. It is not only for Zionists, but Jews in all walks of life, and for non-Jews who are interested in world developments as well, that this well told human story holds great interest. Early Zionist history is unveil- ed, and the Bentwich story may well be said to start from Theo- dor Herzl and continue through the Weizmann and Ben-Gurion periods, since Bentwich's father, Herbert Bentwich, was one of Herzl's earliest associates in the Zionist movement and was pres- ent at the meeting of the Macca- bean Club in London, in 1897, at which Herzl described his pro- posed Zionist solution of the Jewish problem. His father, and- later he himself, were delegates to World Zionist Congresses. His father settled his family in Zion. That family movement began in 1913 when his sister, Nita, and her husband, Michael Lange, settled in Zikhrom Ja- cob. His sisters, Margery and Thelma, brought their musical talents to the land after World War I; Thelma, who married David Yellin's son Eliezer, be- came a cellist in the Jerusalem Quartet. His sister Muriel, a painter, came to Palestine in 1919 and married a veteran teacher, Bernard Mochenson. His father visited Palestine every year since 1920 and made his home in Jerusalem in 1929. He died there in 1932. Thus, the Bentwich Zionist tra- dition was strong. Dr. Bentwich, who studied under Prof. Solomon Schechter, turned to law, and later was given important gov- ernment assignments. The many important people he met, his close association with all the High Commissioners, beginning with Herbert Samuel, and his friendship with many Arabs, placed him in an enviable role to aid the Jewish cause. He had joined the Ihud group which sought an understanding with the Arabs. He associated himself with Dr. Judah L. Magnes and others in striving for an Arab-Jewish state, but he later admitted that Ihud "became quix- otic . .. its effort was stultified by the obstinate refusal of the Arab states to negotiate with Is- rael." Dr. Bentwich had close associ- ations with the late Ahad Ha-Am, U. S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis and Henrietta Szold; with Menahem Ussishkin, Nathan Straus, Dr. Arthur Rup- pin, Henry Morgenthau, Julius Rosenwald and scores of others who were prominent in Jewish life. He knew T. E. Lawrence in- timately and he writes about him, inter alia: "I was one of the persons to whom Lawrence offered the chance to buy a copy of the original edition of his book 'Revolt in the Desert,' on which he lavished immense care. The price was 30 pounds and I was , foolish enough not to take advantage of the offer because I thought I could not afford it. The value of the mar- ket of that first edition rose quickly to 1,000 pounds. I saw more of Lawrence in those days of his sojourn in Jerusalem, and was convinced that he had a true understanding of the progressive part which the Jews in their National Home in Palestine could and would play in a Semitic revival throughout the Middle East. It was a fallacy to regard him as unfriendly to the Zionist cause becatise he was the champion of Arab independence." He has the kindliest words for two High Commissioners, Wau- chope and Plumer, and while he is reserved in his criticisms of some of the other British offi- cials, he nevertheless indicates that there were unfriendly atti- tudes and that some entertained bias towards Jews and Zionism. But it's difficult to understand his defense of Ernest Bevin. Dr. Bentwich refers to the ap- pearance in Palestine, with the Jerusalem Musical Society, of the late Ossip Gabrilowitsch, direc- tor of the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra, son - in - law of Mark Twain, and other distinguished musicians. He tells about. the progress made by Jews in Pales- tine culturally, and he outlines in great detail the accomplish- ments of the Hebrew University. Describing his visit in the United States in behalf of the Hebrew University, during the war years, he recalls that some refused to help and he relates: "My appeal for material help for the University of Jerusa- lem provoked, too, a 'sales- resistance,' fortified by the ex- cuse that in a few weeks Jerus- alem would be occupied by the Nazis, and our institution de- stroyed. In many cases the argument was a rationalization of an unwillingness to give. The leaders of the community had no faith; they were 'inert- ual.' When I spoke to the sim- pler elements of the popula- tion, I found a more generous response. My sponsors arrang- ed meetings at which I talked to groups of different voca- tions: bankers, lawyers, pub- lishers, tailors, furriers, and the like. I had to lead up to the subject of the Uniiiersity from an account of what had happened to people of their calling in England; and I found it easier to get to the heart and pocket of the taxi- drivers and the tailors than to the heart and pocket of the lawyers and bankers." the British and Israel commu- nities, and a link between them," Dr. Bentwich states in his concluding words. "At times I have felt that 'life is made up of many partings welded together.' I have not been firmly enough rooted either in my native land or in Jerusalem of my dreams. My life has been a shifting, erratic pattern, but woven, I hope, with a thread of service." The reader will be left with the impression that Dr. Bentwich had left an indelible mark on Jewish life and on Israel. He pays glowing tribute to Israel's attain- ments, to which he has contrib- uted a great deal. He has helped philanthropically and in travels among the Jewries of the world and has aided many of the home- less who found refuge in Israel. His name is among the very great in Israel. Dr. Norman Bentwich's "My 77 Years" is a remarkable his- torical document. It will rate high in the literature evaluating the era in which we live. —P. S. Difficulties in Israel's Relations with Soviet Russia Revealed by Ben-Gurion TEL AVIV, (JTA)—"There is nothing Israel can do to im- prove relations with the Soviet Union under present circum- stances," Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declared here. "Whatever Israel does will only be held against her by Moscow," he added. The Prime Minister spoke at the traditional annual dinner with editors and foreign con respondents, marking the 14th anniversary of the adoption of the partition resolution by the United Nations. Ben-Gurion also stated: 1. The Syrian coup which separated that country from Egypt and ended President Nasser's United Arab Repub- lic did not diminish the Arab threat to Israel or bring nearer a settlement of Middle East differences. 2. .Israel was not prepared to accept Prime Minister Nehru of India as a mediator in the Arab-Israel dispute because his qualifications as a neutralist were doubted. 3. Israel's stand against the South African Republic in the United Nations on the Apartheid issue was justified for a variety of reasons. 4. Dag Hammarskjold, the late United Nations Secre- tary-General was just and The vast change in attitude today is, of course, well known. Dr. Bentwich, referring to the relief and rehabilitation, efforts during the war, also deplores the lack of unity in Jewish ranks, the "unhelpful. competition" that ex- isted among world Jewish organi- Hebrew Corner zations. Describing another visit to the U. S. in behalf of the He- brew University, in 1952, he coimnented that the old talk among Reform rabbis that "America is our Zion" has been abandoned and that "the trend today is to link American Juda- ism with the spiritual move- ment in Israel." In the United States, he saw "spiritual poverty" associated with "generous philanthropy." He saw weakness in Jewish lead- ership in the U. S. being "in' the hands of highly skilled profes- sionals" and their vested inter- ests. By contrast in England, he said, Jewish movements are di- rected by men and women "with- out thought of renumeration." His relief efforts on behalf of the sufferers from. Nazism form some of the most dramatic chap- ters in his book. He also tells about his travels to the Arab countries, his efforts to cement friendships, the failures but the frequent rational approach to the issues by the Arabs. "Character and circumstances during the last 25 years have made me a wanderer between The New York Board of Rabbis presented Bibles and cita- tions to the Danish and Swedish peoples for their heroic assistance to the Jews in 1943 which resulted in the saving of almost the entire Jewish population of Denmark from the Nazis and their transportation to Sweden; and to CBS-TV News which produced the film "An Act of Faith" in com- memoration of this event, in cooperation with the New York Board of Rabbis. Left to right: Rabbi Harold H. Gordon, execu- tive V.P. of the N.Y. Board of Rabbis; Rabbi Israel Mowsho- witz, Erik Kronvall, Consul General of Sweden; Richard Salant, president of CBS; Paul Ryder, Consul General of Denmark, and Rabbi Harry Halpern, president of the N.Y. Board of Rabbis. Nahalal: Forty The settlers of Nahalal, that went up to their soil in the Valley of Yizreel 40 years ago did not sat- isfy with the creation of a farm. They saw themselves as pioneers in the creation of a new society. Today the elders of the village the generation of the first settlers are privileged that their farmS are worked by their children and grand- children. The founders of the village that reached the country from Eastern Europe before the first World War without a Pruta (a small coin) in their pocket, went up to the grounds of .Nahalal that were then cursed swamp land. In the first year of their settling on the land 60% of the population of Nahalal were sick with the malaria. They lived a poor life and not only once did they have to bortow from one another a can of flour to bake bread. About 12 years they lived in tents and huts till they were privileged to enter a building of cement. Today Nahalal is one of the rich- est agricultural settlements in the country. The greenfields, the fruit trees, the various branches of farm- ing and the village buildings and institutions, give evidence of wealth. The people of Nahalal point out with pride to the fact, that almost all the second generation of the village about 200 men, even those. that left the village, bound their future with agriculture of a defence role. When the sons of the elders settle- ments went down to the Negev to guide the new immigrants, the sons of Nahalal stood at the head of the undertaking. Translation of Hebrew text. Pub- lished by Brith Ivrith Olamith, Jerusalem. reasonable and there is no justification for a negative attitude toward him. sidering the good relations be- tween Burma and Red China, his visit to Burma might pro- He said there were two main mote rapproachment between factors in the question of Israel- Israel and Red China. Soviet relations. One was the fact that Israel had only one Jews in Soviet Union vote in the United Nations Seek to Perpetuate compared with the 11 Middle Jewish Life, Javits Reports WASHINGTON, (JTA) — East Arab countries and that there were 70,000,000 Arab Russian- Jewry's apparent con- voices in the world as against tinued interest in Jewish activi- 2,000,000 Hebrew-speaking peo- ties—religious and cultural— ple. The second factor was that seems to give the lie to the there are 3,000,000 Jews in government's official position Russia whom the Soviet au- that Jewish institutions in the thorities • wanted to assimilate USSR are dying for lack of forcefully, a goal to which Is- adherents; Senator Javits of New York told a news con- rael was a barrier. Ben-Gurion stressed that his ference. He asserted that "every visit to Burma meant a renewal evidence" he saw or was told of personal contact with Pre. about, pointed to the fact that mier U Nu and Former Premier Jews are attempting in as many No Win, whom he described as ways as possible to perpetuate ardent friends of Israel. (He Jewish life. left for Burma on Monday). Senator" Javits said that one He said that Israel- had rec- conclusion of his visit to the ognized the Peiping regime but Soviet Union was that a Jewish that Red China did not appear culture could flourish there if to be eager to reciprocate. He the government relaxed its expressed the hope that, con- restrictions. -, • nzrAri rinj trn -qt TT nx .L2 . klp7pri tror?tp:: nip roll rittini) 7 2 *.vj ,i2i7;12 L ntVIT'. ij7 nr) 7?Ix Vprlpri x•2 n's7 4 . 1x r:37417 1N1 r3;-7 .rtgp riT;1 7.i n'171"`? 7., L IntrIR;,' .41t4 '4 7t? 04 .;71'? 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