Opportu nity to Deflate ate Libel Missed in Children's Book "Hand in Hand," as a motion picture, was awarded six prizes by Parents Magazine, National Conference of Christians and Jews, and others. Now, the 29-year-old producer of the film, who had appeared in 35 films and on TV, also having done radio shows in Hollywood since she was 18, has adapted "Hand in Hand" as a book which has been issued as a beautifully illustrated work by Whittlesey House and McGraw-Hill Book Co. (330 W. 42nd, N. Y. 16). The story is aboutNa Catholic boy, Michael, and a Jewish girl, Rachel. The youngsters "draw blood" by pricking their fingers, to establish a kinship — so well do they like each other's com- pany. - But Michael one day confronts Rachel with the accusation that Jews killed Christ. Rachel didn't understand and Michael was not fully aware of what he said. But both try to dispense with the tale by visiting each other's house of worship. It seems to have patched up differences, and they go on a canoe ride. It nearly ends in a tragedy when Rachel falls into the river and is un- conscious when rescued. Both priest and rabbi are in- troduced into _the narrative, and both agree, when Rachel is brought back to' consciousness and there is an assurance that she will be "all right" that "God, whose other ,name is Love, took care of her and let her live." Insofar as this plot develops, it is a splendid story,• but it has two especially regrettable •blun ders: There is no excuse for stating that "she showed him the syna- gogue where Jewish people went Molly Picon. 'Milk and Honey' Record a Stereo Triumph Molly Picon's new Broadway. success, "Milk and Honey," has created delight among th&ater- goers with its music as well as its text. The popularity of the play now is being matched by the popular- ity of the recordings of the mus- icals lyrics. Issued as a long-playing_ record • by RCA, the "Milk and Honey" songs featui-e also. the Metropoli- tan Opera Star, Mimi Benzell. Opening the group of songs with "Shalom," the record at once gains favor. "Independence Day Hora," songs with traditional American and Israeli themes, en- hance the-- series. RCA Victor's stereo version of the original Broadway cast album of "Milk and Honey" achieves a unique "first" in the history of original cast recordings, because, for the first time, an attempt has been made — by RCA Victor co- producers George Avakian and Joe Linhart, utilizing recently de- veloped sound-engineering tech- niques to simulate on a re- cording the stage action of the principals in the actual Broad- way production of the show. Lis- teners to the stereo "Milk and Honey" LP thereby are afforded the extra-sensory pleasure of "hearing" this movement of voices, which creates the effect of Living Theater in the living room. to church." A synagogue is not a church and should not have been referred to as such. Even more regrettable is the intro- duction of . the crucifixion tale without an effort at least to de- iflate it. I Thus. an excellent opportunity I was missed to teach children not to make the crucifixion story a means for hatred of Jews by Christians. —P. S. Israel Praised . by 2 Brittshers (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON—Two British gov- ernment leaders who recently visited Israel praised Israel's vitality and progress at a Bal- four-Weizmann meeting Tues- day night. sponsored by the Zionist Federation of Britain. The officials were Dr. Charles Hill, Minister of Housing and Local Government, and Arthur Henderson, Labor MP and for- mer Air Minister., Dr. Hill said he and his wife recently spent 12 days in Israel as guests of the government and had an opportunity to meet leading Israelis an.d see the country, He told the meeting that of the wealth of impressions he brought back with him, three were outstanding: The children in Israel, the imperishability of Jewishness and the role of science in the development Of Israel. He said he found Tel Aviv "bursting with p ride and energy," while Jerusalem "has a quiet dignity." Dr. Hill, speaking as a phy- sician, called the hospital "mag- nificent in every way." He said Israel displayed tremendous vigor and vitality and appeared to be . solving its "appalling economic problems." He said the children were a "new type;" attractive and lively. Henderson, who has visited Israel three times, and who was the first British minister of cabinet rank- to visit Israel in 1950, described the country as a "classical example of progres- sive social democracy," a de- mocracy hemmed in by hostile neighbors. . • He said it was essential that the neighboring Arab countries realize that Israel not only- existed but had come to stay. He suggested that the ultimate solution of Middle East prob- lems was some kind of fed- erated framework and a bal- anced security. While this did not seem practicable now, he added, "we must look ahead." MENU - ORT School in Marseilles Eases Population Explosion The growing Jewish popula- tion in Marseilles has resulted in the building of a new ORT school in the French city, soon to be completed. Since World War II, the Jewish population has risen from 4,000 to 40,000. During the War, Jews from all parts of Europe made their way to Marseilles to escape the Nazis. From there it was a short route to free French soil in North Africa. The city became for a while a beehive of Jewish organizational activity. Prior to the War there were less than 3,000 Jews in the City. At the War's end, a new migra- tion wave hit the city from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. Ground was broken in April on the acre and a half plot on the Rue des Forges for construc- tion of the school with double the present capacity. The design is expandable so that floors and sections can be added without difficulty. The reason is the ex- pected movement of Jews from Algeria in the next few years. The architect's plan provides for a gym, lunchroom, kitchen, first-aid room, and spacious courtyards that are being laid out outdoor sports fields. Tel Aviv Court Ruling Returns Baby to Jewish Mother, Moslem Father TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The Tel Aviv District Court has re- versed a juvenile court ruling and returned to 19-year-old Yaffa Ajami and her Moslem lover their five-month-old .boy. The couple's attorney. Avra- ham Fishman, said that kidnap- ping charges filed because the young mother had taken her baby from a Welfare Ministry home would be dropped. The father, Abdul Rahim Mdjdaleh, was charged with complicity. The girl emerged from the closed hearing With a smile, saying she and the father planned to marry soon and the father remarked "everything will be nice and legal." Under Israeli law they can- not marry Unless one converts to the other's religion. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Louis Agee acknowledges with grate- ful appreciation the many kind expressions of sympathy extend- ed by relatives and friends dur-. ing the family's recent bereave- ment. BY HENRY LEONARD Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without S ery Stops ain For t fir- time ha ound a new ealing subs tance with tonis ng ability to shrink On* rho' s and to relieve — bout su ery. In case ft se, bile al ecluc- g tly relie ing (shri e) ar Most azing o r Its Cr ; o thor- gh that r lade a atements li Pi haw ceased to a proble Th sec is a new ling sub ce (Bio- yne)— dis- y of orld-f ous research -in .Th sub ce is now avail- able or ointment torn' called Preparation H®. At all drug counters. . • . "And next on our agenda will be a discussion on an appropriate blessing over Metrecal." copr. 1961 Doyenu Productions 11.1100111, Twentv-Year-Old Kaufman Funeral Home Moves Into Modern Building Begin Third Decade of Service ThiS Week In New Building The new chapel of Ira and rooms, parallel -to the main Herbert Kaufman, designed and chapel. The opposite side of the created by Theodore Rogvoy, corridor then leads to a four- A.I.A., is a modern, elegant car garage, housing limousines and functional structure. The and maintenance equipment. building is situated on four Further down the corridor is acres of land at West Nine the receiving garage, for funer- Mile Rd. and Northwestern al coaches and ambulances. This Highway in Southfield. arrangement gives direct access The chapel is oblong in de- to the prepartion room immedi- sign, 220x120 feet . . . 26,000 ately adjoining. square feet in area. Its exterior, Next to the preparation is of pre-cast concrete faced with the final ritual room. From this quartz aggregate, buff brick, point the corridor leads to an aluminum and large windows, employees lounge and apart- gives an impression of majestic ment for night help. The em- simplicity. ployee area has a kitchen, din- A three-lane roadway leads ing room, shower and locker from highway to main entrance, room. then to a 300:car asphalt paved Across the corridor, and parking lot south of the build- ing. An angled roof rises some facing the garden court, is a 10 feet above the chapel's main third chapel, 23'x3'7' used as a entrance. Beneath this roof are reposing room, a children's housed eight separate zone con- service room, or to accommo- trol, units which operate the date small, private services. Beyond this chapel is the entire building's air-condition- ing, ventilation, forced hot air smoking lounge and public rest and hot water heatifig systems. room area. These can be easily The entrance itself, with reached by persons coming from glass doors framed by win- the main chapel. - dows, presents a unique, gos- Further along the corridor samer view of the interior, are three large display rooms to those entering the chapel. and the general business offices ',A "miracle mat" at the en- and Waiting younge, followed by trance brushes street dirt, snow the management and arrange- and slugh from shoes. Inside is ment- offices. On one side is a the chapel lounge and just continuous glass wall overlook- ahead is a sheer glass wall. Be- ing the garden court. On the hind it, a garden court serves other side are the offices of Ira as a structural, center . . . the and Herbert Kaufman. These building completely surround- offices are connected by an ex- ing it. Highlights of the court ecutive lounge. are its landscaping, a small pool Fine-grained woods, accousti- and an 8-foot high bronze sculp- cal ceilings and subtle, soft ture, "Tree of Life." colors were chosen by Milka To the right is the reception Iconomoff, A.I.D. The walls are room . . . center of the chapel white and subdued blue. Drap- operation and control. Here the eries are oyster white overlook- RCA Hi-Fi sound equipment, ing the garden court; blue in phonograph and tape recorder other areas. The 1,800 yards of are housed and operated. tweed patterned carpeting in To the- left, a glass wall sep - 1 the chapel area and corridors arates the entrance from an- and reposing rooms are a quiet other, smaller landscaped court. combination of blue, violet an_d Panelled doors lead to the black. immense main chapel; accom- modating 360 persons. The Weil, Who Was Defeated accoustical ceiling, 22 feet by Goebbels, Dies at 78 above, slopes down to a Dr. Bruno Weil, president of height of 16 feet at the al- cove in the front. Recessed the Axis Victims League, who lighting fixtures are barely fled from Nazi persecution and noticeable. Lights in the chap- who was defeated for the els and reposing rooms can Reichstag in 1932 by Dr. Josef Goebbels, who was among the be dimmed. The pews are of rich walnut. evil spirits of Nazism as Hit- Floor to ceiling windows light ler's propaganda chief, ,died last the eastern wall of battened Saturday in his home in New walnut - panels and textured York, at the age of 78. speaker cloth. Beyond the win- dows, a small, brick wall shuts Hugh Straus, Department out highway sights and sounds. Store Head, Dies at 71 On the west wall of the main Hugh Grant Straus, form& capel, an 8-foot valance is deco- vice president of the Brooklyn rated with billowy blue clouds Abraham & Straus department on a white sky. Walnut panels store, died in New York Satur- beneath the valance are multi- purpose. They will fold back to day at the age of 71. . He was a leader in the Feder- enlarge the chapel area; form three reposing rooms, or an ad- ation of Jewish Philarithropries ditional chapel. Near the al- and many other causes. cove, off the main chapel, are rest room facilities; rooms for Samuel Gorlick Forms clergy and family and a private Own Monument Co. family entrance. Privacy is as- Samuel Gorlick, former man- sured for both clergy and ager of a well known monument family. The family room and all company has established the auxiliary rooms each have Monument Center, Inc., 7747 outside service entrances; as Fenkell, of which he is presi- does the flower room, just dent. His associate is Sidney Wolf- down the corridor from the family room. Each service son, recently graduated from entrance has its own outside the Detroit Institute of Tech- phone service. This makes nology with a bachelor's degree communication with the re- in chemistry and minerology. ception room a simple matter. For further information Mr. Following the corridor, on Gorlick or Mr. Wolfson can be the one side, are three reposing reached at 864-0785.