women s r CITY OF HOPE CANCER and Mrs. Julius Green will be 17540 Ohio. Guest speaker will FIGHTERS will present a "first- hostesses. Rummage is being be Rabbi Stanley Greenberg of run" movie for paid-up members accepted. For information and the Jewish Community Council, noon Monday at the Main Thea- pickup, call UN 1-1659. according to Mrs. T z i p p or a ter, Royal Oak (through the * * * Baiter, chairman. courtesy of Jack Krass). A des- MUSIC STUDY CLUB will * * sert luncheon will be served in hold the final luncheon rally for N'SHEI CHABAD OAK 'the lobby, according to Mrs. Al the Annual Artist Concert 12:30 PARK STUDY GROUP will Rosenberg, in charge of the af- p. m. ....... ... • . • ................... meet 3 p.m. Saturday at the fair. President Mrs. Abe Eizel- at the home of home of Mrs. Solomon Cohen, man says dues may be paid at Mrs. Ezra Lip- 14121 Winchester. Chairmen of the door. Members are asked to kin, 1 7 5 9 7 the group are Mrs. Y. Cohen, collect rummage for the coming Gr e enlawn. Mrs. A. Feldman and Mrs. A. drive. Cynthia Raim, * * * Sandweiss. a piano stu- * * DAVID HORODOKER dent who is a AVODAH CHAPTER, Pio- YOUNG WOMEN'S ORGAN- recipient of a neer Women, will meet 8:30 IZATION wil hold its 24th an- Mu sic Study p.m. Tuesday at the home of nual donor event Dec. 5 at Club scholar- Mrs. Louis Isaacs, 15620 Arbor, Holiday Manor, featuring Can- ship, will per- Southfield. Guest speaker will tor Nicholas Fenakel as guest form. Mrs. Max Mrs. Reich artist. For tickets and informa- Reich is chairman of the Annual be Mrs. Irving Turner, national tion, call Mrs. J. Freedman, UN Artist Concert, to be held 8:30 board memb • is no s eing 1-6793, or Mrs. S. Kreisler, TY p.m. Nov. 28 at the Detroit Insti- rummage held. F pick-ups, call Mrs. 5-2647. tute of Arts, featuring Joan Geral oldberg, chairman, UN * * * Caplan, contralto, and David 3-76 CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women Levine, cellist. Proceeds from will meet 12:30 p.m. Wednes- the annual event help provide day at the Hayim Greenberg scholarship assistance for music I Center. Lunch will be served. students. Mrs. Maurice Morse is pa Guests are invited. patron chairman. De * * * * * * CONG. BETH SHALOM SIS- ROSENWALD LADIES AUX- DIM CHAPTER, Pioneer TERHOOD will hold an Oneg ILIARY, American Legion, has Women, will hold a paid-up Shabbat 2-4 p.m. Saturday at appointed Mesdames Sara Jacob- membership meeting 12:30 p.m. the synagogue, 14601 Lincoln, son and Isabelle Levett to serve Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Oak Park. Dr. Irving Panush from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednes- M. Richman, 18411 Prairie. Mrs. will be guest speaker. Refresh- day at the Downtown U.S.O. Mrs. Fanny Schreier will discuss ments will be served. The pub- Tess Kominare and Mrs. Ann her recent trip to Russia. Gottlieb will serve "meals on Guests are welcome. For in- lic is invited. wheels" for the aged at the Her- formation, call Mrs. Sam Fish- * * * Project man, LI 6-9081. CONG. BETH- AARON SIS- man Garden Housing noon Thursday. 0.: * * TERHOOD will hold an Oneg from 9 a.m. to * * * Shabbat 2:30 p.m. Saturday at FANNY GLUCK CHAPTER, CONG. BETH ABRAHAM Mizrachi Women, will hold a the synagogue, announces Pres- ident Mrs. George Fredson. SISTERHOOD will meet 8:30 "Member-Bring-A-Member Tea" Mrs. Benjamin Gorrelick is in p.m. Monday in the Nusbaum 12:30 p.m. Monday at Maxine charge of the program. Guests Hall, announces Mrs. Sidney Sheldon's Antique Gallery, are invited. Members of the Schlaff, pro g r am chairman. 19358 Livernois. Mrs. Jacob synagogue's U.S.Y. group will Members will present a. pro- Goldman will report on the na- participate in a cantata nar- gram on "Around the. Year with tional convention recently held rated by Mrs. Gorrelick. Mrs. Jewish Festival s." Refresh- in Boston. Hostesses for the Ben Drapkin and Mrs. Jack ments will be served. The plan- afternoon will be Mesdames Kanners will serve refresh- ning committee for the donor Ben Schneider, Joseph Baker, ments. luncheon will meet Tuesday at Raymond Rosenberg, Max Men- • * the home of Hinda Halpern, delsohn and Ben Sherman. BUSINESS AND PROFES- 18681 Santa Rosa. Hostesses * * * SIONAL GROUP, Hadassah, will be Mesdames. Israel Halp- NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pio- will hold a general meeting 8:15 ern, Shabtai Ackerman and neer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Nov. 28 at Hadassah Isaac Tennenhouse. The donor p.m. Nov. 29 at the Hayim House, announces President event will be held Nov. 29 in Greenberg C e n t e r. Hostesses Mrs. Martha Winet. "Woman the Nusbaum Hall, with enter- will be Mesdames Ruth Kaplan of Valor," by Irving Fineman, tainment and prizes to highlight will be reviewed by Rose Pos- the annual affair, according to and Molly , Hoffer. A conven- kel, according to Goldie Slak- Mrs. Sidney Ring, donor chair- tion report will be given by Molly Borax. ter, program chair man. For reservations, call Mrs. * * * movie, "Follow the rry Ribiat or Mrs. Isaac Ten- SHOMREY EMUNAH • SIS- be shown. house. * TERHOOD will hold its fifth * * annual Hanukah party 8 p.m. AC C OUN FANTS SERVICE GROUP Dec. 2 at the synagogue, an- MEN'S hold a brunch dedicated nounces President Mrs. Isadore its an he "Ruth Alden Drive" noon Levin. Mesdames L. Laufer, '7 p. nday at the Sholem Aleichem chairman, and G. E. Miller, A. Res stitute. A business session Halperin and H. Gutman, co- H will also be conducted. Dresses chairmen, announce that a light will be accepted. supper will be served, to be P- * by games and prizes. hold SHERUTH LEAGUE will followed :30 p.m. hold a games-lunCheon party Friends are invited. * * * yim Green- 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Sho- TOWN AND COUNTRY ertha Eisenberg lem Aleichem Institute. For "special project" information CHAPTER, Women's American (deadline Tuesday), call chair- ORT, will hold its annual paid- men Mrs. Harold Gross, EL up membership party 8 p.m. 7-4137, and Mrs. Arthur Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Leave Everything to Us Schreier, UN 24513. The an- Merril Fishman, 6755 Orinoco nual donor affair is slated for Circle, Birmingham. Member- Dec. 6 at the Masonic Temple, ship Chairman Mrs. Paul Sheri- featuring a fashion show and zen announces that the program music by Frankie Paull and his will include a dramatics group presentation under the direc- orchestra. * * * tion of Mesdames Walter AD AS SHALOM SISTER- Krause and Ernest Klein and a HOOD will present the second report of the delegates' trip to in its series of book reviews the national bi-ennial conven- featuring Mrs. Jacob E. Segal tion held in Philadelphia. on Romaine Gary's "Promise Guests from the Regional Board At Dawn" beginning with a will attend. Co-chairmen Mes- continental breakfast 10 a.m. dames Milton Geller and Steven Tuesday in the social hall. Co- Meyers will serve refreshments. * * chairmen of the series are Mrs. Phillip H e l f man and Mrs. PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT WYAN and HAROLD LANDIS Joseph Katchke. Breakfast CLUB will meet Monday at the hostesses are Mrs. A. L. Morri- Sholem Aleichem Institute. Mrs. son and Mrs. Earl Gould. Tic- Harry Brown, donor chairman, ket chairmen are Mrs. Philip and her committee announce Phone Langwald, UN 3-6127, and Mrs. that the 27th annual donor Harry Portner, UN 3-3789. luncheon will be held 12:30 • STYLE * * * p.m. Nov. 29 at the Bnai Moshe • ELEGANCE N'SHEI CHABAD NORTH- Synagogue. For tickets, call Mrs. • BEAUTY WEST STUDY GROUP will J Kobrin, UN 3-4057, or Mrs. meet 3 p.m. at. the B. 1<—`--- Tr" WYN-HAROLD CATERING home of Mrs. Ev.. Greenes, (More Clubs Fa;e 23) I I WHY WORRY HOME CATERING EL 6-8411 " Socialites Hold Dance_ will er ev ing begi at 9 p.m. . 2 at The Oak Park Counc of Com- th t Abraham. Art munity Organizations 11 host chestra 1 be the presidents and d egates f ore oration, from over 40 organizati at a 8-5721. dinner at 7 p.m. Nov. 29 a Oak Park Community Center. Dr. Mel Ravitz, Wayne State HANUKAH SPECIAL University sociology professor A Black Cultured Pearl Drop Chain in Sterling or Yellow and newly elected. Detroit Coun- and Gold-Filled. cilman, will speak on "The Reg. $ 0 5 Emerging Metropolitan Commu- $5.00 *4, nity." Musical selections will be EXCLUSIVELY AT: performed by the "Accents," a quartet of Oak Park women who have performed locally and on television. 129-131 W. NINE MILE ROAD Reservations for the dinner are FERNDALE 20, MICHIGAN being made by Marion Siegal, LI 2-2110 LI 5-4082, and Selma Raskin, LI Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. to 9 6-0418. . MARY JANE BEAUTY SALON WIGS and HAIR PIECES .. . y smart women are enjoying the convenience and excite- t of a MARY JANE high fashion wig or pin on hair piece. is marvelous short cut to memorable new beauty banishes HAIR PROBLEMS" forever. Every MARY JANE hair piece absolutely undetectable and made of the finest European hair, in any color or to match your own. The price is surprisingly modest for all this beauty. For private appointment call . . . MARY JANE BEAUTY SALON 16305 W. 7 Mile Rd. VE 8-3700 Hudson's Boys' Department Invites You .. . Trunk Showing of SPECIAL - OCCASION SUITS Come see this handsome collection of new style suits—figure-proportioned for boys. Fine worsteds, rich blends—expertly tailored to make a young man look handsome, feel proud. View the showing in the Boys' Department November 24 at Hudson's Northland, 2nd level; Eastland, 1st floor; and November 25 at Hudson's. Downtown, 2nd floor. While you're here let us show you other • suits from our wide selection in sizes 13-20, regular, slim, husky and stout (special order) plus young men's sizes 35 to 42, regular- and long. --I LT 0 INT ' 17 - THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS -- Frid ay, November 17, 1961 Mel Ravitz to Speak at Community Council Dinner in Oak Par