4 41 co cr) ■-■ a) E 0 z .75 rn W. Ci) ti Fy 1:0 E•4 Revision in Synagogue Standards Approved by Conservative Conclave KIAMESHA L A K E, N. Y. (JTA) — The convention of the United Synagogue of Am- erica, central body of Cohserva- tive congregations, approved a revision in its standards for synagogue practice, calling for the broadening of the commit- tee on Jewish law and stand- ards of the Rabbinical As- sembly of America — Central Rabbinical body of Conserva- tive Judaism—to include equal representation for • the United Synagogue of America, the Conservative movement's' con- gregational body. It took its decision at its biennial convention here. Both organizations are sister groups within the Conservative move- Annual Temple Israel Institute on Judaism Hosts 500 Educators ment embracing about 1,500,000 Jews in the United States and Canada. Under the approved re- vision, the composition of the committee on Jewish law and standards will, in the future, be determined by the presi- dents of , the United Syna- gogue and the Rabbinical Assembly "in consultation with each other." The code of standards of synagogue practice adopted in 1957 was reviewed by the dele- gates. It provides for: A ban on games of chance for syna- gogue fund-raising; standards of dignity at bar-mitzvahs, weddings and funerals; a ban on inter-congregational raiding covering both members and staff; the authority of the rabbi as arbiter on matters of re- ligion, and disciplinary measures. Rabbi Ralph Simon of Chi- cago, Ill., in his keynote ad- dress at the opening of the convention called 'for "a frontal attack on the self ignorance of the American Jew." He said: "We cannot face the intellec- tual challenge of modern adult thought with a 'juvenile level of information. Jewish educa- tion today is a mile wide and an inch deep. The tragic, truth is that our young intellectuals are going elsewhere to espouse causes which are in the very fabric of Judaism—social jus- tice, racial equality, economic altruism and international peace." Rabbi Bernard Segal, execu- tive director of the United Synagogue of America, said: "A virtual revolution has cata- pulted the synagogues into the forefront of Jewish life. More and - more secularist Jews are returning to the synagogue and accepting the centrality of the Torah as a Jewish way of life." The 12th annual Institute on Judaism sponsored by the sis- terhood of Temple Israel played host last Friday to more than 500 Detroit public school teach- ers who came for a close look at Jewish traditions and teach- ings. The annual Institute program is designed to promote better community relations through understanding. The teachers came for a luncheon, saw a playlet depict- ing a Sabbath scene at a Jewish home, and heard five Detroit- Windsor area rabbis explain practices a n d traditions of Judaism. Rabbi Leon Fram, of Temple Israel, gave "A Definition of a Jew." Rabbi M. Robert Syme, also of Temple Israel, told "What We Teach Our Chil- dren?' Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum, of Temple Emanu-El, Oak Park,- spoke of "Important Events in the Life of a Jew." Rabbi Philip Beth Moses Participates Frankel, of Cong. Shaarey in Interfaith Services Zedek, Lansing, explained "Mar- riage and Jewish Home Life." for Thanksgiving Eve._ Cong. Beth Moses and its neigh- Rabbi Sherwin Wine, of Temple Beth El, Windsor, detailed "The bor, St. Matthews Methodist Calendar of Jewish Holidays." Church, will celebrate their fourth annual joint Thanksgiving Eve Service at 8:15 -p.m. Nov. 22 Congregation Beth at the Synagogue. Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah The service was begun by Rabbi Hyman Agress, now in New Elects New Officers Cong. Beth, Tefilo Emanuel York, and Rev. I. Paul Taylor, Tikvah has elected a new slate of now retired. When Beth Moses was still the officers with Morris Dorn as Evergreen Jewish Congregation, president. Those voted to office include struggling to maintain its exist- Joseph Katz and Abe Levenberg, ence, church facilities were made vice presidents; Sam Kurnetz, available for synagogue worship Ben Weisman and John Florance, by Rev. Taylor. Rabbi E. Applebaum will offi- secretaries; Itshke Finkelstein, shames.. Rabbi Leizer Levin is ciate for Beth Moses and Rev. S. spiritual leader of the congrega- Hocking will speak for St. Mat- thews. tion. The men's clubs of both con- Members on the board of direc- tors are Irving Eisenman, Jacob gregations are presenting the pro- Anstendig, Dr. Julius Burnstine, gram this year. Musical selections Abraham Hoptman, Henry Smo: will be presented by Dr. Manuel lensky, Nathan P. Rossen, Joseph Feldman and his son Clark, Can- A. Dorn and David J. Goldberg. tor Morris Kaminsky -and the Alpha Omega fraternity choir. * * * The publicis invited. Chevra Kadisha The annual banquet of the Chevra Kadisha of Cong. Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah will be held 6 p.m. Nov. 28 at Holiday Manor. The banque be in honor Hop • , presi- of Abrah evra K. .sha for dent of the pas • years. Rab Leizer ill de- Cantor liver. e main Ruve Bo k 11 e fea- 'cal rogram. ture' in 1 Morris For resery ns, Dorn presi t o he congre- gation, N 4-00 c. ce:6 6 6 I Dr. Bloch to Speak at Chabad Dinner Detroit's fourth annual Chabad dinner will feature Dr. Irving Block as guest speaker 6' p.m. Nov. 26 at Northwest Young Israel, 17376 Wyoming. Dr. Bloch is professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario, Middlesex College. He studied at the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Brooklyn, N.Y., where he re- ceived his rabbinical ordination. He also holds bachelor's degree from Vanderbilt University and a doctrinate from Harvard Uni- versity. A report on Camp Gan Israel of the Mid-West will be given by Charles E. Feinberg, chairman. Planning the dinner ase Isa- dore '`• Starr, chairman,. Jacob Field, Abraham Gardin and George Zalman, co-chairman. 'Dilemmas of Youth in Amercia Today' Issued by Seminary United Synagogue Votes Schechter Award to Cong. Shaarey Zedek "Dilemmas of Youth in Amer- ica Today," edited by R. M. Mac- Iver, Lieber Professor Emeritus of Political Philosophy and Soci- ology, Columbia University, brings together a notable collec- tion of fresh and pertinent essays on the impact of our society upon its younger members. The book is the 27th in the Religion and Civilization series published by the Institute for Religious and Social Studies of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and distributed by Harper. A Solomon Schechter Award in the areas of elementary and high school education was pre- sented to Cong. Shaarey Zedek Nov. 15 at the biennial conven- tion of the United Synagogue of America held at the Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, N. Y. The award, dedicated to the memory of the founder of the United Synagogue, is given at each biennial convention of the United Synagogue of America to congregations which have dis- tinguished themselves during the preceding two years in one of several areas of congrega- tional activity. Three-size categories are de- signed by the Awards Commit- tee congregations under 250 families, congregations of be- tween 250 and 500 families and congregations of over 500 fam- ilies. Cong. Shaarey Zedek, has membership of over 1,'700 fam- ilies. In bestowing this honor on Cong. Shaarey Z e d e k, the Awards Commitee took into ac- count an imaginative and crea- tive untilization of educational resources by the congregation, the impact of the educatio program on the members the congregation an total community, a tribution of the the raising of ca ards." The ard years 1959 t 961. The U d Synago of America Federation f ov 700 Conse ative congrega throughou the Unit ates and Canada. Dr. Harry Balberor is chair- man of the Committee on Edo- cation of Cong. Shaarey Zedek; Harvey L. Weisberg is co-chair- man of the committee. Eli Grad Ahavas Achim Will Greet New Members; Couples Hold Panel New member s of Cong. Ahavas Achim will be officially welcomed into the synagogue family at a Melaveh Malkah gathering 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the building's social hall. The program will be opened with a Havdaleh Service con- ducted by Cantor Simon Ber- manis. Following the Melaveh Malka repast and community singing, Abe Friedman, the congregation's president, will formally welcome the large number of new members and will present them with a signi- ficant memento from their spiritual home. Rabbi Milton Arm will conclude the festive program with a brief address. "How to Build Bridges of Understanding Between Ameri- can and Israeli Jewry" will be discussed by panelists 8:30 p.m. Sunday at a meeting of the Ahavas Achim Couples Club at the synagogue. Rabbi Arm will serve as the discussion moderator. Appear- ingon the panel will be Shlomo Steinberger, instructor in Bible and Talmud at the Midrashi- C ollege of Jewish Studies; Harold Berke, former director of the Histradrulh Campaign; and Martin Portnoy, past presi- dent of LAHAV chapter of USY. The public is invited. Monthly,EveningService of Beth Aaron Features `Look at Community' The monthly. late Friday eve- ning service- of the Beth Aaron Synagogue will be held at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 24. The Service will be conducted by Rabbi Benjamin H. Gorre- lick, and will feature a public forum discussion on "A New Look at Our Jewish Commu- nity." Walter Klein, executive director of the Jewish Commu- nity Council of Metropolitan Detroit, will be guest speaker. Klein will deal with new challenges to the Jewish com- munity and the synagogue con- fronted by the ,possibility of a changing neighborhood. A general discussion will in- clude a question and answer period on how to maintain the stability and the Jewish charac- ter of a neighborhood and the rol•of the synagogue in this hour will feature program of - song, ents served by a of the sisterhood airman Mrs. Joseph Rated No 1 in the U.S.A. Come in and see why before you buy Quist Typewriter Co. Specialists Since 1934 18961 Wyoming (7 Mile) DI 1-0254 An Historic Message o by a World Jewish Leader Ben Schneider Heads Chesed shel Emes Anniversary Banquet The Hebrew Benevolent So- ciety Chesed shel Emes) will hold its 45th .• anniversary banquet Dec . 10 at Holiday Manor, a nounces Sc is educational director of the Shaarey Zedek Schools; Sidney Selig is principal of the congre- gation's Northwest Branch. RABBI DR. JOSEPH H. LOOKSTEM ° • President of the Board of Governors of Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel who. will be Guest Speaker at the I Banquet of Rabbi Jacob 11;1E. Segal Adas S h Schnei Synagogue ill be g st Ca er. Guest rtist w kerman Shabtai agogue.Barr raham rov and his rchestra sic. dinner an Synago Awards Announced by Council of America AR-RAN UNIVERSITY 1 O I Wednesday Evening, December 13, 6 p.m. at Latin Quarter Dr. Joseph H. Lookstein A Scholarship will be dedicated at the banquet The 1961 Synagogue States- in honor of man Awards will be presented by the Synagogue Council of a America to three representa- tives of the American Jewish Distinguished Author, Foreign Correspondent, Mill:- religious community: Samuel H. Daroff of Philadelphia, Conser- Et tary Expert who made a first hand study of the Sinai vative leader; Ludwig Jessel- son of New York, Orthodox Campaign and the Middle Eastern situation. leader; and David Sarnoff, also of New York, Reform Jewish Toastmaster leader. The awards • were announced by Rabbi Julius Mark, Syna- gogue Council president; former Noted Physicist, Head of the Ford Physics Laboratory Senator. Herbert H. Lehman, chairman of the Synagogue Statesman Awards committee; For reservations call DI 1-0708 or write to and Benjamin Lazrus, chairman of the national advisory council. The presentation will be made at a $100 per plate re- ▪ 17596 Wyoming Detroit 21, Mich. El t l ception and dinner, Dee. 3, at Essex House, New York. i ray 1 4 c BRIG. GEN. S. L. A. MARSHALL DR. JACOB E. GOLDMAN American Committee for Bar-Ilan University