'■ Council of Federations Issues Report on Health Planning Study NEW YORK, (JTA) — The Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds issued a re- port containing a number of rec- ommendations for improving the care of the greatly increasing numbers of aged and chronically ill through community-wide co- ordination of medical and nurs- ing resources. The report, highly lauded by U.S. Surgeon General Luther L. Terry, is the result of an inten- sive four-year study sponsored by the Council's Health Planning Committee, directed by Dr. Franz GoIdmann, former professor of Public Health at Harvard and an international authority in' the field. The Council's research study was financed in part by the United States Public Health Service. The report is designed to serve as a blueprint 'for local commu- nity action. Though based on studies made in Jewish hospitals, nursing homes and welfare agen- cies, it deals with problems com- mon to all welfare councils, pub- lic health departments, commu- nity planning bodies and medical institutions. One hundred and eighty-seven hospitals, special institutions for the long-term sick, homes for the aged, family service and voca- tional service agencies, and wel- fare federations under Jewish auspices cooperated in the re- -------------- -- search on which this study is based. Fifteen premilinary re- ports were issued at various stages in the study. The key rec- ommendations of the final, pub- lished report are: 1. That the functions of gen- eral hospitals be expanded to include responsibility for acute hospital services for the chronic sick, for more cooperation be- tween hospitals, long-term institu- tions and social agencies, and for the extension of hospital skills to chronic disease before, during and after hospitalization. 2. That the function of homes for the aged be converted into service for the long-term care of physically and mentally impaired adults, and that a variety of other community services must be de- veloped for the care of the healthy aged. 3. That organized home care programs require vast expansion; that systematic plans for inter- agency and inter-professional co- operation be developed; and that new patterns of association with government, insurance organiza- tions and commercial enterprises must be developed by voluntary, non-profit agencies and institu- tions. Louis- Stern of Newark, chair- man of the Council's Health Planning Committee, headed a group of 90 lay and professional representatives from communities throughout the country, many of them with wide experience in health planning. The report will be analyzed and discussed by member federations at a special session at the Council's General Assembly to be held in Dallas, Tex., Nov. 16-19. Detroit organizations which participated in the study project include the Home for Aged, Sinai Hospital and the Jewish Welfare Federation. Detroiters who served on the Health Planning Committee in- clude Edward I. Fleischman, Mil- ford R. Pregerson, Dr. Julien Priver, executive director of Sinai Hospital; Dr. Jack Rom. and Alan E. Schwartz. - -------------------------------------------------------- The Detroit Israel Bond Committee Is Privileged and Pleased to In,vite Their Friends to the David Ben-Gurion 75th Birthday Tribute Dinner 1 COE Distinguished Guest BERT B R OF DUBLIN LORD * Irish iot * Me er Irish Dail * Devoted Jew * Ardent Zionist * Israel Bond Champion Lord Mayor Briscoe Saturday Evening, Nov. 18 7:15 p.m. GRAND BALLROOM — STATLER HILTON HOTEL 'S.50 Per Plate • Dietary Laws Observed FOR RES ERVATIONS Phone DI 1-5707 . 1.