----,411111M1111111.111111.11111•11111MINIMPPI - — Arabs Launch Vicious Diatribe at UN in Rebuke to Israel's Offer for Peace Around the World... A Digest of World Jewish Happenings from Dispatches of the Jewish Telegraphic immediately that: 1. The state- Labor Zionist Order: "True, Agency andOther News-Gathering Media. ments attributed by Mr. Shu- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., — kairy to a number of Israeli our's is the only nation that is not part of a 'family' based on In a speech which an Israeli leaders are complete fabrica- United States spokesman promptly 'denounced tions; and 2. It is strange to race, language or religion, nor NEW YORK—The American-Israel Chamber of Commerce as "the most vicious and ob- hear lectures about Nazism from are we a part of any mutual scene" ever delivered here, the lips of a former colleague defense alliances. But we have and Industry was told at a recent meeting that Israel is a Ahmed S h u k air y of Saudi of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem numerous friends among the significant market for raw' materials as well as finished products Arabia flatly rejected proposals who collaborated with Hitler member-nations of the United made in the U.S., by Arthur Settel, official of the Department by Israel for peace talks, dis- and the Nazi regime regarding Nations and we are no more of Commerce .. . A $70,000 grant for research in the field of 'armament and an, Arab-Israeli plans for the extermination of alone than are any of the differential geometry has been awarded the. graduate school of others. science of Yeshiva University by the National Science Founda- non-aggression pact. Jews." "We cannot go into the UN tion . . Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath, president of the Union Addressing the General As- Israel's offer to the Arab with the feeling that we have of American Hebrew Congregations, and Dr. John Haynes Holmes, sembly in reply to the address states for disarmament and any substantial number of minister emeritus of the Community Church of New York City, last week by Mrs. Golda Meir, for the conclusion of a non- votes in our pocket," she de- were presented with the 1961 Ghandi Peace Award at a luncheon Israel's Foreign Minister, in aggression pact earlier was clared, "but which , nation, last week . .. Foreign Minister Golda Meir of Israel said here which those basic proposals rejected by Mahmoud Fawzi, this week that "a stronger Israel—stronger economically, polit- even among the giants, is in were offered, Shukairy used Foreign - Minister of the that position today? We have ically and culturally—means a better prospect for peace with sharp invective against Israel, United Arab Republic. the Arabs, before a gathering of 600 Jewish communal leaders our troubles, to be sure. In against Mrs. Meir, to whom he of New York, resulting in the sale of $1 million worth of State Addressing the General As- this we are not exceptional. referred as "the' lady froM Is- rael," and against all Israeli sembly, Fawzi repeated the But we cherish our friendly of Israel Bonds ... An urgent plea to end the "chaos, duplicated leaders, from Prime Minister usual demand of the Arab lead- relations and mutual respect efforts, and inter-organizational rivalries," and to establish a democratically constituted representative body of American ers that Israel must fulfill "all" with scores of nations." David Ben-Gurion on down. the United Nations resolutions She ascribed this largely to Jewry," was voiced here by Louis Segal, general secretary of The Saudi Arabian delegate on Arab-Israel issues and that Farband-Labor Zionist Order, at a national convention . . . The said Israel was not a state but the Palestine Arab refugees Israel's attitude that there is 44th annual campaign of the Federation of Jewish Philantropies no such thing as "higher na- "a gang." He said that Israel must be given the right to re- tions and races, and lower which is seeking to raise a building fund of $104,365,000 as well was •using the "slogan" of peace patriation. ones." There is no backward as $22,500,000 for the daily operation • of its 116 agencies, was "with Nazi deterinination." launched here this week at a dinner at which Secretary of Health, He declared his government "Israel Nazism," he said, "was continued to "stand firmly by people, she said, nor one that Education and 'Welfare, Abraham Ribicoff, was principal speaker. responsible for the alleged per-- the side of the Arabs of Pales- cannot, given the opportunity, CAMDEN—Cong. Beth-El, after an extensive survey of secution of the Arab minority tine until the full and actual provide for itself and stand on its own feet. In the .cooperation Jewish changes in its area, has undertaken a program of reloca- in Israel. "It is barbarism seat- recognition of their rights." that Israel extends to the newly tion of its synagogue and school facilities to a new area of Jewish ed in gangsterism rooted in The United States Govern- emerging nations in Africa and population growth nearby. Nazism," he said. ment was urged to take the in- PITTSBURGH—Pioneer Women, the Women's Labor Zionist Referring to the recent trial itiative in- pressing the Arab Asia, she pointed out, Israel is in Israel of Gestapo Colonel rulers for the acceptance of the not in a position to render sub- Organization of America, concluded its 17th biennial convention Adolf Eichmann, he told the proposal for Arab-ISrael negoti- stantial material aid, but sends last week with the adoption of resolutions urging the intensifica- Assembly: "Israel and Eich- ations to create disarmament in to- them qualified people to tion of Jewish education, a liberalization of United States immi- help them in the shortest peri6d gration policy and civil rights legislation, whle Mrs. Sidney A. mann should stand in one dock the Middle East. of time to take care of their Leff, of Brooklyn, was -re-elected president. ' for one trial for one crime and The call was voiced by own needs. for one Verdict." PHILADELPHIA—Discrimination against Jews in Philadel- Turning to the question of phia is at a low level, but there are still places in the area where Israel's proposals for negoti- Senator Kenneth B. Keating, ations, he declared, "is an Is- New York Republican, in a peace with the Arab world, Mrs. Jews cannot buy or rent homes, the 23rd anniversary dinner raeli game" performed by -an public address. At the same Meir declared that "unfortun- meeting of the Jewish Community Relations Council was told by "Israeli acrobat." He concluded time, Keating also challenged ately this does not depend on Jules Cohen, executive director. his lengthy intervention with the Arab states to agree to how ardently Israel desires such NEW HAVEN, Conn.—The prosecution of Alan S. Moyer of four proposals: 1. Creation of the proposal. "The Arab peace. Only about a month ago West Reading, Conn., on Federal charges of postal violations in a United NationS committee to countries," he said, "have Nasser's radio in Cairo asserted anti-Semitic mailings has been assigned to Assistant United States investigate the conditions of the constantly called on the that it would not matter even Attorney Arnold Markle. Arab minority in Israel; 2..Es- United States and the Soviet if Israel were to agree to take MILWAUKEE—The cornerstone has been laid here for the tablishment of a United Nations Union to undertake such a back 300,000 Arab refugees. As commission to implement "all" pact. The time has come for long as Israel exists, it said, new Cong. Sinai, expected to be completed in March. TUCSON—More than 300 people attended ground breaking UN resolutions on Palestine; us to . call on them to act even if confined only to Tel 3. Calling on the International. responsibly in their own part Aviv, the Arabs will not make ceremonies to launch construction of Temple Sholom, the reform Atomic Energy Agency, a UN of the world, instead of peace with it. We hope and wish congregation organized in 1955. body, "to inquire into the po- merely orating about others." for peace with the Arabs, none- Europe *Keating, who spoke at a con- theless," she stated, "but we tentials of . the Israeli atomic BERLIN—A We- ference of the Zionist Organiza- cannot be unmindful .of the s t Berlin city ban on the activities of the reactor"; and 4. The demili- tion of America, warned that Arab threats." Federation of National Students, an anti-Semitic group, was tarization of Jerusalem. Israel's most urgent need upheld last week by the Supreme Administrative Court here. The spokesman for the Israel the United States could not VIENNA—Austria and Israel reached agreement last week delegation promptly made the afford to "wait and let the dust right now is "the third million" settle" in the Middle East. He in its Jewish population, Mrs. over an extradiction pact. following comment: pointed out that only the Meir declared. "Only when we "The statement - by Mr. Soviets are benefiting from the 'will be strong, only when the Canada Shukairy of Saudi Arabia is continued stalemate. A pilot Arabs will realize that they OTTAWA -- The need for overall encouragement of the without doubt the most vi- Middle East arms control pact, cannot annihilate us, will they Hebrew education program in Canada was stressed here by cious and obscene ever heard he emphasized, would have be ready to make peace with Lawrence Freiman, - national - president of the Zionist Organization from a United Nations plat- wide support throughout the us. So long as they believe that Canada at the first regional conference of the organization's form and exceeds all limits world. "There are already UN they can push us into the sea, of eastern region.. of what should be permissi- teams in the area inspecting there will be no peace. We ble in a United Nations de- and guaranteeing the frontiers. cannot compare with them in Israel bate." • To extend their jurisdiction number. But a third million of . JERUSALEM—The Jewish Agency Executive decided to in- The . Israeli delegation will over a wider area for weapons Jews settled in the Negev, crease its allocation for housing for new immigrants by 30,000,000 deal with some of the Arab control would be relatively working in Israel's expanded Israeli pounds (&16,800,000) as an advance against subsequent speeches in due course in exer- easy," the senator Pointed out. industry, enjoying - the highest budgets . . . Finance Minister Levi Eshkol, in renewed efforts to cise of its right of reply. Its Meanwhile, Mrs. Meir told a level of education and scientific form a new government coalition under his mandate from Presi- spokesman said. gathering of 1,500 persons at skills, will be the best guaran- dent Izhak Ben-Zvi, met With leaders of the ' Liberal Party this It must, however, be said the Conference of 'F ar b a n d tee that peace will come." week and was believed to have offered them four portfolios, the Ministries of Justice, Development, Transport and Posts . . . More than 500 Israeli Arabs took summer tours to Europe this season, the Ministry of Interior has announced . . The United Nations' expanded program of technical assistance has con- tributed a total of nearl $4,500,000 to Israel, while the UN - Special Fund has allocated $2 millions for long-term projects in the country, it was announced by a UN spokesman. Heading the news from Israel • expectation of „returning with Canal:" The first deals with life this week was Prime Minister invading Arab armies to destroy in a Palmack unit in the year David Ben-Gurion's rebuke to a the new Jewish state and drive before the establishment of Is- proposal for re-admittance of the Jews into the sea. rael. The other is a comedy by Arab refugees to Israel, and an The Ichud Association, an Ephraim Kishon, Israel's lead- attack on his statement by an organization of Israeli intel- ing humorist. Israeli intellectual organization. lectuals devoted to Jewish- -Under the chairmanship of Carmel Quinn, Pierre E. Salin- Freshmen students at the Prime Minister David Ben- Arab agreement, issued a Technion, Israel Institute of Max M. Fisher, the 13th annual ger, Arnold Stang and Walter Gurion, speaking before Israel's statement this week, under Technology, began their' first Torch Drive was set into motion Cronkite. • parliament, rejected "the in- the signature of Professor studies last Sunday, while other On the evening of Nov. 9, sidious proposal" to give Arab Martin Bub e r, expressing students will not begin until Tuesday. Torch Drive workers will cele- A goal of $18,350,000 has brate at their annual victory refugees freedom of choice to "deep sorrow" over the Prime this Monday. return to Israel as a policy cal- Minister's statement on the A total of 500 new students been set for 1962 for 195 dinner. Arab refugee problem. culated to destroy Israel. The Torch-Drive idea of a will attend the Technion this health and community services, He made the statement in The Ichud statement declared fall. The total number of under- including four Jewish agencies. community-wide "give once for reply to a Herut motion for de- that solution of the Arab refu- grads is near 2,000. In addition, Daily report luncheons will all" fund-raising drive was de- bate on the government's policy gee problem calls for "full co- 5,000 attend courses arranged commence on Oct. 24, each to veloped in Detroit 13 years ago, on the refugee question. He said operation on all sides." It ap- by the Technion's Extention be sponsored by a Detroit-area after repeated failures of numer- it would not occur to., anyone to pealed to both Israel and the Division. corporation as a contribution ous money - raising campaigns put the clock back and repa- Arab states- to "change their The ceremonial ground-break- plus to the success of the cam- and unbearable costs incurred by triate all the estimated 20-mil- present -attitude and agree to a ing for construction of the Re- paign. Reports will be made at corporations as well as benefit- lion refugees resulting from solution of this problem through becca B. - Rose Student Hostel these luncheons by the _seven ting agencies in connection with World War II to their pre-war cooperation." took place at Technion City on fund raising units of the Torch such drives. homes. Two full length feature films Mount Carmel Sunday, Oct. 8. Drive. Fisher addressed the Ford The Prime Minister said there are being produced by Geva Brief appearances • will he Auditorium audience Tuesday Present was David Rose. The is documentary evidence that Films Ltd. in Israel. new building is named in mem- made by outstanding celebrities, night on the occasion of the Palestinian Arabs listed as refu- The pictures are "Havoura ory' of his wife. including Dorothy Collins, James official opening of the drive. gees who left Israel did so on Shekazoth" (translated "What The new hostel will house 60 C. Hagerty, Bess Myerson, Ben Herschel Leib and his orches- orders of Arab leaders in the a Gang") and "B 1 a umilch students in 30 rooms. Alexander, . J i n x Falkenberg. tra appeared on that program. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) Ben-Gurion Hits 'Insidious' Proposal Calling for Arab Refugee Free Choice Torch Drive Gets Under Way for '62 Goal of $18,350,000 -