Monument Agudas Israel Leader Harry Goodman Dies German Refugee Dies at 90 ew Isidor Kiefer manufactur , York ma the U. S. as a refu- who rom Worms, Germany, in 5, died Monday at the age of SARAH SALICOFF, 1150 0. He d d rebuild he Petoskey, died Oct. 12. S ose Worms vived by three sons, Myro by a ancient of Flint, V,harles and Nat 'n; non-J three daughters, Mrs. J es a hi or (Faye) Cohen of Texas, rs. gogu Jack (Sylvia) Pewhikoff nd Mrs. Morris (Bernice) D stein; a sister, 15 grandchi dren and 26 great grandchil- dren. * • * MARGARETE TUCH, 3361 Monterey, died Oct. 11. Sur- During the coming vived by a sister-in-law, Mrs. week Yeshiva Beth Erna Rosenthal; a nephew and Yehuda will observe a niece. the Yahrzeit of the * * * following departed IDA MINKOW, 19324 Stans- friends, with the bury, died Oct. 18. Survived by traditional M e mo - husband, Jacob; a son, Philip; a rial Prayers, recita- daughter, Mrs. Edward Hoffman; tion of Kaddish and se d six studying of Mish- nayes. grandchi OBITUARIES LONDON, (JTA)—The Agu- das Israel European executive announced the death of Harry ANNA RASKIN, 23426 Rens- Goodman, its chairman, at 62. selaer, Oak Park, died Oct. 15. (Unveiling announcements may Goodman had also been vice- be inserted by mailing or by call- Survived by two sons, "Dr. Henry ing The Jewish News office, VE president of the Agudas Israel Raskin and Dr. Jack Raskin of 8-9364. Written announcements World Organization, senior vice- must be accompanied by the Vallejo, Calif.; four daughters, name and address of the person president of the Union of Mrs. Bessie Cohen, Mrs. Frank making the insertion. There is a Hebrew Orthodox Congregations, standing charge of $3.00 for an un- (Thelma) Blumenfield, Mrs. Jos- veiling notice, measuring an inch editor of the Jewish Post, organ eph (Minnie) Singer and Mrs. in depth.) of the ultra-Orthodox group here, Harry (Esther) Delidow of The family of the late Ber- and a member of the Board of Vallejo, Calif.; three brothers, nard A. Pearl announces the Deputies of British Jews and of a sister, 12 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. unveiling of a monument in his the Anglo-Jewish Association. * * * memory 1 p.m. Sunday, Oct. ESTHER MANESS, 18313 29, at Machpelah Cemetery. Dr. David I. Macht, 79 Rabbi Adler will officiate. Rela- Dr. David I. Macht, world fa- Ilene, died Oct. 15. 'Survived tives and friends are asked to mous pharmacologist, • died in by husbanch Louis; two sons, attend. Baltimore, where he had lived Bernard and Carl J.; a daugh- , * * * since childhood, Sunday. He was ter, Pauline; m o t h e r, Mrs. Bryna Greenberg; two broth- The family of the late Harry 79. IL Newman announces the un- He was famed for his dis- ers, three sisters and two veiling of a monument in his covery that blood of persons grandchildren. * * * memory 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 29, suffering from certain mental FANNIE HELPER, 690 Ayl- at Clover Hill Park Cemetery. illnesses acts as a poison in a mer, Windsor, died Oct. 1 Rabbi Adler will officiate. species of European beans. It is Survived by husband, I Judge' Bertha Schwartz Die * * * considered a step in diagnosis two sons, Nathan of San teo, Munie. al Court Justi Br The family of the late Minnie of-- the disease. He also found Calif. and Manuel o Fort died Monday h B Leipsitz announces the unveil- that blood from persons • who William, Ont.; two ghters, at e. ing of a monument in her are fearful or under tension Mrs. Katherine Lefk sky and memory 11:30, a.m. Sunday, clots faster and that penicilin Mrs. Leon I. • (Claire .) Sigel; Oct.' 29, at Machpelah Ceme- and digitalis • are drugs that a brother, nine gr dchildren tery. Rabbi Gruskin will offi- speed the clotting process. and a great grand ld. ciate. Relatives and friends are The deceased also wrote ex- * * * asked to attend. tensively on many subjects, and FANNIE KOHN, 16510 In- * * * in an essay on Job he expressed diana, died Oct. 1 Survived arold; The family of the late Max the view that The biblical figure by two sons, Fred a Kroll announces the unveiling suffered from a form of pein- a daughter, Mrs. Max of a monument in his memory phigus disease causing inflama- Rosenberger; a brother. and 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 29 at Beth tion blobs on the skin. seven grandchildren. in the Jewish * . * Tefilo Cemetery. Rabbi Gorre- tradition by FRANK LUSTIC, 9622 Cam- lick will officiate. Relatives and Naomi Lesowoder Dies eron, died. Oct. 11. Survived by friends are asked to attend. Mrs. Naomi Lesowoder, a for- a son, Ernest; and four grand- mer Detroiter and director of children. * • * Camp Nahelu, founded by her The Family of the Late MENDEL M. COHEN, 2605 family in 1931, died Oct. 14 in Sturtevant, died Oct. 16. Sur- ESTHER Miami Beach. 3201 JOY RD. vived by two daughters, Mrs. Next I. the Hebrew Benovelent Society She was a member of the GORNBEIN CLOSED SATURDAYS Youth Commission of the Zionist Ramon (Beatrice) Guas of Announces the unveil- and JEWISH HOLIDAYS Organization of America, served Puerto Rico, and Eve Cohen; a ing of a monument in grandchild. OPEN SUNDAYS on the Miami Jewish Board of sister, and , a * her memory 2:30 p.m. * * Education and earned life mem- Sunday, Oct. 22, at TYler 6-0196 - 2740 BERTHA SANDERS, berships •in Hadassah and Jewish Fullerton, died Oct. 12. Sur- Workmen's Circle Cemetery (Yiddish Home for Aged. She also served vived by a son, Sam; three the Jewish Welfare Federation, daughter s, Folk Farein). Rabbi Mrs. George Workmen's Circle and Histadrut. (Maizie) Flagman, Ruth of Lehrman will officiate. Relatives and friends Surviving in Detroit are • two Paris, France and Esther of are asked to attend. sons, Henry Lipschutz and Dr. N.Y.C.; and six grandchildren. * * * Louis S. Lipschutz; a brother, AARON HYMAN, 3287 Wav- Morris Shoob and six grandchil- EM dren. She leaves her husband, erly, died Oct. 18. Survived wife, Lena; a son, Josep of Ehiel in Miami; and two sisters, The Family of the Late a grandson and two great-grand- Newtonville, Mass.; a dau ter, rem Mrs. Samuel Pearistein; hree MICHAEL Interment was in Miami Beach brothers, Harry of Chatta oga, SED SATU WEISS children in New York. Tenn., Jacob and Meyer; Announces the unveil- four grandchildren. ing of a monument in his memory 11 a.m. • • ••.... ...:,: tp • Sunday, Oct. 22i at In loving memory of my dear Oakview Cemetery. beloved husband, Phillip Dresser, Rabbi Lehrman will of- whom God called away Oct. 31, ficiate. Relatives a n d 1960 (11 days in Heshvan). Eter- friends are asked to nal love is ours, never to be for- attend. gotten by his loving • and sad- dened wife, Netta. Unveilings - RIALS KARL BERG MEMORIALS 71- : TX 7-1 7N Hebrew Civil Cheshvan Oct. 12 Anna Fegelman Sarah Shirley 12 Tomashoff 12 Ben Matz Reb Mayer Hakochen 12 12 Max Rosenbaum 12 Pearl Knoppow 22 Fannie Hubert William Weisz 13 13 23 23 Jacob Levin David Friedman Leah Lakritz 14 14 14 24 24 24 Frieda Lux Fannie Zingeser 15 Halcum Goldenberg Moses Philip Ellenson Abraham Freed 16 26 16 16 26 26 Bertha Corn Riba Boesky Leah Bluma Lipkin Sophie Lerman ' Ethel Shorr Rosa Schloss 17 17 17 17 17 17 27 27 27 27 27 27 Celia Frank-Eckert Jacob Lesser Alter Farber 18 18 18 28 28 28 22 22 22 22 n 25 15 Yeshiva Beth Yehuda 12305 Dexter WE 1-0203 est Monument In Memoriam IT'S A NEW EDITION AND IT'S FREE TO READERS OF THIS PUBLICATION CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Lena Bloom acknowledges with grate- ful appreciation the many kind expressions of sympathy extend- ed by relative ing the f men F DISTINCT! signed R e Prices U N DAYS 10 to 5 P.M. 7436 TIREMAN • • • • On or about November 1st, 1961 THE -, IRA KAUFMAN CHAPEL will move to its new quarters at outhfield stern) -1175 Hebrew- This is the•4-Y re- English C nd s very vised itio 3 week, t Hebr • da , • the general equi ent a Jewish 1101• cal r, 40 to S b 1 opy, write to r a Z CO. . J. Pittsburgh 30,.Pa. Dept. Joseph Springel and Barry Springel Wish to acknowledge with grateful appre- ciation the many kind expressions of sympathy by their relatives and friends on the death of - their beloved wife and mother HANNAH SPRINGEL W. 9 Mi. Road / 1 - /NORTHLAND CENTER I / • :://-1 ■■•■■••■•7: GREENFIELD