Women's Clu4s portion of the Bible reading of the week. Community singing will be featured. Mrs. Irving Michaels, past vice president of the sisterhood, will present a book review. Hostesses for the afternoon will be executive officers of the sisterhood board. The public is invited. A en eral meeting will p.m. Mond Progra Sc Saved Emperor's Life Kalonymus, the father of a prominent Jewish family who resided in Mayence in the Mid- dle Ages, is credited with having saved the life of Em- peror Otto II after the battle of Cotrone in 982. CHANA CZENESH CHA- CONG. BNAI MOSHE SIS- PYTHIAN SISTERS w i 11 TERHOOD will open its book meet 8 p.m. at their temple, PTER, Pioneer Women, will review series 12:30 p.m. Mon- announces C e 1 i a Goldbe.:g, meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the day at the synagogue when Mrs. chief of the group. Irma Hayim Greenberg Center to Alexander will review "Rivers Moore, grand chief ' of Michi- hear Joseph Mizzi, account exe- NUINE STAR in the Desert." For information gan, will make an official visit. cutive of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, and tickets, call Mrs. Benjamin * * * APPHIRE speak on "How to Invest." A Weiss, DI 1-8760, or Mrs. Arthur L A D I E S OF YESHIVATH film will be shown. Hostesses • Boschman, LI 8-0014. For infor- BETH YEHUDAH AND WOM- will be Mesdames Rose Col mation about the sisterhood bowl- EN'S SABBATH LEAGUE will man and Ethel Epel. Gu ing league, call Mrs. Henry hold a "pre-donor rally 12:30 are invited. p.m. Tuesday at the Yeshiva Tobet, LI 2-0119. * * - * * * * Bldg., announces President Mrs. CLUB FIDELITY LADIE CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAY- Isadore Levin. A dessert lunch- will hold its char" • - games IM SISTERHOOD will meet one will- be served. Donor chair- party 8 p.m. We sday at 8:30 p.m .Monday at th: home men are Mesdames Louis Honig- Rainbow Terrace, 51 Wyo- of Mrs. Edith Golden, 24290 man. and 'Walter Epstein. Pro- ming. Prizes will featured. will Cloverlawn, Oak Park. Refresh- gram chairman is Mrs. Milton Proceeds for the vent will ow and ments will be served. For in- Winston. The event is slated for be given to vis ly handi- A Beautiful Pendant with airmen for formation, call Mrs. Doris Wein- Nov. 7 at Holiday Manor: nnounces capped children, re Mesdames Ruth * * the Prestige of Genuine traub, WE 4-3879. • o. President Frances S z, Sylvia Bernstein, ,Betty * * * NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer * * * Stones and 14 K Gold. Simons, Mary Turkin, Beatrice YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR Women, will hold a luncheon SHERUTH LEAGUE will Leaderman, Adele Goodman C H O L EM ORGANIZATION 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the hold a luncheon 12:30 p.m. Ninety - Two Dollars • will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday Hayim Greenberg Center. Host- Tuesday at Sholem Aleichem and Sophia Feldman. * * * Visit With the Lattins at at the home of Mrs. Harry esses will be Mesdames Jessie Institute. Featured at Le Petite ACHIEZER will meet 9 p.m. Saslov, Edith Guyer and Flor- Bazaar will be Lila Schneider's Boxman, •17320 Fairfield. * . * * ence Primak. Guests are invited. antique jewelry, Eve Garvin's Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Sara ,Wolfson, 18480. Wooding- * * TEMPLE BETH EL SISTER- JEWELERS home accessories and -Aggie HOOD will present Rabbi Philip UNITED ORDER OF TRUE Eisenberg's stationary and ham. Guest speaker will be 129-131 W. NINE MILE ROAD Herbert Geduld, who will dis- SISTERS will meet 11 a.m. Tues- Hanukah gift items. A review Frankel, FERNDALE 20, MICHIGAN day at Northland Center Audi- of camp cases for the coming cuss life in Israel. Movies and ior rabbi of LI 2 2110 slides will be shown. For in- torium, announces Mrs. Simon season will be presented, an- Cong. Shaarey Open: Thurs., Fri., Sat. to 9 formation, call LouiSe Fried- Traurig, president. Luncheon will nounces camp chairman Mrs. Zedek in Lan- man, TY 6-6664. he served at noon. The program, Louis Saferstein. sin `and a fat .* * * "Enchantment for the Most So- ulty member phisticated," •was planned by of • Michigan CITY OF HOPE will present Mrs. George Rosenberg and Mrs. its "Glamorama Luncheon" Oct. State Univer- sit, in "Tues- Elliott Cohen. A rummage sale 31 at the Masonic Temple. • day Morning will be held Sunday at the Prizes will be featured. For i'orum'! pro Canadian Legion Hall; 1005 E. tickets, call Mrs. Morris Lezer- gram this 11-Mile. Mrs. Rosenberg and Mrs. son, LI 6-7360. * * * week. Rabbi Herbert Green will serve as of- Frankel, teach- ficial delegates to the annual PAULA STARK CLUB will es courses in • convention of the national orga- meet 12:30 p.m. Saturday at a at th e Howard Johnsons, Ten Mile Judaism and ov. Oct. c . 29- Nov. iza t ion . Bible at MSU,?.:0Ei:i: Statler-Hilton Hotel, N.Y. road and James Couzens. * * * * * x, . will r e view Rabbi Frankel "The Burnt- ALONAH CHAPTER, Pioneer BRANDEIS CHAPTER, Pio- Out Case," by Graham Green. A Women, will feature a book re- neer Women, will hold its frequent lecturer at universi- view presented by the Detroit annual "paid-up or pay-up" ties, Rabbi Frankel is himself Public Library 8;30 p.m. Tuesday membership celebration in the an author, having written the at the home of Mrs. Meyer' Feld- form of a cocktail party 8:30 _ religious play "Quest for Free- man, 18115 Coyle (BR 2-0240). p.m: Monday at the home of dom." A Halloween party will be held Mrs. Sydney Goodman, 17338 * * * 9 p.m. Oct. 28 at the home of Indiana. Mesdames H y m an JUNIOR PRIMROSE CLUB Mrs. Manuel Gorman, 24256 Ross and Harry Levitt, return- will hold. a board meeting Oct. Leewin (UN 2-4301). ing convention delegates, - will 30 at the home of Leah Levin- * * speak on the national conven- sky, 8728 Woodside, Oak Park. tion held in Pittsburgh where YOUNG ISRAEL CENTER OF * * * OAK-WOODS SISTERHOOD will Mrs. Nathan - Robbins won a NEW STUDY CLUB will meet meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the trip to Israel. For information, 12:-30 p.m. Wednesday at the Center. Mrs. Frank Lowenburg call DI 1-8811. * * Hayim Greenberg Center, an- will review "Stories and Satires nounces President DEB'ORAH SERVICE, y Sholem Aleichem." Refresh- cheon will Schwartz. A dess nts will be served. Guests are LEAGUE Will meet 8:30 p.m. esse "11 be be served. Monday at the home of Presi- er an• .Rob- i ited. Mesdames dent Mrs. Sol Miller, 18650 *. * ert Fin ETH AARON SISTERHOOD Roselawn. A Bell Telephone * * * p. Monday at Company representative will 1 meet 12:30 p.m. EN'S CIRCLE OM- W. e synagogue, featuring a cele- speak on "Interior Decorating d a DIVISION wi E ► ration of the sisterhood's 18th and Planning for the Home." • day a i eon 12:30 p.m. S birthday, announces President Movies will be shown. Friends apl home o N s. are invited. * * i - Mrs. George Fredsbn. A "This 4531 Les will also i s n-am s .ouBrenLifFer"eepmroagi ImsrY DIMONA CHAPTER, Pio- hostess fo t is rs. , Hyman. Fr: Officer o be highlight_ the event. Chairman of neer Women, will meet 12:30 . Cap- the day is Mrs. ,Perry • Levey. p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mesdame installed Mrs. Samuel Koven, 19481 Lit- in, vice plan, pres ant; H. • . Fre an and - R. chairman. Refreshments will be tlefield. Melvin Ravitz will president; speak on "Is There Jewish es; and H. served. Aronson, secre * * Prejudice?" Friends are in- • ipsitz, tress ZEDAKAH CLUB will hold its vited. For information, call LI , annual fall membership tea 12:30 6-9081- • * * * p.m. Monday at Temple Israel, announces President Mrs. Maur- - CONG. SHAAREY E. DE'..0 Leave Everything to Us ice Knopper. -Mrs. Knopper has SISTERHOOD announces that TROPHY OF announced chairmen for the the - seventh annual Book of , coming donor event, featuring the Brunch Club will begin MASTER FURRIERS GUILD a luncheon and fashion show, as 10 a.m. Nov. 1 with Mrs. Morris Mesdames Leonard Shapiro, Adler reviewing Bernard Mala- OF AMERICA, INC. chairman; Norman Adelman, mud's "A New Life." Subse- quent reviews will be held Dec. AWARDED TO pledge chairman; Joseph Staub, 6, Jan. 3 and Feb. 7 in the program book; Sam Baker and Paul Deutch, program; and social, hall of the synagogue. Coffee and cake will be served. Samuel Wexler, publicity. Mrs. Adler will also discuss * * * - SHOLEM ALEICHEM INSTI- "Your Jewish Bookshelf" and TUTE WOMEN'S DIVISION will will display books that belong IN RECOGNITION OF hold a dessert luncheon 12:30 in a Jewish home. A copy of a p.m. Saturday. Louis Lamed, list of these books will be given Superior Achievement h to ti eac k t older c e • h and an guest speaker, will discuss ,, Our Approach to Jewish Education autographed. copy of the book in 'Creative and reviewed will be offered . as a in Detroit." prize. For tickets, call Mrs. * * * • Imaginative Design VLADIMIRITZ ER EMER- Paul Deutch, 341-6964, or Mrs. GENCY RELIEF ORGANIZA- Baer Keidan, UN' 3-6194. and * * TION will meet Tuesday •• at the home of Mrs. M. Stein,. BETH ABRAHAM SISTER- • Outstanding Craftsmanship • HOOD will hold the first Oneg 16165 Ilene.. • STYLE Shabbat of the season 2:30 p.m. * * 536 NORTH WOODVVARD- 19386 LIVERNOIS AVENUE • ELEGANCE PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT Saturday in the Nusbaum Hall (3 blks. north of Maple)" (at Outer Drive) • BEAUTY CLUB will meet 8:30 p.m. of the synagogue, announces Birmingham, Michigan Detroit 21, Michigan Midway 7-2227 Rebitzen Hinda Halpern. Rabbi UNiversity' 2-8822 Monday at the Sholem WYN-HAROLD CATERING Israel Halpern will explain a them Institute. bu , on - . -•-•.•••.••••••., • • • . - I I WHY WORRY ! = • i ) CERESNIE - BROS. AND OFFEN • HOME CATERING Phone • • ••• • EL 6-8411 to tti 0 tj ce2 iy O et. O.+ Ca