Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ 'King David"—Commendable Biblical-Historical Novel From the time of the triumph of young David, the Son of Jesse, over Goliath the Philistine, until David the King over all Israel turned his kingdom over to Solomon, there was an untold number of stirring events, all of which are incorporated in the novel, - King David," by Gwyn Jenkins, published by Doubleday. The author, who lives in Wales and is a teacher, has invested an immense amount of labor, has done much research, and has collected a mass of information for inclusion in this significantly dramatic story of one of the greatest personalities in all history. In this novel, David is the warrior, the lover of many women, the father who survives intrigues by his own sons as well as many court squabbles. The able novelist frequently quotes the Psalms. It is as the Psalmist that David probably should have best remained in mankind's memory, and it is, in a sense, to be regretted that more emphasis has not been placed by Jenkins upon David the Psalmist. But in all other respects he has produced a great work. It is an excellent introduction to Jenkins' current effort, which is to be a novel dealing with the life of Solomon, and the antecedent, the novel about David, augurs well for the forthcoming work. David as the favorite of Saul; later hounded by the King who preceded him, his flight for his life, his love for Michal, his marriage to Abigail, the call to him to become King, having been chosen to rule by Samuel and then by the popular response to his popularity, are depicted graphically. Saul and Jonathan are described here, the former in his weak- ness, the latter as the friend of DaVid. Then came David's rule in Herbon where six sons and a daugh- ter were born to him during his reign, before he made Jerusalem his capital. And in the course of David's military rule, during which he acquired much territory, there were several women, so that the novelist declares: "Woman . . . the glory and the bane of the Son of Jesse." Describing David's establishment of headquarters in "the fort of Zion," Jenkins writes a poetic description of Jerusalem "in its apparent impregnability." Leading up to the time when "never before had Israel lived in such happiness and security," under David, the novelist lists the causes of such success and he com- ments: "The dietary laws, together with the laws of personal cleanliness, made for a physically healthy people; and these, combined with strict moral laws, produced a nation second to none in the history of humanity." There were tragedies in David's life: Absalom's murder of his half-brother Amnon, David's eldest son, for having defiled his sister Tamar; Absalom's revolt and death at the hands of Joab; the murder of Abner, Saul's general, by Joab, and David's admonition to Solomon, in the legacies he handed down to him: "Be wise, and do not allow him to die in peace in his old age." There was the tragedy of David's guilt in having sent to his doom the general Uriah, so that he could acquire his wife, Bath- sheba, the mother of Solomon. When David called upon Solomon from his deathbed, to be- come King, Solomon was caught by surprise. He was the youngest son, and he believed his older brother, Prince Adonijah, would be called to kingship. He consented to accept the great honor, and in the meantime Adonijah began to plot to assume rulership, during his father's dying days. Then King David acted: he placed Solomon upon his throne immediately. In the course of blessing Solomon, David said that after he will have received instructions from the priests and Levites he would have a plan for him "of the temple which I have always wanted to build for our great and wonderful God," and he added: "However, God gave me to understand that my hands had shed much blood, that I had been a man of war and God refused to accept the desire of my heart. But he did give me to understand that I should have a peace-loving son, a man of rest. You are the son who shall build the great temple of the Lord God of Israel. In your days, Solomon, Israel shall be a rich land of peace and happiness. You shall build a house for his name, and shall be as a son to our God, and he will be your father when I am gone, and he will establish your throne. Now, Solomon my son, the Lord be with you and bless you with wisdom, and give you charge of the Law so that you shall prosper! Be strong: be of good courage: dread nothing:" This is the confessional charge to a son, who was to become world famous, as was his father, but along entirely different, along peace-loving goals. Gwyn Jenkins has produced a fine biblical- historical novel. We look forward to its successor—the Solomon story—for which the novelist, judged by his "King David," is eminently well prepared. Moscow - Oriented Anti - Israel Propaganda Another example of misrepresentation is to be found in an article in New Times, published in Russia. Under the heading "Ructions in the Zionist Camp," the article discusses the impli- cations in the recent Israeli elections. Published before the elections, this article launched an attack on Israel's Prime Minister Ben-Gurion and stated: "Ben-Gurion himself began the campaign by a visit to Canada, U.S.A., Britain and France. His purpose, besides solicit- ing support in the coming elections, was to remove certain corriplications in U.S.-Israeli relations. The fact is that the Israeli Zionists owe Kennedy an apology — in the U.S. presi- dential elections they openly supported Nixon. When one Israeli paper published a picture of Kennedy, Foreign Minister Golda Meir remarked that this was 'a foolish thing to do'." While there were irresponsible involvements in the U.S. political campaign in Israel last year — something unavoidable in any land — the above is an unfortunate misrepresentation. There was an Israeli journalist who foolishly assumed to back Nixon — in a land where Nixon could not benefit by a single vote. But insofar as American Jewry is concerned, Jewish voters were as divided as their non-Jewish neighbors, primarily in class thinking. It was reported that more than 85 per cent of the Jews voted for Kennedy. But neither that, nor the non- sensical injection of American politics in an Israeli newspaper justified the suggestion that "Israeli Zionists owe Kennedy an apology." Kennedy himself knows better. Detroit Asked to Pay Million by Dec. 10 Toward Campaign Pledges; Honigman, Is Simons' Co-Chief Leonard N. Simons, chairman of the Jewish Welfare Federa- tion cash collection committee, reports that collections must total a million dollars during the period between now and Dec. 10. Simons said $800,000 was raised in that period in 1960. "On Dec. 10, we hope to be able to report to the United Jewish Appeal Conference in New York that Detroit has a full million dollars available for im- mediate allocation," Simons said. "The additional $200,000 will be Detroit's extra contribition to making 'cash immediately avail- able to the UJA in its national cash collection drive." Simons announced the ap- pointment of Jason L. Honig- man as co-chairman of the cash collection committee. "With Ja- JASON HONIGMAN son Honigman's help, I feel confident that we will reach OUT million dollar goal by Dec. 10," Simons said. He called for the translation of the promise of outstanding pledges into the reality of great humanitarian service, and urged Detroit Jewry to aid in the great national drive to turn millions of dollars on the books of fed- erations and welfare funds throughout the nation into cash. "The pressures for these funds have mounted severely in the past few months," Simons said, "as immigration to Israel has in- creased beyond expectation and beyond budgetary provisions, and as national and local unmet needs have mounted here at home." He urged the immediate payment of outstanding pledges in full now, and asked those who cannot make payment in full now to pay as large a part as possible immediately. "For the period through Dec. 10 we must collect on pledges at the rate of $3,000 in extra payments each day," Simons said. He said that during that period in 1960 payments aver- aged $12,000 daily and that they must average $15,000 daily this year to be able to make $200,000 more cash available to the UJA than was available at this time in 1960. Honigman is the Allied Jewish Campaign professional division big gifts chairman. He is pres- ident of the Michigan State Bar Foundation, chairman of the Civil Procedure Committee of the Judicial. Conference, and vice-chairman of the Joint Com- Knudsen Will Address Round Table Dinner The Detroit Round Table of Catholics, Jews and Protestants has • announced that Semon E. Knudsen, vice president of Gen eral Motors Corp. and general manager of its Pontiac Motor Division, will be honored guest and featured speaker for the annual Brotherhood Dinner 6:30 p.m. Dec. 5 at Cobo The occasion will also com- memorate the 33rd anniversary of the founding of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Dinner chairman is Don- ald F. Valley, chairman of the board of the National Bank of Detroit. nine Allied Jewish Campaign trade and professional divisions. "We must regard this. cash campaign with the same urgency we use in soliciting pledges in the annual Allied Jewish Cam- paign," Simons said. mission on Michigan Procedural Revision. He is author of a stand- ard legal reference book, "Mich- igan Court Rules Annotated." Simons said that he and Honigman are assembling a com- mittee of representatives of the r 1.110.1 •11011. 141•11• 041101. H11.0 00411111•41.1.041=11.011111•1.1.11•11100.1.1.141•00 Boris Smolar's 'Between You ... and Me' (Copyright 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Khrushchev's Pledge The discussion in Moscow over the poem "Babi Yar" by the prominent young Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtuschenko, in which he raises the question of anti- Semitism in the Soviet Union, is having its reverberations in the United States . . . The attack on him by the Moscow literary magazine "Literature and Life" for raising this question is now being studied in this country by responsible groups . . . The feeling among these groups is- that this attack presents a good opportunity for Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to clarify his views once and for all on the subject of anti-Semitism. . . . It has long been suspected that anti-Semitism—which reached its highest point in the last years of the Stalin regime—is still encouraged in the Soviet Union by being given the "silent treat- ment" . . . Furthermore, certain remarks by Premier Khrushchev during a visit to Poland and in conversations with foreign delega- tions in Moscow, have left the impression that Khrushchev himself is not bent on discouraging anti-Semitism . . . The "Babi Yar" con- troversy is thus considered in this country a test case for Mr. Khrushchev personally . . . He can come out and put an end to this controversy by making his views clear on the ugliness of anti- Semitism, or he can pass it by in silence, which would confirm the opinion that he is inclined to tolerate anti-Semitism . . . The collective grave in "Babi Yar," a suburb of Kiev, where more than 40,000 Jews were machine-gunned by the Nazis during the German occupation of Kiev, could have been converted by Mr. Khrushchev into a monument pointing to the Nazi barbarities . . . Instead, the Soviet authorities have—for reasons known only to themselves— attempted to wipe out every possible memory of this huge field of mass-slaughter of Jews by reducing it to a desolate piece of land. . . . The poem by Yevtuschenko has brought out the tragedy of "Babi Yar" before the wide world, but, what is perhaps more important, the Moscow attacks on Yevtuschenko's poem brings out now the fact that anti-Semitism still persists in the Soviet Union even among some of the "Qultured" elements of the country. Babi Yar Reverberations - The personal role of Premier Khrushchev in the Babi Yar affair is puzzling many Jews and non-Jews in this country who have been watching events in the Soviet Union . . . It is recalled here that in 1945, Khrushchev, who was then the General Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party, swore that as soon as the war was over a monument would be erected over the mass graves of the victims, to serve as a permanent reminder to the Soviet people and to the world of the Nazi barbarism against JeWs . . . But in the years that followed, he apparently changed his mind . . . Not only has he forgotten his pledge, but a recent suggestion of the Kiev Municipal Council to set up a monument at Babi Yar was turned down by the central Soviet authorities . . . The excuse given was that under the town-planning project, the Babi Yar area was destined to be converted into a refuse dump . . Today it is difficult for a tourist even to get to Babi Yar when visiting Kiev. . . . Intourist officials tell tourists that "they have never heard" of Babi Yar . . . Local citizens in Kiev shake their heads and are afraid to disclose its whereabouts to foreigners . . . The mention of Babi Yar in connection with the massacre of Jews became an offense, even though during the war and in the early post-war years the Soviets denounced the Babi Yar crime . . . The only ones who remember the Babi Yar tragedy are the Jews of Kiev . . . On Yom Kippur eve, regarded as the anniversary of the great massacre, they go stealthily to the site of the slaughter to mourn their dead and pour out their hearts. * * Moscow Mystery The mystery surrounding the official change in the Soviet atti- tude toward the Babi Yar crime is all the more puzzling because in 1945, the official Soviet State Political Publishing House, Gos- politizdat, was still permitted to issue a book on it .. . The book, "German Crimes in Kiev," by K. Dubina, contained well-documented data on the mass-killing of the Jews in the Babi Yar ravine . . . Soviet opinion was deeply shocked by the holocaust depicted in this book and it was then that Khrushchev swore that when the war was over, a monument would be erected . . . Since then, however, mention of the Babi Yar tragedy disappeared from Soviet literature and the press . . . A Ukrainian-Jewish poet, Savva Golovanivsky, was bitterly attacked in the Soviet literary publication "Literatur- naya Gazeta" for a poem of Babi Yar . . . In this poem Golovaniv- sky said that the Russian and Ukrainian poptlace of Kiev "had turned their backs on old Jew, Abraham,. whom in 1941 the Germans had marched through the streets of the city to be shot" . . . Another 'Ukrainian-Jewish poet, Pervomaisky, was denounced for "repeating Golovanivsky's defamation of the Soviet people" .. . A third, Grubian, was accused of displaying "infatuation with Jewish Nationalism" by mourning the Babi Yar victims ... A tragic song of Babi Yar, recorded by Nehama Lipschitz, a popular Yiddish singer, was removed from sale throughout the Soviet Union . . . Under these circumstances, Yevtuschenko's poem now on Babi Yar was quite a courageous act on the part of the young poet . . Obviously he thought that the ban on writing on Babi Yar was over with the death of Stalin . . . Perhaps he also wanted to remind Premier Khruschev of the pledge he made when he was not Premier but the head of the Communist Party in the Ukraine where the Babi Yar crime was committed. (Yevtushenko was erroneously referred to in last week's Commentary as a Russian Jewish poet. He is not a Jew.)