AME Za I 4tli Anniversary in Oak Park Men's Clubs Cruise Your Worries Away .. • & Enjoy Fun Around the Clock! BOOK-COUIENS TRAVEL SERVICE •CLOTHING 11•1•1 ■■ • TUXEDO RENTALS • Cleaning Specials. 44` RADONI 11.- -. NM/ Hy Gene Barber Shop '61 — usimar nomaa Jxs The public is invited to at- ers, animals, birds, poor work- tend the opening of a show on ing people, my parents, lovers Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cutler recently held a party at their home, the recent colored lithographs at night, the Prophets from the 18500 Fairfield, in honor of their grandnephew, Dr. Morrie Kotler, of Marc Chagall 2-6 p.m. Sun- Bible, on the street, in my home, who arrived here recently from Johannesburg, South Africa. He is day at Garelick's Gallery, 20208 in the Temple, in the sky. And, taking his residency at Beth Israel Hospital in New York. Also at- Livernois. as I grow older, the tragedy of tending the party, from Chicago, were Mr. and Mrs. • A. M. Rohde Featured will be a group of life that is inside us, all about and Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kaplan. The Silverstein Family Club will meet Nov. 14 at the home of the Russian-Jewish artist's Bible us." Mr. and Mrs. William Offerman, 19620 Antago, Livonia. Refresh- Series lithographs. Want Ads get fast results! ments will be served. All 20 pieces on exhibit, Mrs. Morris Miller, 19726 San Juan, recently returned from a through Oct. 27, will be for sale. visit to New Rochelle, N.Y. Chagall, who works in Paris, Mr. and Mrs. I. Taines departed here recently to spend the has said: "When I held in my oto••hy Fine winter with their children in Miami Beach, Fla. hand a lithographic stone, or a Dr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Lee this week departed for Fi Candids • P es copper plate, I believed I was Phone e Panama City, Fla., where Dr. Lee will serve with the U.S. Air For A • touching a talisman. It seemed Force Medical Corps. Dr.. Lee was a resident in internal KE 1-0104 to me that I could entrust them S. LEIBICK medicine at the University of Michigan Medical Center. with all my joys, all my sorrows. Mrs. Julia Hedler, formerly of Detroit, has returned to her "Everything that has crossed home in San Bernardino, Calif., after attending the wedding my path, throughout the years: MRS. BERNARD '''''' Make your Simcha Bright! here of her brother, Dr. Leonard S. Barahl. She was accompanied births, deaths, marriages, flow. Book the Band that's Right!! on her month-long trip by her daughter, Regina Sue. Ruth Helen Cohen was wed to ND EN From LONDO Hymen Kramer of Oak Dr. will depart Oct. 28 for a 45-day Bernard Fine in a ceremony per- Mediterranean cruise, sponsored by Bnai Brith of New York, formed Oct. 7 by Rabbi Leon aboard the M.S. Victoria. He will spend 11 days in Israel. Fram at Temple Israel. PH • Mrs. Joseph Dvorin, national chancellor of Iota Alpha Pi A Parents of the newlyweds are Fr Sorority, has departed for a 10-day visit to the eastern chapters Mr: and Mrs. Fred Nathan Co- Weddi "The 71" and conferences with the deans. An alumnus of Wayne State hen, 1734,6' Cherrylawn, and Mr. Formal For University and an active member of Nu Chapter Alumnae and Mrs. Joseph Fine, 332 E. CALL UN 1-3065 Call Mr. Rosen Group, Mrs. Dvorin is visiting chapters at Syracuse University, Ridge, Marquette, Mich. New York University, Brooklyn College, Queens. College, Adelphi The bride wore an ivory taffeta University, Long Island University and the Heights University in New York State, Temple University at Philadelphia and Pennsyl- gown with Chantilly lace and carried roses on her Bible. vania State University at University Park, Pa. Carol Cohen was maid of honor Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Schwartz, of Cambridge Rd., who last week returned from the European tour of the Archives of and Joan Schneider, Sandra American Art, were hosts at dinner Thursday to Danny Kaye, Marks and Lihia Fine • were who came here for an appearance with the Detroit Symphony bridesmaids. James Johnson was best man. Ushers were Fred Orchestra. Dedication of a newly constructed wing of the Bnai Brith Peterson, Paul Pavalou and Wil- Women's Children's Home in Bait Vegan, Israel, has ranked liam Rechliu. They went on a trip through first on the tour schedule followed by the organization's top leaders, among them -Detroiters Mrs. Charles D. Solovich and the eastern states and will make their home at 24768 Rensselaer, Mrs. Alfred Lakin. Morris L. Waxman of 20271 Burt Road, is attending the Oak Park. Western Union Convention at the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Canada. Mrs. Waxman will join him soon, to visit friends – and relations. A "Cocktails for Freedom" party in honor of Councilman William Patrick and Council Candidate Mel Ravitz will be held Alumni members of SIGMA from 5 to 8 p.m., Sunday, in Laborer's Union Hall, East Grand ALPHA MU fraternity's Uni- Come in and Let Us Help You Choose Boulevard at Brush. The entire community is invited to this versity of Michigan Chapter The Cruise to Fit Your Needs. (Sigma Iota) are planning a affair. First Lieutenant Jack Laurie, Dental Corp, United States reunion for Oct. 25. The pro- West Indies Bermuda Army, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Laurie, 13800 gram will include an early eve- Kenwood, Oak Park, while on leave prior to being 'stationed at ning bus trip to Ann Arbor for Europe - Mediterra can Caribbean Fort Polk, La. Laurie is a June, 1961 graduate of the Uthversity a banquet at the Michigan rid Round The South America of Detroit School of Dentistry, where-he was president of Alpha Union, followed by a visit to South Pacific - Far a the fraternity house for movies - Omega Dental Fraternity. of a 1961 University of Mich- Available p intmen igan football game. Robert Civil War Items, Dolls, Glass at Antique Show. Siegel and - Marshall Wallace, Se _ Chuck Randolp Visitors to the Great Lakes for four days Thursday, at Ma- co-chairmen of the event, ex- Ca Helen Wa sonic Temple, will find them- Antique Show, which opened pressed the hope that it would Jo Kessler - selves imbued in an aura of be the forerunner of an active Clara other times. Gretchen Bach alumni group. For further in- The Fountain Room will be formation, alumni are urged to abloom wit h call either Siegel, UN 2-3800, colorful clus- or Wallace, LI 1-0142 by ters of fine Wednesday. Additional mem- 20441 James Couzens • FREE GIFTS glass items bers of the planning commit- Between 8 Mile and Greenfield f o r collectors tee include Myron Milgrom, To The Kiddies through S u n- Robert Steinberg, S'eymour BR 2-2400 • FREE 1 TIE Levine, Alfred Shevin, Alan day. To Match Any 'Suit or Gladyse -Hils- Luckoff, Irving Laker, Charles Sport Outfit ,Purchased dorf, of Syra- Lewis and Paul Tilds. * * * cuse, N. Y., Nationally Famous Brand s h'o w s a re- CONG. BETH AARON MEN'S markable col- CLUB announces the organiza- lection of Suits, Sport tion of its Tails and Tephilin dolls. Coats, Slacks, Club 8:45 a.m. Sunday at the Buyers and TopcOats. Al- synagogue social . hall. Boys of terations Free! FF browsers alike post Bar Mitzvah age are invited. will be inter- nts Members of the club will be eli- Securify Ch ested in mon- gible to participate in a bowling ey issues of league. Program chairman Sey- the Civil War. mour Horowitz announces that To be seen each Sunday the boys will enjoy and Iterations are many old a breakfast and program follow- on La • • time pieces Jerome Darrow ing services. ling en's CI like the Je- Clock * * * rome and Darrow clock pictured We peciali in Work TEMPLE ISRAEL MEN'S here. This Victorian piece, like CLUB will hold on Leather Garments. an "Evening the John Rogers statue before with the Rabbis" Oct. 20 at the • Reasonable Prices • it, is reminiscent of other times. • •ww. won Temple. Featured will be infor- THE FINEST SHOP IN THE Though the clock is 140 years old and held together by mal answers to questions from the audience, with the congrega- • NORTHWEST AREA • wodden pins, it still runs. Custom Fitting — tion's spiritual leaders, Drs. Complete Tonsorial Service! For All Occasions Fram and Rabbi Syme, partici- Pepper PTA Movies • MILDRED TAYLOR, • Manicurist pating. Jack Caminker, vice • PORTER . . . formerly with Shop Flamingo Pepper School Parent Teach- president, will be moderator. A in Miami, Florida. social hour will follow. ers Association will hold its • AMPLE PARKING Pants, Skirts, * 5 * first movie party of the season • OPEN MON. TO SAT. — 8 TO 6 P.M. Shirts, Blouses MOSAIC LODGE, F.&A.M., featuring Walt .Disney's "Dis- Sweaters. Minor Repairs neyland, U.S.A." to be shown 1 will hold its "Nite of Nites" Nov. Without Charge pan. and 2:30 p.m. Thursday in 5 at the Elmwood Casino in the school's multi-purpose room. Windsor, announces Samuel Gur- Classes will not be in session win, worshipful master. Douglas GENE SZYMKE Barber due to the Teacher Institute Purther and Dr. Nathan Starman Formerly Associated with Tailors, Clothiers & will accept reservations. Dinner, Sherwood Barber Shop program. Pre-schoolers must be Cleaners.: dancing and entertainment will accompanied by a parent, ac- 11000 W. 6 MILE BUILDING 22155 Coolidge, • Oak Park cording to Alvin Levine, vice be featured. UN 4-9747 AT MEYERS LI - .7-1 511 . president in charge of the movie Want Ads get fast results! program. ■ SM Chagall's Bible Series Lithographs to Be Shown at Garelick's Gallery 1961 is' agq0130 `INPIJA activities in Society Ruth Cohen Wed to Bernard Fine