Shaarey Zedek Presents Sklare As Speaker for 'Great Weekend' Bnai David Youth Program Underway Cong. Bnai David Youth Group invites boys, 13-16, to participate in its activities for the new season, announces Robert Rockaway, synagogue youth director. The Youth Group meets 9:30 a.m. Sundays at the synagogue. Programs will include speak- ers, films, sports and social events. A weekend at Camp Tamarack is a also planned. George DeWitt to Headline Annual Beth Yehudah Di nner and Show Beth Yehudah's annual Din- George DeWitt to headline our Dr. Marshall Sklare, director Sabbath morning service and ner and Show Committee an- show." Morris Karbal, executive of Scientific Research of the guest sermon. nounced - this week that it has Harvey L. Weisberg, chair- engaged George DeWitt, national chairman, urged the community American • Jewish Committee, man of the weekend program, emcee and humorist, as the star to call in their reservations will be the featured speaker at requests, however, that those of the 1961 Dinner-Show Bene- without waiting, to be contacted, the first of a series of "great planning to attend the Sabbath fit, scheduled to Dan Laven at UN 2-9517, or weekends" evening and/or Sunday morning ct. 29 at the Beth Yehudah office, WE function to phone the syna- scheduled by he Latin 1-0203. Cong. Shaarey gogue office, TY 8-2828, or to Quarter. The University of Michigan Zedek for Sat- mail in their reservations. DeWitt urday and gained promi- Television Center produced 16 Sunday. nence on na- programs for the Detroit Board Sklare will tional televi- of Education on the teaching deliver the sion with hi4 of mathematics last year. guest sermon "Name That at service on Dates That Changed the Sabbath," by Cantor Reuven Tune" show. Sabbath morn- the "Three unate passing Course of Jewish History," Frankel; "The American Jew," In addition Due to the ing when his a panel by Rabbi Stanley Greenberg; DeWitt discussion by Rabbis to a reputation k a re- of our extp topic will be Benjamin H. Gorrelick, Irwin "Wisdom of the Sages," by Rabbi as "humorist to the elite," and following place nt "The Role Of Groner and Jacob E. Segal; vocal Segal; "Chalil, or Israeli Record- an artist of satire, DeWitt has e of tak- qualif The Rabbi selections by Cantor Jacob Son- er," by Mrs. Frankel; classes in also been hailed by music crit- ious' duties, ing c And The Lay- enklar, musical Sklare- numbers on the Hebrew reading and conversation ics for his singing accomplish- pervisiem of main- and th man In The American Jewish chalil by Mrs. Reuven Frankel, by Rabbi Joseph Hirsch, Mrs. ments. Community." His second pre- and the film "Pages From the Riva Thatch and Alex Roberg; Records. He has recorded for Epic tenance crew. Apply to: sentation at an informal social Talmud," will be featured at the "Faith For Moderns," by Rabbi Daniel Laven, V general chair- Mr. J. C. Shaprow, evening will take place 8:30 convocation of the tenth annual Morris Adler; "The Hebrew 101 Burton Street, Saturday in the social hall on Synagogue Adult Institute, Tues- Prophet: Spokesman of God For man of the Dinner and Show Flint 3, Mich. "The Religion Of The Ameri- day, 8 p.m., at Beth Aaron social His Age and the Ages," by Rabbi Committee, said that the 1961 affair "will go down as one of Telephone CE 8 4641 can Jew." hall, 18000 Wyoming, it was an- Nathaniel Steinbeig, • and "Pat- the best in our history. We are Dr. Morris Adler, rabbi of nounced by Rabbi Gorrelick, In- terns for Jewish Living," by truly delighted we could get Cong. Shaarey Zedek, will be stitute chairman, and Jay M. Rabbi Emanuel Applebaum. the discussant following the Rosenthal, co-chairman. After the registration and the Saturday evening presentation. LABOR ZIONIST MOVEMENT Prior to the Convocation, regis- convocation program, refresh- The program of the weekend tration for the new series of ments will be served. Men and ANNUAL SCHOOL CONFERENCE will be concluded at a service courses in Bible, Jewish litera- women regardless of congrega- SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21ST AND SUNDAY and brunch 10 a.m. Sunday, at ture, rabbinics, liturgy, sociology, tional affiliation, are invited to MORNING, 10:30 A.M. OCTOBER 22ND. which time Sklare's topic will be religion, as well as courses in register for classes and to attend "The Social Consciousness Of Hebrew reading and conversa- the convocation. tion, will begin at 7:30 p.m. The American Jew." Hayim G nberg C Actual class sessions will begin 8-Mile Cong. Social Dr. Abraham. F. Citron, direc- efer Hig 161 tor of Community Relations and Tuesday, Oct. 24, 8 p.m. The In- Eight Mile Young Israel Syna- Research of the Jewish Commu- stitute is sponsored by Adas Sha- gogue will hold a neighborhood SPEAK G nity Council of Metropolitan lom, Beth Aaron, Beth Moses, social evening 8:30 p.m. Wednes- Detroit, and Dr. S. Joseph Fau- Shaarey Zedek and Livonia Jew- day in the Conference Lounge man, professor of sociology at ish Congregation. egistror of Courses offered by the Con- of the Crestwood Motel, 16221 Eastern Michigan University, e W. Eight Mile. Dr. Isoactua will be the discussants follow- servative congregations include A discussion will be held on UCATION TOPI : ing the Sunday morning pre- "Great Jewish Personalities," enlarging membership and fu- _y Rabbi Gorrelick; OACH" conducted b sentation. The community is in- REFRESHMENTS ADMISSI vited. Admission is free. No re- "The Book of Exodus," by Alex ture plans. Refreshments will servations are necessary for the Roberg; "Liturgy and Music of highlight the social hour. Panel Discussion, Music Feature Synagogue Institu to Convocation . - Morris L. Schaver Au MAN The SHOLEM ALEICHEM INSTITUTE 19350 GREENFIELD ROAD A CULTURAL BEGINS ITS 35th Y EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION TH TW' OUTSTANDING AFFAIRS: SUNDAY EVENING, OCT. 15 SATURDAY-EVENING, OCT. at 8:45 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. ti ANNUAL BANQUET LECTURE BY DR. JOSHUA FISHMAN GUEST SPEAKER: on "The Emerging Picture of Modern American Jewry" DR. JOSHUA FISHMAN CONTRIBUTION: $1.00 CONTRIBUTION: $5.00 GUEST SPEAKER Dr. Fishman is Dean of Yeshiva University's Graduate School of Education. A social psychologist with a broad background in teaching and research, Dr. Fishman educational studies on American ethnic groups, higher education, etc. A farmer teacher in the Jewish and authored numerous psychological, sociological and for the Jewish Education Committee of New York, Dr. Fishman is eminently well qualified to discuss and clarify problems of American secular schools and a researcher Jewry today. conducted r ENROLL YOUR CHILD NOW IN THE SHOLEM ALEICHEM SCHOOL AND NURSERY An Affiliate of the United Hebrew Schools I .... GRADE SCHOOL a . fers an integrated and comprehen- I Of program ocghriamfor the education of e isr sievw " Attendance and instruction according to ages of learners. I I I I I I I mint - mai ma aava ma ion .. a NURSERY I Afternoon session, 1 - 3:30 p.m. Program follows latest developments in Nursery instruction. SIM ME ION For further information and literature, call VE 8-7440 . I I