JNF Ussishkin Prize GEORGE OHRENSTEIN o oet (Continued from Page 1) Wherever there is or was a saying, "Well, it was not V Hammarskjold personally was "United Nations presence"— good manners." Certified Master Watchmaker Late She and Jeweler the commander-in-chief and sole that "presence" was under the 'But the chairman o e of JERUSA — The Ussishkin elected officer responsible for: personal jurisdiction of the Western Europe's THE FINEST JEWELRY, power- Prize th ew•N. onal WATCHES AND SERVICE 1. The day-to-day work of the Secretary-General. Hammarsk- ful delegations ted out: Fund ar . 1 out- United Nations Truce Supervi- jold had hoped that, sooner or "This is not mer South Of Seven a matter stan chic Hebr sion Organization and the four later, he might prove to the of manners. Thi is substan- 18963 LIVERNOIS UN 1 8184 Mixed Armistice Commissions in world that he could achieve a tive." and charge of supervising the uneasy modus vivendi between Israel OPEN MON., THURS. to 9 And substantive is. How o the poet at cere- "peace" between Israel and four and its Arab neighbors—there- could Slim, as the- xecu- n the Binyenei Arab states: the United Arab ay proving that the "will to tive officer, deal fairly w a ooma (Building of the Na- Republic, which includes both peace"' could be transformed' Israeli representative here, Want Ads get fast results! tion) in Jerusalem. Egypt and Syria, Jordan and into the reality of peace. when he does not even admit Lebanon. As soon as Mongi Slim's name that the Israeli delegate or 2. The United Nations Relief I was projected as the possible the Israeli government exists? and Works Agency for Palestine successor to Hammarskjold, In the jockeying for East- Refugees, furnishing relief for even on a short-term, pro-tem West position, in the horse- the Arab refugees.. basis, friends of Israel here trading that started here within Strictly Kosher Meats — Poultry 3. The Palestine Conciliation wondered: How far can cynicism 24 hours, after all those tears Originators of The Hollywood Roast Commission, composed of the go? How can the United Nations were spilled over Hammarsk- United States, France and Tur- forget that Slim, a Tunisian, a j old's dea as for- FEATURING A COMPLETE SELECTION OF key but actually run out of Moslem whose state is a mem- gott- 00 Hammarskjold's office. ber of the Arab League, whose OVEN READY POULTRY AS WELL AS s Ambass ant 4. The United Nations Emer- state does not recognize Isr as also prop temporary gency Force. HER AND PARVE FRESH AND FROZEN FOODS, could not possibly fall in e successor ammarskj old-- category of fair umpir any but the gi Slim bandwagon and KOSHER DELICATESSEN dispute, minor or , con- picked u great speed. The very cerning Israel an Arab fa Slim could be con- states? si th in total WATCH OUR WINDOWS Tunisia's Pre ent Habib disr ber state, Bourguiba in ed de ont to FOR OUR here last sprin hat he m .'s iple of siders the ver existence WEEKLY POSTED SPECIALS ! will to peace." (Continued from Page 1) Israel an affro to the "Arab Cottam indicated that Is- nation." 60 French Busi en rael would be pressed to of- Slim himself •roved his Study Isr onomics fer repatriation to all Arab hostility to Israel e when he refugees. But the Depart- snubbed Israel's For Minis- T, (JTA—A group We Deliver — UN 1-4770 ment of State was "con- ter Golda Meir during a French businessmen ar- vinced" that "pressing" the tion held by President John F. rived- here for a week's stay Member Detroit Kosher Arabs to relax boycott and Kennedy. The very next day, a to study commercial and in- Meat. Dealers Association prominent leader of the. African dustrial life in Israel. They blockade t a c ti c s affecting American citizens and com- bloc was willing to excuse are the guests of the Foreign This Shield Is Your Protection panies "would intensify the Slim's snub of Mrs. Meir by and Defense Ministries. very restrictions we are seek- u, imp as ing to remove." 11111 1•11 NMI MEI IS IR 1111 ON MS tsgo me axle es IIIII Members of the Appropria- mir Illse ir illw avive tions Committee were angered by aspects of the State Depart- ment's testimony. Rep. John J. Rooney, New York Democrat, 4 led the attack. Rep. Rooney held that State Department in- sistence on giving a mass of hostile Arabs a "right" to legally invade Israel "repre- sents the wildest of thinking insofar as I am 'concerned." Rep. Rooney urged resettle- ment in Arab countries. He thought Israel should pay com- pensation for Arab property and admit some Arabs to _reunite families. "But I do not see how anyone could expect Israel to repatriate any substantial num- ber in advance of a peace settlement." Cottam declined comment on Israel's security but* admitted that the State Department want- ed the Arabs given a choice of returning. American Savings makes saving Rep. Rooney was infuriated. I by mail a real convenience. Just He asked, '"Do you think this for our ph is good , sense?" He charged that the State Department ac- . Save-By-Mail tually wanted to give a million tains everything you need to open Arabs a chance to descend on Israel -"and destroy all that an account and maintain it. It has been done so far, all that costs nothing. American Savings , has been done by the American taxpayers out of government funds, and by private people in America who contributed to the success of Israel." Current rate on Another Committee member, Rep. Silvio Cont e, Massa- chusetts Republican, associated himself with 'Rep. Rooney. He thought enforced return of masses of Arabs would under- mine Israel. Rep. Conte said the Arabs wanted only to use the Arab refugee issue cynically "for political propaganda against Israel." He said the I Arab world used the refugee sit- uation as a lever for anti-Israel agitation and did virtually noth- ing to provide the refugee camp inmates with work and perman- ent Mmes. I Chairman Otto Passman, Lou- isiana Democrat, of the Foreign I Michigan's Largest State-Chartered Savings and Loan Ass'n. Operations Subcommittee, sug- gested we tell the Arabs "the MAIN OFFICE: WOODWARD AT CONGRESS truth." He thought they should be informed: "You might as $ 14 MILE near CROOKS RD. *DEXTER at CORTLAND *W. 9 MILE near COOLIDGE TELEGRAPH at MAPLE in CLAWSON well make up your mind to let in OAK PARK in BLOOMFIELD • us locate you elsewhere (than *41 *LIVERNOIS at W. 7 MILE FORT STREET at MILITARY TELEGRAPH at SCHOOLCRAFT VAN DYKE at E. 7 MILE it. Israel)." But Cottam remained • constant in his demand that the • For Greater Convenience — Open an Account at the Branch iii Yoitr Neighborhood Arabs be given an option per- 4,44 1.44141 ow mitting any and all of them to pour from refugee camps into RI 111. m a ma et W se is maw as ei sois NW IWO IOW 111.161 Israel. I N maw OA ia as as as al - KAPLAN BROS. Appeasing Role of State Dept. 18229 WYOMING ••4 , Save By Mail NE Phone Call Does It All! • All Sa By An Agenc o • • • • • • • e U. S. Gov't — THE DETROI T JEWISH NEWS — Friday, October 6, 1961 Is Anti-Israeli to Be Successor to Hammarskjold?