Scientific Conference to Study Progress in Israel, Middle East People .. . Make News Polish Claims Date Extended; Austria to Postpone Payments Deadline for filing claims The Austrian government benefit those who found out against the Polish Government also announced last week that about the claims program too under the agreement of 1960 restitution payments to victims late to file. Information and The fourth annual Conference has been extended from Sept. of Nazism in Austria may have forms may be obtained from the MRS. DAN SHAPIRO, presi- on Science and Technology in 30 to March 31, 1962, it was to be postponed another year. Foreign Claims Settlement Com- dent, and MRS. LE OP OLD Israel and the Middle East will announced in Washington. A Foreign Claims Settle. mission, Washington 25, D.C. SNYDER, vice-president, w i 11 be held Oct. 14-15 at Hotel ment Commission spokesman The possibility of an Austrian Astor, N.Y., with delegates represent the Detroit Women's said the Polish action was postponement of payments was UJA to Hold National Division at a Leadership Train- from all parts of the United necessary, b e cause of the - attributed to the f act that, ing Institute of the American States, it was announced by Dr. Leadership Conference overwhelming influx of re- under an agreement concluded Jewish Congress to be held on Bern Dibner, conference. chair- quests in September. The last June between Austria and Nov. 10-12 in New York Commission decided on the West Germany, Germany is to Oct. 14 and 15 at the Traymore man. Under the auspices of the Hotel, Atlantic City, N.J. The United Jewish Appeal will extension in the interest of contribute 321 million marks * * * American Technion Society, hold its second National Young Robert B. Jacob, has been 1000 Fifth Ave., N.Y., which Leadership Conference in New justice and • international law ($80 million) to the Austrian elected executive vice presi- sponsors Technion-Israel Insti- York, Nov. 10-12, Joseph Meyer- to further the spirit of co• f u n d f or compensation pay- operation inherent in the ments. dent of Dayco Corp., and will tute of Technology in Haifa, the hoff, UJA general chairman an- agreement. The agreement must still be headquarter at the home offices conference will bring together nounced. Unde greement Poland approved by the West German in Dayton. He was previously nearly 400 leaders of science, Over 300 young community ing America $40 million Parliament. Because of the re- president of Cadillac Plastic higher education, industry and leaders will attend the conf in settlement of claims based on cent elections, a new Parliament & Chemical Co., a Dayco sub- government. ence at the Waldorf - A is nationalization of property be- must be organized. This is not sidiary. Richard 'J. Jacob, who The sessions will be devoted Hotel. longing to A itizens. expected to be accomplished be- had been executive vice presi- to three major topics: energy The e Following the patter of last cted to fore November. dent of Cadillac Plastic, was sources, today and tomorrow; year's conference, the hree day named to succeed Robert as water — key to the develop- series of seminars ill include NM MI MN II•11 OM MI Ti president. ment of the Middle East; and presentations and I orts by au- * * * international cooperation ds of UJA's DR. JACOB NEUSNER, 29, through science and technology. thorities in the I efforts to rescue, esettle and re- 'chairs the new department of Among the delegates will be 1 Hebrew Studies at the University Dewey F. Barich, president of habilitate Jews t • world over, of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as a re- the Detroit Institute of Tech- be followed by•xtensiv q I tion and answe er' ds. sult of a special grant from the nology. In addition is e h Wisconsin Society for Jewish who will parti Learning. I ference will be * * * 2 Rockwell 'Nazis' Senator JOSEPH S. CLARK Israel's Ambass ether than ever Deals I of Pennsylvania will head the Are Arrested for States; Edward I roster of speakers at the 17th Juvenile Assaults honorary cha' Better Service biennial convention of Pioneer WASHINGTON, (JTA) — An chairman of the I See Your Friend Women, in Pittsburgh, Oct. 8-11. Arlington court judge this week tion Committee; * * * UJA national ch I Dr. EZRA SPICEHANDLER fined Andrew Chappell, 24, one senting the United n of George Rockwell's "Nazi" has been named . a member of and chairman of the sh the rabbinical placement com- troopers, $25 on conviction of Agency for Israel, Inc.; General contributing to the delinquency mittee serving Reform Jewish Haim Barley of the Israel De- congregations and rabbis, Dr. of a 14-year-old girl. 18100 Woodward Authorities meanwhile an- fence Forces and Rabbi Herbert Nelson Glueck, president of He- A. Friedman, WA executive I Between 6 and 7 Mi. Rd. nounced that earlier in the week TO. 9-5000 I brew Union College-Jewish In- vice-chairman. ti ri =I — am •• N. No 1.1 om No BE 1.1 ri stitute of Religion, announced. another trooper, Charles Bever- idge, 21, was arrested and held * * * Mrs. JERRY J. ROTHMAN, for grand jury action on charges of the Bronx, has been named of statutory rape of a 14-year-old chairman of the 1961 national girl. convention of the Yeshiva Uni- The newest arrests raised to versity Women's Organization, five the total of Rockwellites ar- scheduled for the Breakers rested during the past two Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. months on charges involving 8-11, Mrs. Walter J. Diamond, offenses against juveniles. Rockwell's "youth lea de r," national presiden t, has an- Anthony Wells, is serving a 60- nounced. * * * day-term for assaulting a teen-age JOAN ELAINE DUPY, 21, of boy and two others. Wayne, was named "Miss Richard Braun and Robert Torchy of 1961." The brunette Garber, are serving a year at American Airlines stewardess hard labor in a Virginia prison will represent 35,000 Detroit- for abusing a - 13-year-old-Jewish area women volunteers at func- boy who they dragged from the tions connected with the 13th street into Rockwell's headquar- annual Torch Drive, to be held ters. Oct. 17 through Nov. 9 to raise $18,350,000 for the 1962 budgets Y.I. Young Adults Hord of -195 health and community Evening Entertainment services. * * * • Young Israel Young Adults •Rabbi HAROLD D. HAN of will present "An Evening of Congregation Beth El will rep- Entertainment" 8:30 p.m. Sat- resent the Jewish Chautauqua urday at the Oak Park Commu- Society as lecturer at Northland nity Center. College in Ashland, Wis., Oct. Featured will be Hy Sims, 18 to 20. He will speak at con- who will teach various dances. vocation Oct. 18, 10:45 a.m., on The event is open to any young the subject "Judaism and the adult, 18-25. Refreshments will Culture of America." be served. /94.2 - Mercury - Comet oat/ grow PARK MOTOR SALES I • • ••••••••••••••••• • • • COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY... • • AND NOW'S THE TIME ! ! ! • „ ,....„ ,* ,,,,k, : , :, t :„. if ~ • • • 1 ELECTRIC-011YR DAY$:i DOM BY HENRY LEONARD - .: SPECIAL INSTALLED PRICE • • • • • • • • • co TO BUY • OU PAY NO M TAL • • FREE • RVICE • • • . • • • EDISON • • • • • DETROIT ID • • • • • • • • • DES ItIV: * Look fo s seal displayed by yo electric liance dealer. • —Mode _Mode • l e a an ' 4 er types becau g parls. ay for a 0-volt el etroit Edis lines in wiring install ion" means "Hannah and I would be so happy if our son, David, would only grow up to be a needle-worker, too." Copt. 1961, 1)6066 P■ od.;ct;en, or - r ctric clothes • dryers cost esign, have fewer oper- uy now and the price you drye cludes ormal wiring installation on ngs up to a including four-family. 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