Rabbi Adler Speaks at Memorial Service for Hammarskjold Philadelphia Rabbis Will Not Serve at Functions Violating Kashruth A "Great Weekends Series," Consciousness Of The American PHILADELPHIA, (JTA) — They condemned the manner in Dag Hammarskjold's death featuring some of the country's Jews." Opportunity will be pro- outstanding scientists, authors vided for questions and discus- has weakened the forces of the The Conservative rabbinate of which some religious occasions artists, has been announced by sions following the presenta- world working for peace, Rabbi Philadelphia has served notice have been celebrated in the Morris Adler of Shaarey Zedek that its members will refuse to Philadelphia Jewish community Cong. Shaarey Zedek in cele- tions. officiate or participate in any bration of the congregation's Sklare, director of the Divi- Synagogue said last week in an religious and social events at in recent years. Kosher caterers centennial year. sion of Scientific Research of address at the memorial service which violations of the Sabbath in Philadelphia agreed to abide strictly with the edict for all The first of these weekends the American Jewish Commu- held for the United Nations and the Jewish dietary laws are occasions booked since Sept. 1. has been scheduled for Satur- nity, is the editor of "The Jews: leader at Mariner's Church. The ban day and Sunday, Oct. 14 and 15. Social Patterns Of An American "We have been accustomed to likely. The community at large is in- Group" as well as the author think of casualties of war. Dag ations as smoking, The 52 rabbis, affiliated with bath vited to attend. e-lighting, photography or of "Conservative Judaism: An Hammarskjold was a casualty the local branch of the Rab- The first guest speaker is American Religious Movement" for the peace, Rabbi Adler binical Assembly of America usic other -than vocal at func- Dr. Marshall Sklare, one of —both of which are standard said. "He lost his life on a mis made this position known d ions sponsored by Je mi- les or Jewish American Jewry's outstanding works in the study of the Amer- sion dedicated; as his public ing services at their synagog heir social scientists, who will pre- ican Jewish community. life was dedicated, to prevent Calling on all Jewish o he sent a series of lectures in No reservations are necessary peace from becoming a causalty. zations to honor the d iciate which he will explore the major for the Sabbath morning service "The loss of this great man is laws at public function atere issues confronting the American and guest sermon. Those plan- incalculable. He lived near the rabbis called the violat any Jew. On the morning of Oct. ning to attend the Sabbath very center of the international Sabbath and kashruth a 14, Sklare will occupy the evening and/or , Sunday morn- crisis and no man was closer to synagogue pulpit as guest ing functions are requested to the wounds, dangers and fears to the survival of Judai speaker when his subject will phone the synagogue office, TY —and paradoxically to the hopes be "The Role Of The Rabbi 8-2828, or to mail in their and aspirations of our_time than Zionists Train Teachers And The Layman In The Ameri- reservations. he. can Jewish Community." "But the world has lost far in New Hebrew Method Sklare's second presentation United Hias Service more than an outstanding civil NEW YORK, (JTA) — The on the topic "The Religion Of servant of humanity, a high Department of Education and tS The American Jew" will be Appoints Director for official of mankind, a skilled Culture of the American Zion- made at an informal social and brilliant negotiator, pacifier ist Council announced the es- 16844 SCHAEFER_ evening to take place in the Work in Latin America and stiller of troubled waters. tablishment of a workshop to DI i,o661 NEW YORK, (JTA) — The Dag Hammarskjold was all of train teachers in modern meth- social Hall 8:30 p.m. Oct. 14. Dr. Abraham F. Citron, di- appointment of Harold Trobe these and more and enough ods of teaching Hebrew to 7412 W. McNICHOLS RD. rector of community_ Rela- as director of the United Hias praise cannot be lavished upon adults. UN 4-8727 tions and research of the Service -operations in Latin his many services and qualities. Jewish Community Council of America was announced by "In his death, the world has `1• •=1, Metropolitan Detroit, and Dr. James P. Rice, executive direc- lost a symbol of that world S. Joseph Fauman, professor tor of the organization. community which must come Trobe is replacing Israel into being if the last syllab of sociology at Eastern Mich- igan University,_ will serve as Jacobson who will, in turn, take recorded time is not to discussants. A social hour, in- over Trobe's former post in and desolation. cluding refreshments, will Paris as director- of United Hias than his wo the fact of operations in Europe and North his bein follow. Africa. The weekend program will "D amm skjold fell as a Trobe was director of the be concluded with a service and r to the world community brunch on Oct. 15, at which European and North African yet born and to_ world peace Sklare will speak on the "Social operations of United Hias since of yet assu d. In our di 1957. Prior to that time he h tion to the - - . 'ev: • - o directed refugee rehabilitat Comfo we shall lus economy—that's your way of life on a magnificent e nob and resettlement programs Air Dr. Hirschberg Is nce Jet flights to fabulous Tel-Aviv! Boeing 707 Jets speed most enduri g t to the Joint Distribution Co here from New York via Paris. You can stop over in Paris this great he world." Honored in Brazil d many other cities at no extra fare! 17-day round-trip Econ- tee since 1944 in several dir SAO PAULO, Brazil, (JTA) pean countries. Jacobson omy Excursion Fare only $741, effective October 1 through March —Dr. Alfred Hirschberg, execu- headed the United Hias, 50,000 .S. Jewis 31. See your Travel Agent, call Air France or write today for tive director of the United Jew- American program since_ 1 Families Live free travel-planning information. Write: Air France, Dept. JN- ally ish Campaign here and repre- He had also directed JDC p 200-61, 683 5th Ave., New York 22. More than Jewish f am- sentative of the Jewish Tele- grams in various European y 4 percent of the graphic Agency in Brazil, was countries from 1944 to 1953. the recipient of congratulations , Rice pointed out that. United population in the United States, from numerous Jewish organi- Hias has resettled in Latin reside in rural farm areas of WORLDS LARGEST AIRLINE/FIRST IN WORLD-WIDE PASSENGER EXPERIENCE zations in this country and America approximately 10,000 the country. (JTA) abroad on the occasion of his refugees. and immigrants since 60th birthday which will be ob- 1955, out of the total of close served tomorrow. to 50,000 Jewish men, women Tribute to Hirschberg's sery and children who have been ices in Brazil and pre-war resettled in the United States, Europe was paid in articles in Canada, Australia and Latin a special edition of the "Chroni- America during that period. ca Israelita" published here. Hirschberg, who was held by the Nazis in the notorious Sach- Parents of Bnai. Moshe senhausen concentration camp Students Meet Sunday SURE IN ANNOUNCING in 1938, came to_ Brazil in 1940 Parents of Bnai Moshe Re- and became director of the ligious School students will hold Effec e October 2nd Congregacao Israelita Paulista. their first meeting of the season He later held the posts of exec- 10 a.m. Sunday. removal f our Detroit office utive director of Keren Haye- Walter Farber, principal from 53 P obscot Building to sod and secretary of the Joint the religious school, will ad Distribution Committee in a discussion about the r gious FIRST NA ONAL BUILDING Brazil. He was also- secretary school cirriculum. 660 W of the Friends of the Hebrew DWARD AVENUE Officers of. the oup are University in Sao Paulo. Mrs. Ben Etkin, pr dent; Mrs. TE Oodward 1-8500 Prior to his settling in Brazil, Adelbert Dan, Mrs oris Tobes Hirschberg was one of the lead- and Mrs. Adolp Lieb, vice odern and expanded quarters are ers of the Central Verein of presidents; Rob Rershbein, ed to provide a broad range of services the Jews in Germany, leading treasurer; and . R. Fiantico representative body of German and Mrs. Marti Marx, secre- Tents. You are cordially invited to visit us. Jewry. He was also the editor taries. of the CV-Zeitung, official or- Advisors- of e group are WILLIAM H. HOEHN gan of this organization. He Arthur Boschan representing received his doctorate at the the congregation Farber and GEORGE D. BLUMENTHAL University of Leipzig in 1927 Mrs. Gertrude Li erman, rep- CO-MANAGERS and is the author of a number resenting the sist ood.. ■ ECONOMY EXCURSION FARE ONLY$741 AIR*FRAINICE JET of works. Bnai Brith District 6 Elects New Officers Israeli Shipping irm Places Orders for German Cargo Vessels CHICAGO -- The 93rd an- NEW YORK, (JTA) — El- nual convention of Bnai Brith Yam, Ltd., Israel's second larg- Grand Lodge District 6, which est shipping firm, has placed includes Michigan, ended ses- an order for the construction sions with the election of Er- in West Germany of two 30,000- vine Lavine of Fargo, N. D., ton bulk cargo vessels, to be president; Dr. Elmer M. Imber completed in 1963, Raphael of Chicago, 1st vice president; Recanati, president of the Paul L. Moskowitz of Milwau- steamship line announced. kee, Wis., 2nd vice president; The two new freighters, to Ben Z. Nudelman of Chicago, be built by Deutsche Werft 3rd vice president; and Myron A.G., of Hamburg, will bring E. Herzog of Chicago, treasurer. the line's total tonnage to the At a meeting of the board of 200,000 ton-mark, as part of a governors following the conven- general expansion program of tion, Ben Z. Glass of Chicago 1 th e Israeli merchant marine, was elected executive secretary ex pected to reach the 1,000,000- for the 23rd consecutive year. I to i 1 mark by 1963. - REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVES George S. Aliardyce William F. Balmes I rene Bann Horatio N. Cannon Henry F. Gordon Robert M. Grauer Thaddeus A. Koniecki John McArdle . Phil Salvatore H. HENTZ & CO. Members New York Stock Exchange and Other Leading Stock and Commodity Exchanges FIRST NATIONAL BLDG., Tel. WOodward 1-8500 DETROIT, MICHIGAN Main Office New York City • Branches in Other Principal Cities OVER 100 YEARS OF SERVICE ar mou,Laa aHL -- ET `Great Weekend Series' to Begin at Shaarey Zedek with Dr. Sklare